HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-28, Page 1V0.1. XX1V. No 33 ZURICH. THURSDAY MDR NO, FEBRUARY 28, (924. NOTICE Our 1923 Accounts are -ready for such parties that are indebted taus. Call and settle same and we, can give, you `much better service than carry you on. W. H. PFILE. THE HOME 1 OF GOOD SHOE S ZURICH REPAIRING NEATLY DONE:. I\ \ I c 'c�c>c.-c�o�•�c�. c�•0�1a0�O,•Oc�c©. �c��ooc�000�•0000e�'.c�c�+�'C�- Q''G'�'CJOIJ'O•l!d•l!_'� • •OYJ�/J•O lO0•�•4•d•4G'0•000•!!•4O'•d•4!l• CONTINUED BARGAI Of Our Quitting -Business Sale are still in full swing, o. and will continue until everything is sold. Be surdo= and save money in these Bargains before they are all V) gone in -- Galateas, Skirtings, Towellings, Underwear, :. Hosiery, Furs, etc., Etc. Dress Goods Pe ular, 3.5e,;dad.• for27e` Re ular 75c. yd. for :1111 ..::_4rc� Reggular $1.00 *d, "for 69c� 50 -in, Blue Serge; Reg. $1.25 at 9Cc WOOL ' `Iyi1NNELS - • . Stanfield'Btu() Btu( IIS Blue, Orange; Scarlets Cardinal Label, Regular $2.75, for I $2.15 ''4 olid Henna, 54 -in. wide, Regular ! Stanfield, Recd Label, Regular 42.50 • p.....$1.95 lO $2.25, now .,.. ... •••••• ... $1.59 Staudfield, Ribbed, Underwear, Reg. $150, for . 4 $71.19 �� FLANNELETTES' eMen's Fleeced Regular $100 for � 75c 0� ! l A! flaw pieces of Light and DaLI. Boy':s Fleeced Underwear, Regular 75c: for 59e k\Fiannelette8, yard wide, Reg.-- ." ular 35c, yd. for 27e. HATS OAlso a few 'shirting flannelettes to clean, at per yd. 2• I Men's Velour Hata Regular $400" for UNDERWEAR:. (if rr !\ k GALATEAS Men's Felt Hats, Regular $3.50, for 20 preens%, Reg. 35c, out they igo 29c 'Tweed HON, Regular $3.00 for TOWELINGS • All Linen towelings Reg. up to 35c. Clearing Price 21c, 23c, 26c, 29. FURS SALE PRICE — HALF PRICE Y!0 UNDERWEAR!\All Ladies underwear 20% less Ll y �Childreni'i Underwear di'l�Vest!s, Regular 85c. for 57c Vests, Regular 75e. for _.::.,49c �! Natural Wool, Reg. $L00 for ... 69c i ,IiBrawers, Reg. 85e. for 1111.... 49c Reg. 75c. for ...39e Reg. 50c. for 32c SWEATERS I• All Ladies Sweaters at big reduet- io .0 . n. Girl's Pull -overs, is Blue, 10O REMNANTS 100 !4,i\Greys, Rase and fawn reg.'1.25�at79c� ±o Remnants in Dress Goodin, Gin-, .1I.ghamis, Velvets!, Shirtings, Print*I'I\etc•, in lengths, frail.' to )3 yard'sG •1.the:se ends are all measured and r -mar ed at pricers which will sell at ne glance. Be early and -have firts't•'choice ars the quantity it lim- ' ited. /1\'s Groceries G1 Rice per lb. .... .. ....5c. 11 Po9t Toaaties, 3 boxers for 25c 1 Gran. Suga(ij, 9 lbs. for ... 98a, "Laundry Soapl, 18 Barts for 98c ORai�sins, per pkg.2515c c Y Oatmeal, 6 lbs. for ...... Rine°, 4 boxes for .. , ..25e ;:Black Pea, per lb, ..:.. 60e I\ pi $3.25 $2:95 ........................ $1.00 Bargains for January in Men's and Boy's Clothing Boys Suits Reg. up to $14, clearing out at two prices—Lot No. 1 $6.90; Lot 2, $8.25 en's Suits Reg ups to $37, Out they go -at. five prices—$7.50; 11.75;. 14.50; 25.90, and $29,50 OVERCOATS No, 1, Line, No, 2 .Line, No. 2, Line, • 4i Regular $20 to $25.00, Clearing Price 1111....; $9.75 Q+ Regular $25.00 to $28.00, Clearing Price ..$16.90 Q� Regular' $30 oto $32.00, Clearing Price ...., $22.95 �I Tapestry and Brussels Rugs • 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3 , Reg. $28,50 for $20.95 d - ,1111.1111. ,11,,11 . only Tape+stry Rrtg 3x3, Regular $25,00„ for . ( $18.95 only, Tapestry Rug, 2yx3, Regular $22.50; for :. 1 only Tapestry Rug 2%x3 Regular $i,$.0&'', for , . g $13.90 2 only Mussels Rugs 3x33, Regular $45.00, for . r $35.75 Q t7 1 only Union Rug, 3x3, Regular $15.00;, for 4 only Bed Room Rugs, 2x3 Regular $7.50f, for i $4.95 d D 1 Piece Hemp Stair ,Carpet,22-in: wide reg.. 50c. .33c Q P 1 Piece Tapestry, Stair C9arper!, 22 -in wide, reg $1440 for 98e 1,11,0 10_11 Mr. qi• i . Steele spent Sunday •wrth friendds in St. Thomas. Hay ,Council meets for its mon- tr1+. m,eetinig on Monday March 3rd IF Ir. Jos. Bechler of Michigari is visl?tin,g at the home of Mr. sand 1Virs Jos. Gascho. tII+. and Mrs. Jake Kipfer.;of the Bit ylonl . Line are spending the r ek at Bayfield. - A is's Gertrude Weber is spend iter,a few weeks"with friends in Kit cher.;and London. , `and Mrd Joseph Gascho, ',vho.•,have been visiting friends at Michigan; returned home on Mon- days and Mrs. Gordon Bergy and fatxtlly of Kitchener, are visiting With Mrs'. Bergy^s father, Mrt Jaeo�b: Browne L T n Service will be conducted int he Lutheran church next Wed- nesday morning at 10.30 on March 5th,,, it being Ash Wednesday: N. W. Trewartha, -frr. P. P. for South Huron; has been lappointed chair nan of the Agricultural Com mittee. of the Legislature at Tor - ante i Friday and Saturday Only,. of this meek, we will give Granulated iSugar° 13 lbs, far $1:00 to every cu's- .tomek' buying $5 worth of merch- andast, at T.• L. Wurrn. • A meeting of the Zurich Dram- atic Club. was held on..Monday ev- ening, and ft was decided on to prepare' for !aniother play, the proceeds' to be donated to the pub the Zurich Jubilee r. i, a left Wiii. Brown left last S•attir day for Tbron:to on•a buying trip. 3 r Brawn has^:wide experiencein tha shoe::lYursInieas, and he `knows'I how' to bu;y' at right prices. He also is an experienced shoe maker by trade and knows the 'secret of fine sho.r repairing, SPECIAL SERVICES .The Special Services of the Eve angelical church begin on' Sunday morning, Manch 2nd'and continue 0 the week following and for some time thereafter. On Wednesday March 5th, Rey. F. F. Jordan, of O ,Elginl, I11. Evangelist is expected to; be present to assist in the meet ings. Everybody welcome. ' The worst ,stormy in. several ye- ars took place last Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday, when all railroad traffic was blocked, snow banks twenty feet : high was some- thing conamonC and it' took several • days men with 'shovels to make clearance for the trains. One will notice the highest banks of snow in Zurich that has been seen in many a day especially at the north end of the village on the Goshen Linea "a ,bank is that high that. once ••cannot walk" through in under the tetephone. lines, it sure is a real .old Canada winter. HOCKEY • • $9.50 t? 110 De4el iel•.I44. 4..F••I.-1..;...3..F+•I..1••II'.1•.1.. +II•pi.ci•,II•.g 4 ,' 4-3••S•,l••1••F•,g ++. •3••l•.P.i•+ +y°•I•• •1Ik• •401.4014• •F•• •-1-1•4••4•++••l••i•+•+++ • 1, • • R b D 001 phone 59 ZURICH rod.uce Wanted4/6 4D Bring us Your Alsike and Clover Seed, We always pay the highest Market Price according to Quality - +«, . . ��GJ ,!% 1111.. .�.'�.�.++/�''s,�.� .a',S�•L� �•��✓..� - • 1111 ,7'7:.�..r'r"'ei%+G%..�.Gi" Lam' i'7 ,ff7' l..i��.. •� e5w •+"" bele e ev '4a'cu� ' a• odes hG, moi.` �a BLAKE 4 HILLSGREEN 3 Blake Tigers nosed out the Hills - Green, Bear iaats in a thrilling game which was bitterly fought and the result in doubt until the gong 'sig- nalledt hat time was up: Play was lightning Past the first period and for the greater part of the time the 'spectators were up in arms. After eight minutes of play Blake !addled Not 1 to their ,list, "but Hillsgreen kept up their old figh- ting spirit and soon evened up the count; however those Tigers came right hack land made the score read 0 to 1 ths.first period. 'I,hesecond period proved to be the downfall of 'the Dear Cats as their oppon- ents bulged the twine three times, while (}:heir record showed zero. The third period Hillsgreen put up their beast fight and had the puck aroun.d.t he Blake goal about two thirds of the time and only man- aged to :score one which was the only goal, of the period, had it not beenfor the wonderful goal keep- ing of 'S. Hey the sdere would have read different. This , makes the third straight for the Blake Tig- ers and 'they are eertaitily irn�ltr . oving ever.ytitn out. - The next game will be played likely on Th- ursday eve. fronts 9.30 to 10,30 when the Blake Tigers will ,itgain meet the Zurich married men. Zurieh is bound to get ,revenge, so all lovers of 'sport who wish to see ,a real game, be on hand at the Zurich 004 on Tbi ts. 'M. Phonograph Repairing And Duplicating Broken. Main Spr- ing's - Prompt Service HESS the Jeweler PHONE No. 74 Cherten $1.211 n $ear �A.+A . $1,50 IN"A RIMAas, $2 MAY B1!, CORA It6l ,l,Z Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,00001* Over 125 Branches T�.� MOLSONS t , AN Farmers will .secure aympatbw. etic banking at any of our trnw: anches. Careful attention to the needs of Canada's Age ultural interests has always bm en a feature of The Molso: Bank. Savings Departmenteat ,every Brern. J)e QM to gni, 81.00 and upwards 'invited. C. H. JOY Manager Lux ic'a branch • • Ep 4 0 9 A 4 0 i Fall Horse Goods Tust Received a large lot:Maher of Genuine Woolen Horse Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72:14. 4 Also a %Numnber of Beautiful English Plusb Rugs, prieep Ranging from $7.00 to . .,. 'SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on Nand.. • Club Bags, Suit Cases and. Trunks at Bight Prices. HARNESS R.EP \RING °;A S PECIAT.1T V PMO111» 10 I FRE -I-1 �: -ZUR1011-11 �*P�r oeoe�eeeea�r•��.ee�e��e+�+��ieeaeei�9!ira++�ee�ea•���9Nr�k. 4:444++4444+11434+++441•4•4444+44.++++444•44. •II• Meet Me on the Ice o11 Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes ?1ZePhei'son'N at#d other good, makes, featuring slug ankle fitting ' ��._,� roomy Toes, and easy lacing weigh- ts for Hockey and Skating, See our South Window, THE NEW IDEA IN GALOSHES •p• •II- •3 - ONE BUCKLE AND THREE BUTITONSS, MEDIUM A HEELS. ASK TO SEE THEM. Repairing done by the very latest inethiili D LOW • O. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS * ZURICH, Ol T (RIO 4.4. S•'S 4.4*.p"1•';•'I 44.,i!.1'9'.1"y'•1 ++.y.'1"E'.y..l.4{';..t,.:•• 4.}'t•..l*a}'.lt1,+3'•1•'p°h"1.•p,+4 To Our many Customers andfriends we extend a Merry Christmas and a Bri ht and Prosperous New Year for 1924 AND MAY OUR BUSINRSS ACTIVITIES AND YOUR PAT- RONA.GE BE EVEN MORE FIRMLY WOVEN TOGE'•rIIER I'N` THE NEW YEAR, R. N. . tU .A `S GENERAL NI ERHIl q' '° PHONE 11 97 MAK ro 1C