HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-14, Page 5.u: day, FebrP;ary 14th, 1924 BL S1NESS CARDS ?ioudtoot, Eilloratr goom, i"riaaters, Solicitors, Nutariee, Pattie Ete: Office on the,$e,uare, And 400 froth 114Joilton , Bt. God- irri(h' Private funds to loan at 110weet rales. ProydEoot, K,C. J. L. Killoran • D. E, Holmes. Kr, Holmes , will be ha Flensall on Friday` of each week, good Oats for Sale, Sheffield St- ---•�--•��-""� are, ;also sonre feed oats, and 11 Andrew F. Hess, Township . Clerk 'head young cattle dehorned. Ap amer os marriage licenses, Notary ply to John Ryder, Lot 8, Con. 2, ?labile, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- Stanley; Phone 11 on 861, Hensall. .mobile Insurance, Representigg 'Karon and Erie Mortgage Corpora- -- -. tion; TheCanada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario, P17T YOUR • Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE Dr. G. L..Smith L,D,$. (Toronto.) D.D.S„C'hicago) DENTIST ;ATT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH., EVERY WEDNESDAY t1iAIN OFFICE -- HENSALL OSCAR ILLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneering. Try, :nue for Registered Live Stock; 4LU Breeds)., Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. Will sell anything • ,anywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. Licensed Auctioneer, Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale- icgeeedn - , .se to size . Pr articles to sell. lr. 'your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for services.. _Dashwood. Arthur Weber, Phone 31 .13. Zurich Meat MARKET' 45' Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna. Sausages, Highest Cash Price for Wout CASE FOR SKINS 14 BIDES Tu agblut & D Alert ZU_RICH., LIVERY I FOR SALE A • 2 ht -pi. 'Crocker Wheeler El- ectric motor, with starting box and inetalation equipment complete, all in good !mechanical condition. Worth $225 new, at 'a bargain for $120. Hess -Milliken, Zurich. CARD OF THANKS Wie hereby take this privelege of a greatly thanking the neighbors and friefnd's for their kindness and assistance and 'sympathy. 'shown in the recent i11ne:es and death of the. late Amanda K. Deichert. t The Deichert Family. FOR SALE LOCAL NEWS. 1Vrt�, Fri4nk Uttley visited Blake friends last• wee. Mr, Frederick Papineau of De- troit was 'a visitor here they past. 1i e-ele. Mr. Jinx, T],'evithick of Erinsley spent the week -end with friends in the village. Mii. Gottschalk of Setafortl , is 'visiting with 4r and Mrs, War, Trueniner, 14th concession'. Skates Sharpened, Moclern Eq- uipment, 10e, a, pair. -- Hess', the ,d'eH�e11'e(rkr i Mr. Harry Weber is visiting with Mr, and Mrs(, Jos Druiat; near St.. Joseph. Mrsl. Cornell Holtzman and two children!, Mildred and Stewart, of D'Archy, Saiiskt, area visiting at the h'oine of Mr+. G. Holtzmare Good Friday is the next public holiday;, wihchf its quite late this ye- ar, falling April 18, Easter Sun- day, April 20tha. Mr. Louis Weber has recently had his residence wired for Hydro by Alli. H. Cr. Head!, and is using the power conveniences0. Mr. Andrew Turnbull of the Sa- uble Line, recently pureahsed the 75 acre gra and bush far'm ofn the 16th concession, Hay, from the es- tate of the lite $. Pfile. Loads of -beans are being mar- A.keted by, the farmers these days y- The puce', we believe hall •advaii- urs° 'g•i)J 0? der at a reel bargain. L. ced a little and the beaus are Prang, Zurich . moving rapidity; am ;in a position to accomo • ate all requirements in the Livery hiring have lone in tthe teaming line. Any- thing GEORGE J. THIEL ?Phone 68 Zurieb FOR SALE 8 Small pip -ready to wean, ap- ply ato Victor Deichert, Phone 15-94 LOST A Ladies' White Gold Bracelet wrist watch on R. R. Nef. 2, Pinder please leave at Herald Office and receive reward. Mr. Lee Wt lIof£m.an hat resum- ed hie positions as clerk' at Preet- er•''s store after an absence, the -oc- casion being front a sprained an- kle which he 'sustained by Lalling from his bicycle on the icy side- wallh. NOTICE. ' In future the following schedule will be observed at the 'local skat- ing rink;-• 'Monday! eve. hockey 7-8 o'clock Skating 8-10 o'clock. Tuesday eve. Hockey Wednesday eve. skating 8-10 Thursday eve. hockey 7-a, nkat - hag 3-10. • afternoon and evening. E. Koehler, Mgr. • , S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST ISraduate of the Royal College o2 Dental Surgeons of Ontario and sit the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- ntary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every 'Stain Office, Exeter. Phone 34. .&t. Zurich every TUESDAY Phone 79 Friday', hockey..' Saturday, skating -19 L I . VE POU T. Y WANTED • NOTICE. OF. REGIS.TRATIO.N .OF .ilY 1,4W • Notice is hereby--given;':-ttret af' By-law, was Rased by the Council of .the. Corporation of the Trews ship of Hay on the 5th day of November, 1923, providing for the issue of debenture's to the amount of $1184.00 for the purpose of pay- ing for the cost of telephone , ex- tensions, and that such By-lawwas registered in the Registry Office fort he Registry Division of the County of Huron at Goderich on the 16th day of January,: 1924, ;as number 401:. Wan every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 'N Thom brought in. Highest Cash Prices H FOR-- . •_---CAS Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 04. Zurich GOAL ZURICii IIF,.,•RALD GROWING SUDAN 13R .. ti perimontal iltes,l.11ts at Ontario Agrica!turai Wage. .average fields for ,Five Year (dor • (been Orop and for Bay---lioww l.t Compares With Millet and Sorg• i}uur-r+'! (food b;urergence Crop -- anent Alfalfa. (Contributed b' ()ntarlo Department, of Agriculture, Teron.tc.) This forage plant, Which belongs to the sorghum fancily; and is one of the finest in leaf and stall( of this group of plants, was introduced lute the Pained States from - Africa in 1909 During the last ten years it',. has obtained considerable prominence in the South-western States, and more .recently has been advertised and sold by seeusmen in Ontario, and also grown by a few farmers in the Province. Sudan Grass has been under test in the experiments at Guelph for the past eight years. During this time it has” been grown for its total green fodder yield, for hay, for seed and for pasture, Average Yields for Five Years. The'following table gives the aver- age• yield for five years of green fod- der, of, hay per acre of this crop, and of three types of Millett, Mand's ,Wonder: Forage Plant and Early gni• ber Sugar Sorghum: Varieties Green Crop Hay Tons Tone Early Amber Sugar Sorghum 16.92 Mind's Wonder Forme Plant... 1 3.1 5 Japanese Panicle Millet, ........ 10.43 Japanese' Barnyard 11111et • ,', 1 1.2 3 Sudan Gress 8.90 Siberian Millet Na. -al 1 Mr. Ruteoll Peeet%'i• Wail; a visitor to London on Mondayl He' wee Ant he interest. of the London Adv- ertiser con'te'st„ of .which he is mak- marked progress as a likely win-. ner of o.ne the valuable prizes of- fered: • t • r s • Any motion to quash' or set aside the same or any part there- of must be 'made within. three mox.- ibis after the first publication. o this notices, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated this 1924. . ra11 &Winter Deliveries 1923 a1�1lid'HRACITE' LACH.WANA COAL EKE -Just arrivedcar of very :high, grade Coke l'(r Eangee and •Furnaces •SOFT COei.L.=•-Now in stock, car of lyigh grade. 'Vest Virginia Lump. ?1litLETS-Now on the Way, ,car of vent Eouiets for Ranges and Furn- 'Sees. These are weli known and give geed satisfactiolt ALBERTA COAL-teriect soon, 'two Oars of Alberta Coal ' lith day of November 28-3 Clerk • A. F. HESS of Hay l't'owniship. Miles Vera VG Siebert has rec- ently moved her millitnery equip- ment 'Into the building next to W. H. Pfile':s shoe 'store%,. in Mr; A.. Melick s Block, and will conduct her business there whein the spring 'se- ason opens. • • The finest winter weather is, prevailing this week, !nice and clear, with leunshine. and yet not mild, while !the air is rather snap- py 'with frost, just the kind of weather we would like to see for three W;eeke more. Sleighing, is good. ' ' In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent 'for most of them and in some cases can save you as much is 50 cents on a single subscript- ion,, Tuxedo Chatterless 8,19 5.22 4.41 4.33 3.69 8.62 3.55 For the results Of this experiment tbe..plots were all sown broadcast. It, will be seen that in yield 01 green. fodder and of hay per acre. the Sudan 'Grass was surpassed by five of the six crops included in the test. The quality of hay made from Sudan Grass was superior to that made from. Early Amber Sugar -Sorghum and' Mand's Wonder Forage Plant, and slightly Inferior to that made froui the three Millets. This and other expel -lumen; indicate that Sudan Grass, althotidh it yields some- what less per acre, makes a better quality of hay than any of the other eight' classes of sorghums which we have had under test In the average of two years' tests in'wbich Sudan Glass was•grown for. seed production in comparison with. three .varieties of millet, teff grass and'early amber sugar sorghum, the Sudan Grass 'weighed 38.1 'pounds per measured bushel, yielded 4.52 tales el straw and= 56.7•' pounds of brie ' [t acre. . This was a smaller Many of .our 'aubseribers hove.. . ' 1:..,e dram than that produced by dropped in; the past fete°,uieela4r .tite:.elarly:tuber sugar sorghum and and paid their aubscr ptio*3 for the three different varieties of millet. -year.. -*dew have ie.tethese weeks : •In pasture+expeeiraentswat.Ga.•e1illte go by • without remembering this ,.Sudan Grass has 'stood the hot, dry little annual .duty. Please no sunrnrt rs very Well. Sowing a mix- not neglect yours, the amount is tura of: six pecks of-'O.A..0 No. 72 small when Disse every, year. Oats lief 15, pounds of Sudae Grass seed ,per acre"•produced a greater , Editor Athol McQuarrie, of the amou:it' of pasture than when Sudan Goderich Signal for the past fent/ Grass was sown' alone. years is•lea e ing the county town Must Be Sown on Wai'ut Soil. for 'moon., fi^.id's •of labotr, •and is Our 'experience with Sudan Grass being followed by Mr. W(H. Rob- reads u' to believe that the plant Is ert{son; the former Editor of the.:inore e bject to injury by late frost.e Signall, but owing to ill health, rie- in the spring than the average variety e.d.ed a few years rest' of dent corn. In drouth resistance it is the equal, it not the superior, of The monthly meeting of the Indian •corn. It is essential in sowing Zurich Branch oft he Women's In- Sudan Grass that it be not sown untll stituts, was, held in the Ladies' Hall the soil is warm. We have had the on . Tuesday afternoon Feb. 12th(,. best results from sowing this crop a fair attendance was present, the Just after the corn has been seeded. Wben afternoon was spent in a sewing sown for hay or pasture, Sudan which four members of Grass is usually sown broadcast or in cirel�, after Close drills;_ 25 to 30 pounds per the ,:dociety aerered a 'sumptuous acre Should LLbe sown when Sudan lunch, much enjoyed by all. present Grass is sown 41one, and. when used in miXtures for,, pasture ' about 15 pounds per acreis sown. Sudan Grass should be cut for hay when the heads ,are in fu -1I 'bloom, and may be cured in mach the same manner as timoi ay.• This crop has been little grown for silage either in the United States or' Canada. The reasons for this beingthat it is a better hay and pasture than a silage plant and that Indian corn is a larger yielder of silage than Sudan Grass, We have had different classes of sorghum under experiment at Guelph for twenty-eight Years, and Sltdan : Grass for the past eight years. Up to the pr.ee- ent time we have had no trouble troth sorghum poisoning in the feed- ing of Sudan Grass or the other sorghums to stock. e ortir Teeing as a Pasture Crop. From the experimental evidence et hand, it would: seem that Sudau Grass to has showvu sufficient promise war- rant Its trial in a limited way for pasture, and as' an emergency hay crop on tht, warnTer soil of Southern and South-western Ontario, and in favored areas even farther north. Sudan Grass has been included in the co-operative experimental tests in each of the past four years, and will be distributed again in the spring of 1924, Any farmer in Ontario, there- fore, who desires to test this plant under his own conditions may have an opportunity of doing so.—W. J. Squirrel', O.A. College, Guelph. ,Variegated \, and. Grimm Alfalfas.. Ontario Variegated is not a Grimm alfalfa, The seed of the former was obtained from Lorraine In 1871 and has been grove in Welland County for the last half century. The Grimm variety was • brought from • Baden, Germany,; by Kulsheire Grimm and was sown in 'Carv'er County,. Minne- sota, sota, in 1'858, where this type of al- falfa, has been grown Blithe that time. Both varieties have variegated flow- etb and are similar in sante Charms- teriente, • 1 i'ft'Yor cannot aord a Ford why fiot bu a :nice llnb er ..'.. :',e 'z ITESS sells tllem. REAL RJ Painting Fond Car, One'1oat, $15,00, Two Coats .-..,- $20.00 iCoveriog Ford Top Good Material , $27,00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with Doors : $5.00 Painting Buggy $8.60 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RE.R,,UBI3ER YOUR SL'GGY WHEELS. F. Hess 8 Co. - Zurich 'l +++4..y+++++e++++++++•i•++++4 .4•;., ++++++ff+f+'ilee+++e+e•i-- 1. { + b Lu zb er Laths Bhingies Everything in Combination storm and screen doors made to order! Lumber and Building Material ` Custom Work conn (.cite' y Always in the mallet for saw logs• I F. C.LLBFLEISC.A.r( AUTO OIL FOR FORD) CARS. GU, ARANTEEI) TO STOP':1`EI.E CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A, PRANG, Zurich. tf18 sr •.. O(`"'i.+aTaMEeRGRA at.PRD *tame,NT • Office IU.Iv„ Roue la). Antine&COal Yards, Erocls Street, HENS LL ONTe 1 GOAL Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace On Hand -- Case & Son PHONE 35 UENSALL -17 Dr. H I. COWEN L. D. St, Da t4, DENTAL SURGEON At. McCormick :Block, Zurich, e1- ery Thursday and Saturday,. Main Ottiee Tie young sop of Mr. and Mrst John" A. Smith, of the Goshen Line South; had the misfortune Dine day fractured last week to have his leg _t,.c.t uled when a 'sleigh loaded with a grain grinder, oft •which the little fellow was riding;, upset and a portion of the machine hit his leg causing a .fracture; • Manning :Doli'rty, Minister of Agriculture in the Drury Governor- ent, has •con:sented to the leadership•. of .ithe Farmer's Piety in the leg- islature for this 'session, and has The , d . cs. h �o t] his new it l entered u n. l? farmers made a good choice in cho osiag • Mr. iDoherty,. He's more of al farmer than a politician a ndwili keep the welfatte of the farmers well in mind. Among those from a distance who attended the funeral of the late Amann Deichert last Wednes- day we.re;-l4I]ysa. Peine of Toronto, Mr. and MrsLouis Peine and Miss Margaret Deichert of New Ham • burg; Miss Olive Peine, of Detroit; Mr. George •Yungblut of Auburn'; Mr. and ?Ii1i e Ilerry Deichert of New Haven, iificli., Mn and Mrs. Nicholas :Deichert and Mr. Ed. De- ichert oe :Detroit, The Huron County Orange Lo- dge held their annual meeting in Exeter on Feb'. 5t1r, with a small attendance. The following offic ers were elected -WL 0. M., WJ. Malone', re-electod; D. M. Rev. A. A.. Trpniper; Chaplain, Rev. K. Me - Golan; R'. C4, Wy Stephenson; I. C. Herman: pewee; tl`easuretr, Geo. Dav is. It wits uilanitxioesly decided to celebrate the 12th of July 9(i. annual an and hold n �1' h ,Go de is ch parade to the Trivitt Memorial ch.ureh', Exeter on July 6th, Alec ter of condolence wee authorized 'to' be forwarded to the widow of HART/ lIWS BLOCK, OA:SHWOOD Wim. •Do:yis1, former co. master. ._ PHONE 60 - ZUR1Cti ++++++++.e.4 -1-1-4-e+++++++++++ a •. •#et-e•,esee•7,4-tek•3•+ ++ •+++4"3••F3r•i•. Ontario „peen wen anne, 4.-4. d• 4,---h' +4.'-4 4• 4• •E 4' •i• --•i• 4 4• 4• •p +i• 4e I •.WHY AVE CAN SELL SUITS FROM i10 TO $15 LESS 'THAN OTHERS. }• OKMEN LOOK 4. ;Five Good Reasons +l• •I• 4 •9r 11: 'We stock our own goods. 12., Our Suits ire made by work- 7 4• 15. manship, second to none. Have only one price for mak-., • tieg Suits:' �” : ;'• .. * rr to •l• 'The very best linings put in .tt' 4- 4. 4. all our garments. ; * 4. We guarentee satisfaction or s :' •'� ,'ii, ;. + I money refunded. 4. .1, els i'W li Hs HOFFMAN 4. FTA. ILOR' AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR DAY AND NIGH.. pi3O.•NE No. ill -•!•-•4•-•t•-3�--•i•-- �l•-•i•^d•-- •iF-•�-�'+-+[-- •1-- F -t• -•F -'P -•F -d - 4- * P.111111IIIIIN111111IIIIIiR 11111illllllllllll(ililllllNllillilln111llllN111111111111111111IliillilillillIlliIn111111IIfilillNiuilllliliilllii illlilililiiii11110111llllllllilli11181111111111111111111IIIII1111111111 ZTHI[H HERALD'S 1924 Clubbing List HERALD and Toronto Daily Globe , .•••$0.00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegraph .$5.10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire _-_ ....._$6.00. HERALD and Toronto Saturday Mail and Empire $3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star $0.00 HERALD and Toronto \Veekly Star ..$3.25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News ..... ... ......... ......$6.00 HERALD and London Free Press{, Morning edition ... ,;:e.a0 HERALD and London Free Pri'ls% evening edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition ._$6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Evening edition ... $6:00 HERALD and London Farmers' .Advocate ... .--$2.25 HERALD and Farm andDairy .. .... $2.75 HERALD and Farmers Sun $2.65 HERALD and Family Herald and Weekly Star ._. ... $2,75 HERALD and Canadian Countryman ' $2 25 IERALD and Weakly Witness HERALD and Farmers' Magazine HERALD and Yonth's Companion HERALD') and Seeforth Huron Expositor HERALD and Ontario Journal HERALD and Rod and Gun in Canada .-..-- $3.15 $2.50 .:$3.75 $3.25 ..$2.75 Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers. with us. See us for papers not listed above HERALD OFFICE Zurich _ 1 _ • •` illul1101lttIIIVY:!IIIi111111i0uif 111111111i11fllulliui li11111111111 lfi)1111111111nlml11111�111 11111 �INIGI�IMI�flii�lf Illli�lilllnlfllili IhIlpilliillillNin11111