HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-14, Page 4r
'dllstcatA: Wednesday Poon from the
aeription Terms; $1.25 per year
dvalnee ; $$.00 may' be charged
strictly 1J, s, tvubscrrati-
til mp't ISO 'stride i, dvance..No
$1,Th 2
illoytper tdiecontinteed ,:until all ar-
WAN pure paid rimless at the option
ishe1. The date to
•-.1 fiilpe ..F'ubl i paid
Which every subscription s p
lei demoted on the label, not
Ilaoellaneous ar�ticlee ofTo
]full•• than five linea, For Bale,
Tract, tor Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
Asia insertion 25ce
ad+dless all communications to
Display Advertising -Made known
Vs 'application.
may Araimale-.One insertion 600
insertions $1.00,
iiraerm or Beal Estate for Bale
'41 for first month, $1 or each sub-
usquent insertion.
iln eaelonal Cards not exceeding
:• Inch, $5 per year.
leme reading matter', 10c a line for
-Card of ,Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c
Local and Legal advertising not-
dlest insertion and 5c per line for
*itch subsequent insertion.
AUCTION SALES -312 per single
if. not over five inches in
i leetive after San. 1st, 1920
xn lards preaiealov4,
to• the authorities at the •Canadian
T':artifie Windsor Station, for work
~,hereby to earn enough to take
sem out of the et:relied city, Syn'Pa-
etie official, put them on the
hovellittg gang. And hero
street fellows,
in the
s. t' Toe with his feet wrap
, :etre to keep thorn warm,
`r:= o tile for four days, eern-
nf th it tieltets back. to.
,1 h.;me Gown So once
i.tit n anti the ui. vies aro
� 11 re
ere a�1z
Navigation of the St. Lawrence
=liver is expecte.: to open early in the
'll nonth of April: According to pre-
iininary schc•ciules issued by the va-
• feat+as steamship companies operating
between Can d:an Atlantic ports
aan.d Europe 192 ships will visit the
,;rieort of Qu •bee• in 1924.
The Canadian Paeifte Railway has
' i s uguratrd as a special feature the
fterving of afternoon tea regularly
Ion all dining, tale- and buffet -cars
atehrougheut the .system. The taste -
Well little menu °which the company
ovides includes.tea. coffee, ehoco-
~ ts, toast, muffins, cake, ice cream
saint/ preserves at reasonable prices.
The Spiller C'o'mpany, a great
" `#''British concern with $150,000,000
pits!, has completed arrangements
ar the establishment of. facilities in
i;aneda`which--will • entail: an outlay
$6}000e000 to finish the plant of
AIberta Floc.: Mills in Calgary,
-rearith another,S2,000,O0a to built!:. an
Aeievator• at Vaneouver.•
LI G Lir el.rtra •9 siG4341:1 t►1 .410:1.
ut: art s iu'ca wheat wes 64 pounds ta'
the bushel, or Lour pounds more than
the standard, is the statement of
George Hill, Dominion Grain In -
:doctor at Calgary.
The season of navigation for the
•:car 1023 is the longest since the
year 1314, or 1011 years ago, accord -
.n„• to a statement made at Quebec
by Captain J, E. Bernier, Arctic
$C4001., REPORT.
Iteplort of S.$ :No. 4 Hay, for
the month of Janukarn. Namee
,axle in order of merit. '
Se. IV -Geraldine. Surerus, Myr,.
' 1 '
Jr. IV -Lorne Klapp; Loyld $1•
opp, "Willie McAldamis, Ivan Gero-.
m ette.
Sr. HI -Harry N1cA.damIs'.
Jr. III -Leonard Erb, Delbert Ge
iger, Oharold Sureraals, Eldon Gabel
:Dorothy Zirk, Mildred O tw eini, My -
run. Surerua, Edward Thiel.
Sr. II-Veriyn Thiel, Rene Erb,
Ray Ortwein, Leonard Masse. (
Jr. TI -Milton ] IeAdamsy Claire
Surerua, Napoleon Geromett0.
Sr. Prmer_Olevia Meese, Emm
erson! ENT.
Jr. Primer -Absent
Meda Serenest, Teacher,
Two-thirds of Canada's exhibits
'for the British Empire Exhibition
are now in England, most of these
being already at Webley. Among
them is a monster silver nugget,
weighing nearly three tons, the big-
gest ever unearthed, which was dug
ep ih Canada.
Twenty-nine million pounds of
halibut were landed at Prince Rup-
ert, B.C., during the past year, with
figures for the month of December
incomplete. This total is consider-
ably in excess of the previous year.
Several large shipments were made
to Chicago and other middle West-
ern States' points.
E. W. Beatty, President of the
Canadian Pacific Railway, has ac-
cepted the honorary presidency of
the Province of Quebec Safety
League, succeeding the late Lord
Shaughnessy, who was it's first hon'
orary president. The object of the
League is to institute safeguards for
the protection of life, especially
by the •Dashwood• Dramatic Club,
la the ;Town Hall, Crediton, o'e
Thareday evening Feb. 14th, under
;the auspices of the Women's In-
atitutel, proel eda to go toWaeris the
new skating rink.
Harry Harris tspei t a few days.
in Sarnia last week. • "
Meet. Schaefer of Parkhill called
on friends! on Thursday.
Miss Myrta Hoffman of London
spent the week -end with her par -
once. • c
Mee. Moffatt is visiting in 'Burge
field this week. ,
Miss (Dorothy Fritz of Zurich,
spent Sundaly1 with her cousin, Miele
Grace Kellerman.
Horner Guenther of' Crediton',
spent Sunday at his home here.!
]lire. G'°. Steinhagten is on the 'sick
Het. '
Maid. Taylor of London is esp-
ending( a; few days with her son,
Dr, Taylor.
Melvin :Davidson, who was at
Detroit ill with pneumonia and is
under the doctor's care.
At the Connell meeting on Mon-
day evening la'at the following of-
fieere Fere appointed for 1924;
Wm'. Oi5'mond, •constable ; and care-
taker of town htall; Jam'e's E. Reid N P Wtarrenier of Pontiac, Mich.
Treasurer; Dr. Woods, Medical He- •a N. P. r erre resident hem, Pontiac,
•.alth Officer; E. 'Kerner Assesao'L( friends here
The Clerk,H. Wf. Er'wini'snCl Audit- The vote on church union) on the
two last Sundays in Carmel Preeby
terian chtircht, went six to one a-
gainst union. '
Last Thursday, Peter Stewart,
who had very faithfully and effic-
iently acted las caretaker of the Hen
lsall Public School for the past four
years wlas presented with a hand-
some oak rocker.
The Huron Weather Insurance
Mutual Company held their an-
nual meetig in the Town Ilan!, Hen -
sail, on Wednesday, Jan. 30th, the
attendance was faint, and the financ
sal statement with the director's re-
port . wee received and shows the
company Ito be in excellent tetiand-
ing. The retiring directors, D.
Fotheringhaml, Maws Geiger tend.
James Scott., were re-elected. Mr.
Geo. Penhale wins elected presid-
ent and D. F9theringhane, Vice-
president. •
ening 'last to the tuiao of 13.3.
J. P tesanore !mats taken over the
electrical oupp'liecs of C. Moore :and
isready to isuphly the .public'.
Mr. and Ildesl, J. Sorrell of near
,Chatham visited with C. Jinks and
at Cromarty.
Mia Jean: Maxwell, of London,
visiting her sister, Mrs:. J, W, Peck
Mies Mamie 'Lamont of Zurich,
visited her fri-end Miss Jessie Bu-
chanan, one of our teachers.
Mata• C. Hogarth woh with her
three ~sons wi'sited her parents, Mr.
and Mit&, T. Murdock, left here for
children, providing protected play- Mrs.. Felix Wilde and daughter
grounds and streets.tEl lrave returned from Detroit.
It is estimated by the provincial ' Miss Verde. Fas'sold is spending
tourist bureau of the Province of ,al feW dav(s in London this week::
Quebec that 125,000 American auto-
'The second of the two large paper
celintachines recently installed by the
S1go-Canadian Paper Company at
hawinigan -Falls, Que., has cotn-
tnnenced operations. The machine
'which is the product of the ' Dorain-
*on Engineering Company, is non
`producing newsprint. It will be
'Maned up and is expected to produce:
ea commercial grade of newsprint at
}or above its daily capacity of fie
ns in the near future.
be --eking at Toronto recently, E demu. President of the. Cana
^,'. declared than
,,. ha1?acifict Canadaa sis ��fe�nt, frond
]k of men, lack of capital aiar lee
those •forward policies `which wi:.
nable the country to .realize withie
• eliaa reasonable time its own-mandeet
• a%stiny."- He • added that he did n.'.
believe in "exaggerated Thioper is •
;Or ie any statements wnzeli ai•e cel
+culated to destroy the hpi,. f " C.
�ltarlians in •their• own cairnle,i. j61
aptaie S. T'obitas7 , 0,13.E.
i' N R, commanding the f l ee,,s
acific liner "F+nnprees , t, ,;
was invested wits, ts' C 13 a, h'- e e
i sBarry Arm tro',e. maids] C:cis
,,,erV411era! at 7 •
uYork, .len hi if
a,a 3ited" nereon Janeeve 25th, p i. ,
'9to "setting out on her graft
•raise. Captain Rcbin:=.on• r.l. e r:
ceived the _"rcederr of the cit? 1
e'New York. Thew honors exit. •
erecognition of iris •r7aliant tee.
lsolien cam:landing the (lee. d :•
;Pacific line "Empress of Its.
a" at Yoko' 'hama at the t c,. t:.
,Japanese dieaeter
According to C- nad:an r'z;eific r:
,ficia1s,, nninjeer tint ftem Ca., r
evrho spend a few hent h :',i-rtr•
Ion their way west ai•e , e 1 al . er...-
America-or rather Cane, fa- -•at
great rate. Some day as t e
evere eighty S a ,drnivh. ,s dr... -.
inning their heels in the big ee.iiiin.
ll•o01ns at Windsor Station brae. i
'tears. Then one of ticeai rata
,slisaovered that :h ' Preeinee
tec, unlike Sweden, is not "dry." ?.
ush of the Danes nn Alfred's r:r.
land was as noitn:s, '
hat„with which tutlthe dfciiari,ulkr•ci 1. a'
Minavian gentlemen ennptied t.h,:
e aiting root'., So excellent did tie
ifind the beer that they did not sle,
sup again till train. time, when
txnnounced titian imously;•„ thonc°
"lith slight difficulty, that "Cafe...
ane one fine country. e
To be strai,rled in a strange ci}t
"i with no worldly assets but a suit 0
itiress-clothes and .yet to sonde out al
the adventure victorious is ix
,achieve something. Joe and Bill are
scrived in Montreal a fe'ty nights ere
itlteir, baggage consisting of ib
clothes they wore, two dress suits.
ars adequate quantity of the n
*rel and an enthusiastic determine
?Don .t`e see Life with a capital
r` Vhetr' they wake on the inonza;
After, they found Haat someone hat
relieved, theft of everything the;,
prsssessed eneeptthe dress stat:
Otey hail slept in, and which fair
:shard Wal tat lite ' ptevioU3 Alger
mobiles visited the province in 4923.
Of this number 40,000 travelled over
the King Edward Highway, the prin-
cipal route of automobiliata from
across the border motoring to Mont-
real and a record in the .annals q1
that thoroughfare as regardis'Atteri,,
can cars.
The Canadian Independent 011
Company, of St. John, New Brans-
wick, has closed a contract to sup-
ply lubricating oils of all kinds to
all Canadian Pacific steamships ply-
ing to Atlantic ports.. This is said
to be the biggest contract for lubri-
ubricating oils ever closed in, Canada.
This company means a new indus-
try for St. John, for its compounding
plant will be located ire East St.
The Klondyke is in therthroes of
another gold and silver rush. At
the head -of- the- Beaver River, 50
miles west of Keno Hill, a silver
and gold discovery of unusual a 'stampede
portions has.started pede
from Mayo, the major mining settle-
ment of the Yukon, to the new coun-
try, where it is said assays reveal
pay dirt running 1,100 ounces of
silver to the ton.
Rapid progress is being made in
preparing the Canadian section of
the British Empire Exhibition. The
giant pavilion was roofed in and
ready for exhibits in sixty deo from
its commencement and will be ready
Ter der -'ting g, L March 1s$, Two mil-
lion feel. of Cdna +qua iwa '1 miles
of roofing and 200 tow of nails,
nuts and bolts have already been
used in the building.
It is reported that the Rothermere
interests oft ' zi !aII I, '3i/h lc re.
Gently quire elarge block of tim-
uer land in t e Manicouagan River
Basin, have headed a syndicattta
which will spend $16,000,000 in•
erecting pulp and newsprint manu-
facturing plants near Quebec city,
With this news conies the announce-
ment that the St. Regis Paper Com-
pany will build a $4,000,00(t plant
near the parish of St, A'ugustiu„ a
suburb of Quebec.
Baisil O'Rourk called on friends
on Saturday evening.
• Is
ors!,' Margaret E. Campbell and
,Talc.. Fergaisonl, were appointed at
a previous meeting.
A. delegation 'wire at the council
meeting t makoe arrangements to
have the Ford picnic here thisisum
iner, Wednesday, June 18th. A
committee was appointed with H.
H,. Talbot; President; Dr. Newton
Brady, Vice President; E Johns
While drawing ice at teh river
e.E'E. Davis' horses went through
o. a'• debth that their heads only
were 'visible, considerable difffic-
ulty' was experienced to get them
'Mrs. S. J. Stanlake, who has been
vioiting her. parents, left for her
home in .Carnduff, Seek.
Mils, Skelton of ,St. Paul, Minn..
is -visiting- her daughter, Mrs. Wt.
d. Heaman ,
'Fred ,Witwer is at epresent
very, poor health.
j L;halat, "Ford has taken a position
int' he Ford office with Milo Snell.
Mary Ellerington, nurse, who has
beeia,_'isiting with her brother, Fred
1illerington, returned to Toronto'.
A happy time was spent at the
,la„anaie of Mr. and Mas. Jas. Hodgins
at Ginn tee. whee the host and has-
teas- celebrated their 'silver wedd-
ing, Thd dining room• hada pre-
tty color "' ischeine' of pink and
white. e
The campaign of revival meet-
ings under the auspices of Main
St. and James St. churches, is be-
ing continued with growing interest
Ae new department is the busy
Metes. prayer meeting each morn-
ing -et 10 o'clock, which is largely
The other evening while Harold
Ye'aihale. was driving with a cutter
out' of the church ,shed the horse
,Jaeeeme unmanageable. It rare ac -
i s's,.the -street and the ;cutter str-
uck; against the' wall of a house land
Qlik a hydro pole;, the horse freeing
eNDRD BAT'CI4 r her .
Thursday, Febi;uary
We hsa''e' la wide range in.PriceML1s• Gen. McDonald, of Estevan
that will fit any paeketboolz.. Sask'.-nee Miss Jennie Horton, and
W'e can supply you with a good two little daughters are visiting her
Battery at a ..reasonable price, and patents, 'Mi4..land MreeN. Horton.
give you quality we can .stand The Henlsall hockey team went
behind. a t-43 c ownitot defeat at the hands of the
Zurich puck chasers on Friday ev-
H. S. Wein—Dashwood =�
Eli Lawson returned home after
being at Amherstburg, accompan-
ied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lawson
Mrs. Hy, Motz is visiting with
her daughters at London
Billie Fisher'left for Detroit, wh-
ere he has taken a perSi38d. '
M. .and �; t,'Fi. VW( II, Wenzel elft 1
for Detroit, where they will visit,
with friends and relatives for a'
Mast 0. F. Silber has improved'
(considerable and will isoon..be a=
round again~ • r
J. E. Weiii, Jr., returned home
from London and reports Mrs. We-
fn's condition as good' as can be ex-.
A Grand Concert will be given
Spring Weth]Ing Suits
If You anticipate getting married
this Spring; You want some slick
looking Duds.
erg pit 1
It will pay you to come here and 'see how swell we can ,fit you
up at a moderate cost.
If you are thinking of the new Suit, and not the Wedding, come
here anyway. We will certainly put forth our every effort to make
you isatisf ied in every particular.
Caietonlrs who have riot ot 'as yet received any of our Calendars
may bust, stepin and get one, :rather° are a few lett.
WE .ALSO DO '[)R , •
4t , 1924' v
Winghaltnl will hold an Old H.omte-
week in 1924.
Nineteen; velssels. are in God!ericixr
harbor for the winter!, thealargest
number ever for:t'lt;at port;',
Hits shoulder tsbattered by 4n the
n:r , e fro•ne a 12 -gun e 'shoteuae,Witt1
vwhichhh' hard been hunting
bits, Leslie I4odgies, 18-year-oldeon,
of Sid J!, Horlehee, was in danger
of dying from .lows of blood err
Monday last before aid reached
him. Hips crie's howe'veai, brought
help,' and he was taken home. Hod -
gine had leaned his gun against a
bush, wheel hle saw a rabbit he re-
ached for it and the trigger in
some way was pulled, Vie charge
entered the arm and canis out three
ough the back shoulder.
Fire • early Tue'sday morning last
did considerable damage to the.
Oddfellowe Hall in, Mitchell, three
apartments' occupied by Mr and
R. Fitzgerald, Mr. and MeetWe
Klein and Miss Gladys Black, on
the second flat, while the stores of"
W. D. Fe'rguwon. and E. Hingst oce,
eupy the ground flooit!.
Annual meeting of Blyth Telephre
one :System was held in the Mem-.
oriel Hall'; on Jan'. 241 R,, . Be
McGowan was ciahrm,aai and J. Di.
Moody, reey. The indebtne;ssl of
the System was; reduced $3,595.37:
during the year. Phone rates for.
1924 will be $151, as formerly.
P. A: Edwards!, Bayfield ,met
with an accident the .oither day
when he :slipped on the ice 'and in
doin•g iso +apraried his ankle to the.
extent that' -he is laid up.
While going to church at Clintorii-
ons Sunday morning last, Mrs. N'.
W'. Trewarthe tslipped on the walls
and in flailing ' fractured a bone in
her leg. The accident is : all the
more unfortunate, as Mrs.. •Trewar-
tha intended accompanying her•
husband to Toronto for the open
ing of Parliamnet.,
Perth 'County produced hogs to
the value of $2,000.000 in 1923.
.Coast of Clinton hospital is es-
timated at $40,000.
t® epairing
We have made arrangetents with
the Ford .Motor Co. as wellas with
Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle . ..
.#•.,�..4•.4•.4.0o.4•oa.4•i..4•.!•.4•.� ti••4•.�.0,4• �.,4• �•,c,•4•.4• j•tl••II•.4•�4••h•'r ��••4• �•:bd^•4•-'r•4••4••€•i••�•4•�4•�•3��'' r..
Genuine Ford Parts
and always keep a good supply
Also repair any make of car
Mr. Peter Kroft, mechanic
• L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont.
E. Wuerth, Tailor, Zurich
Montreal Honors First Skipper in Port
1. C.P.S.S Montrose bringing first passengers to Montreal, 1923 Season. 2. Captain Edmund Aikman, Commander
of the Boliogbroke.
TWENTY years ago Montreal was but a"mere calling'
place for ships." It had practically no ,modern cargo-
' handling devices or equipment, its wharf sheds were just
wooden shacks which were actually taken down in
winter to prevent them being blown away, and much of
the merchandise was stored in the open air at the mercy
of the wind and weather. Now Montreal is the greatest
port of Canada and' it is the best located. lt'rom a mere
riverside stopping place for ships, it hasstepped into the
front rank of ocean' ports, and has become equipped with
facilities for the accommodation of ships and for the
handling and storing of freight that are unrivalled on the
ciintinent. Despite othe fact • that Canada has less than
10,000;000 population and that the ,United States has
more than 110,000,000 Montreal now handles a greater
voluip of business than any ,.port on the American
continent with the solitary' exception alf s sure York, are
The principirl reasons for M p
the facts that it is nearly earl one thousand anal m
iles inland
from the ocean, at the head of deep water navigation
+with direct access to the Atlantic, and that behind it is
a through route right up to the head of the Lakes at thee.•
Twin Cities, a thousand miles further inland. Were it arra.
all year port, Montreal would be the chief one of the -
continent, but for some months *inter closes the beauti-,.
ful St. Lawrence route, and the vessels fretting at the-,..
mouth of the great .river must wait until the ice gees out.;
in the spring before they can make their way westward,
About fifty y years a Harbor Master originate;,'.
go., the.
the idea of presenting a tall silk hat, to the captain of the.. •
first vessel to arrive in the spring with a transatlantic"•
ship. This custom was observed for about thirty-five
years, then, as the top hats lost their popularity, a gold;,.•
headed eane was presented instead by the Harbor --
Thisear the cane was Presented to Captain Edmund';,
Anglian, of the Canadian Pacific S.S. Bolingbroke
had just completed his first voyage in eoinrraand, Thea.
Bolingbroke left London for: Montreal on April Jilt
calling at Antwerp en -route, arriving three hours, alt litt'i;
of her nearest competitor on May 3rd. The litters•
vessel tee.
a ..
Montrose. of the same line, the first p , asen >I
er v
reach the port hi 1023, ar iv.ed• two days after.