HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-07, Page 811R41: a_ t A l.. to Our Accounts are ready and were due on January 1st, 1924. All accounts not called for within a week will be mailed. We would ask all our Customers owing us to favor us with prompt settlement of Accounts either by cash or note. tr•• Our Wholesale bills must be paid within 30 Days, and We are therefore unable to carry overdue accounts in our books. J. GASCHO SON Produce ,Wanted Phone 67 BAY COUNCIL.,i The re�g;uhu mcmtlily ,l:::: neeLiirgl of the eouneil of the Township of Ila, w'.ais lick' in the, Town I nX'l; Zuzich on, Monday, Feb. dth. A1; - the' members) wei•.e present • r The nin- tYtes of the '.pxe'araus meeting were adopted Bros' read. Bylaw oN. 1-24 re appointment of off:icial4• and fixing salaries oi; 1924 was reladt hree• times, Adie din- ally passed. ..• Bylaw No. 2-'24,re appointment of the reeve., Mr. IX. F. Klnpp', as Superintendent of Townshiproadh' for 1924, and by-law No,.3-'24, re providing fo . tlhe expenditure on Township roads during the "year 1924 the sum 9f $10,000.00 were read three times and finally passed, T.he report of the audit'ors- was adopted as presented and .. the clerk ordered to have fifty Cop- ies printed for distribution aincrig, the public. Mr. Albert Kalbfleisch was ap- pointed School Attendance ' Off- icer for the western. Division ' in place of Mr. B. Gi"Krueger•, resi- gned. Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the I.X. L. Battery IF IN NEED OF A BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE -US WE MAKE A SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER • t QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED , We also handle the famous U. S. L, Battery A COMPLETE LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND • NOW IS THE (TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR POLICY IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. WE ARE EXPERTS ALONG TRIS LINE AND CAN ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAN.Y ACTYLIN WELDING 11 BATTERY CHARGING • r I I I BATTERY REPAIRING �i. Mousseau Zurich The .following were appointed Road Commission:errs for the ,!sev- -mal " divisions of the Township ro- ads for 1924. Road No. 1—N. Staa.nlal et, iD Shir- Electric Washing Machine, a ray, B. McArthur, 0. L Petty 1To new swinging, independent ringer 2-0. Aldsworth, F. Corbett—W..- G••• washer, no. exposed belting. See, Bell, E. Daters; No.3 C(. ".A2cTswr-' "rma for bare facts and why we re- wor.tli, W. •Digruan, E. Diaters, No, commend this new washer. s Hess -Milliken, Zurich. LO�:AL MARKETS (Corrected every.Wednesday) Butter , 35 Eggs ,t.,,. ,45-65 kited apples per :lb 7c ateli Setts, per 'lb, ... ....,.7c. Potatoes per ,bad 95. Wheat per bushel ... Barley 55 Bueirwheat 65, Oats' 40 Flour' per cwt, ... ..: 3.00-3.75 311ortsp er, ton 30.00 tfran,, per ton , .. 28:00 Live hogs ,. 7.75 ..FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 122 acres, ''being Lot 2p. and 2'2`, Lake Road, W�e:st` Hay Township, 2Z milema,. isouth of St. Joseph. Far+m is in good state of cultivation. , For particulars ap- ply to Proprietor, Mr. Chas. La- framboise, R. B. 1, Dashwood. Nappy Day 4—F. Stelck; No,. 5—W. •Dearing, T. Kyle, H. A. Fuss; No. 6—S. Grob. C. F. Hey; No: 7—P.. Schwalm; No. 8--D. Gingerich, .J Decher, Jr.; No 9-0. Becker, T. McAdams, R. 'Gei- ger • No 10—L. Schurtake•r', 1�': JCtsu- IN MEMORIAM g Iger, H. Steinbach; No 11=J Gag- ' Gt nttner—In loving memory of stett•cr, No.. 12—M( Turnbull,' No our dear flather who died in Dash - 13—P. fiefs •e; No. e J, C rule. -15 wood, five years ago. Feb. 6, 1919 L. Krownisch`, U. Hendrick; No, 15 Deep fa/ our heart lies a picture H. Brown; No. 1G—L • Sf>.l ilbe; No., ,Of a' father laid to rest. 17—J. Geoffrey; No. 18—.4 L S`re- 'In memories frame we will keep it enan. - Perecaawse{ lzir was one of the bust. Anclt hat the following- be aSip- not for into, deaf .loved ones, ointed poundkeepers for 1924;— , 112 r ,1ieavenly crown Is won. A. Ingram, E. \\'eido. S. Gree,.''C. Try and say amidst your •sort•or,4, Waiper, G. Recker, II. Krueger, .F' God krtotiwsbest, His will be done Turnbull, L. N. Denornme. Andt bat tl1e following be ap- pointed Fence. viewers:r=W. Cald- well, J. Pfaff, •:I. Eckstein, A Ste- inbach, A. Hendrick. Andt hat the followinghe app ointed sheep valuators for 1921- HEIRS WANTS W. 0. Pearce, Fred. Kading. Brad. Haberer. • And that the following be •app-• ointed weed Inspector—W. Chap- man, C. Siemon. D. Ducharme, WT. H. Haugh. The following accounts were passed;— i Kading, ashrep valuator $4.00; G. Wiling carefully authenticated list's T '5hic•i, teaming coal 3.00; D.of missing heirs and unclaimed eest- Cantelon, •colal for hall 48.96;• Rr,S( at •swhich have been advertised' Johnston, .auditor 10.00•; J. A.Smith for het+e and abroad. The Index auditor 10:00; Blanks, exchange and of Missing Heirs we offer tor•.,sale revenue stamps 7.15; 0. L Sri•=t•"' contain& thousands of names which Printing account 97.75; Wm. Thiel' have ' laljpeared •in American, Call -- Com . wrk rdlst 9,15 12.87; P.. Seh-1 adian; English': Scotch, Welsh, Ger walml,'b<alanjce conn. wrk rd. 7, 1.50:; rilitrii., French. •.Belgian, Swedish,, In - R. McArthur; underbrushing rd. 17 dia'nl, iColonial. and other newsp- 2.4.0; 'Postage. re telephone meeting ap:is, inserted by lawy'rs, etecut- 5.91; AS. F. Hess, interest on note ozrs, administrators. Also conta- 27.50; Northern Elec. Co. :supplies ins list of English and Iriish' Courts 24.63; W. S. Johnston, auditor 2.00; 'of Chancery and unclaimed divid- J. Al. Smith, audittor 400; 0. L( ;ands, list of Bank of England. Your Smith printing account 37.70; H.'G, name or your ancestor's nray be in Hess, supplies 10.73; W. G. Hess the list. Send $1.00 (oane dollar) at batteriesi 2.00 once for book. • • The council adjourned to meet again on Monday, March 3rd,: fat 1.30 o'clock, pian. C A. P. Hesse, Clerk'. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT ROOM I For the month of January. Jr. II—Hugh MacKinnon 845; Harold StirLde 797, Ivan Willert 734 Margery •''Gia cho 725, Violet Seh- walm 690. hpen for January. Those names Sr. I—George Dueharrae 581; Neuer forgotten by; his wife and family. �s Seasonable Hardware 1 • 1 • 1 0 • • 0 0 0 • • • 0 • 1 1 • Missing Heirs are being !sought throughout the world, Many people are to -dory living in comparative lx,c•E9ty who ai•e really rich, but do not know it. • Your may be one of th,eni. Send for Index Book. "Mis- sing Heirs and Next of Kin,,, coi- Don't forget you can get a 30c. can of Varnish Stain and a small table for 15c. • Queen Incubators and Brooders • • w E BEITER THIS CAN BE RO D • 'BION. B '�' , P.. V N IN OUR OWN TER- • RITORY. THESE MACHINES HAVE BEEN IN SUCCESSFUL OPERATION 'FOR TWENTY -)THREE YEARS AND ARE WELL • QUALIFIED IN EVERY WAY TO PRODUCE BIG HATCHES )P STRONG', HEALTHY CHICKS THAiT LIVE AND GROW. s • ALSO' A FULL TINE OF SEASONABLE GOODS; AUTO FRE- w EZE, AUr'O CHAINS, AUTO ACCESSORIES, CIRCULAR. AND moss CUT SAWS, 'NOW AND STABLE SHOVELS, FORKS, 0 ST'ABLE BROOMS, CURRY COMBS AND :BRUSHES, CATTLE COMBS, HORSE CLIPPERS. AND STEWART CLIPPING MACH INES, SAMPSON G•UA.RANTEED AXES, ALWAYS CARRY A FULL LINE 011? S:FIlaW AN I)' HEAVY HARDWARE. A GENUINE FROST ,TIGHT WIRE LOCK WOVENI •E FENCING, ETO ISHERWtIN WILLIAMS PAINTS AND VERNISHES ETO. SOLE GOOD -YEAR AGENCY—BELTING,' TIRES AND TUBES. •. • STADE &:.wE::iDo ! pREETI R BLOCK '-` ZURICH • •t>ieMIM�I11iAowiro111•MAN�`wwN��i•ril�wlwl•iNtt�O� :rc INTE•RNAi TIO N AL CLAIM AGENCY, Dept' 262 PITIT'S73URGR, .L'a. U.S+.A. SCHOOL REPORT For U.S.S. No. 15, Hay and Ste - Earl Fla, chard 55f,; Flossie Stelck marked (x) were absent for two or more exam. 511, Gladwin Melick 496. Gordon Ho Sr. IV—Pearl Wolper 68; Joel wald 438, Antionette Greasier 382, 13aker 60. I, Albert IDiechert 279. I Sr. III—Olive Turnbull 73, Ethel Jr. I—Roy Smith 450, Harvey Cl-. Wolper 48x, Herbert Keller 36x ' ausius 442, Hazel Uttley 351; Harry,MSr. II—Harold Keller 53x, Rhein -j Foster 351. • ''hart Keller 52x, Otilla. Walper 49x1 1 Tliurisday, February 'itIT. f9Zt• The store with the Liberal Cash Dimon: SAL SALE Of Granite Potato Pots WE HAVE MADE ARRANGEMENTS' vi4TH TWO LEADING.• MANUFACTURERS OF GRANITEWARE TO SACRIFICE DTIE ING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY THE FOLLOWING POT- ATO POTS, • Imperial—Reg. $1.65 Sale price ,990 C•anadaware—Reg. $1.75 for.. $1.25 THE. A$OVE RETAIL PRICES' ARE CON•SFDERABLY BELOW REGULAR 'WHOLESALE PRICES AND SHOULD MOVE Tibor OUT LIVELY AT THESE PRICES. BE. STi1RE AND .GET YOURS BEFORE THEY ARE ALL GONE;. COMPLETE STOCK OF SHELF AND H 'r•,AiVY HARDWARE. SEE OUR LINE OF ,FURNITURE, IF WE. HAVE NOT IN STOOK V\7•}I AIT YOU REQUIRE WE WILL, GET IT FOR YOU„ SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. MELICK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Sil.. Jr—Margaret Haberer 276,i Sr. I—Janet Turnbull 89, Martha; 268, Armand Greni.er 202, Dorothy, 5: Stelck 254; Beatrice Gascho 21.1, Gr- ace Wolper 227, Stewart Koehler 143, Jr. Pr. --Charles Thiel 232, Beta, 143, Albert Liebolda.nd Rosa Zattel, absent. • Z Mrs G. Kohler, Teacher, Jr. III—Floyd K.ropf 83%, Cxraoe Zettel 82; Cecil Uttley 80, Carl •Hlab • erer 77, Ruth Zettei 76. Greta Koeh- ler 75, Napoleon Bedardrd 74, Nellda Schwalm 60, George Greasier 55. Alec 1 Koehelr 50, Rose Albrecht 50, 'Er-. tiny Dietrich 50. • Sr. II—Helen -Thiel 85, Francies e Kipper 83, Glenn Walp P Stewart Thiel 274, Alwyn Staubus Rader 85. Sr. Pr.—. Jr. Pr.—Barry Willert 85. I tenser on Roll 14. Average attendance. 9 Lillian M. Wialker',. Teacher,,. Sarnras 80 Maiw Kochernrs 79;13y - • 3 1864 1924 Diamond Jubiiee Year Make Your. Money Work Harder, • A Dollar made is a Dollar, earned.- .Why not make your money work- harder. You can now get; 5g% per annum, payable trace a year; in the good 'old Ear on ,St,, Erie for 1, 2, or 3 yearsi, and 51,4% for 4 or 5. years, • or 51/1"/, per annum, payable twice a year, in; the Canada, Trust Company for 1, 2, 3, 4C or the years. \ You can invest any Annount over $100.00. The total assets of both institurions at the end of 19103 was over $42,000,000,0u6, thus assuring :you absolute ;3tfety ..tor your funds. 'Dominion, Provincial and Victory Bonds!, bought, sold and quoted. MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND _SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Have .You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging I A.rn in a position to do aria ;And of paper hanging, painting i -g graining and decbraLitt�. Prices for hanging paper 15c. a roil, TI. EICKM.EIER, ZURICH, — ONT. ion Ducharnie 73, Erin Yungblut, Thou opatiest thine hand, and 71, .�.dClin'z Flei�°chauer 67 Leopard Thou the desire of every living Smith 60, Laurettx Farb*ell r,4. itleli ling.—Ps. 145 ;16. •+—•. When he giveth quietness, who then, can inake trouble?—Job 34;29. O. NI O'Brien, Teaeher. And ye ish_i:li s^r l• me and find Jr, IV—Iv ervyn Schwalrri 837,t id ate when ye shall s •;n ch for me rttith all your heart.—JCr, 29;13. The peoplet hat do know their God •shall be strong, and do exp- loits.—Dan. 11;32 �4+ -4. Il'e that bath no rule over his own ,spirit is like a city that is bro- ken. down, and without h'all's.-.Prv. 25; 28, Whatsoever thy Mand findeth to do, do. It with thy might -Ecc1 9;10 +—et. By, 'love serve one another—CA 51)4. a ▪ > ar, cl. Bedard 59, Mitvern,a Geiger,' 55, Roland Grenier 51:, Clarence Sxtiiith 50, Alber tHeideman. 45. Olins Fos- ter 40. wrenee Howald 78, Dennis'Bedard 74, Clarence Farwell 71. ;Stella C:il- lfas 63, Russell Duch trm? 58., :Ei:zar \Ionaseau 57, Edward Brenner 49, Willie Liebold 47, Dorothy Zettel n:• Neel), and `\+r l.i. Stelck 45, Willie N b Sr, III—Rose Li.ebold 70, Ei an - or Fleieichatter 78, Franz ICricheir,s 13ualah Sarar.is 73, Wilfrid • Dich - arm: 64, Iaur,ne Schwalm h3,EarI Thiel 62, Ruth Waiper 58, Floyd c Poster 53, Wired Uttley 4.8, Gold' ie Uttley absent. Jr. III—Leclan:d Wiliest 68,Bruce Koehler 61; Clare Meliclt 69+ Grace Koehler, absent, Freda Kalbfleisch, Teacher. DR. JO$ v WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Treat ' inents.—Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone 70 Cdhusu.ltation and Examination Fres• ti AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH' Every Wednesday, 10 a.,m, to.4psis, 4 1.4. r.;+3+++.l.+g+++A •1••r•+ a•ar++•+•++1 +.T . 4i+• 4.4.4•i.•p•4.i•.i• •1,4•.II•.1_.p+.g'++++*. T- HAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING' THAT W1 t.:AN, SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED :WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANN O'U. CEMENTS THAT WE VRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES-- AND - STATEMENTS THATWC ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING i'IIANUFACT 'URiaRS OI! COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY AN 1' QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK 1300Ii,S THAT \\'E CARRY IN STOCK WRITING PAPERS, ENVEL- OPE'S N "JEL-OPE'S F\ Alt SIZES, CARD PAPERS, 04.111ION Ott TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM A':i'TON ERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS IN TWO SIZES, 'FOOLSCAP, .ETC„ ETC. THAT WE P'I'LL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INK. BOTTLE WITH G001) FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c. 1,4A.1“1 - GER. 'QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS T1lA'C WE PRINT POSTING BILLS, AUCTION ALEPOS- tIRSI lEtCANTILR POSTERS AND ALL klNpiAVi! PRINTING OUI. SPECIALTY ERALD OFFICE Do You Know? r+i.g .; +r•+ +, 'r�'r l +& 4:,: ;.•:+{.+1•+l.+l,4+•+•1++ ++k+•1++1'•+^II•^ •F•+ .1.4?++Q++3•ah'+l' 'r • s++` • +k