HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-07, Page 5• Thursday, l?'f.`hvuary '7th, BUSINESS CARDS proudfoot, ,Killoran & goLMFS. iiarri$teifa,, Solicitors, Notaries, Publi :, Etc, ()Mee on the Squad led door front ,Hamilton St. God- arida (Private• funds to loan al lowest rates. I'roudfoot, K,C. J. L. Killore D E, Eoimee. Loiases will be in Hensall o Friday of each week, ,-.mom.,.,... •.. PVT YOUR Wants, Por Salo, Lost,. L t` * Fara?, ,»moi Founds Notice, Etc;; Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE 8 small pigs ready- to wean, ap- ply Ito Victor Deichert, Phone 15-94 y Andrew 1T, Hees, Township Clerit Issuer of,innarriage licenses, Notar nt+lic, Commissioner, Fire and Aut immobile Insurance, Representin 3Htrron and Erie Mortgage Corpora- tion, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario. 1math L.D.S. ('Toronto.) D.D.S(Chieago) DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY, 'MAIN OFFICE HENSALL OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones - Na -local School of Auctioneering• Try, me for Registered Live Stock; (All Breeds). Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice tams for •sale. Will sell anything, 3lywhere. Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich, 'Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless yea to size or articles to sell. I solicit your business;' and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. `" Zurich Meet 16. MARKET,' ;�. Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool! 1 CASH FOR SKINS & H1DES Tuinghlrat & '� Reicher Z ,LIBICH .LIVERY I am in a position to accomo- Nate all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto 'for hire. Any- thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL • Phone 58. . Zurich G. S. ATKINSON, L.D,S., D.D.S, DENTI^S1] Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. and • of the University, of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, LondoreOnt Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY ' • -19 Phone 79 LIVE POU LT R Y WANTED i akeii every day till 3 O^lock p.na. Do not feet? fowl ®ams morning When brought in, Highest Cash Prices CASH FOR- Cream and Eggs 1. W. O'Brien. Phone 94. Zurich COAL FaI1 &Winter Deliveries 1923 :ANTHRACITE LACKWANA CONI,' 'G30KE-Just arrived' car of very high grade Coke for Ranges and Furnaces • ' SOFT COAL -Now in 'stock, carols high grade. West Virginia Lump: BOULETS-+•=Nov on the Wa , .ear of our. Eloulets for Ranges and Furn- aces. These are Well known and give good satisfaction ia+LBERTA COAL -Expect soon, Two Care of Alberta 'Coal 0Ar & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone. „Office low+" Howe lel ,,dice&Coal Yards,•'}3roek Street, HENSALL ONT. • hi�A LL Q CARD OF THANKS Wie 'wish to express our gratit- ude to: the dear friends and neigh- bors, who so kindly alesisted du.r- ir'igt he illness and death of our beloved sister "Mss. Ellen Pollock" also: the minieter for his •comfirting message, • The Sisters -Miss Jemima Johnston Mrs. R. Drysdale, Mrs. A. 'Kilo,. LOST - A, Ladies' White Gold Bracelet wrist watch on R. R. No( 2, Finder please leave at Herald' Office and receive reward. NOTICE. ' In future the following 'schedule will be observed at the local ^nkat- ing rink.;- Monday; eve. hockey 7-8 o'clock Skating 8-10 o'clock. Tuesday eve. Hockey Wednesday eve. skating 8-10.. Thursday eve. hockey 7-8, skat- ing; 8-10. Friday, hockey. Saturday, skating afternoon and evening. E. Koehler, Mgr. NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION 0,F BY-LAW Notice. is hereby given that- a • By-law was passed by the Council of ,the Conl;oration of the Town- ship • of Hay on the 5th .day of November, 1923, plrovidin,g for the issue of debentur'e's to the amount of $1184.00 for the purpose of pay- ing for the east of telephone , ex- tensions, and that such By-lawwaa registered in the Registry Office fort he Registry Division' of the County of Huron at Goderich on the 16th t day of January, 1924, as number 461. Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part there- of must be reed, within three mei, the after the first publication o this not:fee., and cannot -be made thereafter. Dated this lith day of November 1924. 28-3 • A. F. HESS, Clerk of Hay 1Townlship.. A laws dowzt Hassey=Iarrie • men- ure 'spreadee at ai, Teat -bargains. L. Prang, Zurich; . FOR SALE A good secondhand baby car- riage for sale. Can be seen at Meliek & Braun's Furniture Store FARM FOR SALE A fine.:75 acre farm spout five miles from Zurich has been placed in my hands for selling. On the farm is 6 acres good bush, bank barn, silo, and other outbuildings, and good brick dwelling. • Farm is well fenced and drained and water supply is excellent. , . :For particulars apply.- to. Al. F. Hess, Zurich. 21-4 • In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of- them and in some cases can 'lave you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion. Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO.OIL .FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTE1f;;T) TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS, Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tf1S Supply 9f Chesnut and furnace O; nHalndI CSon PHONE 36 • HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. C O W E N L. D. S., D. D. S,`',°':•' DENTAL SURGEON At' McCormick .,Block, 'Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and • Saturday. Main, Office is Mr, W, 11, :Pfile was a 'weel?;•.en i Visitor with friends at Clinton, • Robt.:'Delgeity, of I3ayfielcl called' in the village on Monday Mr, Ed. l,ossenberry' of Bayfield 'was ei,,,x`i'sitor in thy :village oit'Sat l. tix clay, M11.5. !Clark of Moreistowri visit- ed her brother, Mr. Ct. Fritz, over. the 'meek -end. • • 'Columbia Telephone b'atteriee and hot :shot, beet for all teleph'o'ne ignitic 1, work, . at Hess, the jewelleir. Miss!. ID. J. M,sClinchey and dad- ghter, 'A.lioe of London, were week- end visitors at the holn.e of W. 0. Wagner. Mr. H. Well, who visited here •<i, few week% has returned to :Detroit, Hay Couheil met on Monday for the monthly meeting. After -vhich the annual telephone meet- ing wets held:,' and was fairly well attended, The Monthly .Zurich Womens' Institute will hold their .monthly 'meeting int the Ladies' Hall, on Tu - mislay, Feb. 12th`• all ladies are .in- vi*^d to attend. Aellolstein-Dudee,n cow_6 yea -11`1. that data'' in on Oct. 25. ga 1187 ibs. ,1f milk in November a 1406' in' December. She belongs !x. Ands"ew; Goderich. She is t ho4sy that "should be .fed ore t beet of hey eTTent if not milked Imes a day." S r.t.urdny, Feb. 2inc1+, was thQ davnfor the bear to come out an see hihie:sh•i.d.o'w and 11 he cane t en itback he go•agoes,for anothe 1e week's winter, just als well, wh did .'ever sea spring before t middle of March? A 'very pleasant party. was hel et the Iint ve of Mr. land Mrtst S Wit nt r, Babylon Line. one even irnhivelast week, when about 20 gu gists ;athet ed :and spent- the even ing =f in eam'", music. rind •singing after whi h •Mr^- Witmer set•ved 'stinmtunus Minch 'which was • en Toyed by all. i' Th'' carnival a ttbe lhetil rink i Zurield which was advertised fo Ne nclay( night', owing to the roug weather, wee noel -noised till Tues ria? �'.'.. +end then the �tTeathe'r turrod' 'soft}, and it wvn,s found nee 'ssrtry to In,gain neetpone it till Fri deer eve. Feb e'-'11 Everybod body, //turnout and make this a bi 'success. .A. good many people on the rerar route,; are complaining• of th •eearrie �� not . making • their, daily nouns?',+. i I. 'sn.oh people want to have their 'rail delivered. daily it+ iv on to them to GET OUIT =said op. en the, roads',and.:make then' pas 'sabI x and for thermore to have thr 'snv cs;shovelled, fav and from thea Mair boxeet, as the lew• e:;,et[se the. earr■ when tthislatter .is•not be-. ing ef^ulfOled� b1c;:>Elze, •bo holder • rs, ve lid to he, he 4r, d ot, h'e' d> Y1_ a n r h v g W1"' are 7. -Old that this is e ' very noted e -i iter for bad travelli.tig cod ditione. :Oae can look nut on the fstt,aet alt see all kinds 61 vehicles S.rtit:, use the auto, some cutter and sleighs; thenfrom. the lake direct- ion eenves the buggy and waggons. However if we •ht,te a .little pat- ience, 'spring will come. along, !Tan- nery has palsied away end the first week of February ushered in and almost elapat'd, and its a ,�li'ort month and' when the warm sun and the taniig March wind's come its spring,m • The cost of •living, reached its climax in July 1920, when the family budget required $26.92: per week. Th:re was a marked reduction dur- ing the following year; and since then there have been no -violent 11- uetatien3. Thln peak prices of 1920 nn, long er prevail. But the cost of living as recorded in November of 1923 .is still's 53 per cent higher than the• -1915 figure and 4 7per cent 'higher thane the 1914 figure. Sum- marzingt he ;r„itutn.tion in a .general way, it may be said that by 1920 the' pre-war prices had been nearly doubled, and that the cost of live to -day is 'still almost half as hi,ghi again'as it was when the war began' 'It will •be argued, of course that:.wegeas have inceeaised en even greater proportion. It requires $3 to buy to -day what $2 would - buy before the war. BAI. I.ELD AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MEETS • The annual meeting of the .Bay- 11 ld Agricultural Society was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday Janvaa en 16th. Owing to it being' a wet day there wiax not a large, at- tendance. The financial report sh- owed the Society to • be in a pros- perous state, there being -ea 'surplus of:about $700. The election:of of- ficersi amid directors for 1.924 result- ed al5 follows;- President -John McClure. Ust. Vice Pres. --Weil. .T Stinson. .2nd Vice---Jo'hn Stewart, Sf,:cretary--A;. F.): Erwin.•. Treasurer -F. lei;. Edwards A'iiditors-,T. ,Ceaimeron', J. A(. Falconer. • 1)irectorgs-J W1.�. Reid, 17i 11. Me- Naughtolil; Sam i"libustort, Thomas Snowden; W. H, Talbot, Robt. Pen- hale, Robt. J.VrcMurray; I. M, Woods R. M. PeZlc, E. H. Wise, It Foster, J. A Ferguson, Fred Middleton, 'The .Directors are planning to build a hlfla niy'le track; having bo- ught land 'and enlarged 'the gro- und's last tyear. iThie fair is to be onT uelsda,y and Wednesday;• : d.x?)R rfatiltri S ii.LOCK, DASRWOOD Septh1d. 23rd and 24th' • z'ERIQR 0i4A1.4.D SOW THE BEST BARLEY {:"e Food �' i;l.tl:I✓ k�.i'+.n +:t f.yJ�,y.i P..A3 -off the 1113.w1 :ri..t$'. • at..'(1 A:✓"t:. No. 'Was then L ' 1 pets! v 1 GP it the 14'5:(14Iad14e'11!'r ")tlt .11 in>Mi 6^--_ ,,111 cit; (:+1(1111 • )c? .+•eeii it"t tli .it: chi E.:lAi:3-, in deet thtlt<:,i t45 ,'t,?ern turetlt• A;; r1<-14,ttit'fi !erste, i1c , 0.A.C. Un 2 i- oa,11. a marked ^,^ s anti :ii. tti ttie bets. i'•„t.t ,. a`t,blri. tit's..'eAi ,tor UUti,1 albs y.c•aa +Ya l si166 r1lry De a1'tITa 1 i tri ,n.' J 1u Agriculttil a, uti' , ge .6r1d eearri! for Lit,' bt.ai r, lfley to existence, le the tift3 se:V0 t dtint.rt t:t r ' ru fey were grown Linde., ai tety, from (tussle, under t eiandschehri gave segs; „,..r salts in the met and Lott,,,; surpassing all other vat i c;, t1ti year average by bye lies., 0.; _ere ,per annum, teat it sola 3 aae, ()lied for distribution. in 1 zs variety, >l andscheuri,. was distl It ce in pound lots to co-operative menters throughout Ontario auu continued in co-operative test tot aitch o1 eighteen years. • It gave sue', uod returns that from the pound lees sent to the farmers thus barley was rapidly increased until it became t rnogt extensively grown barley of urt,viuee, I ne Mandschetu+i 'a Great Mother t'tiriety, In the spring of 1903 between nine; and ten thousand selected grains of the .Mandscheuri barley were planted by nand, at equal distances apart in the experimental grounds. This method gave an opportunity for each 'plant to show its individuality. At different stages of growth and when rive the plants were carefully ex- amined, and the most promising ones wore selected and threshed, aftei which the grain from the individual Plants was examined. A definite ,1u nber of grains from each of the lecte.J .plants were sown separately • ,n the spring of 1904. The best per - r 1 slims, in decreasing numbers, Seen, continued in the tests from year r The Plaut selected by the 10 03 as probably the most sial ding individual was included Ji the seeding list as number 21, and t,)eprogeny gave such excellent re - seas that it vas introduced into the n uperativo experiments in the `wring of 1906 where it has been in. elected continually •since that date ender the name of O.A.C. No. 21. it .,ev'e such good satisfaction through - ti Ontario that the farmers In - ,ed it rapidly and for • the lea years there has been scarcely a 141 of any., other variety of barley rn in the. province. - jt idcl ]hai'''r Siiigie'Seeil in 1903, .^ File O.A.G:Nb. 21 barley, welch : t 1b -started- from a single seed in a•• sis.-rowed, bearded• bar -ley ,' stiff, straw and white grain el t_ •s.e.1 quality. in the experiments at • „t• 'College the common six -rowed 1J a, , •ey' of barley tial' been surpassed the Mandscheuri iu a period of ':',1arty-three, years by ' an average ,1-111 per acre per annum of ten 'usher's, and by the O.A.C. No. 21, a • pei:iod of seventeen years by i tt .liiishe}s. .According to re- rts of the Statistics Branch of the ,itario Department of Agriculture, ill barley crop of Ontario has made ,letual increase in yield per acre the last twenty-one years, in con- risoti with the two. previous de - ,es of 17:33 per cent.,or an average 121 per.:acre per annum of four and ,te half bushels. -Department of Ex - L .loci; 0.A.t ol•lege, Guelph. F'i (DING :FOR BACON. =:;eve Litters .With Sows for Eight weeks—Selection as Important as € i evel,._.Pr,oc6u•e Sod for Feed in ti inter. At the Ontario Agriculture Col - all litters are left with the sows 1 they are eight weeks old. Skies ,c and middlings are the most .,at- atery feeds on which to start LEP, :1'rly weaned pigs. Rations are ile u3 with the idea of promoting ,• iY,*tti •during the'first four u t:MOS fain; growth promoting ratht6 11 .n fattening feeds until the pig., i, ,eve months old. Middlings, oat whey, tankage and cloves • e.oteiu feeds and capable of`bu. ..)n ,and_.izuscle. When the pigs ar, r Il w grown at -five months old i11, ration 'isl g d f i s7tAu tis c you e or the fin i • utleuing period. '"Two-thirds :zd one-third finely ground Gate icing with skim milk has been uigxi y .,atiafactory. Tankage up to b ser cent. bap,. been successfuity iirlu o i' fi o tably used when skins milk was ''Sof a'aalable, In the experimental feeding wit. . swihe. at the Ontario Agricultural College .it bas, 'been found that there 1.s very, ' e little „difference in the cost of gains with the various breeds. hitt the.i•ii is .a difference In the grade. of:product; which means more inouey for the; ;kihd ;that grade "select.": Four• hundred pounds of meal or. its equivalent produced one hundred pounds of gain in weight for four breeds in the -test. In cheapness of gain the bacon breeds fully held their owln. + Before it freezes up store a wag- gon load or two of good, tough, green sods, away in the barn .cellar, pit or shed. Stich will be very useful to toss into the pig pens now and again during the winter mtinths. the pigs need mineral matter and this is an easy cheap and efmieiti4 way to give it to, then',--.Departnxent of Eaten- tion, O.A.College; Guei»h, fu Packing meat, Des' ft in the brine skins"side dhwn, efiteej t the top. layer, whlili should be tushed sled' :ids dere.d. 1. OnnimasaMiliMOININOMPINOWINNThilimanalialailiiMMINWMOINOWSIONMINIPOIMIN _.. Yor cannot � afford a Ford • why not buy a ktee Rubber Tire .. :HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Fo.d tear, One'"'oat, $15,00, Two Coats 'Covering Ford Top Uood 11Taterial R.. $20.00 Changing Ford Curta'i ,.. $27,00 i is to. open with Doors .. 00 Painting Buggy $5 .. $8,00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE WR HAVE 4.VI; I1, WE RERUJ313ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. F. Hees y °ca Zurich +++++++++++++++ •F++4444+4.44++•t4.++Y•+++'b+444.4434044+40+3•x 4 Lumber Laths Everything in t Conbinatio>r stormand screen doors made to order, Lumber and Bui , ' s + ld1CI,�te�1 4 Custom Work cur (chilly y 4. t Always in the market for saw logs ONE 6 � � I PH cli I 9 ZURlcI-i tt. t i' , .1--r•1^•i•+++a+++it^f+4+++• +++++++ ;-+++++.:-.1-1.4--+.1-4.4.4-++++++++++411 I -i•—--II—?--1—d—�—•i -—F-4—b—i-1+--3•—$—�—�+ . e ILOOKMENLCOK4. 4. Five Good Reasons 717, WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM I $10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. ,L1, We stock z, fi. 3. .i.• 1 4. •Iz;• 1 5. our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- .manship,' second to 'Ha ve only one ing Suits. The' very best all our We none price for mak-•: linings put garments. guarantee satisfaction money refunded. W.H. +TAILOR• AND FUNERAL.DIREGTOR I DAY AND NIGH T PHO..NE No, 88 + * c 44-4.-+4 4 + sir -•t+ 3+ •l• -+II+ --4►- # 4.f + 4 + f En111IHIIIIIIII111111111111IIIIIIIIIII1111111NiiiiiiilIiI11111111iii1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111A1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111II11111111111flIV een a ZURIGH HERALD'S 1924 s C1 In ebb List HERALD and --Toronto, Daily Globe $6,00 HERALD and Kitchener Daily Telegtph .__ $5,10 HERALD and Toronto Daily Mail and Empire "ee $6.00 HERALD and Toronto Saturday Mail and Empire ...,$325 HERALD and Toronto Daily Star ..,t... $6+00 HERALD and Toronto Weekly Star ..,...,..$3,25 HERALD and Toronto Daily News e... ,..$6.00 HERALD and London Free Press; Morning editio="7.70 HERALD and London Free Preisa, evening. edition $6.00 HERALD and London Advertiser, Morning Edition $6.00 HER4LI) and London Advertiser,' Evening edition ... $6.00 HERALD and London Farmers' ..A.dvocatn HERALD andand Farm anndDair y HERALD and Fanners Sun 2.15 52.65 ... $2.75 $2.25 $315 ,$2.50' 33.75 ... $3.25 ..$2+75 ...$3.15 "HERALD afid Fandly Herald and Weekly Star . HERALD and Canadian Cottntryntan 3ER4LD and Weekly Witness . ., HERALD and"' Farmers' 1VCa,gnzine ...,:.. HERALD and Youth's Ooatpanion . HERALD, and Seafdrt`ili•T1iiroii; Expositor HERALD and Ontario Journal HERALD and Rod and. Gun in Canada ...;. 1111 111 ' El Save Money and Trouble by renewing Your Papers .with us. See us for papers not listed above :'ale HERALD OFFI[E Zurich 'h t 11tn;',ii ,1111 111111110 11,111 1111t17 11( 1! 1IIVii;llll1111 11111111116111111111 11111 111111/1 111 11 111 1111141 n