HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-07, Page 4"ago o v'Rio n lrt A. I The Prelrnier at Lord Shaughnessy's Funeral Representatives of the Federal Government and Canadian Pacific Railway M the funeral of the•Jate Lord.Shaughnessey. the centre, left to right,. behind the motor, Sir Lamer •Gouin, Right Hon. William McKenzie King, Senator ot durand. To the extreme right, W. N. Tilley,K.C., E. W. Beatty anrd Sir Herbert ,milt. Inset, The •cortege,entering Patricks Church , SpringWedding Suits If You anticipate getting married. - this Spring; . You want sore slick looking Duds. Here's a Tip It will pay you to come here and see how swell we can fit you lep at a moderate cost, If you are thinking of the new Suit, and not the Wedding. come dere anyway. We will certainly put forth our every effort to make ,reu satisfied in every particular. Customers who have not as yet received any of our Calendars. tiny just] 'step in and get .one} asthere are a few left. WE ALSO DO DR CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING. YOU WILL LIKE OUR WORK E. Red, Tailor,in;::t;romi�p'Iwho we are : pled tolrno'w re- civ�es the literature from ourBand, Herald Rlnal, divisional engneer for the Canadian Pacific Railway, who has been located at Vancouver f th ast' thrteen s For e p year ,andW. Alexander, divisional engineer for Alberta at Calgary, have exchanged posts, it .being the company's, policy to develop itri engineers by giving them experiene. with th, varyingconditions in different pasts of thDominion. A number of western inesthave combined aad charterdthe Canadian Paific steamshp Preto- rian, and the vessel will sail from Montieat on. ,August ls:t fox+ Fort Churchill, for�.thupose of proving to the satisfaction of `the. intereted parties whether or not conditions of navigation to and from Hudson's Bay can be made a commercal .success. Between three and four hundredpas- sengers from the west will snake the trip. BLAKE The monthly meeting of the;Mis- sion .Band ws hld in the church on Saturdy afternoon Feb. 2nd., there were 22 presont, the" meeting opened with hyrtn 399; then read scriptre lesson John 1; 7-18, ver- se about Harold Fihlay ;act 'dllas�s Tet John; 14;1, after whichclass. hymn 763, elctd z1ev 1ralt- Gina and' chose upside, hftf' libusinss wastransacted a juiioriie >,vas zented to Gae el. Eleanor Meyere read a •AllE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE ADVERTISIN e RATES latmea Wednesday noon from the bseription Terms; $1.25 per year advanoe; $2.00 may be charged is s» t,r so paid. U. S. subseriutl- ass /11.75 strictly iv advance.'_To ^.test discontinued wntil alt ar- sn are t,*id unless at the option ~hr publisher. The ,late tr, .nycI: every subscription 'R naid Yt. lsnored on the label. Miscellaneous articles of not *ION than five lines, For Sele, To V+ntt, or Wanted, Lost. Poun:ietc., ltertion 250. 4.ddreas all communications try °t.+rpr!tir Adrertising-Made know') Application. *eels animals—One insertion, bee 'lllhme insertions $1;00. Itanal or Real At:ate for gala. ir.r first .no' th, $1 or each eth• "ateol r e ieaertion. Prodee =icing] Carrie not eve -P.4...3 tieh e5 ner year; lives reeding matter, 10c a 'v- Fr.• 4titkr,i of r,ti imks. In Memoria n 0 anti Legal advertisin ~ =•s r l'i'e" ,naertinn arid 5e per I, r Smelt snhaonrtent insertion. A 7t'Tl'ON SALES --$2 per arnrr"P. Ilasf•-tioni, if not over five inehee nth. „CENetthve after "Tan. 1st. 1°2 THE HERALD ?' RTCX , ONT. CRE ITON Lawson* w -celled to Am- 'lit$tburg'P'aw3n,gi to,the illness of w'.r brother. 'Clara Oestreicher has accepted hie. rho .,'den in a store for Loudon, Godfrey Marignuus, who has been rto'lt for a few morithjs is improv- II•rs, Joh Wein, who 'has been ytrare,.:e ea .at London is doing 4sOlenly. *ter. O. tithe e Li very ill at herr Vasa- Here and T fere i trued production ,n Caxiaoa in 1922 passed the million ounce- mark:: for the first time since 1902. Public works to be undertaken, in Vancouver this year will cost in the neighborhood of $10,000,000, of which $3,000,000 will be spent by the Can- adian Pacific Railway on pier con-\ struetiu- . ' -h closing hy.n-1. wa.s • 759; Mrs. Fialay and Mrs. P. Manson closed with prayer. At tha close of the.. ing? a rig the silver side treated the red side to hone made candy wh-; rich was much enjoyed by those pr- esent. Mrs. (Nisch, Sr.. spent the past .reek at her hotne„in the village Miss Margaret Dougles'spent the ,v'?'.-aadunder the parental roof Mr. and Mrs, Valentine Gerber Jr an l e nily !spent Sunday with fri- ends in the village. Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Hey spent Sunday with friends in Zurich. • Mies Margaret Meyers of Exet- 'r .spent the week -end at her home .^i th villag.e. Mr. Wim. Carni is in Goderich thi'a Week •attending the assizes a's;ra j .,ryrean. • aTAN'i.FY "TOWNSHIP. lP. Miss Esther Hayter has returned ; borne from ,Flitl:t,' whee she has ,sp- •eit the past month. I M>zsns, Alf. • Johnston and Rosy 1 Cornell of Parr Litre were, taken to Cli.lton Hospital last week :and operated on the iortn r for .appen- { dieiti'3,• the latter fora cArowth in the .stomach', both are pr"ogres-sing iiia Mr, Bert Peck is able to Wont again after nis operation yin Sita forth, a couple of weeke ago; Mr. Ralph Stephenson Sr., has been Inn up during the. pastwe- • h,a' is feeling better again. Mr. Chris Parker rind fancily -who hey r a ;,:ant a number of ,years' in i tele West, have cone to Bayfield wh •re they have resureda house 1 and intend staying a p 'Eouple'•of r. The Canadian. Pacific steamship Montcalm carried 900 emigrants for , Canada on her last voyage from Liv- erpool, the largest number of emi- grants to leave that port this year. Work was commenced last week on the new elevator at the Ballantyne "pier, Vancouver, which will cost ap- proximately $;000,000 to complete. The new elevators will have a stor- age capacity of 1,500,000 bushels. Three thousand seven hundred li- censed grain elevators in Manitoba,. Saskatchewan; and Llberta have a total storage capacity of over 100,- 000,000 bushels. Ontario, `Quebec. and Maritime provinces have storage elevators with capacity up to 33,180,- 000 bushels, The first lodge of Free and Accept- ed Masops in the history of the Mer- chant Marine World, was recently organized on the Canadian Pacific liner Empress of France, when ;cruis- ing the Mediterranean Sea with 'a party of 800 Canadian and United States tourists. . Four thousand seven hundred and eighty-four cars of last season's fruit crop have been shipped out of the Okanagan district of British Colum. big up to February 14th, according to a statement made to the Vancouver Board. of Trade recently by F. W. Peters, general superintendent of the Canadian Pacific Railway,. B.C. divi- sion. Sault Ste Ma . r e Th: new down- town ticket and telegraph office of -the Canadian Pacific Railvray and the Dominion' Express Company at the corner of Queen and McDougall !street, In the building formerly occupied by the Public Utilities Com- mission. is one Of the finest in the province, There are , some larger offices in the larger cities,. but veno acct are better equipped. years. They spent the past we- ' •mak at the hour of Mr. and Mrs. jCrao Raid+. on; Parr Line. Frank McClinchey and Clifford and L&Wrenee Talfot who are :et- . tending ,High School in Seaf,Qrt1h,. 'were home last week, the school be. ing cue';ecu on account pi an eped- emit of measles. • Mrs. John McKinley of Olititie.n. is on Goshen at present taking caro of e,fra, Elgin McKinley:- BORN—In Stanley, o' Wednesday, J3nunry 23rd~ to Mr. and Mrs. End,' McKinley, a 'son. Mrs. Desch, sr. who has been nur- sing 'lie's Ann C'urvin during her iiln�as, is 'pending a few days at her heine at Blake. Quarteely communion aervices was held -in the: Methodist church Varna, last Sunday, consequently there Was no "service at Goshen. OASHWOOD. Mr, Pred Jackso t wvoh has been at Paris for :some tits hats return- ed. for Detroit i,xt,s. earl Guenther spent Sat Sat- urday at LondoLondon.g b Mr, 'Wt�n', Miller left on Saturday d I 1 . d l Mr. Robt. Rawcliffe- of Exeter, a tiuiet kind industriousazatuac, called oil friends in town on Thum- i The .fishermen are busily eng-• cls Miss Olivia Welton left on 'Mon- i aged laying ill a supply of ice: day morning for Port Ia'ttron,'w1 - field The annual meeting 'of the Bay - ere she will remain for soixxe time. c Public Library was held on Mr 'WM. Snider is on the .sicl. Monday J• ul. 28th when the follow list ing officers •were appointed for' BA.YPXBL'D There passed away on Tuesday morning, Jan. 29th, Ja'seph Amber, He had been Aa visitor of the rill - ;age• for the last 25 yearn andhas been engaged in the saw. millbus- iness during that time, ai► :ass al- ways - ways been a hard worker an of Mrs, H. Zimmer of Stratford iris- f the ensuing year ;,--, ated in town aver the week -end.' It president, F. reAEdwards; SLibrar- Mr-- "Clarence Yager left on Th- area's., Gee. E. Greenslade; Asst, g Ian; Rev. A. MacFarlane; A;i�dt, 14Iie'a ursday lar Toronto. Francis Fowlie;eclors—L. Tho 1►'1rs.. T. Bawden of Exeter "is vie-scDiThom;sang, Mrs. H. McKay, Mi's's Josie St- rtinfir 'her mother Mrs. Link, ; irling, Mrs. J. Ferguson, E. 'Verner Miss Myrtle Cook of London, , Jas Reid. IS viSiting her parents, i Mr. E. Merrier left last week for A number from here attended. I Detroit for a few weeks *ha funeral of the late Mesa Amanda • Dr. Newton -Brady and wife went Deiehert of Zurich an Wednesday. to Torontolast week where Mrs. ]Missionary 'seir s*ieeu were held i Newton -Brady went through a site Int he Evangelical church on Sun- cessful operation. day. Mies Letta Guenther 'is pn the sick list. • EXETER HEN.SALI� Miele Nora rollick was 'in 'Zurich one a, Visit. • Mrs. Wm. Glean who lived on the; boundary of V''sborne and who mo- ved to London 'some years ago, died suddeni .r at her hnt*ne. Mr. •and Meal. T,. K. Z'/,ufle have been visiting for the mist two we ekes with relatives in Parkhill. Mee. J. Meyers and children, of Zurich', 'event the past week with their grandmother, Mi's. T. , Sher- ritt', Sr. Cannel. Presbyterian church eh- nit are putting ori h concert in 'the near future, the proceeds of which will grro for music for tie' choir. E. J. Carlisle end wife are here from the -west on a visit and at. present are visiting at Hugh Me- l-Neel' c- Tt-,t ' rt, Mrs. MVlcl)on'ald being a to Mr. Carlisle. Miss Kendrick. of tP. Huron. is visiting at Sam'l Stacey's and Dadid -Nicoi's. The: friends of John Mitchell will r•�gret tui leara that he ie quite irly end confined tlo, his room. Mr. and Miss. Berea, who have neon vz4tttn.g for sante, weeks with relatives, here, left for their home in +he Wst and will make the, trip thr- eugh (the States. J. Pass -more, Alex. Murdock. T. Welsh' were in Toronto looking at - ter the hydro interests. Mrs. Bertha' 1°11 has returned qnd is 1bokinet niter her business in- terests as milliner. Thi :IO O.F, r' ePntly Plected the following officers 'tor 'tVze coming .r-^r'ra=San'+'1...Dou+rnl'1F, N. G'; Jas. 'Gra[ssick', V: G.; Wim.: Dougall. Re- nerd's? . Sec;' Wm Kay. Fin,. S.eivc.; 4re. Petty,QTreas.` and Foss, • Caretaker.. - Mrs. Hutson'. wb'n 'arrant anum- 1v r of weeks here with her sister; `fee. J. Ellis, hays returned to God- erich. ' a Mrs. Zettel and daughter of Lon Men', have been visiting at the ?loin, of Mr, and Mrs. Wni. Hilde- brandt. On: Friday lust while stepping down on a eliilir, Miss Hattie S¢ uthc.rland had the misfortune to nt%ss her footing and in failing, br- oke her arm above the wrist. . • Wnl. Etherinjgt`on, son of Geo. Etherington, has been taken to Lon der, hospital for ,an operation. • Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Blayney, who have been; living in Toronto, have returned to town to reside. Mrs. Hector Taylor was oper- ated on at London, for an affection of the breast. G. J. Dow shipped two carloads of horses to Montreal, he is buying heavily in, horses. S. M. Sanders Mfg. Co.. is instal- ling a cloth -hawing machine, that will double th,, capacity of the cutting, and will add greatly to the production. Mrs. Wni. Beer met with an un- fortunate accident while going do- wn cellar and stepped on a bot- tle causing a pailful sprain toher foot. A arop int he cold river hap- pened to W. Ti. Gilkiapie who st- epped into the open space made Thursday, February 7th; 192.1 the icemen, he struck bottom at la^* bout breast high, •C'apie Fr T. Trooper, a fornzeL� resident. of Stephen and :Exeter dig ed at "Minora recently. COUNTY NEWT. The annual meeting of the Kirk ton A. 'ric. Society wale held in Ab- erdeen Hall with 'a large attend- anc9. •Tile treasurer's statement showed a balance on hand of $139.' number of members for thepast year was 340, and the number of entries' at the Mir was 1700 exceed- ing last year by 300. The death ocureed on Saturday,. Jan. 12 at Grand Bend, of Mrs:, Geo. Devine', deceased had been a; victitn of dropsy from which 'she had been suffering for 'about a, year, hence her demise was not in the least unexpected. Sla, a is 'Sur- vived sur-vieed by her husband, 'three dau- ghters and two eons. The funeral; took place on Jan 14. David Clantelon, Clinton, has disposed of liis • apple's which he has had in cold storage at Toronto to a firm that has sold them to a Belgium buv"r for export. The apnl^ •snanonl has not been the financial 'success as other years, Saaforth has something of an ep- idemic of measles. ' o'ht. Clegg, aged 84, travelled' all the tvlay from .Kenvillea, ' Man. alone, to spend the winter with his daughter at Tiverton and two hours after he arrived he fell one the floor fracturing his thigh. The Goderich Collegiate Instit- ute board has laid plans fon an (ad- dition, to the 0. I. building at'acost of $56,000 or $58.000 before the town, , council. The Spinning Mill by-law, gu.. aranteeing $25,00 which was to have* been submitted to the ratepayers of Wingh.unt has been withdrawn Mitchell ratepayers on Monday last approved a by-law authorizing the corporationto guarantee pay.. ment of $75,000 to be borrowed by the A. Bur-ritt Knitting Company.. 344 votes for ar.d 117 against. *++++++++++++++++++++++++++44444-:-14-1-++++++++++++.14*. 4. + Auto Repairing- 1 fit We have made ari'a,ngements with the Ford Motor Co. as well as with t Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle +Genuine Ford Parts I and always keep a good.: supply Also repair any make of clr Mr. Peter Kroft', mechanic 8• ▪ AGENCY FOR ALL FA} M IMPLEMENTS, PUMPS SOLD + REPAIRED, ETC., ETC. L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont. AND +3333333333.33333333a..i,++-11--1i-t 44-1333-IIr.'-d-•F--t-3rt-+4-•i--t4-t-33rtr • Chateau Frontenac Team Leader's Long Journey Mountie, veteran iinttky, leadiug the team, outside Chateau I'rontenae. Inset, 1llountie. Abreath from the freezing winds of the Canadian aad n Arctic, with some- thing of its loneliness, its savagery, its call upon the elemental qualities of courage and endurance and a dash of the rozziance of ; the long trails are embodied in Mountie, veteran hero of the wilderness•.and new leader of the Chateau Frontenac dog -team at Quebec. Mountie is a husky, in other words part wolf and his wolf strain shows itself in his handsome head, with its sharp ears and nose, its steel -hard, flamingeyes, its gleamingfan and its great ruff of fuHe is dark grey giant, almost one hundred weight of muscle, bone and sinew, ferocity, grim determination and unwavering fidelity. He was born ',way up within the Arctic Circle, at 'I,ac-del-Erochet, bought in 1919, whole very yew% la Sergeant Grennan of the Royal Cana- dian Mounted Police, and ,trained by him. --•;fie put in nearly Ave years as a member of that famofzs force, running patrols on His Majesty's Service with the red -coated heroes of the waste. The journeyfrom Northern ,, m Le. Pas, in kern Manitoba, where he was purehased, to Quebec, a distance of well over two thousand miles, was an exciting and extraordinary experience for Mountie. He spent Christmas Day at Winnipeg, where the kind- hearted officials of the Candilian Pacific offered him seasonal fare, which he did not like much, except as. a dessert following a meal of his ac- customed fish and biscuits. He made friends with the baggage men, Who were more than sorry ..to art with g► Ar 444404 • k s 4ayia rest and there adjusted himself conn, paratively easily to the strange ,tulr • moil of the great city....Hie kitiver,. Arthur Beauvais, an Indian from. Cau ghnawaga, took him for a short- eetroll . through the streets, where he. created a tremendous srrnsation. A> d no wonder, for Beauvais' says he is;, Without ei ception the finest husky bey. has • ever seen, while the 'Motinted: Police report that he has always beetle greatly admired wherever he iffit benei ; ,both :ffor,. kris , appearAnce and SIS capacities. ,, `• Now he is at theChatea Fron`• tenac, worltin ,• comparativelyeasi at giving visitors a tide and ione E" the big attraetigns of winter4inte Quebec and :twill' >3u 'doubt Ain*. at the 4orthcoming eariiiv,lrh a