HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-02-07, Page 1VoL XXIV No 30 ZURICH TI -1 U RSIDAY' , iVIORNI FEBRUARY 7. 1924. Our 1923 Accounts are ready for such -partly that are indebted to us. Call and settle same and we car ` give you much better service than carry you on. W. H PFILE, 1-1 ZURICH THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES REPAIRING NEATLX DONE immEW G�00.• O.470,67•47 e�•d00•c�'�a•Gvi,•,a P, �d0 0 ��d0 •G�'.-d GG�•+C •dO"00.000'O'•lJY7O'O.OIIO:O'Y1•G1. 4G!'O• s?YJ!JG'4`l!Gel G°Q"� CONTINUED BARGAI C}, Kalbfleischtwas at Lori - !Ai on buisiness, on Wednesday. Mr. Hy. Clausius left for God- ixith on Tudedttee where he was palled as juror for the 'February as, ti's. 1Vfie Ariliar Jeffrey of Goderich e lied. on Zurich friends on 'Satur- a.,, also visited hi's/elatives on: Ire Souble., Miffs. G rtrude Sui�erue of - the Bronson Line was a Sunday vis- itor at, the home of Mr. and Mr_i; ?VI, B. "Battler, + !abylon line Mrs. John Funs, who has been et i etroit afew weeks!, visiting with air daugb.teii, Mrs. J. J. Swartz; 'esu returned home. Mrs•. R, Drysdale of Michigan, Who attended the funeral of her,sis- ter, the late Mrs. Pollock, is renew- eving friends; for the week, and vis king with with her sister, Mi's's Jemima, ehnston, Mrs. A, H. Schnell (nee Maude McBride) who pleasantly spent the past two months with relatives and ii'iends around herd, left on Mon- day to accompany her husband at t4eir new 'Ville at Regina, Sask., P.eeviousl td thirst hey lived the past tinny at Aberdeen, South Dakota Mr. Levi. Truentner, of Saskatch- 'ew'a;,i, and' a former resident of the Goshen Line, south;. is visiting at tlx,2 home of Mr. and Mea, Hy, Lip- plia.rdt. 1rt is 31 years 'since Mr. '!`ruen'nier left these parts!, for the fest, and h[aa not been here •since, and notices many changes. Mr...Louis Peine of New Hani- eeeompanied l>ye,,Mrs., Belli ;Other rel'tiv-es are attend the Iuttaral of the, Tate Mies, M. Deichert on Wednesday. Mr. Peine called in the Herald office on W;ednesdey mei.ning. and had a Mee •soeiab.le chat ° .much enjoyed by the, editor. lit hes been: officially announced: thatt he new provincial legislature! will !meet on Wednesday of this week, Feb. 6th. This will be the ' fust .'session; of the. present legisl- ature. under, the ,Conservative gov- ernm^nt of the Hon. Howard Ferg- usonb , and+. it is the 16th legislature of Ontario. 4.o Of Our Quitting -Business Sale are still in full r $ ? .ng, 4 and will continue until everything is sold. Be sure and save money in these Bargains before they are alb f10 gone i•n-- `COo Galateas Shirtiugs, Towelli n . s Underwear ,1, llosiery3-Furs, Etc., Etc, f\ Dress Goods -Regula 35e.^ yd: for 27c Regular 75c. yd fol 47c' i Reginal $1.00 yd. for 69c 50-1n', Blue Serge; Reg. $1.25 at 91,e WOOL FLANNELS • In; Bluer, Orange. Scarlet, Cardinal and Henna, 54 -in. wide, Regular I $2.25, now ••-.-- ...... ... $.1.59 FLANNELETTES G i A! few" pieces of Light and Dark AFlannelette:e, yard !tide, Reg:-�27c Men s. n'. Departinen UNDERWEAR Stanfield's Blue Label, Regular $2.75, for i $2.15 Stanfield, Red Label, Regular $2.50 ..... E.....$1;95 Standfield, Ribbed. Underwear, Reg. $150, for $1;.19 Men`s Fleeced Regular $1.00 for 75c Boy's Fleeced Underwear, Regular 75c. for ._.__.__.... »»- _._.»- 59c alar 35c. ,yd for •- _--.... HATS I. ,,in a fete shirting ,flannelettes rf%Q to clean, at per yd. ••- 27c Men's Velour Hats, Regular $4.00 for 1'Ien,,s Felt Hata, Regular $3.50, for Tweed Hats!, Regular $3.00 for GAL A:TIaAS I�•2O pieces, Reg. 35c. out they go 29c TOWVLLINGS All Linen toweling Reg. up to 35c. Clearing Price 21e, 23c. 26c, 29, FURS SALE PRICE - HALF PRICE , UNDERWEAR A11 Ladies Underwear 20% less Children;'s Underwear Vests, Regular 85c. -for 57c 'Vests, Regular 75c. for 49e Natural. Wool, Reg. $1.00 for ... 69c Drawers, Reg. 85c. for ,.. 39ce 0 Reg. 75c. for ......... Reg. 50c. for 32c SWEATERS •All Ladies Sweaters 'at bio reduct- �; 4Greyl; Riese and fawn reg. 1.25 at79c e100 REMNANTS 100 No+ 1, Line, Regular $20 to $25.00, Clearing Price f • Remnants in Drees Goode, Gin- No. 2 Line, Regular $25,00" to $25.00, Clearing Price ...... « \gham!sl, Velvets, Shirtings, Printlai, No. 2, Line. Regular $30 to $32.00, Clearing; Price ._.... r etc., inl.lengths froirn 1 to 3 yard's► These ends are all measured and marked at prices which will sell at' one glance. Be early and have nfirst choice as the quantity is lam-; 4ited. 0 Groceries • •ions. Girl's Pull -overs, is Blue. $3.25 .. $2.95 $1.00 Bargains for January in Den's and Boy's Clothing Boys Suits Reg. up to $14, clearing out at two prices -Lot No. 1 $6.90; Lot 2, $8.25 41 Men's Suits Reg up to $37, Out they go at pf five prices -$7.50; 11.75; 14.50; 25.90, D' and $29.50 OVERCOATS S t% Ric& per lb.' .:5c. 4, Post Toaeties, 3 bones for ' 25c Gran+ Sugalt'tr 9 lbs. for . 98e. 1Laundry Soapf, 18 Bars for ... 98c ' 15c e.,IORairsine, per pkg .»_ •.._ Oatmeal, 6 lbs, for .. -- �hh� boxes for V Qi $9.75 QI $16.90 $22.95 QI Q 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x331, Reg. $28.5% for ... __. »» _.».$20.95 !UR 1 only Tapestry Rug 3x3, Reguliir $25.00, for ! ; $18.95 1 onlyj, Tapestry Rug. 2;1x3, Regular $22.50; for ....»- »_» »$16.87 a0 1 only Tapestry Rug 2i/x3', Regular $18.00, for ,'-_- ;._ $13.90 J 2 only Brussels Rugs 3x3%, Regular $15.00, for 1.. __..._ ,$35,75 1 only Union Rug, 3x3%, Regular $ 5.O0, for ._.... ._.$9.50 �nStair Ca et 22-i 1 Piece Ht Hemp tp , al>. wide reg. 50c+ »...._ ,»...33c 1 Piece, Tapestry, Stair Carper!, 22 -in wide, reg. $1t40 for 08c Tapestry and Brussels Rugs 25c l 4 only Bed Room Rugs, 2x,3 Regular $7.50, for -.' -._ -____.$4.05 • Rurso, 4 )o. c 25e Black, ':Grua`, per Ib, _-- 60c Ontario now possesses approx- imately 300,000 motor vehicles. wh- ich', ba;ed. ant he population of the Provi cej, nteani a car to every ten persons, or every two families.The new license plates have a yellow background(, 'with' black figures and have possibly; the most prominence Phonograph Repairing And Duplicating Broken Main Spr- ings Prompt Service HESS the Jeweler PHONE No, 74 Chester L. Smith, Publish., $1.25 a Year Ir Ad $1.20 IN AIME RS, $2 b1AY BE ORAI5GE 1i Incorporated 1855 Capital and Reserve $9,000 * Over 125 Branches THS MOLSONS BANK Farmers will secure sympahi» etic banking at any of our br- anches, Careful attention to. the needs of Canada's Agric- ultural interests has always en a _feature of The Molsorea Bank. Savings Departments at evelry, Brazen. Depositf St t` $1.00 and upwards invited, C. H. JOY Manager Zurich Branch ��eeeeeoeasooeeeeoeeeeeeooe� oe�►ee*♦�ANte�l►e�es�e�1� • Fall Horse ..$4..::. Tust Received a • large number of Genuine Woolen Horse �~,,-, •Blankets in Assorted colors Size 72x84. 1h a Also a Number of Beautiful English Plush Rugs, prices 9 Ranging from $7.00 to ._.... --- --- . _ $13.9S 00 SAVE MONEY BY GIVING US A CALL. • • A BIG Stock of Harness and Halters always on hand. • Club Bags, Suit Cases and Trunks at Right Prices. 4 t HARNESS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY PHONE g0 FRED THIEL - ZURICH esaoeoaaoes00000aae0000eoeeeseaeooeoaoaoaeooaeeeer.e� 3.4.++,++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4444444144044 d• .b+ it ,Di erson's and other mood •b• + 4, Meet Me on the Ice on Lightning Hitch Hockey Shoes of any nearker in y;ears!, as !already 1 a. few,! 'are in the village, ,and it is .s. now illegal to run the auto without th e1921 markers. A very mysterious di'ssapearance has happened to Mr. Norman Turn bull, of: the Sauble Liner Hey Tie on Monday' !afternoon, seemingly at I e. 2 o'clock. hs left the house for the •b• hares and hats not been seen 'since', •'IIS+ •so'inet Bial, he may have zone out out he. lake and went away with t, th iete,. as the east wind caused it 'i• to break off apd go out, while a con 'ik start search being kept up for him, ale it Was' so !stormy on. Mon day afternoon, all signs of tracks w2.ti4 a,t ones blown over. LATE AMANDA K. DEICHERT An1an a Katherina Deichert pa:s- 'sed aWia,y at the Reichert home here On Saturday afternoon, Feb. tad, Si* has ber'•n a helpless in- valid for over twenty-fit•e years ar whish IsI e spent ,nearly all her x•t o' i i, bd, or :on a wheel chair: ,ass-will,bd 1 crown by all whe knee her. She had It severe atthek of )ain{,' and took her usual l reatnl- 1Out ::P O') it.rrs s. and went int') n deep, sleep, ferns which •she never a- wakened :i,e herr 'heart c, v." out,. W'aJ31 51 �nt,s', 10 rnanths and 11 days old:end known by m .rte fri- ends as la Wonderful Aria till) per- 1 eor'ali v', plensatit t, b^ 'i comp - •b• 1+• 'any, :la al.tlioia'o'h ilex tl,•mia^ is Q 1'ri;rritls, owji, y •, e li.n' .n.-�' `tl'1at^ G� x.ot t'o ,ll] t+, gretted by li '11 +nY physical `l,.ori4ition, yst s', + •li 1x* Wanted I itce ��'V a a ZURI+�� r � �.���. �l ya.:l,.i >� S• •l+•sod•o'•,li•t•,3'.IIs•fi, .ig.•fi 44 g.+l•+g'ib• +•1••i•hS•.;,iF••b+•1,+++4••Yi+ +�•+l• p,.3•,i•.g•ri01'••$ +++{.+1..•� ,.,+.•yet•.l•:1•;�•l+++Y• ..1 +.:...- all enew lI ...,, CL lair. 51x�G� w$Ix ,+), .l't`S'F' "'ale ref je lata Solan ,aticl Susan x art HartY +,% O end. I''�ave5, to tnour»i o + 7rs. Phone i . x1nge!l^ i• 7- end. v. brothers -Johtt and rYa c+.r u +,, �r i n n�;,0;:v.: t lOYs`I` Syed. kip of eu)ri,�µcµ,h'y1,10try It all 1y 'i . ' � 4/ ... O � • d + A reherl V� �.U��4A dit a:xd Cil 'i it • jag us Your Alsike andWe always pay the VP � MERCHANT 1 da 'C ' ti r c o : ew Jlixv�� � � x h • , elial was 'ter iy r►;;.:a.. ' J. tar' • 'HON," 1i1 "" 9 nee y �hyfte'finoon to 'els ulr,",yy.{'; . �e'YIteiy,'jy' 'ter ltxteraia Wilir ,,lev. s.^ i il, Iaib' ut ieiatiil� : ..... ... makes, featuring snug ankle fittinh�`a� roomy Toes, and easy lacing weigh- ts for Hockey and Skating, See our. South Window. THE NEW IDEA IN GALOSHES ONE BUCKLE AND THREE :BUTTONS, MEDIUM AND LOW' HEELS. ASK TO SEE THEM. Repairing done by the very latest methods 0. FRITZ & SON. SHOE MERCHANTS ZURICH ONTARIO 4.44++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++.14+++++++444, To Our many Customers andfriends we extend a Merry Christmas andw a Bright and Prosperous New Year for 1924 AN1) MAY OUR BUSINESS ACTIVITIES AND YOUR PAT- RONAGE BE EVEN MORR F [RMLY WOVEN TOGBTIIER Ill' TII. NEW YEAR. i. highest Market Price according to Quality I�ALi�i..d+^.iF/iF✓.• +, iG+.i V..i�+'.. i�i4+"Jiri�u.Y ��`.�•*.�+,ii'T"�iGJe ? ice + +t. •``moi• ozzezw.V•i ,0 ";,,•"G+Ca!•ti!4• ,4D BLAKdf F,