HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-31, Page 5Thuiar J n:nary 31st, 1.024 .au SINESS CARDS proud oat; Killoran &, lIOL1Yl1±S. Barr'leteaa,: Sal e tors,. iyuttave , Pia ii1, Etc, Office on the scum, •Ad door (rem Hamilton St. God, aericbt. Private funds to loan at lowest rates, laroudfoot, E,C. J. I.. Ailloran D. E. Holmes, $r. Holmes will be in Hensall on I+riday of each week, Andrew V. ries, T ownshiy Clerk "Sauer of marriage licenses, Notary Public, Oefi nrieeloner, Vire and Aut immobile Insurance, Representing !Laron and '"Erie . Mortgage !Corpora - on,, The Canada Treat Co, Zurich, Corpora- tion,. rarroomisirmarearrsaar,.,c,,,r41. 1 t"lD.D.S, 4'Chicago) LOIS. .(!T'oron'to.) DENTIST saes, AT WAILER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MaIN O$\ ICE • ..... HENSALL A' U'C'T '0'14*E-E-R OSCAR LO PP Graduate Carey .M. Jones Nat- ional School of Attictionoeringy me for Registered Live Steck; (Ail Breeds). Terms in, e pine w ith prevailing prices, tunas for sale, Will sell anything e r. whe � Phone 18-93 or write, Zurich. licensed. Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of 'Huron. In . a position to con- duct any Auction sale, regardless Os to size or articles to el not solicit your business, satisfied will make- no charges for s services. Dashwood. Arthur Weber, - . Phone 31 r 191.. Zurich Meet ARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Woui( S CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES ungblut & rieic er' LIVERY ZURICH . I am in a position to accomo- late all requirements in the Livery line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing -done in the teaming line. GEORGE J, THIEL Phone 5S Zurich et. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTISTa Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the 'University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter. Phone 34. At Zurich every TUESDAY -19• Phone 7.9 L. 1 ye POU LT RY WANTED ifr`lakenevery day till 3 Oelock p.m, Do ;not feed fowl same morning{ let et brought in, Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR - Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien P2io':ne 94. CQ Zurich Fall &Winter Deliveries 1923 i&NTHRACITE LACKWANA COAL COKE -Just arrived car of very high grade Coke for Ranges and Furrxac'es. car of tughC:COAL.West 'VirgNow in iu ate Lump iurgkr grade 1BOULETS--Naw on the way, ,car of Our l3oulets for Ranges and Earl laces. These are well known land give good 'satisfaction ALBERTA COAL Expect soon, Two Oars of Alberta Coal w � Caant.telem *GAM & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone • Office i0w. House 14 Office&Coal Yards, Brock Street, HENSALL O N T., PUT YOVII L Wants, For° Sale, Lost. Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THI$ COLUMN LOST A ;Ladies' White Gold Bracelet wrist watch cit R. R Nor: 2, E''irncler please leave at herald Office and receive reward, NOTICE. ' In( future the following !schedule will be observed at the local 'skat- ing rink; - Monday eve. hockey 7-8 o'clock Skating 8-10 o'clock, Tuesday eve. Hockey Wedniearday eve. skating .8--40 Thursday eve. hockey 7-3, ,nkat-. , ing Friday', hockey, Saturday, 'skating afternoon and evening. T Koehler, Mgr. NOTICE. a.• OF REGISTRATION 0J1' BY-LAW Notice is hereby given that a By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Hay on the 5th .day of November, 1923, r•o n iding for the Wale of debentures to the amount of $1184.00 for the purpose of pay- ing for the cost of telephone ex- tensions, and that such By-lawwas registered in, the Registry Office fort he Registry Division of the County of Huron at G•odbrich on the /6th clay. of January, 1Q24, as number 401.' .Any notion to quasi or set aside the same or any part there- of must be _made withinthree mon- ths after the first publication o this. notice,, and cannot: be -made thereafter. Dated this 17th day of November 1924. ' t t• 28-3 A. V. HESS, Oler1:! of Hay tTownship. FOR SALE A low down Hassey -Harris Man- ure spreader at unreal bargain, L. Prang, Zurich. NOTICE In future I will not be respon- sible for any party or partys mak- ing debts charged to me, orr for me to !settle. r Jacob' Desch; Zurich: Ont. STRAYED • From My premises, Parr Line Hay Tp., 'some trate a,go; a • red heifer 18 months old. • Finder kin dly notify ylerb. Disjardine, Heti sail, P.O. FOR SALE A. good, secondhand baby car- riage for.sale. Can be seen at Melick Sr. Braun's Furniture Store FARM FOR SALE A fine 75 acre farm about �. five miles from Zurich has been placed in my hands for. selling. On .the farm. is 6 acres good bush, bank barn, silo, and other outbuildings, and good brick dwelling. Farm is well fenced and drained and water supply is excellent. , For particulars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. 21-4 In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers xemoriber the Herald Office' is. LATE J'OSEPHC_ 11A♦THE,"a Agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single 'subscr.ipt- ion, NE .4 17. .iii 0 t3 Hi iS is A 1, 1) Ett CORN , ;, ... • /Did you els the eclipse? Mrs, B. 1vleyere and two child, rep, are *srileiting• at Mansell. Fine assortment of . Valentine cards .and folders at Hess -Milliken Use Maida Routledge is 'visit- ing friends in London and Dut- ton. Rev. S, R. Knechtel of New Ham- burg visited a .few days at the TN - angelical parsonage this week. Mise Ida Routledge enterttrined. a number of her friends to 11Iah•- Jongg one evening last .week. Mrs. F. M. Hess, who has been, at London for same time with her husband at St. Joseph',s Hospital, and who its improving rapidly, has returned to, her home here on Fri- day. . Mr. Russell Preeter who is on th'? London Advertiser Subscript- ion list could 'like very much if all Advertiser readers would oblidge him anal cu tout all the daily cou- pons and when convenient give same to himy as each coupon is good for a number of ;votes: ' People travelling front here to Reeser] ,seams to he at a lose ho n So go and what to take, cm Mon- day and Tuesday, Mr. Oallfras. our local- stooge driver, used the !sleigh. and on W.nedessi;ayy the old' stage. with the horses attached, as the snow at places is too deep for t3ae motor bus. Our valued, Zurich Jtabilee Band; is holding tiheir weekly practices 1.vhieh will keep them in good pra c+'ice for spring music. It is isome Sinn sines an entertainment of any kind lhiais been hleld in the local Town and we would suggest rho. Ban::l pat on a concert and give the public aias! opportunity to .sp- end an evening's entertainme,at. .Our neighboring village, Dashwood band, hold one recently and was a big =,uceess :socially as well as fin- ancially. SOUTH HURON AGRICULT- URAL SOS.°IETY MEETS • The a:ninufal rise`i'ag of the .South Huron Agricultural Society, wars, held' din) the Coannercial Hotel' Hen More Uncertain fhart That. ttk vert"tti 1 'rests Wlki Repay Coral Growers Santa rt Germination Box i6'0.aod Allow .l'.aght or Ten i1a,'a for 0:'ler➢iatzn,i,i..n'..... Use for Uhl Fruit ler Rubbers. ;utribttted 1 esestrio Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) thout b >•, , tl. seed. satisfaetorS' ,proditctioi.c is impossible. (Join: Pis of Wheats, outs, and barley'•arc t each rc:: r without a seed tes. eeui,ig "Way cau we not ': same t :.urli nest in corn?" h clay aske. Cern is dilferena arty ways Seam tan- ctsi''1;a1s men - a, and We L . .not ealaact the big,, c .uiatiau co, , :..m to well ripened ial•.! uarrvest - sins. corn ripen:. tel in the se.: ,Ax Ween damp days. i birth are The grain ...aired to an .:,;,&n pithy cop th. s ireasiont1y sanver in drying ou ] i sae ?gaits su rilaeuing. Tilt n r i . grain •o,.= b c a a iacc,''e pexetut of oil, ant r;rru oils are no. aa.ce as masa satesas if sueje,tee many chant;; 'loo curet genii la s.st as well 'pcv L.aGa by cirverrugs t.. s t ie germ in t ., other tuna grains. 1116 fact that w,-, :._.c, Oats and barley seal generally be ,.a;n without a test rut retied ou to gea•ininate has lea farmers to. relieve that the ai-irs holds guest for cern, and they at hate to do the necessary careful and prove to tilerilselves the ac triiableness of the seed corn be - c: planting. ci gists Will Repay Corn Growers. A £uw hours devoted to corn test- (luririg the slack season in Feb- . i, s or March will frequently prove greater value in providing corn s•rhich to fill the corn crib the ssext,autumn than many days of hard murk i t, in the field during the season : rowsh. With the seed carefully ersted, and proven capable or pro - strong vigorous plants; the is removed from the hoist lira- ,: a, trait of all the factors involved in es -regrowing. Various methods of ,rreing a germination test have been asd; cand different measuras of + >s in operation obtained. The nett follows experience c•,:t,:ls 1 a discard of marry inoth cantered on the usefulness i '--split:ity of the Sawdust Corn i t iinatiou Box. t Sawdust Germination. Box. This method requires a ininlmuu, attention,iv is easy to prepare, e, sa11,.,o!nl Friday list;. with the lar- ,nd it, is sure. The box used as a gest attendance of riiember ' pres- ntainer for the sawdust. cau be of enit in 'some years. (rhe auditor',s ; y convenient size, easy to handle or. , statement shaawe1 t balance in the ask up. Boxes 80 :c Se inches ant i treasury of nearly $300, so that the iucies deep are very satsis,i ct ry Society* i[� in a. good position fist- .tre large eaough to test tilt. see., anicialle. fri w alsr decid>d to, h• .; isi required to plant tive or si_. the .aan;nufat Seed Fair in the• Tb`. s , The seed beii.is prepured..as rl l9thansail!s Fe rd'fayr, iFy•! tli f ack T oist sawdust, to th,• aray Ti,' -osro<or thri Et':inclTes.-in. the bo Cols_ 9only oiia,'held in the county,; ardit' �Jcl ired)t; l,dkoilo in sgiiazesawdust 3 becoming more popular every ye.,, x.2 ,s inches with .pencil a piece and with z liberal premium!: 'list c..,ttorr•sheeting checkerboard i.uui- this tyfaa:r sh!o zld sae, th• bet Seed 1 ,.cumber the squares. Lay this Fair in th'� history*, of the Saoiety,. aver the sawdust, press down Thtt an tual Sprio;g Stock Show 70i111. nioisteu. Take six grains of be ihaelci. din Tua,sday April 'Sth, 'for z'u i'eoru the ears to be tested, two whi;^h a ts,pecially lib'ertl prize;iist irxrdi►neaz the butt, two from the is blit g' arranged.. !This will in- fir itgtd tyro from near the tip elude a boy's jucdgins corntpetit c1 place these iu each square, 1i,tttu- ioni in both• horses and cattle a fe i the ear to correspond with the attire ;�vhi^h tivias, on,^ of the' best ry itinlner of the square ut which the dr -n,� • d oast es grains are placed. TJsing a piece a`ti ,t, e1x s i spring. Gov aatton of the same dimension as ornament judgats will be secured for ' c box, lay it over the seed and Toth the Spring and Seed Show. r as down gently, do not disturb the Tr a following offiaeers were elect- > ,1 in the numbered spaces, Take a ed;; Presidenii Wm. Consitt 1st. >�.,ond elotii large enough to fold •.Vice 'Pias,, Donald Burns; 2nd Vice. Oath ways or about twice the size of Pras. E. D. Bell; Directors!,"H, CC. -.ie bo., lay this larger crotn over Solda. 0. Klopp; C. Campbell. - c box in stzoh a way that it extends P. Sherrilt',. Robt, McLaren. W{ ` -t➢t around, cover the box area with in irec D. Sanders:, John 1VIeLmen. H. 111c r b' inofst sawdust, pe g d t1S Ewen, Robt. Thompson, Wui.Chaps u the Iast applied ta'sawdust ctown ll, cloth, pack g ma;ni,, Wm. Pes per. Dr. Campbell] •a .stamping -with a brick orr haeav W. ?VIcAlli•tter, J. McNaaughtonC CT; ,.otic of wood. '!'nus lacer of saw - Hanley.; Awlitozsi, H. Arnold ,and st should be two inches thick when C. Ai. McDonell; Seey-treats. Keith seined'. td': Fold the e itenuuig portions McLean.rf the cloth over the sawdust form - Log as it were a large pillow or pad. ;< c z• Eight or Tei Days for Results. Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD -OARS. GU AR.ANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT TERING OF BANDS. - Sold By L. A, PRANG, Zurich. tf18 COAL Supply Of n and � � d Furnace On Hand • Case & Soh HENSALL PHONE 33 Dr. 11. H. COW EN L. D. $i, . D. D. S. - DENTAL SURGEON At McCormick Bloch, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday .and Saturday. Alain Office HARI:IB a'S 13LOCa ,, DASHWOOD (Kanw.ts Smith Co. Pioneer.) .Death came to Joseph Math al, on;e oft he long time residents of this vicinity on Friday llast. He lied been, in failing health for about a ygat,, but never fuffering. ;simply gatting weaker las the days went. Hi's real name ' was FranzrOathea's, the ,shorter name of Mathes was adopted after thefamily came to this country, for convenience. Fun- eral cervicel' were held in the local 11ethodist church, Sunday after- noon, and burial made in 'Crystal Plains cemetery. He was a !son of Anselm an der•ihstena Franzrnathes born; in Baden, Germany: June 2, 1813' and died in Smith Centre, !tans JanuarY.1.11, 1924 at the age of :80 years, 7 months and 9 days. The family came to America in 1857 wheat trey migrated to Ont.ipio,Can adrz, Ory March. 1867, he was mar- ried Otto Harriet Bossenberey, and to them were born, seven children, only two of whom, with the wife and mother' survive. The family moved to Fall City,, Nebr. in 1970 and on to this county in the year 1873, Mr. Mathes lrotuesteadiner a quacter iseotionf in Bonner tp that he (still owner. The two 'some are on, the old home farm. He was a :sturdy character and very str- •onig" ittf his beliefsi, wags a loyal Me- thodist for 38 years and a keen student of the bible, was also a tremendous worker, acid had but little use for the' idler and spend- thrift and Was glad to enter. the presentee of God. Ho was the 7th child in a family, of eight', and the ,sixth to die. The two •survtvoru are brothers!, William 84, and •Char- les( 74 both' of this place. see • NS hen this has been done, the box boxes should be set away in a +ogle or room where the tempera- t,ro is always above freezing and eeSherally maintained at 60 to 70 ;,rets. If, mice abound, cover the a ,x with a wire screen, After eight 'r ten days exainine the germination r results lift off the sawdust pad ;id' then very carefully roll back the loth that is in direct contact with tt corn. Take note of the germin- ion of the kernels in each num- ,..red square, and save or discard .a.cording to the strenatlr of germ - A _ition. Every ear that has given toad, mouldy or weak germinating :isrnels should be thrown into the ed„ bin, and only those showing ;,eat vigor and freedom from mould s,tould be used, At the end of ton ..rya the sprout and roots should be Ott: least two inches long. The box, sawdust and cloth should not be used a seeOlid time without thorough Scalding; this is done to destroy fun - ;;us spores that may be present. The outside "two inches of space should n.`tt be used, as it may dry out and .check the germination of any seed !~laced near the edge of the box.- Stevenson, Sec., Dept. of As'ricul- ttLre. TTad for Old Fruit Jar Rubbers. Old fruit jar rubbers came in hand- ily last winter when the snow was On the ground. My boy stepped on ao axe and Cut a big gash in his rubber. i melted a fruit jar rubber to the ooneisteney of wax, poured it into the gash and stuok it back in lace. When it became cold the leather was as good as new. A Yuan can farm any old way he likes on hip own farm. But he nan't Set out of paying for privilege of doing tillage the *gong way. He Pays in snort crops ands various lossLs 1114 41.4 sic sir', +1161�DIIInirtp,fl011UN •-"thrf"�'I((rt �' �,,t' r;2?lo7y ,, :' TheProprietaryarratentxl'eiiiesfbA p� retetabieTre- aratia.a'itois'o "simitatingtheToodttyllegais a tingtheStorlatli� Bowels o11 IN*, Uel . • TherelyPremot• in';Aiges ietr, G.ii Glteerfu1neSS',Oi►dItest.Con`ain l . neither Opiuitz,Merphine net,. l'. Mineral.' NOT 7'+WtoOTIG� G' RecipreitarrU:'Sliat. ii , psmpT h,siwe nes RocheGra irlls aI .Paprrmas OCarlautio X.1.0 ]Jarmo Sunt ClarOredSuyur Trim>m't'av�, Ajte1�,iutitartleti , for rl G Gottstipatron ilr'td Dinrrh (4a ' and 1<!everis'lt:te55 lin. r Ss.�F 5%c} .1� O, kteet►1tin re t„omw f aey. r,; zaC•Si+Hite Si.�nahate A irz~ CEvrrret o • C r !x For Infants and akii1dr Mothers Know P a, w Genuine Castona Always Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper- THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. iiiiimmemessmarmismminstaresamemm X91 Use For Over Thirty Years mengemermonseemaeennsariaesassmemmasie If Yor cannot afford a ford why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS self the. E 1 a®1sc� r aiuting Ford Car, One r'oat, $15.00, Two Coats -_. _-- $20.00 iC'overing Ford Top Good Material $27.00 Charging' Ford Curtains to open. with Doors ...' .._ .__.. $5.00 Painting Buggy ... ... ... $8.00 IF YOU WANT 'SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE REEUl3l3ER YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. �, � ®� �° /� Fa Ps s �s s f OrsIF B"� t€rh kEPAI R M ] i r�•4 i• fi 3 k• ir�i +�r , �r� a �. € € e� � e . i + fir'it€' r3^� f+.l ,+e4.�..a-++.g • Lumber Laths Shmgles Everything in 4. Combination storm and screen doors made to order, 4. 4. 4. Lumber and Building M,ateri :l 4. 4. • Custom Work curl. i curl - 4, 4. + • ..h._,�.- + • Al4.ways in the market for saw logs 1* 1 . CL KLLBFLEISCflI: .1. 1. PHONE 69 ZURICH 4. * +++4444+++444+++++++44+44+++++il .++++++.p+.E + .' .+++++++++.r.,f.* - Five Good Reasons WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM 4.$10 TO $15 LESS THAN OTHERS. 9., We stock oar own goods. 2. +3. ,t. ..4. ‘5. We guarantee satisfaction or`srer•, ""awxwu `"al°; 1 money refunded. n Has HOF 4. ,y +.. ..,, �' tt:,17A,M'LOR l AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR% -' - DAY AND NIGH T PHOLuNE NO. 86 Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. 4. 44 4. 44 4. 4. 40 4. -k 44 !i4. Have only one price for malt ing Suits. The very best linings put in all our garments, 44 4. 4