HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-24, Page 8it LA) :tint. a. ri 4+' t; 1: 1 a Our Accounts are ready and were due on January lst, 1924. All accounts not called for within a week will be ,bailed. We would ask all .ur Customers owing us to favor us with prompt settlelent of Accounts either by cash or note. Our Wholesale bilis must be paid within 30 Days, and We are therefore unable to carry overdue accounts in our books. J. ASCHO ,SON Produce Wanted Phone 67 Zurich's Garage BATTERIES! BATTERIES! We are again handling the LX. L Battery IF IN NEED OP A. BATTERY BETTER CALL AND SEE US .WE MAKE A. SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON - YOUR OLD BATTERY WE GUARANTEE. OUR PRICES TO COMPARE WITH ANY OTHER* QUALITY AND SERVICE CONSIDERED We also handle the fatuous U. S. L. Battery A CiOMPLETE. LINE OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES AND GEN- 81II3E FORD PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND NOW IS THE 'TIME TO HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED. OUR. POLICY. IS FIRST HERE, FIRST SERVED. •COME EARLY AND „AVOID THE RUSH. AVE ARE EXPERTS ALONG :THIS LINE AND CAN 'ATTEND TO YOUR NEEDSAXY ACTYLIN WELDING BATTERY CHARGING BATTERY REPAIRING . 4 au -Zurich *000070a 0000046 „/3prx ,30047)Ce0001 00,310 b"240000000 X00000 41 0 ti 0 EVE _ � O IllN 11! 4w • And 'al Tinsniith Work .>ks lig ' - ;,;lame is ad.. ti ti able to e do all kinf s .f outside work, we are 1 w I in..a l.� osit'i.•: �; �:, $ to fill your require- • • mints in 11, kinds of evetrailghi g 3 ro l i.ug an ..metal tinsmidi, work 14 • 11) IS THE TIME TO HAVE THIS . WORK DONE BEFORE a TE COLD ii011GH:FALL WEATHE.RSETS IN SA e• I",S.0 r'ION IS THE MOt 1'O THAI WE ALWAYS 1/IAI-`•- illi Tr1IL4. Ali kinds of Shealf and Hear Hardware dware • JSYTADE.& Always on hand ITEMS OF 11.0caL, INTEREST d!1 iii 4 • oO 4 • • O 0 r 0 i • • �� .�"'LOCK ZURICH it0le;, " k2Witt11 e e SrS60 0 0001160.6.f 000iM6M1AO 111Ortr * Ono small cottage en ;earthle better than a dozen large caaleein the ai.r - IIem'y 'Ford's paper sa'ye that tobacco its killing too Many peo- ple and ehould be put oat ;of bus- iness. "Mother at l clad are left to do all the work, because the children hove been manicuring their finger nails."—Agnes MacPhail, M. F•, The Clinton News Record editor tools a tuntuble on an icy -walk on Tuesday last and sutltainefd a fr- acture ref the lef t wriest, Isn't that January thaw just a- bout due? ' `Ch'^ Ev. Lutheran Su idlay Sch- ool has •a 1d^r a few more .tei eh- TM5 to ins, .staff, They'.,are Me.:er's: TT. Eiekmeier; Win. • S?.: Jnhneton and D. 'St..tubusi. ' The next teachers' meeting will be la�acl 'iVTonday evening, Jan •29th. Th tonic . tonic of the eveningshall, be The •Death •and :Resurreetion of ,The •Body. c • darkev r mh op one night al a revival meeting and said-; "13ri" 1dees and sisters, you knows an' I knows dat I. ,ain't been what i I oreht"r• If nein. I'se robbed hen! roosts. a'v1 stole hogs, an'•1oeiies an g(t cl.funk an' shot craps, an' cus•'•l an' swore, but I thank the Loy:). filer's one thing I ain'"q nebber dano; 'I ain't nebber lost niah religion," The holidays in 1921 tall on the fo" 1 ring dates; Good Friday, Ap til y8 h; Empire. Day, • So"urday M.' 'r, 21th; King's Birthday. Tiles -a d^fir" June 3rd; Dominion Diay Tu - ed -v July 1st; Labor Day. Mon-' day, Sept.1st; Thanksgiving Day 1VIen•1'1y, November, 10th. and Chr isl• n as Day, Thursday. December 25th. Locally our rr-i rchants will ht,'l • take. a half -holiday on Thurs day nftern.00n in addition •to the above. M1 c FEBRUARY ROD AND GUN There. is interesting reading for every 'sporteeaan in the February issue of Rod and Gun in- piana.da, including as it does stories and art- icles dealing with deer and aii,00se hunting, fishing and canoeing. pho- tographing wild life, animal stories - guns and ammunition, •talks on :out- door life articles on trapping: anal an in'tereeting kenpel department. "A Diary of the Limbezlost Hunt- ing Club" by -Harold Tiariton rs an good account' of this. flourishing club a.nrtl i 'swritted ,an an,,originel style,.• B•onuycastle Dale .%he„-weli known: Canadian natunalist[.af, Nova Scotia. con;tinuesl his ,article o i '':C'a 'n era Hunting' before,' het :Se'ason .op enist in Nova Scotiie which i5 write tent with the author's ei,se and ab- ility which inakes his contributions outstanding. "An Indian Enoch Arden, by Martin Hunter is an in -1 toresting. yarn; while "Touring eth. Wilderness by Ro'y Brayley 7s 'pan' article dealing with the outfit .lies-, essary for a trip into the wilds Which will be "of interest to `all W. Winson has his first 'article "Bim rd and Maii which opens a ser- les on Canadian Birds, a subhject on which this writer is an authority • M. U. Tiates.1, a trapper of . long experience hos his department fit led with interest for hte trapper, while F. V. Williams has coutrib- ] ut:ed an, amusing account of "A. Tal Twice Told." WI. C. Motley and, F. H. Walker are also :repreiented with good departments, the field trials forming an especially int- eresting feature of "Kennel"; 'Guns and Ammunition is particularly la rge this month with first class art- iele's by E. T. D. Francis, Ashley Haines, --Fred. J Stiff. and a large nuarnber of queries and answers.. STANLEY TOWNSHIP... - Mr. Harry Hayter 'spent a few day's visiting his relatives in Ste- phen. . r' Mr, Bert Peck was token sudd only i1Y :i week with an attack of apnerelicitiec he -was taken to Seafoe'h m Saturday and 'Oper- ated oper-ai ei .yof as a:i at time of writing ie doing nicely.- ' icely.•• LOCAL MARKETS ce oi'reeted Every Wednesday) totter ...35 eggs ?. ..45-65 ',reed apples per lb, 7e ecce Setts, per lb, ...,. 7e. ipo,tateee per bad - 95 Wheat .per bushel , . , da Birley ,,.....55 Buckwheat hit Oats 40 Flour per. cwt. 3.00-3.75 Shlartsp er toxi:..... .,. .....30,00 Ki in per ton 8.00 Liv'e hogs 7.75 Tfie 'Herald Department is al- ways ready to turn out firat-clasc work at moderate prices consider ing the great increase in cost of production, Every farmer should and many have already, have a printed supply of note paper and envelopes, with No. of Telephone and ,Rural Mail route, and perhaps whatever specialty he follows in stock, grain or fruit. It looks businesslike and costs little more than the retail price of they blank stationery, BORN. Koebler—At Goshen Line, Hay 'CR' on January 19t1h, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Koehler,, a daughter, Hey—At Zurich(, on January 23rd, to Mr. and .MVIee. John Hey, Tr, a daughter. If you have any visitors a lc. ,tamp on an unsealed ' envelope will bring it to the Harald Office, Or d phone message is quicker, while we always have a letter hole at our office door where you ^can slip in your articles, We would like a few more corresp- ondents. Should have one at Blake, Drysdale, St• Joseph and a few more such places that have a fine bunch of visitors and. hap- penings and events nearly every week. It le a fine education and if interested come and see us.. SPQR'' NEWS The Kitchener Junior . Hockey team' of. which "Babe" Siebert, son of Peatmas:-er Wim. Siebert. of Zur- ich, is a prominent player. on Thursday evening Jna. :17th at Kitchener defeated the strong St. Marys team of Toronto', score 7-2 and we giiote the following dipp- ing from the Kitchener Daily N'ew's Record;-- "BABE". SIE, ERT STARRED • "The best mien on the ie? was T3abe'Siebert. He was easily the best player on• the ice turning in one of the, moet brilliant games be has ever played. St Marys dict not iarrenni to be able' to stop him at all. Wihien ha broke to .leave the St. Marys forwards standing and he usually, then' onily had two de- fence mien to beat n,ad they found hilxi a handful, 'Siebert tallied• three goals during the night desp- ite the, fact th(lat he was playing on the adefenice and two of these were n individual play's white the other ;ci•vats, on a combination attack with Harold Gross. His goal in threeec- ond period when he went from end to end splitting the defence wide open and drawing Kells out (of hill net was a beauty' •and 'easily the most brilliant play of the night Again in t]ile final period he went from end to end and went around the net to tally. a well earned in- dit ideal goal. Defensively lie plave.cl' well and let little by him inakingt he Toronto forwards shoot front outside by the free use of his body." , ' Mr, toy Scotchmer has gone to Detro'ellen; he expects to re-- 'Lain T .he winter. u'}vi t • r'nort that Mr. Johns Watson, chengh not fully recover ed - from al.i's acc:iden,t, is ;able to be around ain. A illy respected resident of 13ayfiaeld,inthe person of Mrs. Tlarry is Will passed away sudd- enly oe Se:uadny morning', - She wall xaw t'• tea on Fridayex*venitlg apter ie her casual .h'ei ltIi and her s,,dden death caiea ase a shock t b -r ninny friends. She leaves, tees 1^a her huasband, one daughter a el, one .`toga for whom muchr 'sympathy ilei belt. Stull ('Inneil znet for Re first meeting 1:h on Ja,n .t1:th. The, 1923 sou ci• wore re-elected by ac-- elamo'tie i, i%ad were as follows;— Reeve, Goo, Henley; Councillor>' J. Etne, John Hansom. Wm. ;,Douglas y i and John .Rath well. 'tit c l.. Thefol.a a* ing offieere were appointed for the year ,—Clerl , .I; E. Il:driiwe1'l; Try comer Ged, lar ntty, Auditors A. McEwen and W. J. Tough;'Asisester Jos, Rood; Dr, Shaw i\i. 0;,: E. Cia7` retaker Mss. Pil'grini ( , 1 BIBLE THOUGHT ...FOR TODAY Bible 'P ona to memorised, will prove • priceless heritage 1. ater years. +yam_ ...,R,°`l ,�-.:5�•"fir-'"i-}.o Asl;lc, a.n:d it shall be given; seek and ye bisalt find,—Mat. 7;7. 4—•x Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.—Matt: 6;33 For I 'thee Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee; Pear not. T will help thee.-- Isa. 41.;13. • 1G " Search thie Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me. John. 5;39. He that with;holdeth corn, .the poople shall curse hem; but- bles- !sing shall be upon the head ofhim that •sell,)th if.—Prov. 11;2t. 'ixu".qday; Jll ilti Try :itis; 1924 The store with the Liberal Cash Discount To Our many Customers and Fri- ends we wish to extend, our most hearty thanks for the patronage given during our five years' of bus- iness in Zurieh.--,- ieljck & Braun As I have taken over the entire bus- iness and good will of the above 'firm and' will continue to conduct the business as formerly, I solicita your continued patron- age, age, as I will endeavour, to serve you to the best possible satisfaction. SERVICE IS OUR MOTTO A. 1:ELIOK Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1/4 I THANK YOU For the Confidence placed in me during 1923 and hope to merit the asatne during 1921. FOR YOUR, INVESTMENTS DURING THE COMING YEAR,, CHOOSE; Huron and Erie Debentures 51-4 per cent Canada Trust Co. Debentures 5 1-2 per cent MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND SAFETY Andrew F. Hess, z Zurich Have You MADE YOUR WI LL? Painting and Paper Hanging I Am an a position to do .any kind of paper hanging, painting raining and cl,'carawog. Price for hanging paper, 25c. 'a roll. 11. Eickrneier, Zurich .. Serve the Lord with glarleeas. "Epte.r into his gates :with thaan_l s- gi.`c iiig, and into his courts with praise; be thiankful unto hint, and. bless his name. 'For the Lord is gonad; -P's, 100,2, Serve the Lord with glririnciss; cotyle before his pre,senen with sing- ing—Ps. 100;2 pp tf-37 DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic and Electrical Treat menta,—Eyes Examined Main St., EXETER, Phone 76 Consultation and Examination Fres AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH Z3i+ery Wednesday, 10 axe. to' 4 pmt. 4.1.14'1-4-1-lett •.4,4.4'+4 4' r4 + +4+4+4+4 4.1.+4.4•' 4.44' 4 : 4 e+ S' +++ +++ s• IIERALD O 4. Do You Know? 4. THAT 4 THAT 4. . W,B ART) ALWAYS AT 'YOUIt SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING WE AN SUPPLY :17.0U, WITH PRINTED. W.EPDING INVITATIONS AND ANN OUiN CEMENTS THAT WE 'PRINT CALLING CAIttDS; • STATIONERS, SUCH 't+ AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS; ENVELOPES AND • S1' TUA.T WE ARP AGENTS FORTWO LEADING MANUFACTATEMENTS U RE RS OF COUNTED,' CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN Stl•P- PLY, ANY QUANTITY' AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS Ti AT WE CARRY IN ISTOtK ;WRITING PAPERS. ENVEL- OPES' VEL- O.PkS' IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING 'I'kGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE ` 1300E 8, I1.EGEIPT ;[3ooIcs IN TWO SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC. ETC, TEAT WE IILL YOUR ORDINARY ARY SIZECNKBOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN INK FOR 5c, LARGe GER Q11 's N''T.TIES AT 3IGGER REDUCTION'S - THAT WE Pi ' °' POSTING BILLS, AUCTION SALE P'OS- � N ;PERS; bi •' N,TILE POSTERS RS AND ALL 'GENERAL PRI1:1TIN.' 'UR SPECIALTY *044++++4+++++,' 4 -+4.4.44:4 4 4• +++++++ ++ 4 +++4«+ +4.++1"1' 4• 4. 4 4 4