HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-24, Page 5TiiurFltltly, .tlnnuary • e'£':,'t, 'x929 BUS1NES,' CARDS Proudt<oot, Eillot+ni & Il L1fI1J4, )Barristers,Solicitor's, Nutertes, .pinatas„ Etc, Office on the 4;luatt Sod clear fromHamilton St God- ricb Private funds to loan at freest ratee W. Proudfoot, A .C, J. L.iloren D. B. Holmes, tlolmes, will be in Reese n Friday of e t li week, • PVT TOUR Wants, For $alie, Loot FO!rliirdo Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN LOST Andrew F, Bees, Township Clerk feMuer of marriage licenses, Notary cTub1ic, elommisyloner, Fire and Aut- bmgbi a luaur'a:tree, R.epresentirig Mixon farad Erie Mortgage Corpora- ttlon, The Canada "crust; Co, Zurich, °Mario. �"° Smith • : ,Di. 'twal a , alb, � (Toronto.) 'D.D.Se'Chicago) DENTIW r „..44 AT WALPERHOLJS'', ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE 'HENSALL OSCAR I LOPr Coxa. dilate Carey M. Jones Nat- ional m School of Auctioneering�ocTry. Registered. d Lr \e e for .eg {All l Breeds), ls) ,. Teems ny in keeping i ng with prevailing prises: Choice farms for sato. Will' sell anything e. he r W 'angr Zurich, Phone 18-93 or elite,` - 'Licensed Auctioneer ' ' I;,icensed.Atxetioneei for County of Huron, In a position to con- duct any auction ale, regardless as to size or articles- to sell. 1 solicit your business; and if not satisfied will make no charges for services. • Arthur Weber, - Dashwood;, Phone , 31 r 13, >`. Zr'MM .Mel ry MARKET Fresh and Salt.,_Meats Bologna. Sausages, etc. Highest Cashu•Price for Woul$ dl CASII b'QB SIGN$ & RIDES w e chQt' ZURBGH LIVER n I am in a position to accomo- - date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire, • Any. thingdone in the teaming line. • - GEORGE J, THIEL Phone 6a Zurich G. S. ATKINSON, L.D.S., D.D:S, DENTIST Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil - [tare District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Main Office, Exeter—Phone 31 At Zurich every TUESDAY -19 Phone 19 LIVE POU rU LT R � V Y�.ANTEi Oren every day till 3 Ocloek p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 'when "brought in. Highest Cask Prices ---CASH FOR Cream ,and Eggs W. O' len Phe ae..94. Zurich CO Fall &Winter Deliveries 1923 ANTHRACITE L•r.CKW.ANA COAL •GO] E—Just arrived car of very high grade Coke fur Ranges "and Furnaces B01?T COAL—Now in 'stock, car of high grade West Virginia Lump). BOULETS—Now on the way, car of ,; our Baulets for 'Ranges and Furn- eCes. These are well known and give goad satisfaction 'ALBERTA COAL—Expect soon, Two Oars of Alberta Coal .. ats,telo-g. &i & PRODUCE MERCHANT Phone • Office low, House 18j. Office&Coal Yards, Brock Street, -HENSALL ONT,1 A. Ladles' White Gold Bracelet Wrist waters .on B, K. Noc 2, Finder please leave at Herald Office and receive reward. NOTICE. Ire, futuye the/following schedule will be ob'served at t,, ie local nkat- ing rink ;—• Mondael eve. ;hockey 7-8 o'clock .Skating -8-10 o'clock, Tuesday cave. Hockey Wednesday eve. skating 8--10 '0. Thursday eve. hockey 7-8, skat- Frida ' hockey-.ing 8.10. , y Saturday, 'skating afternoon . and evening, E. Koehler, Mgr, NOTICE. • t 1 OF 1"G •, 13 J Sr'1f xA1~ oN OF BY-LAW Notice is hereby given. that,.•t By-law wa.s passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town - shit) of Iia' oral the 5tli day of November, bar' 1923, l�xo\rd•n g for the nestle of debentures .to the amount of .$1184.00 for the purpose of pay- ing for the cost of telephone' ex- tensions, and that 'such .By-law \vas registered in the Registry Office fort he Registry Division of the County r y of Huron at Goderich- nn the 16th . day, of January, 1924, as number 401. • Any motion to quash or set aside the sane or any part there- of must be made within three mot, - kiss after the first publication o this notice, and cannot be made thereafter, - Dated this 17th day of November 1924. ( t t A. F. HESS, Cle. IS of Hay iTowniship. FOR SALE A low down Hassey -Harris ensn- are spreader at a real bargain. L. Prang, Zurich. y ry- NOTICE In future I will not be reepon- sible for any party or partys mak- ing debts clear 'ed to ine, or for the to tsettle, 1' Jacob Oeseh, Zurich, Ont. 28-3 STRAYED From my premises, Parr. Line Flay T•p-., some time ago;, . • reel heifer 18 .months old. Finder kin d1 ' "notify i3er'b. Di'sjardine, Hen sail, P.O FOR SALE A, good secondhand baby care, riage for sale. Can be seen• at NIeliel; & Braun's Furniture Store FARM FOR SALE A fine 75 acre faxni about five miles from Zurich has been placed in my hands for %ening. On the farm is: acres good bush, bank barn., silo, and other outbuildings, a'nd good brief dwelling. Farm is well fenced and drained and water supply is excellent. , For particulars 'apply to A„ F. Hess, Zurich. 21-4 In renewing your subscripttens far your daily and weekly papers remember the . Herald Office • is agent for most of them and in some cases can save ,you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion,, Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTE01) TO STOP THE MAT T.ER.ING OP BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich, tf18 CO L Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace On Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 - Dr. H. IL COWEN L. D. S:, D. D. S. 'DENTAL SURGEON. At McCorruick Bleck, Zurieb, eve:. ery Thursday and Saturday. Maier Office HARTLEII'S I3LOCK, DASHWOOD b, NEWS 14r. John Ga.selao was confined ter the houm over the week -end With 7;th' attae:Fi O,. l,rrrtb.tg'i) Reeve E. P, .Klop'p, is attending the Huron C'oue y Counei, wee-ttng at Goderich ties week • Mfr. L. W. Hee/mare whn is sufter ing a !sprained ankh?, is stili on th;; convalescent •list and tumble to r::surnr his positioa in l:'reeter's score. Mr, Chas. 19'. EI•a.y�. o t "Ise Axe. AIM., is p1.•as.lh,,ly vi, .ro'1 ter. vee and friends here fora few we- ks, A .Any person who takes a pap ?r regularly arlyfiCnthe ,Oit Gi,l. n, u - 'thsr 'addreisse:llis hili 1. i .! ,i in anhcher'e or whether lie has. suese- r•ib;d or not, is respousiel;r for p aymept. ° James Ramsay Mac: on lld, le ader of the Labor party lo land, long - land, has been handed. she reins of "Government by King George Although MacDonall's patsy ide- -al . aro anti -moils; a s•.: tdr. Mac, Donald will eolnbie,' soreign affics with the prerniersn Neat Sundayda y eve-ing, , Jae. 27th,th Rev. H. Ielsxbry will Cr.i t , see. sloe on the 13oo1k o' Ruse • ',Thu theme: is; • A Beautiful � ester y, Read the took of Ruth before Sun day evening. It will help you to undrstancl and appreciate the ser - min more re fully. The. almost instant death of a London lady who went to change the position of an electric heater while :stan!dintgl in a bath tub, calls attention to the fact that people cannot be too •careful when hand- ling electrical appliances • -+ Thi— Ontariso. Government announ ens drastic r'eduction's in the prices of .liquor sold at Government dis- pensaries. The Government has ben, making an annual profit frons, the dispensaries of three-quarters of a million dollen or More, and the idea in reducing the prices is to get the business nearer a "liq- uor at cost" basis. --Ex. Parties( of scientists from all ov- er ties world will gather in West- ern Ontario to witness the total ec- 'insl of 'th) sue a 3 January 25th.'' "li+tt is r)n ee :any ue t. The sun will begirt o be obscured r.y the moon about 8 in the morning. If the day is clear all western Ont-, a"ie will the . :u1 excellent oppoi tueity of witnessing this interest ing phenoni'non. One .o the coldest waves -witnes 'saes in many 't ° days was : ,per- Ven:t^cl• • herd, on , Sunday, titifeeren- r.lay, with the''meecuz'y .irem'sero itd%10 ber'ow; air;cl th+yinte ese 'high wing f.rfnil the west mixed with sn'ove,' one found it, difficult to ke- ep the house wares, and the weath- er prat;,: who gave esen warns and utile winter last ,'.till, has evidently blown away. Mr. Russell Pr >t+r is named as the can,lirltate for this district as a contender for th :• London Ad- vertiser contest. Very attractive prises are given away, to the win- gens of same. :Parties renewing or Ordering the daily 9.dverti:ser at the Herald Office, their votes will be. credited to Mr. Preeter's count, end we sincerely hope he will be awarded one of thA many hand'sonie prizes. • - Mrs. P. M. Hass, who 'spent .a ew de,ye et her home here, left a- mein for London; where her limb - and is at the Hospital, slaving un- dergonet wo critical operations, but tss improving nicely. elyluch :5ynt- pathy le b^ir,•g felt for the family as their youngest daughter, Mis's E,threl,, west taken ill on Sunday with gearlet fever, but we hope in et few weeks time, all . will be \'. ell again and enjoy Iife with health. i ete'cn you pick up one of the live weeklies published in one of the live towne of Ontario you can- ,seot fell to notice the great cnahge that has occured in recent years in the character of the advertise ing done byi the local merchants. They really advertise. They ed- . verti:se in the most up-to-date method, taking plenty of space. es- ing attractive display and price- quoting freely,, in order to .show precisely what Inducements they What i'nducemeet:S( they have to of- fer customers. James Denomy', of Goderich. �a !eon, of Mr. and Mrs;: Regis Denomy of the ldth con. Hay, and who n,ov ed to Goderich laiit spring, and now en employee of the Western F1nur ,Mills, Goderich, narrowly es- caped fatal injuries. on the morn- ing of January 1.3th. He was as- silting in the hoisting of a 14 -inch cast iron pipe in the new , salt wellnow being constructed. le 'Some nnkbown manner the' chain around the pipe slipped causing the pipe to 'sttiving down', striking the thuber •on. which he was standing. The sudden; movement threw hien -down a, diistdarice of some 20 feet. Fortunately)A guy roue broke the fall, although he ,landed on hits head. He was removed to the hos- pital where two 'serious cuts were found on ;dale Mead and.a number of other bvtilsea. While.etiffering leoesiderably, he il5 doing Well. zt)tuiellfll;il.i D" HORNI U UF t'ATTLE � 1iI Lee • l itd ;:}slay Aui n is 't sale lies er rets ceders lIrtlls lec,re) '.l terteelcz -. iese't,eic leetatsh Or -a S.:4're li.i.ie. fe#1` k x7.,�aia .Stills- Saw or Eerie e Ilteusfii '4u+'Oldet CratI1C, ;S t,itl '1 ,UL r,I Ly O t, rlu J)a1,arllnr:ht rel. ALiieitlture 'r'orortu.) 11 is e u4, ally realized that here la ,n zdi tet a diaativall,t t and r 'all' c , .i1,1U1..,,..0. 1'ie u eite';iurg, i., Ce.. v,iitr•t.. ,It w(.aL til i f .r0r•ai,r L (sees t?I.a.) Leese (. ti ti,, and a L,11 fJ- 1 t N araCs e 11 , and as' a rsart eke better gains, , Another advan u c,e ;•.rasing is that In silippifl. 1.m.,. eatlie LO :merest . tare danger l,. Jeri it; and bruising each other ia. .,a reed and cJnst:tluenily redueei: waste incidental to the remote_ br tlised parts irom the ca,rcoas r ataugeter. Tee economic wast) .d late thozfgh .bruises inflicted b?. rn , tlt_'usts before slaughter i:: ,; ten greater than is generally reit- „sod. ata•_ .d. Enlists froth this cause ,.tr, teen to incur . a wastage ili sone ir)rrtt;nts of about One per cent. u, .i dressed carcasses, incidental to a riu,i span ., arse of th removal r ru ,°, �s-d parts. ((herring of bulls vendee.. r aisle ;:tt f tl,llJle :ui easily men. . i enioves W.Le rllr'ntice 0, its :tad sel'iolasiy injuring att:on -..7, t t,t.rt:r'3. '.Cele- re s14"+''i; 43%.0413-4.n. � young_i.dt., (•' � 11 -,rel b .,tiL;l In .ir ii>reot' r.N the ebJcctlnlra U! i. la r):�'•. s. llilllrt•w.l S against the ept:' c.el,ornin, atilt eatt10: i duiZ is t,t e toil' f gens il: , � r and is ieod l0 11:. a Silly extent in canes. ses I'ui>a ;r T'l.ca.uleet for Calve •.a+re development of hci•,, geese,. r.t.tSbei eia direly prevented in cal\es. Cne use of causths apI4lied to til, drtirll 1)lLtttaLS ur nubbins” sateet iuh', :•.,til. To be sucecssf:u the cptr, ,oae sh,)u1d be done when the cat: two or three days uld and a, i ase uc•tore it is a week old. eeelying the castle it is best to 1p the hair from 'around the litt.it rlorn torte ,ts" en the heaci :ti t ' , ,,,i buttons" are then zn.,is , d i ,.tl3r and rubbed tllorcu - I'• I: , s ce4ds with either c:+.,:.:i; c rustic soda. After a siror time hes been allowed for the care tic to• tiry, a second ap lle ltic'z i given as before. Teo ceestio can iu obtained ill steal] w]iite sticks, Mem: the size of e pencil, and one c..:. should be wrapped in paper or c ott to protect the iiugels while apse:t .::. it. •Tyvo or three appi!eations of ti caustic, properly done, are s _ti-tr' to destroy and prevent the Imees tr is ever developing. The skin a} i the treated spots should "or' sneaisei with a little Vaseline, and the. c should be protected From rain for day or more. after tre rtn,ent. T : :i§''to. prevent the caustic being wasiL, e. to che-sl rottnd1ng skid and. into t.n'dspots:and sproat t -4 cutting With rens es. When' calves are allowed to go witnont"treatment until they are sev- eral weeks old, and the -horn bet - tons" have developed into projecting knobs, the caustic treatment is not sufficient to entirely destroy growth, and may, permit: an irregular growth of horn to develop. At this age, the best method is to remove the pro- jecting horn knobs by cutting them off 'at their base,. close up to the head, with a sharp knife or with a pair of calf dshorners. In the case: of male calves intended to be kept as bulls, many prefer to defer the dehorning operation until about the age of two or three years, or at a time when the horns are almost fully developed. The , deferring of the operation to this time in the case 01 + bulls generally makes them still more tractable' than if deprived of their horns, while young. in the ease of steers 'anti-; heifers not deprived of their snores while calves, they shoulr, be dehorued before' they reach the age of three years. In dehorning grown :animals, it is essential that they are properly secured and ro strained for the'operation. For this purpose the animal to be dehcrned should be securely fastened in a rack or chute Or a 'solid stanchion. Once the animal is securely fastened, the horns should be reproved with as little bungling as possible. 'Using Saws or Strong Shear's. Mage teiv, aj red 9 It 1' co hk ?W ti otoliristaP}'oiMon' tdtCst�RQC{s lrr ef� elle7lttelioitfeeks; i:mailtitetttteToodeyRegular I it.,6StotnlcltsandBowel5oi`i y,� S V1 '�p r ' ; ®meq+ v�„�;��:)•.��' t 'fherevyPramotitigA nsa• i . Glteerfainea5andltes neither Opitlm,I orCehine nor Mineral. i+(x;t7C'Ultktcal.° Tlerpeaf':r.'dlJic� L1�'l!'17iJlG ll ( Ptmat+an ie Zeus N Noalerre,t�n;, big ew P. ,mill•,14 c to harm Sea (Tor. i+rtL".S r. liDteyymmilaror of t f i. .ir Y uI �f 1? h P ea li �i411S$ilt: tiO3i a11d��ir1 and 1everi :,3ite.apd r. Ss,t sreStittiltgtt,es efroririnlnfan y'ae.8imil° 'Signature of s, i wR.?Wr.,-.t/ ri1CJ`ITREA1,,P. A For Tnfanits arid Chi lc1•re M user That Genuine, Criteria Always :Bears the ,I r 4,. t ig .ature of 4nrYiu ^'rte' ems - Exact Copy of Wrapper. In LeFor Over Thirty Years 7HE CVNTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK cirY. f Yor cannot a Cord a Fru why not buy a nice RiibbA i, Tire Buggy t ESSs —11�- th,erin REP.M R G Painting Ford Car, One 'oat, $15.00, Two Cotte . $20,00 iCovering Ford 1'op Good laterial .. .... ...... $27.00 Changing Ford.. Curtains to open with.Doors .... $5.00 Painting Buggy ... $8 00 IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE ',HAVE 11' WE RERUB14 R YOUR BUGGY WHEELS. Fr pita ess Cort trh iiimemarsemuntsmisxn=mmesismszmaisragnsering,gm-7- i +++++++.H.,+++++++++++++++++,:"+.1.+++++++++++++++++++++4 t..L.S..t..t.h..H.,R..p.++;..?.,;__,•..,•1.M+"i•+fi•+:ai + .+++++++++f++ +++++'.+tio•i fi• LurnberLa1Cs .qhs. e 4 For removing the horns, either n sharp meat saw or a pair of Key- stone dehorning shears may be used. The deeorning shears are most com- monly used, nevertheless the saw Is quite satisfactory and serviceable for small numbers. The main feature is to do the operation as quickly as possible and to remove the horn close up to the heed, about half an inch below the hair line, thus reluovin that mueli of the skin with the horn. It ibis is not done there is a likeli- hood of a secondary growth of irre- gular here taking place, forming projecting horn stubs which are un- desirable and spoil the animal's appearance After the horns are re- mo-ved, no further treatment Is, as a rule, required, unless there is severe bleeding., In Cases of severe bleed- ing, the cure can be• smeared with tar and the opening packed with a place of absorbent cotton, or with it piece of clean ;cheese cloth. This dressing can be allowed to remain for a 'day attd then removed and the parr washed otf with antiseptic sent - titin, cues). as a two per cent. solve tibn of creolin or lysol. With regard to the best time of the year for de - horning adult, cattle, it may be does at any tiiue other than during Ily time in summer and during zero weather in taro cane of cattle winter - fn outside. --Q. 1). 1VifeGilvray, Del. ,V., Ont. Vet, Cilollego, Guelph. ., Many a retired farmer; after buy. leg a oozy bungalow hi town, has da- carted that he Wasn't as tired es be trette,C'iit,l.ie wag,. ". Everything in Combination storm and screen doors ar m ce to order, Lumber and Building Pv' u erk 1`{fn-1i7rt. V' orgy cu r` t IiGIty .Ahvoys in the intarRetfor s w.T-logs ( .m liFLEiSCli1 S . PHONE 69 .,enummasscactt Z U C H v "� +1. +i+ s'+'•++++++4'+++++'»1••, +` +L+++Tice; sf+e+++3•+,rot eiel+ esee + 5 eWHY WE CAN Five Good R. SSLL SUITS FROM 1h10 TO $:1.5 LESS THAN OTHERS. (1. fir. z. + rnanship, second to none, +3, 1 4'44, 1' 4+ 5. We guarantee •satisfaction We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work-, Have only one price for mak ing Suits. The very best linings put in all our garments. money refunded. H T .,1r<tlMG..r9". Ltd.. AND - FUNERAL DIRECTOWi. So �nj et DAY AND NIGHT PIIO,NE No, 8i