HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-17, Page 5Theireday, January 17th, 1924 BUSINESS CARDS Proadiaot, Killoran & Ht'iLVI s': lilarrtelera, Sralicitors, . Notaries,: PubtiEtc. Office: on the Square hind door frarn Hamilton :St, God - Bride Private %unds to loan at iuwest bates. „ ,1 oudfoot, K.C. J. L. Killoran D. E. Holmes, Mr. Holmes will be in Hensel' on Friday of each week. Andrew ,F, Hera, Township Clerk Pieter of marriage licenses, Notary Publics, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- temobile insurance, Representing IlIuroti and Erie Mortgage Corpora - :dim, The Canada Trust . Co. Zurich, Ontario. ...L.. Smith Dr. G. • t.D.S. (Toronto.) .D+D,S„('Chicago) DENTIST AT WALPER HOUSE, ZURICH, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN O ,'k'ICiE — HENSALL A-U-C-T,.Iep.E-EmR OSCAR KLOPP Graduate Carey M. Jones 'Nat- ional School of Auetioneering. Try me for Registered Live Stock (All Breeds). Terris in keeping -with prevailing prices.: Choice dams for sale. Will sell anything anywhere. Zurich. 'Phone 18-93 or write, ili• icensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneer for County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless ,as to size or : articles to sell. I solicit your business; and if not 'satisfied will make ilo charges for aorvices. Dashwood. Arthur Weber, phone 31 r 13. r Zurich Meat Fresh and Salt Meats ts Bologna Saauaa eS, Highest Cash Price for Wouls CASH FOR. SKINS & 1i1DES. Reichert ZURICH LIVERY he I am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any- thing done •in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 69 Zurich O. S. ATKINSON', L.D,S., D.D.S, DENTIST Graduate of •the Royal College o! Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Of the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Mil- itary District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every Wain Office, Exeter. Phone 34. Al Zurich every TUESDAY _10 Phone 79 L I..VE — POU LT R Y WANTED • 'Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Case Prices. Highest •---CA.SR FOR- -Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich • to Fall &Winter Delixeries 1923 ANTHRACITE LACKWANA COAL COKE --Just arrived car of very high grade Coke for Ranges and Furnaces SOFT GOAL—Now in stock, ear of high grade West. ``irghlia Lump. BOU'LE 'S—Nowon Cho -way, :car of our F,ioulets for Ranges and Finn- %ne►s. These are weli known and ,gine good satisfaction ALBERTA COAL—Expect soon, Two (ars of Alberta Coal �. ._ Cara:telt BoA1a1 & PRODUCE. MERCHANT • sifione • Office 10w, • Howse 10.. :It)ffice&Coal Yards, Brock Street, HENSALL CNTiri PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost., Found, io'ti:CE:, Etc„ Ads IN THIS COL rlt_1N • FOR SALE L low dow.k Htessey-Harris nxaa.- eere 'spreader at •a real bargain, L. Prang, Zurich .NOTICE In future T will not be respon. edible for any. patty or partys maks ing debts charged to ane, or for me to settle. Jacob' Oe;sept, Zurich, Ont. +1tI1 M, C'. vItiUke n metoe Id to St- r<tti lI*1 o'i. Sunday 11'it anci avlt r. W, 1'. Truenroo � al 11rrrinli w ' ::r in the villages on Mon day; Ali Vinton G, •De•htz attended a l.tf ay:, 1VCa,s yy Ilarrls Convention of r,on•:i 7n 1<r'1t week Ptt,.ased •to report that Mars. Cyrtit,s, Co1otityy, who lure been ill the Bask week, is able to be a- round again. Mr. . and Me:,. Peter I avel1e ` sp- ent Su,iday with, the farmer's par- ents, lila, and 1dcs, Jos. Eavefle:_at Grand Bend. Ai dealer 01 Zurich and vicinity were act Loudon last Friday even- ing to hoar Hon. Arthur Meig.hen, loadac of flee Conservative party .and premier. m:-.- ideal winter) Weather has pre nile:l til past week. A1tnost MEETING OF HURON envy hind of rehic1ei is in use; the auto ,urilt good, also' the buggy. COUNTY COUNCIL while; °there :slip along nicely with the (adder an.c1 sleigh. The Council of the Corporation of the ;County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderieh at (z o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 22nd day of Jan- uary, 1924. All accounts against the County must ba in the hands off the ,Clerk not later than Mon- day proceeding the meeting of Council. Goderieh, GEO. W. HOLMANy :County Clerk January 2nd, 1921 NOTICE The Annual 'Sleeting of the Zur ich Agricultural !Society will be. held in the Town Hall, Zurich. on Saturday, January 19th. at 1.30 o'- clock, wheri.t he Treasurer's annual financial report will he given', a- lso foe election of officers and bus- iness•in. general for the benefit of the Society. Andrew F. Hess, Secy -''rens. e W. S. Johnston, President. WANTED To rent rt fatni on shares for season, 1921.. - Apply at ,Herald Office. STRAYED • a.rui my _ pr axsC s, Parr Lille; flay Tp., sone 'tiale ago; tr red ;rifer 18' months old. Finder: kine dl•v notify , Herb. :Disjardiue, 'Hen- Taal P O, ' FOR SALE A good seeondhand baby car- riage for sale. Din be seen at 1lelick & Braun's Furniture Store FARM FOR SALE A fine 75. acre. farm about five miles from Zu.rieh has been placed in my hands for Jselling. On • the farm is 6 arras good bush, bank barn, silo, and. other outbuildings, and good brick ciwellin;. Farm is well fenced and drained acid water supply is excellent. , For particulars.apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. 21-4 • In renewing your subscriptions for your daily and weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for moat of them and in Sonia cases can save you as in:Lich as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion, Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OII. FORFORD CARS. GU ARANTEEI) TO STOP THE:CHAT TERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. t118 COAL Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace On Hand Case $& Son PHONE 35 HENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D, S., D. 1). S. DENTAL- SURGEON I R'ARTLI';I13'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD ; Th? ere t 1 in e'i z • o' the Zur'eh Pull's Library will be held in`the Jodi ' Hall, on Monday evening.. Jaener v 2tnt. at 8 'o'clock. If you are .irrlorest:ed in reading please at tench tine meeting. S r ne once by •mietalee put tWo sm 1.11 pu'eels into. the wrongcut- s' int theEvangelical church :sheds o i fietttr.lay evening. Such par- tt' erne have sours by calling at ll veld ,,nice and proving prop - et i yy and pay this adv. . O tc is to the delay in receiving :, 1921 auto rria.rkera, the Depart- Inter epart- I t l e Highways has passed an Or;let In-Couneil, granting the f�'i21 linestee t- be good for the months of January, after whichtinie tit. 1921 marker:; will be supp1'ied Reti f i:: iently for the demand The t.eachers . of the Ev. Luther- an Sunday' School held their yearly ii'r tti i; at which the following of - ,c ryr.� wig: elected; Mr. Henry J-F,a 1hI, Supeiinteudent; "Miss 4'i,, :ii •sews, Secy. iVrr. Louis Iv+a3; I%tiss Freda Kalbfle- iieh, 47eryatrews Jubilee Fund; Miss P. Johnston,, organist. Mr, and Mrs. Wen. Rader, enter- tains4 a ma:Tiber `of their friend anal relatives to n athi.ptuous fowl suppee last Tu . ;' '•y evening. A• • +,tong those rw-sen,: were; Mr. ,an Mee. Con: Sehri'bee Miss Greta ' chilbe; '_Vine. Al Rek ; Miss L.RoS l,e'tr. and Mie II, Rem'be; Mr. and '411'x. Mine ,,,�,eler.t he lathe v hosts -As aei well as :Mis :SL,Ilnan sn- ared no pal to in making the 'sup 'ter' a l,,y;i'a_rble :t`.titir, Th LA_+p•u.tnient o^. Rotti t,ra'. o-, this Ontario Agricultural C61 las, C#u, 1pli its, nuttin,, on a four ,ve ith coarse in horticulture, conisii tine; of .le^tures a'td dem nstrat- ,1on9 by” Members of the College S' n.enshen�d ,•. number i f prominent h)i' I''ul ti i 14 fon otic:i l" eon' s The CC, lr ,:h i'S en '1• e t -.f -tau to tl OS wh t ',ri''i to ai:1:)n°l, it starts on J^.:n 2t .-, 1924. a d 1 e 1 t►.. x s St Tl er t'aral prole n iris busy, it is sell; machin n net how to talk Men; '-i ni i't hr:: been niad0 a monkey 03 by ih'' non ensical gab he. has pass lit oat to the public. We heV heath of f•:,lk;• rayinjg $101 • a lecturo for ntonkeyia.lk and the talk-aI tiet 1li:i not live across the international bound.t:v either nor ra tliis� fact ancient history. The Darwinian theory" hay reverse ear mark that man sonieti.nies deoend's toward :hie monkey- relatives,—Br- tosses Post. 'The Zurich Branch of the Wpm, elle' institute held their monehly T, , meeting in the Ln,dit:fs Hall on the evening of Wedne day Janu:�ry with a good atte•nclanee The meting opened with ?tars. C. Fritz in the ebeir, devotional ex- erei es and an address of welcome and a ]eager on iB'ouse Prick," 101 - lowed: by, an instrumental selection by Mrs. O'Dwyer. Little Mae In - gold Smith ;ave a short. recitat- ion. A very' instructive and in- spiringpaper on "Hobi'1,and Co- untry," ivae given by Mins Lorne Tett and tt dulatt'I�yi the; Miss Rout- ledge and Silbert. Ivtrs. C' L. Smith, gave a short paper on the. "Promises to a child," and also (o Petiort talk on, the same subject. The meeting, was then left in i the lian'3s of the presidents Meg, P. Manssoi, who took up the busint?ss part of the meeting. It wets- diec ided Walt a vote of thanks be gi- e'en to Mr. John Douglass foe his kindness in donating a load of choice hard wood to the Institute which is very much appreciated. After discussing other 'subjects, the meeting then closed. O'BR IEN—RI C'H ARDS O N A very pretty wedding was �sol- emnised at the home) of Mr. and Mrs. John, Richardson of the Parr Lints, :Ray Township, on Wednes- day 'J'armary 91111, when their eld- este daughter, Vera Etesella. was un ited in marriage to Win. Lloyd 0':. Brien;, son of Mr. and Mee, Wm. O'isrien of Zurich, The ceremony vas perferimed by 'Rev. A. Sinclair, of Hensall. The young couple, wno are both very popular in Zttr• ch. will reside here', having taken rooms, raj part of Mrs. C. Wagner's residence. a large number of Val- uable and useful gifts testify to the esteem he +Which the happy young soupier ane! held. The herald joins with their many friends ie extend' ng best wishes. At McCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday acrd Saturday. Main ice iVI Of i • f11. i< I ll: ,.CU. ,. 1i lent of i,t ury 1i' it ll'. t.:T.:4t,1, aoaur fir l 14111 FJ i;ut iuipr ve__. -• vi\ and a ;: • Luu1 develuy..:.. s.rd th< uuuern type of tai'ni ,.4urnes' yihen Tools Were lie .aEy Valued. Tools were values In the early days because such. were irar'd to get. •i'here was no waste of lwrtu equip- ment then; the spade and the scythe were valued ay ratlek as tile sliotgnll. Gonditlons have ci angeci during the past.' Century, The prog: ass is now ,narked by an abundance of tools, implements and machines for every purpose •in agricultural production and harvesting—in abundance of machines so great that we see waste un • every hand. Ploughs, tillage machines and harvesters neglected and expowrcl to the weather, rust and uveas out before giving hall' se:vice'. The waste of tools, implements, iria- t.Itinrs and articles of farm entail,» ,tient amounts to many thousands GI dill ars each year. • Neglect of Inple.1:nuts and Toais let Criminal Waste. -Neglect to put machines unt:.•c cove?, to apply weather -prow -tat, paint, to keep sharp all cutting ,parte, to o11 or otherwise lubricate all hc• ;r- ings is reducing the efficiency ant sho teuing the period of usetul,ii se of equipment in which many ,natio:', of dollars of farmers' money hat;; been invested. The machine or 'tel is not -the only loss, since the power. r. either horse, motor or man, is :tl: reduced • through having to weak with a tool or• irnplemeet nut in the best conditleu. This double liabilit . while fully appreciated by the angst efficient or business type ul i'arl+l 1. is a matter that should be uncia stag ,' all who own or work with farm tools. Tho Lire.or a Grain Binder. In the hands of good men a grain binder lies beer, known to last and do 100 per cent. efficient work for thirty years. 10 the hands o1 eare- lees men grain binders have been racked to pieces in less than five years, through .such treatment al neglect tooil and to keep belt -i ,:gat. The reward for eliicienc: might here be expressed as the pri,ao Uf°•:firein .,r r t b d� s over a p..uoc. of liliri,s+ Yeari.—L. Stevenson, Sec. Dept. of .A.grTcuiture, Toronto. The Jointer Plough. The jointer plough was uevelope,l • hroirgh-thi' appreciation of ploug% makers of the necessity or mixing vegetable latter with t+,e soil awing the ploughing operation. The jointer is a miniature plough attached to the main plough beam in such 0 posi- tion as to cut and roll a small Ann's: slice into the bottom of the furrow; and just ahead or the furrow slip,. turned by the plough ,mouldboard. This arrangement permits the turn- ing of a wider furrow slice and puts all vegetable matter well under the cutter of the turned furrow slice. Jointer ploughs are equipped with a shorter mouldboard that is shaped to invert the furrow slice; more curl or steeper are the terms generally used to describe the jointer plough mouldboard. A wheel and a land- slide designed to keep the plough straight of uniform depth and steady are also part of the jointer plough. equipment. Shorter handles, shorter beam, • and shorter ntoulboard aro eheractenisti.cs very pronounced when the jointer type of plough is com- pared with the Scotch or long plough tepee—L. Stevenson. Half -Acre Garden Gives Big Retui n. You can make on an average $44 net on a half -acre garden on your farm. Can you Make as much on a half -acre in any other way? The thing "leas been worked out by the Illinois Experiment Station. After dive years, this station found that the • av'.:.age gross income from its half- , acre garden was 174,85. With a labor cost of $25.71 and expenditures for seeds, plants, and inseetioid.es of $5.08, the net return wase $44,06. Here is what the Illinois garden pro- 'duced in its last year Onions, green 36 dozen, ripe 2 bushels; asparagus, 104 pounds; radishes, 103 dozen; lettuce, 22 bas- kets; turnips, green 5 baskets early 10 dozen, late 2.6 bushels; rhubarb, 34 pounds; spinach, 21 baskets; peas, 11 baskets; beets, green 8 baskets. early 16 dozen, late 8.9 bushels; cab- bage, early 108 heads, late (large) 24, .late (small) 24; beans, string 16 pecks, lima 14 pecks; early potatoes, b 'bushels; parsley, supply; cauli- flower, early 25', late 10; carrots, ear- ly, 24 dozen, late 7 bushels; squash, suux'mor 93, winter 330 Pounds; sweet oorn, 47 dozen; tomatoes, ripe. 26 bushels, green 7 bushels; eucum- bers, slicing 387, pickles 76; musk- melons. 1,185 pounds; watermelons, 2,063 pounds; 'egg plant, 41 fruits; peppers, 4 pecks; parsnips,' 3,4 bush- els; salsify, 1,2 bushels; winter rad• ishee, 3.1 bushels; celery, 20 dozen. Corning Beef In the Horne. The pieces of beef eommonly used for corning are the plate, rump, cross ribs, and brisket, or in other words the Cheaper cuts of meat, The lour, ribs, and other fancy cuts are more often used fresh, and sauce there is more or less waste of nutrients In eorrt.i.rrg, this is well, The pieces for corning sliiottid be out lrrto eon'eii tent -sized joints, say 5 or 6 iii0her¢ ;V99tiI8 'llteb,roprida fyorh!tantlierlitIti$ AV elablePrep' dbt olfrit 51 simitatingtheFo Y iiagtllsStomachsandBowetso il? TherebyPromolingDiga tin , ie kfteerfulnessandlies J tet:no' neither d Ietln,Morp 1Vjinerat N€Ii7.+ PiAlWO7r16 DClpaaf zc f?r..,S f earl Pwap%,si, .stY� 71onlie �.f'a7ds i tl Anpplirn7ini llarbr� t.4; 4 fox S rd Ghrnfi. rd,{VgG,' frail! `;°: .Ahelpf ullled edy ii and b, 6,otaFeverishness rishness and Lose niefan xe54i1tin� afro ,, ...._. reat�t� )i'a^Bunte Sisna ',fuE1 C1 NTAlir2 CionmAN'I 1 MaNTTtCAL,F• For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of in Use For Over Tharp Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. 'IWAUSAMINSAGEMEERLIONMINGIGNI If' Yor cannot afford j 1•, old by not buy a nice Rubber T e Buggy Ti.l•� SS sells them REPAIRINW. Painting Feed Car, One,'oat, $1.5.00, Twc Colts -. $20.00 iCo Tering Ford Top - Good 'material ... ... _.. ,.27.00 Changing Ford Curtains to open with i)novi ... .. $5.00 $8.00 Painting Bugggy IF YOU WANT SFRVICG, WE HAVE 1 r .. WE R +'RUBliElll YOUR. BUGGY BVI?EELS, Fm '». 'sM ��'"" 'mai M•Rsn a nlsx r.s,: a:i xeraaa +•F•F•+d•+•a +++F•++++ •: + r ++ ;, ;..,:.++eolds+e +++++++++++++,e -e++++++,1 Lumber Laths Eb.ing1e Everything iv., Combination storm and screen ne.... A r..d - (,r: older, Lumber and Bufldi 4• Cull(;ii-i V ork ct3),. Always n. tl)e. ma1•1c( LtD. PHONE ��ll orummarrelorrerw + + •i++,t ++0+++1,+,',,7': +,,.. ,4..g.,},.f..i..b.4 ++F+i•++"i.+-ee,.;e,i..;,., r. .r:,#,h?,.g.+ +++ ++,* 1 .4,,,,„....„_, .4r,: •� �'...R �i✓ 11C o 'h---P--3+-•F--rig—•t'— I'—+—•i•—•3»—�h— �k--3�--.,y+_,..e��_. g,_,..,,....x_.a, „1,..._.1,_ �'� 1U0K �a .. �y,� 'En C ccc,!S. ••wH Y WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM $10 TO (115 LESS THAN OTHE.t2S. r We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none, Have only one price for mak./ ing Suits. The very best linings put in all our garments. We guaranteesatisfaction money refunded. Reasons OK*z • reit '° • ® HOFFMAP ., AND L ... 1 `�"�;ILOI� � D �lri�'� BOO 4. s:w ,+ t+,, DAY AND NIGH T PIIOts.NE No. 80 .,+r—+7.4.4" A A 4 1 1 4 V