HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-17, Page 4Ft
• 14a.-7:7,-*,-
•Ga ..r :7,-*,o,..1.M.
.8' 1:$4. >i1 .114X41).
'abed Wednesday noon from the
1b$er.iPtion Terms; $1.25 per year
at'lvanee i $t'a0 may be charged
m•i. ra.ot so paid. U. al. eubseriuti.
.;One $1,75 strictly 'lex est vance: l'o•
" Rape disoontinrued until all ar-
}ai:are paid ente,a$ nt the option
"taw= publislu'r_ '''ho .date to
'which every subeeci n}.ion is maid
4' 1Frota'ad ota 'thr; 1 i Fie)
llidiseellaneou,s articled of not
'•Mavis than five lines,. For Sale, To
dint, or Wanted Lost, Found, etc.,
,each in.Norton 25a.
Address all communications to
Display Advertieing-Made known
Stray Animalq—One insertion 50e
Vireo Insertions $1.00.
Perm or Real Estate for sale
42 for first month, $1 or each sub-
alegnent insertion.
Professional Cards not exceeding
inch, $5 per year.
lees, reading matter, 10c a line :for
hard of Thanks, In Memoriam, 50c
Local and Legal advertising not -
'first insertion and 5c per line for
'each subsequent insertion.
SUCTION SALES—$2 per single
areeeetion ifnot over five inches in
Effective after Jan. 1st. 1920
Here and There
Sixty per cent of Hamilton's
;population own their own homes, a
'feet revealed by the figures of the
IOW assessment for the Ontario
city, which, according to these fig-
Ires, has 26,259 dwellings and 457
' espartments.
The great flour movement over
the wharves at Fort William and
:Port Arthur this season has been
unprecedented, according to reports
eat • the Canadian Pacific Railway,
which, by the end of October, had
shipped 239,085 tons of flour to
lower Lake ports.
Port Arthur's building permits
;ter the ten months ending October
'Showed a total of $2,682,055, which
is the biggest building year in the
zstory of this Ontario city, exceed -
lug even the total for 1021, one of
'Mae real estate .,,boom Years.
Mr. R. Willert left for Detroit
ernl Monday.
Mr. .Lloyd Edighoffer of Loam -
lug is visiting his p+arent'e, Mr. and
/Ars. G. Eclighoffer.
Mr. and Mrs. E'. Gesell of Zurich,
visited with Mr. and 1Ylre. 1T. •El-
eeie on Sunday.
The stork hay thi'e week made
H. Kraft the proud posses -
leer of a young son.
'Niles Hazel Snell spent Thurs-
day in, London.
Miss Freda Schroeder enterta-
ined a nulm,ber of her pupils on•
Wednesday evening.
T. Klumpp made a business trip
to London., Saturday.
Mrs. Geo. Merner who bas been
thR sack list for same time as
eolowly recovering.
Several from herr* attended the
an rears) oaf the late Mrs. Frederick
.chroe•der at Zurich', on. Monday.
Mr. H. ,Callfals is this weak at-
eendi'ig the funeral of a relative
:Don'tLforget the band concert on
:fir;lay evening. A. splendid pro
Nit will be eentlercd by the bellea
'Nand tattier local talent. This is
Sic fira't conceit the boys have g;i-
event and we hope it will ,bea eus-
The Oouncil of the Township of
Hay, met according to the Munic-
ipal pct, on 11.Toeday. Jury 14th,
-.`arae the Towniehir Hill, Zur eh. when
the folluwing ;subscribed to the De-
larati,n of riffeee ane) evoneriel
;ualification;—Reeve, G. F. Klopp.
c,1ouncillors—L. lig. Radek, J, P.
eOM, '4V'. R. Deegan..,. Reichert.
'The Council was then organi?ed for
The year 1924.
`The a.nmtz d in^etine4 of the 'stab-
aefteribere of the Han 1\lunicipal Tel-
x"hnne System will be held. on
' aatur hy, January 201h, 1024, at two
a; .lock, p.rn.
The Township Clerk was instr-
"ueted to subscribe for seven eop-
i`dle oft he Municipal World; one
ner>py for each of the following ; Re -
wove', Councillors, Clerk and Asses-
The following were appointed
443 officials of the Township of
hair for the year 1924, at the eater-
ies stated andthat n By-law be
' r.repnred 'Confirming the 'amee —
erk and Treasurer, A. IF. Hess.
dare Township $360.003 re 'Township
,oeds, $20.00; re. Telephone $180.00
aseeearar. W. T -C. Edi lrot`fea. $129.00;
collector, R. Miller, $45,00; Auditµ
esf't%e, Win. S. Johnston and John A.
'»' rukth, $12.00 each. Caretaker of
Ia all, Mus. L. Rum $10.00; Mem-
' k en of Board of health; A. Heide -
,en ,
eide-.' a'r.i,i, Seta': dry 711sp ecto s, oast -
nn DiVi io.i; r3. '' l :iwa; el•;,
.ern l3l*`vaion., 0,
The following accounts were pact
(ante-Pie Hospital,
Friday lam. 18111, Saturday Jan. 191h
Lampe, .,29, 40 and 60 watts 35e.
Lamps, 25 watt. round frosted :Ow
Lamps 100 Nitro lamps, Mazda .950.
Fuse Plugs i2 for 25c.
Westinghouse Heaters 10.50
Westinghouse Toasters 5,75
- 4 for
. 86e
.3 for 23e,
..i, 1.90
Oha'moi'sette, Fabricant Cuff 75e and 80c.-..a..r
Last Popular Songs .350.
1 dozen sheets popular music ... ...25c,
3 fold 90c
Foolscap ......e ..,... a45 eh. for 25c. ....e (r i0 sh,.for.,25c
Scout and Alger Books ......( ... , 5e. and 35e. _.....e _ ..._.,_.....11.,e & 2: e
Fiction 60c. 50c
Kodak Albums 1.25 ....., a $1.00
Hess - Milliken, Zurich
months $39.00; Municipal World,
dogt age, !subscriptions and sup-
plies 54.17; Nomination expenses,
9.00; E. F. Klopp; re Thos. Bestow
to County Home 5.25; 1. J. Rout-
ledge re Board of Health 5.00; Mol -
sons Bank, Exeter. revenue 'stamp's
1.06; D. Shirray'', Coni.. wrk, rd. 1.
20.00; A. Dick teaming' gravel rd.
14 7.50; Childron's Aird & Haim. Soc.
Goderich, grant 10.00; Sick Childr-
en's Hospital, Toronto. grant 5.00;
Can. Bank Comm. Dashwood, fees
re tax collections 7.75; H. Howald,
labor telephone office 21.75; R.Cud-
more, liure for telephone office 5.20
Nori h. Electric Co, supplies- 6.17;
Strornberg-Carlson; Co. supplies
82.91; Bell Tel. Co!. tolls 30.82; M. G:
Deitz, 3 months salary 412.50; P.
Mcisaac, 3 months salary 462.50.
The council adjourned to meet
again on Monday, Feb. 4th: at 1.30
o'clock, p.m.
L4.. F. Hess, Clerks
A very 'sad and sudden death
•occured in, Sea'torth on. Sunday ev-
ening lest', when Mrs. •Wni. Deere
passeavd away at the f&nily .ho-
me ton West 'William St.b., after an
illereles of only a day in her 57th
year. 'AU the menzbers;of her fam-
ily had been home for the Xmas.
holidays, and when her youngest
daughter returned to Leamington',
Mrs. Deem accompalrlied her to the
station and while out contracted
:a cold.
A quiet wedding took place at
Clandeboy*e, on Saturdoy January
.5th, when Lillian. youngest daygh-
te'r of Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Lewis;` of
;Clandeboye, wall united in marri-
age to Wfm.. Erle, Young. of Lon-
don,' 'son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Yo-
unge of Clandeboy,e Rev. Dr. Mc-
Nair 'officiated.
tl quiet wedding was solemnized
at the Methodist parsoianage', Sea -
forth on Tneeday evening,
ar8tha at 9 o'clock, when Mee
Olive M. Taman), daughter of Mr.
.Tohn: Tainan, of Cochrnae and for-
merly of Tuckersmith, was united int
marriaget o Roy McGeocli, eldest
son. of Mr. and Mrs. S. McGeoch, of
Egmorith isle, the ceremony being
performed by Rev. R Fulton Tr -
As the Wingham-London train, in
charge of Conductor A. L Me
Dontald, pelted into the Wingham Wes. Green, Robt. Mosseaue and
station last Monday night: a wo-Wes. Nichols left for +D- etroit wast
roan. with two children on a sleigh! week.
attempted to cross the tiaekcs, de-
spite the warning of the engine
whistle and bell. For a moment
the woman on realizing her great
danger started to ;scream. W(
Hall, the engineer at, once applied
the brake and brought the train
to a stop. A. ;snowstorm was rag-
ing at the time.
A (happy event: took; place at
the Blyth rectory, on :Knee. Day
when Miss Cala Beacoint, of Chile
ton, and Fred Slonian. former, grin
cipai of Blyth public fji.cnool n
of Englejhart, Ont. were united in.
marriage by Rev. Wr. B', Flawkinse
rector of Trinity church.
Mr. and tiles. Wt. T1. Box, of Sea -
forth', celebrated the golden anniv-
ersary of their marriage at a fain-
ily dinner held in their hotnor an
January 5th; at the residence of.
their eldest soma, H. C. Box. Seaf-
orth. Mr. Box came to Canada f
om London, Eng. in 1852 and sett-
led inl Woodstock till 1854, after-
wards residing near Exeter. • In
1868 he -went to California: where
remained' 2 ylears and returning lo-
cated/ in Stratford, where in comp-
any with B. Mclvoy, he carriedon
a furniture factor.). In 1874 he was
married in. Ailsa Craig to Miss' Mary
Hartlieb', of South Entethope eonne
ing with his \Daee to Sea.orelk!Ti..
1875, where they have
ided. l
Mrs. Harrison Holtzman and
Mrs. FL kinif have returned totheir
hontes in Detroit, after visiting in
then village for a time.
Mns. Werner returned hone af-
ter an extended visit with friends
in. the west.
Victor Trestle; of Chatham. is
visiting with Mr. andyio Those
Mr!s. Leah lloltealanl, of town.
has gone to visit with Mrs. Di.
Schtvanz of Clinton
Mis's Beatrice Heist has returned
to Naperville to perform her dut-`
lee at College.
Merle Clark has returned after
visiting in \ alkervilie.
Roy Wolf and Mrs. HF J. leloir
have returned to Detroit after sp-
ending a few weeks with Mrs. 0.
Spring Wedding Suits
If You anticipate getting married
this Spring; You want some slick
looking Duds.
Here's a 'Tip
Itwill pay you to come here and see how swell we Cm r fit,;you
up at a moderate cost.
If you are thinking eaa the new Suit, and .not thh Wedding,, come
here anyway. We will .certainly pat forth our ewer, effort to irahke
you satisfied in ever* particular.
,Cwstomers Who have not as yet received an of out Cale dare
may just j step in and get `one; asthere are a few left, ,
E. E. Wroth, Tailor, Zurich
Iklr an,d.. 1vlrs. Well. /leaver have
returned from Kitchener,: where
fb.ey spent a couple of 'weeke
with their daughter, Mies Salina,
other relatives;
Alexander Smillie, of Toronto,
WOO in the village during the past
visiting his mother, Mr 0.B. Sinn-
lieof (h village.
Mies. Irene Douglas hale return-
ed from a visit to Teniesse.
Miss Florence Foss has returned
from .'Toronto, where she 'spent a
couple of w:eeke very pleasantly
with friends.
X hire. Frank Horton is leaving
this week for a trip to Florida for
the winter; accompanied by her co-
usin, Mrs. Gobson .of Toronto,
Our ska'tin'g rink isnow in tall
swing and is being patronized.and
the,,,ida' is in pretty good condit-
ion, The rink promises )tie •afford
many pleasant evenings.
Mrs. Harpole and little daugh-
ter, of Zealandriu. Sisk. were here
of a visit. Mrs. Harpole was Mise
Grace Horton, daughter of Hy. Hor
ton, near Brucefield.
Miss Dolly •Carlirf„ of Seaforth;
and formerly oo our village) was
here recently spending a week
with! Mrs, A. S. Case and other fri-
Mr. and Mrs. E. Drummond and
Miss Margaret spent =a couple of
weeks in Toronto with their sons
and other relatives.
R. E. Cook, our up-to-date ba=
k'er, hays owing to the heavy show
had to More his bread truck and
resort to horses . and !sleigh. He
has fitted up an attrctive sleigh
fort he winter months, to deliver
bread to his numerous customers.
in neighboring town's.
Rev. Wf. P(..Donellye of ,Ex-
eter, will give hist well known lec-
ture entitled a"Ma.rriage,' The Pike's
Peak of Success" int the Methodist
church on Wednesday eve.rring,Jan. ;
ieth, there will also be instrumen- i
tal and vocal numbers given.
The' first meeting of the , Board!
of Snilool Trustees for Henisall wail
re'''reed chairman for 1924 and took
charge of the meeting, A. L. Case.
was re-elected as Sec.-Treas.
Mrs. •D. q. McGinnis!, who had a
stroke of paralysis some weeks a-
go continues poorly.
Mrs. (Rev.) Gc.Ci Gifford of Lu-
nn passed away early in tthe we-
ek after an illness of 'several mon-
John L. Powell left last week
for late lzor«aila i SSan Franoiseo . ,Cal,,
after wi'siting with his, brother; St-
ephen) and other friends in thin
1SIr. and Mrs Rt. ],twiny and Mi.
and Mrs, R, Davie of Fairgroveci
Mioh„ visited Mrl, S. Howard,
last week.
I J. G. Dow shipped a car of her
'ses to Montreal on Saturday and
one et Monday. '
H. ,A;, Hooper, of Racon'vilie',
(S esk,, is visiting with Mi+. and Merl,
'C. F'. Hooper.
Mr. and .IV,Li's, D. Koehler, of 1� -
chener, who have been visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mee. F. Wit-
ever, ha'are returned to K.itcbener,
Mr. and Mrs, E. Rivers and Minta
E. Leitch, of Edron6 Alta.. who have
been visiting with the fornier's per
encs, lir. and Maid Want Rivers.
have gone to Montreal and New
York whore they will spend a few
weeks 'before returning to Exeter.
S. M Sauedrs has resigned hie
position as manager of the Exeter
Warming factory and will devote
his attention to his new factories' at
Exeter and Hensall. The St, M.
Sanders Mfg, 'Co., formerly the Jac-
k'son Mfg. Co. Mr,. Luther J. Pen -
hale is taking over the managem-
ent of the Canning Factory.
Also repair any make of car
Thursdaye ,7'enuary flab; 8$!f
-peewee eaelaalaareeneVaragea
T. Ll., .CRERAR;
Farmer leader of the Progress..
ivier party', who may be Called into,
Premier King's cabinet. It isisaid'
it may lead the tivNy for ,a eapproe
clement of Liberals and Wester
Auto Repairing t
We have made arraingerent,s with
the Ford Motor Go. as well as with 1
Cook Bros. Hensall, to handle
Genuine Ford Parts
and always keep a ood. supplyon I
Mr. Peter Kroff, mechanic.
L. A. Prang, Zurich Ont.
++++++++ 4.o°'' ++ear++++ ++++4 ++++ +4.4++444.4..4.44+++++ .
The certificate as NJ,a,wn 2160 VC evil! be 'staled to art passengers aboard The .Eagan:as Of On„aala wino appear, -
before Neptune, a+, i114 those passengers on the i5mpress of 1Pranee last year, rvho are shown In pletureta
When to travel upon the sea was to venture in great
danger it was usually thought wise by the voyagers
to propitiate the god of the waters by making gifts to him
before setting sail, apd oftentimes, when Neptune dis-
played his wrath at sea, human sacrifices were made to
hirn. To our superstitious ancestors the son of Saturn
and Ops had great power over the waves, especially those
of the sea, and had, therefore, in his hands the welfare of
all vessels and their human andother freight. The
worship of Neptune was early introduced into Rome,
and July 23rd, "Neptunalia," was his feast.
As science reduced the terrors of the] sea, and
education and higher civilization erased the sometimes.
terrible superstitions from the minds of the world,'so the
worship of and sacrifices to Neptune ceased, but even to
this day he is venerated by many Latin' and Scandinavian
sailors and no ship'
crosses s the equator without some
recognition being Made of him, Usually this takes the
form of a burlesque performance in which those who are
making their first "crossing of the line" are tritiated into
the mysteries of the deep.
The unique photograph reproduced above was taketke
aboard the Canadian Pacific "Empress of France" while -
or; a "Round the World" cruise last year. Neptune, •.
boarded the great liner in the early morningof the day
on which the "line'' was crossed, and held court, He
was attended by the Royal Barber and other high'
officials who assisted in the initiation ceremony, Moet
of the passengers were summoned to his august precea
and were tried far their misdemeanour, runislimett or,
praise being awarded without favor. Those who
ducted evidence of having been "itritiated' before were,;
of course, exempt from trial,
This year, when Neptune boards the Empress oto
Canada, which leaves New York on a Round the World •
cruise on •Antony 30th, his secretary will issue to all
who pass before the God of the Water certificates
, to
which will,
be coir r ,
r ter�i
by Captain S.
Robinson, R.N.11,, who commands the vessel, and which)„
besides being valuable souvenirs of the trip, will exempt,;.
the holder front further trial.