HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1924-01-10, Page 5Tisuroelf,15 J'anua'ry 1O1:h', 1.12$ BUSINESS CARDS Prowdfeet, RRiBoren & HOLM 'S, Ilarraetexe,' Solicitors, /Jeweled, Pu ?ilia Etc. Office on the S.luar, , lied duos,• £tour Hamilton St G06- '01103 Private funds to loan at lowest rales. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, F„„7ntI ANotice, *ipV4A ds: zN Taps comma; W Prouclfooi, w,C,' cT..L idillu:ran �• S. Iohnee, FOR 'SALE W. r. Holmes will be in Hensen on Friday of t,acii 'week. , A„ low 14OWZy l alsaey'•Hari i t7ian- W^"-sess`eseeseeew"seeddied„""'"a'"a"""`n""'"'n.`dddd" lu e spread -:1d at a real bargain. L. Andrew F, Rees, Townehin Clerk 1tbiner ci rirarriagc licenses, Notary il`giblits, Cummissionor, Fire and Aut- �>tuobile Iusurauce, Representing $alrot► and. ,Erie Mortgage Cornora- tIon, The Canada Trust Co. Zurich, Ontario, L. Smith L.D.s. ((Toronto,) . ,D,S„ e'Chicago) D1 NT.IT ,AT WALPER HOUSE, zlJRICTI, EVERY WEDNESDAY MAIN OFFICE HEN$ALL. OSCAR KL,OPP • Graduate Carey Ivi. Jones Nat- ional School of Auctioneming• y me for Registered. Live Stock; (All Breeds), Terms in keeping with prevailing prices. Choice farms for sale. _ Will sell anything anywhere. Zurich.Flames 18-93 or write, Licensed Auctioneer Licensed Auctioneerfor County of Huron. In a position to con- duct any auction sale, regardless *8 to- size or articles mdse 1. if not solicit your "business: satisfied will awake no charges for services. Arthur Weber, Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. • Zurich Nevi Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna. Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool! CASF{ FOR SKINS & HIDES rtragbotL` Reicher ZURICH LIVERY 1' am in a 'position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Line, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL Zurich Phone Sts. d. S. ATKINSON', L.D.S., D.D.S, DENTIST• Graduate of '• the Royal College of Dental Surgeons 'of Ontario and et the University of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Nil- ' teary .District No. One, London,Ont Office hours at Zurich every TUESDAY AND FRIDAY frons 10.00 a.m. until 5.00 p.m at the: Com- mercial House. Main Office at Exeter, Ont., Phone 34. -19 LIVE POULp `RY WANTED Waken every day till 3 Oelock p.m. Do not teed fowl same morning when brought in, Highest Cash Prices C:ASF! FOR-- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phohe g4, , Zurich C ' A 4. Fall &Winter Deliveries,1923 'ANTHRACITE LACKWANA A . COAL COKE-Jttst atrived ear of very thigh grade Coke for Ranges and Furn aces SOFT COAL -Now in 'stock, ear of high grad e, West V Virginia' Lump. ROULLTS--Now on the Way, car of our T5oulets for R,a'ngee and Fnrn- cites, These ate well known and give good satisfaction ..LI3ERTA. COAL -Expect 'soon, Tyra Carl of Alberta Coal ixa.te1a'x . �s ao&D & PRODVClf .MElECNAWV !Phone' Office low, House 10j, Ottice&Coal Yards, Broclt Street, HEN A,LLON" `wr Prang', Z eel ah, NOTNCE Irl future I will not be iespon- nible roti any, partyor partys mak- ing debts •changed to me, or for me to rsettie, Jacob Oesch; Zurich Ont. MEETING OF HURON. COUNTY. COUNCIL The Counjcil of the Corp -oration of ilia ;Connjty of Huron Will iueet in the Council Chamber, Godericb tat o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 22nd day of Jan- uary, 1924. All accounts against the County taunt be in the .hands Mon- daythe Clerk not later than rilota- day proceeding the meeting of iC'ottilcil. • CGBO.W. HOLMANy County Clerk. Godericb', January 2nd. 1921 NOTICE The Annual Meeting' of the Zur ich -Agricultural Society will be held in the Town i.fall, Zurich, on Saturday, January 19th. at' 1.30 o'- clock, wheat he Treasurer's annual financial report will be given, 'al - iso for election of officers and bus- iness itt general far the benefit of the Society. Andrew F. Hess, Secy.•Treas. W. S. Johnston, President. WANTED To rent a .arm on shares for season, 1021. -Apply at Herald Office: • STRAYED Front. my premises, Parr Line, iiay• Tp:,. aonxs time ago; a red heifer IS month'; Ohre Finder kin- dly notify Herb. Disjardiue; Heb call,-: P.Q. . FOR SALE A good secondhand baby car- riage for sale. Oan be seen at 1elick & Braun's Furniture Store. FARM FOR SALE A fine 75 acre farm about five miles from Zurich has been placed in n,y hands for .'selling. On the farm is 6 acres good hush, bank barn, silo, and other outbuildings, and good brick dwelling. Farill is well fenced and drained and 'tater supply ie eexcellent, , For particulars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. 21-4 In renewing your subscriptions fox your daily and'weekly papers remember the Herald Office is agent for most of them and in some cases can save you as much as 50 cents on a single subscript- ion; Tuxedo Chatterless AUTO OIL FOR FORD CARS. GU ARANTEED TO STOP THE CHAT BERING OF BANDS. Sold By L. A. PRANG, Zurich. tfls COAL Supply Of Chesnut and Furnace On. Hand Case & Son PHONE 35 IIENSALL -17 Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S:, D. 'D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At 1v1cCormick Block, Zurich, ev- ery Thursday and Saturday. Main Office ,::: 1HART'1',,1.'I.IB'S BLOCK, D.AS], WOO.I) J Mr. Ward Fritz itt spending the week at carnia and Windsor, Mr, Clayton 1file of Dashwood ealleci in the 'village ,on. Tteeeda,;F, Mr, Theo Wagnerleft on Friday to emends ltis.atudies at the Water- loo Seminary, Mr. Ed. Deiehart of Detroit, .:w (,r here .for the peat week with relseti- veer, an'l rttui'n'ad to that city en Wed tided air; -lvi:assrs. Ar,a. 1-T'ss and WU Hii, Pfile •were to Girediten on Wednes- 41h.y to ,audit the books of \ the Hay Tp. Fire Insaurance C'a. Me and 1VTra: Qr N. Taggart and .Mies Adelaide Pilcher,- of South Bend, Ind.. who had bden visiting here for a few week'"%, have rete lined to their honied Mr. Henry Ho'wald hats'• ,some. tithe ago, enoved into hie fine new semi-hungalo residence that he er- ected at the west and of the vil- lage Tills :summer, ' and: is certainly a cravfiii; to- the town. IIr. Ferdinand Heas,, who is at nSt. Joseph's Hospital, London. and warho underwent his second opel Iatien onSaturday, eve are pleased Ito state is doing finer and with con r tinned itriprow smears - will in the matter of a few Week% he r able to I return to his home at Zurich;, which hie many Zurich friends will be pleased to hear, Me. A. Melt k, our local Hard- ware and Furniture merchant is hol ?rig a cash Sale contest for the year 1924. R is being divided in- to three periods of time, the first errdi'ig April 31st, the second Aug u 3i.st, and the third on December I30th. He will give for they first !tern. to the 'tiighe.st, total cath pur- 1 chaser duping the four months, a d15.00 felt mattress; for' the isecond (tern, a $10.00 spring'.; and the last Ir .riod a` $25.00 braise bad. This is an venereal opportunity offered to , cash purchasers, end is wj1 worth gling after. Be sure and get your tickets when. paying cash. L ATE HENRY IDUMERT There passed away at Kitch- ener on Saturday, Docern,ber 28th Henry. Duenart., a highly .respected resident of fih't'' city, at the :age of' 53 years. an 1 months. having been i11 o,niy one day with •ipar- ;a,lytic strokey add being Also :con- -•iderably (troubled for some time. Ile wale bo- i ` Xitch^n_e.e ,and. in 1.973; came with las parents to Zurich uni•il 1818 When they 're t- ut'neid't a that .city. The last num- bee of years late Dumart • conduc ted. a Isueee.ssful butcher business Ha 11 brin„survived by hie mother may berelatively, immune to .'nice- .. Miia. Dumart", Sr.; his 'sprrowing adedeedeatora a boYino source,' ch;iii•c:n: widow,..4 'sons and. twV•o •slaughters the eldest lsonl beieg 14 years' and the youngest daughter dray three v'eaes of age :Five 1-'othere, of which M.-. ,Tohn Dn ii5, •t of Zurich. bin;' onN, ;molt hr's' Sisters also survi e. The guncrat was held to ]t ' n• -•,..Kitchener cemetery on Lunt w:try 2nd ihnd was I t ;ely atten- ded by ieympathetie trien•:ls. The body was the first planed: in • the new cemetery wvhieh it composed entirely of concrete= valuta. The bereft family's Ztnti 11 many fri- ends extend deepest 'sympathy. LUTHERAN' CHURCH NOTES 113',a£,.tn NiLk• A.inl't'>' ,,a p �Yl i:i 14 d`Gi��,Q+.1. • ,chrtot, t tiara la 'Ida „ teli:ssta.abta. . • `6'f'st? a4Aht, Chargt3,1 tetsr l.z ition 4.40cac1 Pr ae lt,e, Or,za,ibutp+] ! , errs i't d o- , ,.;C.:,k Ao?0711. ,, 'CAP Jrt 4 ;i :.4 JiiPiu to f'1..iit, t1u:. 0 itrt t' cu , i ! l:,u, v y r,il':l i' `SLC Sf; :;„1••••.,....„!,' . sat, ci ..ac;; . _,il 1A,•cx v a.ivea.,,,ll; .i,;.ii::ta i.r ,. ?) 07 mine ea:Pete:, ., i:i . fete i.i... . f04t it '1..e i,}i:ar. ;'•t..::: �•'. ;. ilvn of Irlill, rll . 1•:', ) x .:,•,:.: bat null it .5 ri41.1 i .i.:1. With tu.o idea Lf ;laity )vial , �listiaa.4 : l: t ting in,.Crs-li i ,� 1.11 t3t,tfl. .JItnelvil:ltsn is Not ,stcsilizaiion 44ar eirri ration is not at era ieatoe - 4 greater heat is regulrea i,.l t;_1•u ze than is t.pl,4Lc u i 1 rise. _+ r lar bi c'sa, 1'ar>'.eulizotton l! „,ling the milk to a tempera1 -i:. i not less than 1.10 degrees and n(` r. .rzf than 150 tl s. r.; for a u: :tut l4 s ti` n 2U and Dot Dior . :n 30 muautc:;, and then r .4011, it to e.Qgs. F., (1 'nd n,•pilrg' it a' 1.:irt ttinilt.i:a LS,; 6,iii1 cic..w1Iv ared to the cans4l.,.ar. lc .•adation to this, every cart, must be a:ken to have a c -,;.-art. product, rocess doe^ not r utove dirt t:i err.• 1:4;' Eer >uon s:aie J rtne s.t_ rFi SICPLiias i )t17r Ott :. r.;a ill a for ,,' .,_ttC•'t hoe, i ciuiy iralh ;, '0:ittd and ito ' ,vc,il g are Gc l thy.' c t ii tint! tne o . r' the et.edet, th t :• ill. .rbul'iu;; the genus oA L lei oa2t: inti: affe01, ii. 1;y i £-.1; or 1a it rile is (.1.int•lopiag an hilt t l '4a iilso'ina, yet is aut. 1 , J J wo 1tinr, '1, hese „f trt'1y Mint the milk b:; n neo, sari to hr that ',ands 1111411 rttiiki •g• t iilr v: or indirectly in :zany othel tss Itis true that 12 the mil,. is lain ,t cold iht.>se l -, rodueia. a:.c.t+.rra :rill not tuul,r, i;, but t,:cy may remain alive and bully 'Viral tth for u long time and the original num- ber be suflieit nt. to cause Infection. t" .eaete Transmitted by Milk. 3i+ of the diseases of ?flan that •r.., t_ansmitted by intik are: throat, typhoid, scarce` fev'r, dil?iltheria and t:Lbercnlcs:s Some animal diseases transniissibic - to.man through utilk are: Tubcreu• lcsis; cow pox, which may taut; in- fection of the digestive tract in young children; mastitis, which may cause gastro-intestinal disturbances; foot end mouth disease; t.emo1ee :aonlycosis and others. Pasts a i::a- .iin destroys the organisms that •c 1 a cause of all the tore:going dig - e r. s. In regard to'-hovine tuberen• 10s', I it is known that though adu;ts The annual meeting of the con-- giegaiioni took place after.theNely Year's serviee Jan, 1st. The new member of the Church Council is Mr. Peter Haber'er, wh•i was elect- ed in Mr. L. Kraft's place whose terni had expired. Mr. Fred 0. ICalbfleisch was re-elected for an- other three y=ears, Among other things it was dec- ided to found a Cemetery Fund. The caretakn:t •of the ccemotcvy le to t ecniv0 no, annual sant y our of this fund. IT.ia duty shall he to take care of ill., cemetery and keep the graves clan and in order. The following auditors were elected;-- Messrs, W. G. Hess, W'na. Rader and H. F. Weselohl. The congregation is in a .flour- ishing condition, and closed one of its 'mo'st isuccessful years. - ' The receipts of the past year ennoun- t'ed to $2832.17, and the 'expend- itures ilut'•e�5 to$e795.93ww t n with abalance o. hand of $36.54. The Pastor's report trio(, was very encouraging and is as felled's; Official Acts during (the year; Bap- tiams 91; Marriages 3; Confirnt4a.t-. ions 16; funerals 8'r and Holy Conr- tunion was administered to 231 iitseinbers. During the year the year the congregation won 26 mem- bers and lost 10; making a total gain of 16 new members. Rev. and Mrs ftentbe were pl- easantly 'surprised by raceme, of the lady member'• of congregation and Ladies' Aid, when, they extended their good' wishes and. ,Christmas gift eonaisting of two beautiful and very acceptable comforters. The n atster and mistress of the parson- age,: once ?pore call out to 'the kind donors; Thank you very ninth. Visitors att he parsonage; Rete. H. and Mrs, Itetnbe, Hamilton Be- ach; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Meyer, Clifford, and Miss K. and M.1i1eyer Clifford, Onti Thei teachers of the Stin.day Sol- ool will hold, their annual 'meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, pleases be present. The members of the'I,ehurch Co- nnell Will be installed iriext Sunday during the itworeing service, are gaiter susctptib1e, acrd :a ,consiciiar- •bla percentage -of cases of tuhercu•- tesi0; in young children can be shoo;•a Lo be of bovine origin. There gra certain biological differences in the beet] ti u fr'om humans and cattle which Make it possible to differen- tiate these,infections.. A cow ulay be dangerous Wren though the udder i5 not infected, as the germs aro passed opt with the excreta before any clia.- loal evidence of tuberculosis is pres- eiit;-and owing to the position of the udder it is almost impossible to peep them out of the pail as they fall in with the tiny particles of manure that are, on the cow's body and that silt down in the form of dust. Apart from the recognized disease produc- ing bacteria, it is known that large numbers of ordinarily* harmless ones in. mills may cause a serious and fre- quently fatal diarrhea in children during the summer months. Points Charged Against Pasteurize - 'Some Sorue of the arrguinents put fo.- ward against pasteurization are: That the cream is reduced; that the milk is rendered indigestible; that the - milk will not sour, thus doing away witn nature's danger signal; and that the vitanines are destroyed. The last is the only argument tjiat now 'carries any weight. The cream Is not reduced in quantity, but by heating the fat globules are broken up smaller and do not rise to the top so easily, thus causing the cream line to appear less. As a ?flatter of fact'sat 142 degs. F., there is very little reduction even in the appear- ance. With proper pasteurization the .chemical and physical constitu- tion 07 the milk is not appreciably changed, at least not to, an extent that renders it less valuable as a. food.' The lactic acid bacteria that cause sooting of milli are not all destroyed by„ the Dating, and con- segtlently properly pasteurized milk may sour iike'raw milk, thus indicat- ing •its age and condition. Recent work 'on -vitarnines shows that the anti -rachitic and auti=neuritic factors are net removed by pasteurization, but that the anti-suorbtatic vitaantub probably is. It should be replaced. by giving daily a teaspoonful of orange or lemon Juice diluted with water and' sweetened. "Safety First" blood Practice. Until, methods 'of milk production are.iuuch,mare perfect than they arc at. present the only way 01 main- taining a safe milk supply would appear to be by 'pasteurization, in which the .rapid cooling and keeping cool is given as much attention as the maintenance of the correct tem- perature for the 'propel' length of time. -Ronald Gwatkin, D.V.S.c., On- tario Veterinary College, Guelph. The most profitable use is made of beet tops When they are siloed and :feel with alfalfa hay or other forage kid possibly supplemented with grain or concentrate feeds. The chief value of Cowpea hay lies in its high percentage of digestible protein This has been verified by nunicrDtt- feeding' .tcsts,� For Infants arid, Ckiildrert, /1����!��!!!i!!WRLTYmt,�4f.'�UIgO[tlC191Tl�W�XMW�I�IYIAN,.Y Yt� r b-� Pp '�"��yr� , oat 00; Know #:�'.at n ww NMI 1 tr��R ii',�• ' .,ePrtl tl'ra:a;; eels llen'tlledielil0i,:-'. �:1r�'C�e''tibic a"': flar�.ii�!tfu(At•, :' s!4 deSioevic1aoitti l,ti eeN t olo Thexabyr iiryinolintDis %S13. ti Cheerfulness utM,irest i;cir+'tlns) iteitlies Opitttct,Morphin0iier.' Iiaeral. aYk di; ys ca ria, ,1'leenear"lu3T1.r,.'r .110471.tt fi'orJ �d .Stc.Y f', mat .6'111., 1 r/n se eya At d fir ,:!' 017 :41%. U� -Ahe':'fulibSne4yfel�,`. tistiprtionand:Dia'trl'a .1 and T,:veristn0ss and !I 11035 07 iLBa R1' ' ' l'-,estaltiiis .. airs,, _. r, lac-ia;tif0 S 4 , of 1I1 Toll C.Si Af Vre COMPANY !1 ' N10.1 REAL,i'..'�• ...-.- Always Beam the Signature of sf Th i For seer y Years fr Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY NEW YORK CETY. ee sre viil .Ld-a- If Yor cannot afford a i is 'cl_ why not buy a nice Rubber Tire Buggy HESS sells them REPAIRING Painting Fo:d Car, One'"oat, $15,00, Two Coats ... _.. $20:00 iCovering Ford Top Good Material $27.00 Changing FordCurtains to open with .floors .:..._ $5.00. Painting Buggy ... 918.00 IF YOU, WANT SERVICE,: WE HAVE IT WE RERU:BIiER YOUR. BUGGY WIH.EELS. r'1 Cor C++'S++++11S'+++++++'+'f•'5+4-4.+4+'1•4-i-°t• t++++4 -,i.+++++1 Lumber Laths • b-1 n 'res Everything in Combination storm and screen doors re;rete to order, Lumber and Building i%ateritl fi c i 4 Cu�4ct�� Work err t- c r. IAlways in the mallet for sU11' logs !w' ���-�J,�� �r ^ ��yl lam` �p7A,� +/1 ( �q��/y •�,, g �` lAI ■ Co ,4..wst- PHONE 6g IJPIC'1 fi• 4 1, -4 -4,4 -r++.1.3 -44 -1 -1.1.+4,g -1.4.4-1-1-1-+I.4 +Wi•+'S :,.t••t„l.:g,+4' 1• k• d•++++•II•+ •• +i.. `o'..F-h'-•A-•f•--�•i..-.g._..'i•-•i•-•#•-'4•-�•-3•--'1•-•h-•'r-•H°-•f'•-�•-'i'-•s..-,g'-�`�; lia.poKmEN *WHY WE CAN SELL SUITS FROM $10 TO $15 LESS OTHERS. ji. We stock our own goods. Our Suits are made by work- manship, second to none. Five Good Reasons 4. 4. 4. 4 4 4. 4. 4. . +3, Have only one price for mak- Ing Suits. +4. The very best linings put .4 all our garments, 5, We guarantee satisfaction or money refunded, T :TM1NF1NRALb1R- OR: +-++++++++. Q >, in H.4rHOFFMAN 4. w 1 i t : 3A'% AND NIGHT Pl tO tiNli; No. 86