Zurich Herald, 1932-12-29, Page 1VOI. XXX " l R$PAY IVIO}ININGp DECEMBER 29 (932. many Readers and Chester L. Smith, Fisbillattat E2.25 a year, U.S. Ik1.5 /1.411 01.5a IN ♦1 REARS, $2 MAT DX eitialdifitle Friends, We extend Season's Greetings If I�Ioah's a.'od"vias> 4` cohdit.-!e7f2 cc?wl`+� The United States navy: is feeding His 1.5 :a sfitaihre of eight, cents-. from 'he figures' of last year.' flanm as novv asserfedathie old,gentle its men on Peit day, and ' hastht gaudy gess„ AIV. •lan` ;. a: xnig• When wheat went, to ZS .cenispex bushel' 'at Winnipeg the Other day; it was said it was 4.0, yeitra'ag& sn*ce; similar' low price had. been register' :'eyed `-wat any place iai the rlcl. eEdward ¥See-, a law er sint.. rhe- •eling, w Va.,. shad a ; mer`S calf when he was hunting last year and Maid $60 for the damages... This year he got a letter front the f er asla- ing..if it was his intention to. come out add do :some mar=e: "shooting". The 'railways: collect-, : freight charges from the average Sasketch- ' ewan shipping` point: b e. thseaboard. 'several cents -Menthe a bushel. more an the e -faience is..paid. ;t the. 'eievat forlw4 'top grade• wheat. TheyM the e rail -roads are hard up,, but; 'shat about the farmers? ST. PETER'S `vac g lic l Girth, ZURICH. -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ Ear is Chang- ing Woad,* Friday, 811:—Luther Leagae., . ...Saturday—Choir Prilcf$- x f „ • Narniinations The Hey' 'Township Council Nom- ination was` held in the Town Ball, Zurich on Monday 4afternoon :as ad- vertised, and .according- . to 'the. stat- itutes. At two o'clock the nominate 'ions 'closed.' and the .gathering was then as is the, custom, converted: into a public :meeting;, with the Township Clerki Mr. A. E. Hes, being appoint- ed as chairman, ' The lather large and :spa•cious' hall was filled to capac- ity and standing room was even at a`premium fora time. The Clerk at this time having' .read off the list of ural Council, which consisted of family are spending a few days this nominations, as follows: for peeve— eight wardens in the Province. One week at Elmira. David Ducharme, moved: and second - big problem they ha\ net is that Tr ::ie F. McDonald, teacher ed by S. Hafa-tan end C. C Scliil' Alfred 1Ylelielc, try C. Burmeister amus the Toronto Stock yards t icie ''7s a QA,Ll Nc:.c rx i. �i vx tial livili.'. f e near. Kincardine on Saturday. inion 'Gov. 50%, ` Prov. `Gov. 15% and County 10 %, so the county aetuahy does n.ot�carry the heavy burden, in. the road, system' the speaker stated, that four dams along the Blue Wat- er Highway in Hay were constructed at a cos of about $90., this will stop the water from washing out the cul- vents and bridges. The cost, of road dragging on.this road is about.'$28 Per mile. The County Traffic. Officer, Mr. N. Lever . is moa''oe than paying his salary`" b bring ug lav�,breakers before the magistrate for fines. Mr., Raderwarnedthe young people of the community not to rely on old age pension when they get old, for this will some time be eat oft. He re- ceived as Warden the small` sum of - $398.00. He expressed himself fox tunate on - being. elected the past y ear as a member of the Ontario Agricult•., fMr. and"Mrs. Clarence Hoffman of tlt spent the week -end with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner of Varna, visited on Monday with the foriner's`•parents in town. Mr. Clayton A. Hoffman, principal Pf -a Galt' school is spending his va- nt ckitioir with his parentshere. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner and G. Love; Louis R. Rader, by R. Mil- ler and Wm. Haugh. The Council- lors 'nomiilate'd were—I}: Ducharme, Geo. Becker, Frank Denoiny, John Jeffrey, Ed. Walper, Wm. Alexander, and Fred Corbett. However with all these nominees, we are happy to re- poxt, .that .there is no election, as Mr. ..Haler. the: reeve for the past four years wiftrtnew from the field, and 2fter a day or so o• c(i:?tera. ion . SUNDAY BERVIPm' the Council far 1933 is in ter of tn..- eh money ,this year it mostly goes char'? made of $5. regardless .o, th, size or value of the cattle beast. - • Win. Alexander, councillor was the next speaker and has served the rate- payers for two year= and watched the work in the Township as best he co hold, is in favor of cutting expenses but not too radical, as not to. be "penny wise and, pound foolish" lab- or and farmers are not getting faire deal. The Township did not:_ spend r1 .ornate :matron as follows. Reeve ffv�w. 8� a. —Ge� - charac- y rates, roads rust be kept t4dF iVlelick; Councillors, David Du. 7. Who 12,617 ' X2.15' a m. -r a fits 1. d' i:' : buttes -,con- ditional -•7.30 Snake: Edmund,Mr. Ducharme man being Mr. John Jeffrey. duction in t •er' and ga°' a review The public-pn7eeting called to aru+ r, of i'°4,, ounce Years actinides _•i the c iaaruian ca e e + ,9 when the tide esker, M7'r FI: Iia er, Reeve an d T control of Weed. Irverybody W order Salmi o. the former council,and the new a. Octobers was E. TiurLabarrige Pastor Tea had been. doing 1 tl 1 called on th first sp t.;(, c. e. 1 �, d d moo ue�c -1}c Blue Scra: to Coat We Extend ii ;i YOu Our Bos; Mrs. P. Ravelle and family of Grand Bend visited for a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and 1!'Trs. Jos. Gascho.. Mr. and Mrs. A. Aulerich and Miss Tiurxnner of Detroit spent the we- ek -end at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. L. Prang. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest spent several days uc+ r theholiday with Mrs. Braun's father, Mr. Wm. Lamont. Mrs. W. F. Finkboiner and dau- ghter Miss Hazel; were week -end vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. -Warden of Huron County. Mr. Rader Change p: lies no col Mr., and Mrs. Wilfred Jerves, of expressed himself pleased with such r ehnrsvllle were week -end visitors 1-, setae • m lli rl�a,:m .. < ,heaiene very yr 1 is • l tit ,t". `atte''xrtir=zci : "?ass , ds t . �; . ' e : ,. s ..;i kx `1ie1 •parent's; Ti2r: an'd 'Tifrs. `,Sy . �' . in ,�i'.il# zc- ,a ti.ic., .nu"� wenT'Lach:to 1 Tnspecter, have a good Clerk;; at this (that no ladies were present as they sw have an. equal right with men to vote °wilsnic� matters again. He also and shonId attend these .meetings.. pointed out the big saving in truck - mg, gravel.the T.he speaker said the Iocal .council the next oueakez;lhe stated that hisr. E. Walperas work past year gave the best legislation p that they possibly could, but mistakes will always be made. He gave the Prov. road grant of 1931 as Z679.54 and advised' that the council passed finally f=at!.n(1 o'lt that it was the on- a. by-law whereby an;ro..o paying iy solution for the eastern part of their taxes in advance will receive.an ,the Tp., as there was no gravel av- ..allowance of i per cent' all tl: ` T+:+'ie+ , � ail ice. -1 r, A. Meliek was the .next Hr, pointed out that while the ; ttatc- , `„ r 5.•v.z that the council ne- rnent shows a dericir of *1...? 1. e kis ed two ('.i,:; of !'} (: , die' be ?) 1,..1.)% the Year's -work, that - ; ft r tit! f g'.1,q in ::*:ii to.:. c i.1,:n' u to col; cut, and and outstanding crushed stone acct. . :it is a vast difference when you are in the council was heavy as he was at first opposed to the crusher and had to first convince himself that it was the proper thing to buy, and Witmer, Babylon line. The 1933 auto markers have black figures on a yellow background. The color scheme means that it takes yellow gold to keep away from block looks by the traffic officer when the driver is late in making the change. Beginning the first week in the new year, all places of business will be closed every Tuesday evening untill the end of March, when the places of business will be open again xor bu;ine: both Saturday and Tues.• day evenings. will be paid, this would reduce it in and look out than outside and This Wednesday forenoon was the down to 100, after p 1"rt�`r�5.ry ri, F ,Ua,, e, at i e i a., 1; to of ii.'' en t :'rel rehoo1 mee.tin , • tone crinslier tlis yens. i�: ;t , ,r but and a fairly large representation was for Happyt t Sp . 355 than went into E`onnt v nil tt rind 1 at Et '. Phone No. aresent. and n s!ood intea•est was 1'h advised that the , :lidnixxes u with tilt 1a C d 'els Dl. l e trucks are ;acing a fol, os money I p Justice. accounts are _ A. J. Maeltinno n, the , n 'tar y trus- leaps and bounds, although sill chug- to keep du 71 1. 1 ci?t ret <r carve is Itee gave the report, and was nppoirit- ' es are •waling the statitutes of the the .l.......,1 ..ir.el d el it a..*� for tl l .1 t•rae: t- 'eve weedy Ing. The election one trustee was Province. The g.: -aunty, 4loxnd: is naw of t t see,, than down heavy and fi Succeslaar tannext speaker, .followed by srla e home rerc:iva: i2 .K1. month for ii i..,. ~ J "" Mr. Johan their personal use the balance. 'stays J,,itidy and Fred Corbett, these three A. CAN "' `f in the trcasureTha c.Ai:'n I't .}l , three 14l l •NS .;ILL„ dons are at rreeent; divided, in Dom.... I LiS+.b* •4-W• *v0,0, -134.P"?. �i'c. s :u s :. ; a:, . AS ' a• YEAR ONCE MORE TIP NWSS TOA CLQ:. �s ..AND THE SEASON OF GOOD WISHES IS UPON US, WE TAKE THIS 'PPORTUNr.CY OF SAY,.. IN ai. G. C ,.C'�. MANY . IPLE D S .AND mmr BRING YOU 'HAPPINESS AND .PROSPERI Y Sl' 1 1t ,III £ RIE ,y.AL /yam Y'' a'O+ <.'rmeee i allo e a St e e ' . K w / • 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 4 0 4 41 A. N Blick candidates for the reeve - ship which was then followed by a so,, ies eeletc adre>s by the re- tic e, l:. 11. Rader,Rader,er, whohas withdrawn from the council work al 71 t.;(1„ awes 7. ri'c; approp- riate address along this line, wishing newthe new ounnril eve^ re UC'., and every prosperity. AfterMr. Rad'er's edd,•ess, a hearty vote of thanks for his, faithful and untiring services. was moved by Mr. Wm.Consitt and e arse:,. ! l 1lTi+. f1 1 (:k,;+;ser both o. • 1l ;i.l. the l'og'e gathering then is . i .il sc;y .la.'tilj, 1l7.1' Mr. Rader leaves the council board hon- orable. and clean, as there were no cin t ages laid against him, and had it been his wishes he might mave carri- ed on for many more years. The chairman then dismissed the meeting. Te the evening in the Town Hall the nomination for Police .Trustees was held, and about a dozen of nom,in a.ions were made but the three former officers will again stand, name ly, Josiah Geiger, C. C. Scliil'be, and J. Hey, -Jr. During the•, public meet- ing Mr. Harry G. Hess gave a very in.ena,sting cl,c."t leettire on Hydro, and manyy of the hydro users know much more about peak load and what it means to the local system at pres- ent. The Townships of Stephen and • .Stanley have elected their councils by a es c 1 u,netio:n, while the e ;flap! of half-sister, Mrs. J. J. Beese in Grim- ,/, rimm - Ilex ll. has an election with Owen shave, Alberta, and Me Dan. .i'rue- q+, ', Cse/igete.r asnd Wm. Consitt opposing as :,mer of Crediton, a b1'othcr-in-law.I l * ,;A1 liladbr'S es e, slidrunnt1h11ere�, are also five taixa- The funeral Was held from his hcttiiie)' �P on 1'ueadtty iifternoon last, Brown for a term of three years in place of Mr. Fred. }laborer who has til Met, wall and faithfully c(.1. hire- (Onseenaive yt.d,,:, aa'.1 hes resigned. At a special meeting of the trustee board some days ago, the ten- ders of caretaking were dealt with and Mr. Win. Thiel, the former care- taker getting the appairxtmi::ii, at a salary of $139.00 for the entire scho- ol. ••••seese••oesomeeeseo19fAesesiSle • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • as06611a�6•a••••• ' To Our many Customers and Friends we extend Most Hearty 2331 fills Phone 74 Zurich •coefscee••••ei`�a'�efivd+D4�93oseei<e seeeoesscci 9&3ecoss�iQ"�II~emzeoe Former Resident Passes The sad news has reached d here • of the sudden passing of Ma Paul Messner; who droine id dee,: S...- arday last at his home in Berwyn, .,.lbrrta, at a very ripe old. age. Mr. ': sn+�r, before going out West was a resident of Hay Township for Many years; a prosperous farmer, on the Goshen Line, south of Zur- ich, and some twenty years ago the call of the pro. porous "51tet came to Mr. Messner, and there prosperity also was with hien an during these years of inflation, Mr. Messner woor- ked hard and soved his earnings and at time of his passing was very com- fortably situated. Mr. Messner vis- ited with friends and relatives in these parts last summer, and was in- deed an interesting person to meet.. Was born and raised in Stephen Tp. He leaves to mann. his loss his wid- ow and eight children all residing in the West,; one sister, Mrs. Henry Mots, 'Crediton, and one brother, Mr. Jacob id: essner, of the 14th Con., Hay 'Township, near DaFihwood; and a ++++++++++++++.!,+++++++ +++++++++++++++4++0440+11 •£ +++'rid+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + 4. T ,„, . , . + • + + + + + + Phone It: is in ncerety: that we extend to •, ' 4rad all the most Hearty aR21 TIN a Wishing for You and Yours' an overflowing abundance of the ple- asures, the joy, and the happiness which is Associated with this Sea- son, and may the corning Year bring to You the PRICELESS GIFTS OF HE TH PROSPERITY and 0et CONTENTMENT tf E.'- TMENT z +wig so N MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA 82 or 115 Zulti "�'+Q1+'�h1°�"'�`�°`iac"gag ao.<d�o-�.:e"y,uSy`°d� s o� �°OF°ta�4�+:u�'r,:,',e�'"1"�• yr,y^wJ�M�� e^yae�,+'ya,�t"R,.S�'�':' u`•&'"�.'^�.s�.�3.v�'"'� ",�• 1'perem • 0. 441 At this time of Year it is a pleasure to Express our Sincere Appreciat- ion ion of Your f' avo s i /Ile past. May the coming Year bring you a Generous Measure of Prspeuty to attain which, We offer not only ®us 'Best Wishes, but the most wholehearted.. Co -Operation -of which we are Cvahle. R N. DOUGLAS GENE:GENE:0 AL t1CC.ii."ANT r #4..ON 11 -" 97 B LA