HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-12-08, Page 8VAC!) 'lrt#rx7°r THE STORE WITH THE STOCK re the Christmas Spirit Prevails We are again in the midst of the Christmas Season, and that Joyous Day of all Days, "Christmas Day" will arrive before we are aware of it So why not do..your Christmas Shopping now! We can supply your needs in Christmas Gifts for every member of the family, hav- ing procured a well assorted stock of goods at reasonable prices, and invite your inspection. For the Ladies' and Girls ---The newest Sweaters, Pullov- ers, Scarfs, Hosiery, French Kid Gloves, Handkerchiefs, of all kinds, also bed Spreads, Blankets, Tablecloths, Pillow Cases, Dresser Scarfs, Etc. For the Men and Toys ---Sweaters, Mitts, Gloves, Scarfs, Ties and Braces in Fancy Boxes, Hanks, Fine Shirts, Ties, Belts, Garters, Armbands, Etc. CHINAWARE and GROCERIES Fancy China and Glassware always acceptable as Gifts see our assortment at very reasonable prices. New Sup- ply of Dates, Figs, Shelled Nuts, Raisins, Currants, Peels Candied Cherries and Pineapple. Everything required for the Christmas cake. Also Candies, Nuts, Oranges, at Lowest Prices. TOYS! TOYS! A Christmas Stock is not complete without an assort- ment of Toys for the Girls and Boys. See our range at rear of Store and buy a few to make the little folks happy This Christmas Season. '74,1 S C 0 ;.. SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 RI .Y Thursday, 1 otie'mbes Sfll, Vitt +*4 4 ++.F 4++++ 441114 M 1 -h +.&++++t!++4+++++4444+ are Btt I ABLE YO r WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON: DWARE AT MODERATE PRICES • GONYBNIENOB t AND SAFETY Huron & Erie Debentures Are Grawing in Favor Year by Year. In 1931 investors held $29,300,000 of the Trustee Debentures The Rate of Interest is still 532ga twice a Year FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO: Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO— AND ND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? 1 HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE • Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual --- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Fancy Cascade Salmon, 1-1b. Tin, 2 tins for 19c Peas, No. 4s. 2 tins 19c Superior Baking Powder (no alum) 16-0z. 23c Royal York Tea, Half lb. 23c Fainly Blend Coffee, per lb. ...39c. Spaghetti with Tomatoe Sauce and cheese targe, tin 10c Heinz's Mayonnoise Salad Dressing...... 19c Heinz's Salad Cream per bottle - T 9c Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb. tin .._.. 49c Peanut Butter, 2 lb. Jar 35c Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, 3 for 25c Dominion Brand Tomato Soup, 4 Tins .. 25c Huron Toilet Paper, 7 rolls for 25c Kellogg's all Bran, large Pkg. 19c Candies and Nuts are here also all supplies for Fruit Cake, Raisins, Currants, Peel Cherries, Dates, Figs, Bake that Cake NOW! J. W. MERNER Highest Prices for Eggs. Phone 140 Foal Club Members Make Good Showing TThe class for colts on type and conformation, and the Boy's Foal Showmanship Competitions, open to members of the Boy's Foal Clubs through out the Province were held at Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Toronto on Nov. 23rd and 24th. 3 members of the Seaforth Foal Club and their colts were entered, as fol- lows: Allister Broadfoot, Seaforth 3, Clifford Smith, Kippen 3, and Stuart D. 1lcEwan; • Clinton 5. In the colt competition A. Broadfoot won 4th prize of $12.00 and S. McEwen won lath prize ;,5.00 on their colts. In the showmanship competition A. Bro- adfoot won lst prize: of $25 and a silver trophy presented by Col. the Hon. T. L. Kennedy; S. McEwen 6th. prize of $10.00 and 0. Smith 23rd of *10. The total prize money won by the three boys was $62.00. 1 • • BUSY FARMER NEWS Red Onions at Premium That Montreal and Quebec mark- ets are prepared to pay a premium for the red varieties.of Ontario -grown onions, is proved by the fact that in both these cities the red varieties are selling for 50 to 75 cents a hundred higher than the yellow. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ... 27 Eggs .......... ......... 30-26-16 Chickens,. live 4-8 Ducks, dressed 80 Geese dressed 8c Turkeys dressed 13c Hens, live .... 3-6 Wheat . 40 Barley 38 Oats 22 Buckwheat 32 Flour 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 14.00 Brat,B�, ton .14.00 Hogs, cwt. 3.50 z meat should reach hi ahead of the shipment to which they refer; also that counter marks oneach barrel. are absolutely necessary when a ship- ment consists of more than one car. LET OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEW AR E AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, Furn. lure Greatly .Reduced t, We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly. I Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs now/ We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock 4. Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. We have len. appointed Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs. . Johnston & albHejsoh 1 Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 + `' 1P+44 E"&4 .4.4.4 Mfiffifi�4cd ++ ++ +++++++fid•+++ +,b4h+ + 4+I uIHIIIHIIIINSIIiililNOPMPo "'t Ik D IIIH111111111 pN111111141✓11f& !!N6ti11iMll lrCi$N:1NlfINIIMIElltilla11111111Mill1IIIHI 11111lIiiH 1111::M?1{iiNIII1f3nalg e Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon t 1 god buggy at ...._ 4 wheel Trailer Complete KEEP ON SMILING! ________11$$4350 o . CRSS, the Repair Man IrIIIO1111111111DAPdMieN1V41111HIIIH1111H11111i1:!; 11?60Mll ilMMENi;H11H:1R;IMII111HRIII IilHilllfifl't' vtA MiNIIIIIIIGI Mililli Mr. Fulton observes that the amount e of money lost to the shippers through 6+++.64.044,++++++++++++++++44,4414++++++++44+44.4.4440. not using counter marks has been • t tremendous in past years. A separ- ate bill of lading for each carload would greatly facilite distribution at U.K. ports. Figures furnished by Mr Fulton reveal that the .British market imported 7,600,949 cwt. of apples in 1931 as compared with 4,001,134cwt in 1921 and 1,830,210 cwt in 1901. This reveals the potentialities of the British market for absorbing the ap- ple exports of Ontario. Don't Want Fat Hogs It is particularly difficult in these days of lots of feed and low prices to get farmers to realize that the mar ket does not want a fat hog, at least not a hog of the fatted type, so pop- ular a decade or so ago. The hog that takes the premium today is the select bacon type, which is, comparatively speaking, a lean hog weighing 180 to 220 pounds off cars at stock -yards. Such hogs have a jowl and shoulder light and smooth, a back from neck to tail evenly fleshed, a side long dropping straight from the back, a. telly allowing thickness of fleshing, a flank well let down and firm, a ham full, and a good general finish with no excess fat. The very best way to understand the type of bog that gets the dollar premium is to visit a stock yard or abattoir or grading station where hog grading is being done and se for yourself the type of hog that nets the dollar premium for the pro- ducer. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE • ALWAYS IN STOCK. • &WEIDO ZURic H "` ONT. saaposi 1,000,000 Pounds of Turkey Shipped to Great Britain. It has been reported to the 'Ontario Marketing Board that between Nov- ember 1G, and December 9, over one. million pounds of Canadian turkeys neat will have be.•,± ,'.il;ped to Great Britain. In spite of the fact that the turkey meat originated in the western provinces, this constitutes good news for the Ontario producer, inasmuch as local markets will be elieved to that extent. Field Crops Report The Statistics Branch has recently issued its sixth crop report of the season, covering yields of field crops for Ontario. Fall wheat yield per acre is now placed at 28.4 bushels as compared with. the preliminary fig- ure gure of 30.1 bushels and the estimate of oats has been reduced from 33.5 to 32.9 bushels per acre. The injury done to fall wheat by lodging as re- vealed by threshing operations was greater than at first believed Yield of oats was cut down in Southern Ont- ario due to unfavorable weather at seeding time and in other sections, oats are light in weight due to too much rain and heat while filling. Total production of both beans and potatoes is much under last year.The acreage of potatoes was reduced 7 per cent this year, but the yield per acre showed a drastic reduction. Dry rat has been prevalent, many fields showing as high as 50 per cent rot. Late crops such as sugar beets, tur- nips, rnangolds, corn and buckwheat benefit from favorable growing wea- ther during the fall and yields were very good. The corn -borer was wor- se than for some years. Hay and clover crops yielded well except in the. east where growth was checked by midsummer drought and rains ' came too late to prevent damage to hay crops, but in time for corn and grain. Pastures are in excellent con- dition and livestock is going into the stables in good condition. Farmers generally sowed fall wheat later this year to avoid the danger of Hessen Fly. Though having less top than last year, it is very healthy and goes: into the winter in good shape. Prices received for. crops are generally les, thana year ago, although potatoes and beans are above last year. 'ihe total value of the chief crops `was $114,073,408 for 1932, as compared with $125,221,100 for 1931. British Apple Market Andrew Fulton, overseas fruit re- presentative, esentative, in a recent report, st- te s that the prospects for good uu-• r t;; Ontario apples in the tinite;d Kingdom continues satisfactory.. HO .impbasizcd that it is insportant that .loounicnts such as Certificates of or- igin sad the sp+ecifica%ions off the ship, 1' 1144,44444.444.44++++++++++444.4.44++++.144-14+++++.444.4. ztr ICE r GARAGE THE WINTER SEASON Is Now Here. Have you looked after your Automo- bile in preparation for the Cold Weather? Changed feel lighter Oil, and had your Radiator filled with a good Anti -Freeze? Run in your car and let us do this very~ Important thing Righ Now! Gasoline and Kerosine always kept onhand in large and small quantities. Let us fill your barrels or Containers. Expert Workmanship on Repair. Work, and Overhaul' Dohs on all Makes of Cars with Charges Very Reasonaibe. H. Mousseau Zurich tt+ 4 f i HERALD OFFICE Do You Know?' That I am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have gathered untoldmillions into their coffers.; I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! am Masater Salesman, at Your Service and nny bName is t ADVERTISE! vn