HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-12-08, Page 5litureellsre Member 81lhe ion BUSINESS CARDS Dummy E. HOLME S ISAIRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. ,i1AFFICE—Biantilton Street, Just off Ole Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Ilipecial Attention to Councel soul Court Work. Holmes may be consulted at !raoderich by Phono, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. 11. B. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCR—ZURICH Avery Tbursaay, Friaay, Butarday AA BAWL -RIB'S BL.00R, DABRVOOD Siviirsr Monday, Tuesday and iiVednesday licensed Auctioneer For Huron ana Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON :duct any Auction Sale, regardles:. ,aa to size or article to sell. I solidi 'your business, and if not satisfied Will *sake no, charges for Services Rem Alerailft VirtEVR—Dashwood 311tana 13-67. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of VIcal and Cured Meats olognas, Sausages, Waxers, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Your yung,mut & Sol) SERVICE -why We have theLBetter Class of Customers 'SIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L INATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR VELUBS OIL, GOODYEAR TIRE •.AND TUBES, GENUINE IGIsIlTIOrN Parta,,Hohning wad Mechanical Wor1 Ion* to Micrometer Settings, Iqc wallas work. Watch the cars tha, =OP aa wows, They are alt HIGh CLASS CLIENTELE. D.ASHWOOD Vi7A 011▪ .1 ONTARIO Western farmers' Mutua Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. alst, 1931, $19,93,724. 'Total Casb in Bank e.nd Bonds $199,101,61 itntsie—$4.66 per Simi tar siearB E. F. Klopp—Zurich Meal. Also Dealer in Liglatnind Rods En d an kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT RY WANTED idtkon every Day till $ o'clock, p.m Do not feed Fowl same niernim when brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich OVA N010$1, Wants, For Sole, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ade IN UM MIAMI TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for care- taker of Zurich Public School up to December 21.st, 1932, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dr: A. J. MacKinnon, ;Secretary. FOR SALE A limited number of Pure Bred White Minorca Cockerels for quick ale. Apply to. Sol Gingerich. STRAYED Unto Lot 12, Con. , Hay Township yearling steer, sometime during the summer. Owner can have same by proving property and paytng ex- penses. Wilfred H. Shapton, R.R.1, Exeter ?hone, Crediton, 17 r 3. FOR SALE .1:71.11019- 50 purebred White Leghorn pullets months old ready to lay. .Also a lumber of York pigs shouts. Also a itter 6 month old. Apply to no. B. Hyde, Lot 3, con. 2, Stanley, Phone 86 r 11, Hensall. NOTICE FOR RENT Property! on Marie Street, Zurich, Awned by the Elmer Oesch estate.On. )remises is. a I !; story building suit - for small store or shop with dwel lng apartments. Wired for hydro ml connected with village water .ystem. Rent raaeonable. For par- ;iculars apply to Mr E. Oesch, Dashwood, Ont., or to The Canada Trust Company, London, Ont. '10TICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that %11 creditors and others having !aims against the estate of Joseph elinas, late of the, 'Village of Drys - tale, in the County. of Huron, Retired 'armer, who died on the 30th day of 'September; A.D. 1932, are required o forward their claims duly proven o the undersigned on, er before the i 5th day of December, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- 7,N that after the said date the Exe- -;.)tors will proceedto distribute the :tate having regard only to the :aims of which they then shall have netice. DATED at Zurich, Ont., this 17th lay of November; A.D. 1932. ARTHUR GELINAS, Executor for Estate, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. C. Fritz and son Ward mot- ored to Kitchener on Tuesday Miss Ethel Hess is Visiting with her sister, Mrs. (Rev) L, Kalbfleisch of The annual School Concert of S. S. No. 8, Hay, will be held on Tues- day evening, December 20th. Miss Vera Cowen, of Fergus, spent the week -end at the home of her brother, Dr. H. H. Cowen. Hess the Jeweller for Greeting Cards, over one, thousand Cards to choose front. BORN—In Stanley Township, on November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich, a daughter. Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, south and daughter Doreen, visited friends in Kitchener over the week -end. Mr. Oliver Turnbull has leased the Pfaff farm on the 1fith concession, Hay, to Mr. Harold Prance of Us - borne Tp., for a term of two years from April lst, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown . and family of Hensali have moved into town last week and are occupying the premises recently vacated by N. and Mrs. J. E. Gaseho. .0. Siemon. Mr. Brown is doing some tii., eine, or ireleware, who cobbling of shoes. has been ie care with her cousin, M.rs. H. H. Cowen, during her illness, The winterlike weather which pre- ' left on Monday for her home at that veiled for some time has changed the place. past week to real mild weather, and Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and sons the old ice and snow was all swept away by the rains on Tuesday and Gordon and Stanley, of the Blue Wat- Wednesday morning, but the snow is er High, south of St. Joseph, motored again flying this Wednesday after - to Baden and Kitchener on Friday of noon, and we likely are in for another last week. spell of winter. We are sorry to report that Mrs. C. C. Schilbe, who is suffering from . We would remind our readers that a skin infection, was taken to Lon - it is only 21/2 weeks more till Christ- don Hospital, where she is taking. mas. The merchants of town have treatments and is improving nicely. gone to much expense and trouble to The many friends of Mr. Christ. make their places of business at- Schwartzentruber of the Bronson line tractive for the Christmas shopper. are pleased to learn that he is im- Do your buying with your local mer proving nicely from his recent at - chant who always gives youbest tack of appendicitis. value for the money._ Miss Phoebe Gelinas, accompanied • O'Brein & on, local produce dea- by Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Glazier and lers are advising us that prospects daughters Margaret and Jean speant are looking very much like very cheap Sunday with the former's parents, fowl for Christmas, as the -present Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas. Claude prices quoted for dressed geese and ducks at present are only Sc., and prospect do not look bright for a raise in price the next two weeks. Turkeys, which usually command 'a good price are now quoted at 13c a pound dressed. Mr, W. H. Pfile of Heiman, called in town on Thursday last. Miss Edith Klopp, who has been vis iting in Detroit, has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon motored to London on Saturday. Mrs, J. Sitter of Thedford, wasra visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs 0. C. Schilbe. Mr. Calvin Williams and sister Miss Ethel, motored .to London one day last week. Mr. W. H. Golding, M. P., and Dr. Rose of Seaforth, were visitors in town on Monday., Mr. Ezra Bender and son Archie. of Grand Bend, were in town one day laet, week, Mr. Claude Gelinas and sister Grace returned home after spending a week in London. Miss Ruth Hendrick who has been' in London, spent the week -end at her home on the Blue Water Highway, south. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Deters, Sr, and son Clarence and daughter Anna, spent a few days in Kitchener last week. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gruehn and family of Sebwaing, Mich., were we- ek -en' i '•eme of Mr. Miss Freda Kalbfleisch, who has been a teacher on the Zurich Public School staff for a goodly number of years has tendered her resignation the same taking effect at the end of the year. Miss Kalbfleisch has been a very efficient teacher of room III for the last couple of years, hateing, charge of the Entrance class, and has a remarkable record to her credit of not having one pupil fail in its En- trance exams during her services as teacherof that class. The board of trustees however have been rortun- ate in engaging the services of Miss Lylyan Rose, of town, who has been a very capable teacher of the Drys- dale public school for some six years. f 4. 4. 4. :-•:---:-+++ .. 4 Are You Prepared? When the North Winds do blow; and your heat will go. Let Us Supply You with Storm Windows and Combin- ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! and we will gladly measure Call Us by Phone, PHONE 69 openings free of charge. kLBiL ii ZURIC1-1 UN your r++++++++++++++++++++ ++++4.++++++++++4.++++++++ + 1 4v Massey -Harris News I , . . Your Accounts are past due. 1. Kindly settle at Once and 4. 4. T. THE HERALD'S 'JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pub- t1k .with Commercial and fine Aix -siting, Get our prices be- .460xe, kaving, your order else - 1 save 10 per cent, + TeL Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS uctioneering,? - YES! 4. 4. Res. 67 — ,—. Silent Claw fits any mak a •/ And there 's no need for it! At less than furnace Burns il, er odchsdts, tillote oOthap ds h, half what yott would expect to p4y the jrnuatisu..._.ft any Qe:1,, e: gear .r New Silent Glow Oil Burner converts eezhas swags. your bot -air or hot.water furnace into a clean, convenient oil burning unit. No more soot. No more ashes, No more bard labour . : . and a steady. even heat at the temperature you like. Let us show you how SILENT GLOW will save you money and sieedless labour next winter. 125,000 homes have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. The NEW SILENT GLOW FURNACE BURNER com- pletely installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage tank and float feed. Only $195 MORE THAN "1 installed a Silent Glow Oil Burner in my hot-water SATISFIED" furnace last fall and am more than satisfied. I have a seven room house and during the last seoen winter months I saved about $50 on my heating costs." (Name on request). Silent Glow model W Awl= Burner. Tested sat approved by Home iBeryioe Bureau, coact uc, Rol by Canadian Home ITaarsat. 101110,.. igRynIt GLovfidi TRADE OIL simmigssionmemmensiosstar. MADE IN CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters/er homes, camps, garages, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burnersfor large hontes,apartments, schools and other large buildings WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 11r7R •77.1a, zossi=e4rma.....•=4 *1130000000.01aGaGuaaatiettmtazo .7.,17,3t*seltatnel)P4,eum.:.-.i7344/314411 z We • and Grace Gelinas returned to Lon- • • don with them, Mr. John Denomme has mooved onto the farm near Blake owned by a Mr. Max. Denomme, recently vacated 0 K by Mr. Lawrence Regier, who has 64 moved onto the farm adjoining Make 0 us which he has leased from the owner; Mr. George Koch, of Dashwood. Fertilizer Fertilizer have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS eep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter..by ing Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry F oods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! At the December meeting of the Hay Council on Monday, Mr. Ken- neth Routledge was appointed as co -1 lector of overdue taxes, His duties Don't Forget, We can supply you with the..proper Fuel commencing after December 15th,: • to keep your !Howe nice and cosy all Winter at the which. is the last day for paying tax- L • Good Supply Always on Hand. • 11 COAL COAL owest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. es without a penalty. Monday evening, December 26th the date set for the entertainment • the ilvang,elical Sunday School. "We • do Custom Seed Cleaning', The program will start off with a miscellaneous program by the juniors .6 Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. after which the pageant entitled • "The Inn at Bethlehem'''. The pro - grain promises to be a good one this Sane & Son year with not so much singing but • ••••••••••••,•00,•„ee,"„0„0,000080••••e••••a",e6••• more speaking as usual. Mrs. Robert Fulton and son, of Biggar, Sask., is visiting with relativ- es here at present. Mrs. Felton ad- vises us that general conditions in the Biggar district are about the same as here, and people can make a living nicely if they try. Mrs. Ful- ton while in Zurich is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Herb Bender south of the village, and her other sister., Mrs. Percy Weston, of Bayfield. The rather burdensom task of paying taxes is again upon the peo- ple and if there will not be rapid strides made in the next week, • a goodly number of taxes will be in arrears this year, as there is only one more week till the last day, Dec- emher 15th. We have bekei advised that the total amount of taxes due this year is 850,000-.00 of which the quarter is about paid. Exery citizen should show loyalty to his country by making the utmost effort and have your taxes paid by that date. Auto Accidents Audrey Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs James Smith, Goderich, when driving a car near Hensall on Sunday last, at the intersection of No. 4 highway and a crossroad, crashed broadside into a horse and buggy driven by R. Walker, R. R. No. 2, Hensall. The horse was badly injured and the bug- gy demolished. The car was badly damaged. Both drivers escaped with. minor injuries. It was established by Traffic Officer Lever that the driver of the horse had not observed the stop sign. While driving from London to Clifford the other day with Mr. and Mrs. D. Beiman and Albert Shierer, all of London, Mrs. F. C. Riggan, of the same city, suffered severe lacerat- ions to her head when the car skid- ded off the highway. The group were new' Jamestown and climbing a slight hill, when Mr. Beiman, who was driving, noticed the lights of a car topping the ridge andbearing down upon hitre He swung over to his own -side of the road and the car swerved, kidded into the ditch and r:,eined threeer':.c ignqe:, WWWWWW16MWAVAVAMV\MMVIAAM;VAIMVI Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++4•44444.4.4-.H.÷-1, ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ err:nee:ea SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS : Perfumes, Toil -t Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and r...ushes. ++++++++++++++++++4444++++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS] Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich ,i4416WEN2MV.M.',M,P,'!:,M1W141?:?: • .< • .1,