Zurich Herald, 1932-12-08, Page 1Vol. XXXiii No„ 22 ZURICH. THURSDAY IWOHNINO, DECEMBER 8 1932,, _ Chester L. SMitth EVASAMar. 11.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 In &boccie $1,50 IN A.RREARS, $2 MAY BY CHAMOMM Let. the Herald Ada And now after ali this much talk CzechoSlovak inventers have tak- •and commotion in the grand old U. en out a patent for the production of S. A., regarding the repeal of the artifical silk, paper and other useful Eighteenth. Amendment, or the Pro- articles from peat. If the patent is hibition Law, which was a big fact- worth anything Canada. may turn or in their recent Presidential Elect- some of herpeat bogs to good use. 1013, we notice that the other day ' the repeal was defeated in the Maine 'by votes, and the wets have to start all over again, and the drys Bang on to what they had. The American Roakli Builders' As- vociation a tells the public. that the motor owners of the country are pay- ing now at the rate of about one- -third of a cent a. mile for their use of the roads. This is calculated at the average tax of 3AS cents per .gallon. of gasoline. In Canada some of the provinces fax notch higher than. this. In Ontario, fax is 6 cents per gallon. of gasoline, in addition to "the charge for the license plates, ST. PETER'S vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH, -• ONT. "A Changeless Christ Ear as lag Wart" Friday, 811:-Lutiter Lena*. Saturday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES? 1.5 a. m: -German Service. 11.15 a. m. -Sunday SchooL 7.30 p. m.-Engrlish Service. Everybody Welcomes 5d at Services. E. Turkhelza. INA** aide you iri your Fall. and Winter Pura ases In county criminal court on day last last Wm. Bird, aged 75 years, from near Brussels, was acquitted of conversion with intent to defraud, by Judge T. M. Costello. Only one 'de- fence witness had been heard when • -4 • His Honor gave his decision. JJeaf One New ljamburg school pupil re- and Wily crippled, the old man bad vealed his political leanings -plainly to be asSieted to Inc feet to hear the during a recent arithmetic lesson. M- decision. "Eh?" he said. "The judge ter the intricacies of taxation arith- says you are free to go, the charge is mete had been explained by the tea- dismissed," his council J. W. Bush - cher the class was asked the purpose field of Wingham, shouted into his of taxation generally. "To pay ear. "Alright" he mumbled as he Bennett" was the surprising ansWer. shuffled out of court. 4--01 We read of a young woman of one hundred who celebrated her hund- redth birthday anniversary by go- ing to town and purchasing a new hat. People are never too old to take, proper care of their personal appear- ance. This centenarian young lady was right. +-11. -,`•• her..a• ett-in iVn h ji aces • "tr t 411 e need for atest enthusiasm prevailed. The Tilot Ur?, being uttei.- a return optimism -a new psytholo- ports of the secretary and treasurer Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the ,Huron Old Boy's 'Association of Toronto was held in the Pythian Castle Hall, Cl - lege street, on Friday 'evening,, Nov- ember 25th!, with the larg,esz, attead- ance in the history of annual ineet- ings. tvery municipality of the Old county wag represenlad and the pee- gical attitude, and so on. If the a- fhering appeals for moral fortitude are to be taken seriously, they must be backed up with sterner stuff than twenty-five cent wheat anci unem- ployment doles, says an exchange. 4.-t• HERE'S CHEAP LIVING , a showed the Association to be m very flourishing condition, with- a good balance in the bank. The fol- lowing officers were elected: Presid- ent, L. M. Pringle; Vice-pres., Dr. H. J. Hodgins, Geo. N. Ferguson, W.L. Campbell, Harry Martin, Geo Dane, Mrs. Dr. H. J Fergusooin 1V137•5- geQ, E. Feaguson, Mrs. R. Brooks, •Miss r The drop in the price of bread by .N * the Exeter Exeter bakers ceated a price I. L. Flynn; Secy„ E. Floody , asures D. D. Wilson; Chapiaincitev. war in Exeter, Saturday last. Bread R. C. McDermid: Organist, Mrs. 'gy. is now selling in Exeter at 5c a loaf Martin. Some of the special repre- over the counter and. fic. a loaf de- sentatives are; Hensall, Dt: Byrcin livered. On Saturdly aight one Lon - Campbell, Mrs. H. J. D.. Cooke, Btu - don firm that brings its bread to cefield, T. Mustard; Exeter, Theo •track, v- Selling: bread at Sweet, C. L. Courtice, Mn Scott; three. loaves for • 0‘.:: ' avid, Mrs. M. Becker. -7,---÷ Mrs. C. Silber spent the past week with friends in Hensel'. soccom000ccoes00000sosecosectootootaseocoo069001)••••••••• 414! • • Mr. Henry Bossenberry of Port Franks, was a business visitor in town on Monday. Mr. Harold Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido and Dorothy, were Sunday visitors in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jacobe, Mrs. B. Pfile and daughter Miss Pearl we- re visitors to Blyth and Wingham one day last week. Mr. Clarence Brenner spent the week -end in Kitchener, his mother, Mrs. John Brenner returned home with him, after spending two weeks with relatives and friends at that place. The Young People of Grand Bend 'United Church presented their play entitled "Yimmie Yonsons' Yob" in Alle basement oi the church on Fri- day evening, December 2nd, and was much enjayed by all. Je 't,d • ellery iGifta Will Always be Appreciated .VIARS WATCHES or Him and Her 9.1 12.00 to $30.00 ; Others as Low • as $5.00 • E ALSO HAVE A FINE DISPLAY OF FANCY CHINA, • PLATED HOLLOWARE, ETC. • •• The !almoner Phone • Hay Council met on Monday for the December Meeting. The last business or regular meeting will be held on December 1.5th, when the treasurer's books will be closed till. ,.••••.•• :7 1-4OCKEY ; NEWS...,t.0 ,,Oel*. C formerly of Hensel', where Mr. Mc - after the new year. The funeral took place on Monday • emetery of the late John Goderich Hockey Club organized Donald was the Chevrolet dealer for at a largely attended meeting at the a goodly number of years. town hall and set things agoing. The officers are: Hon. President, Judge Warden Louis H. Rader is attend- • J. B. Reynolds, now governor of the county goal, but foimerry man- ager of Huron CHounty Home, giv- es some figures illustrating the start- ling Tlifference between present hog prices and those of a little more than Costello and G. L. Parsons; president a decade ago. Hog -raising has been S D Croft• Vice-pres., Frank Elb- a}, profitable sideline at the County Blue Scranton Coal ome, and Mr. Reynolds recalls that • (Jack) 1VIcDonalcl, of London* and in 1921, -when be was the manager The Color Guarantees Tb.,e QuaRey there, he took out a load of ten hogs for .which he received 24.65 per cwt SCOTCH ANTHRACITE making the neat sum of $719 for the PETROLEUM COKE SOLVAY COKE MILLER'S CREEK POCAHONTAS ALBERTA COAL Always on Hand ' The Fuel Yards with all varieties ,of the Highest QuaRy. Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs on a graded basis, W. R. DAVIDSON Successor Eo D. A. CANTELON Phone No. 10 HENSAILL, OUT. load. If hehad waited two weeks ion - ger he would have got $25.25 per meeting in M. Oesch's shop a few cwt. At the present price $3.50 per nights ago to organize a hockey cwt., the same hogs would have bro- team which is to be entered in the ught about $100. Cyclone League this year. Zurich In Police Court should have a good line-up anis year In Goderich Police CourtCecil and will give any team in the circuit , plenty of opposition. The boys are all Neil, a 25 -year-old Usborne Township very much enthused over their chin - farmhand, pleaded guilty to theft and ces this year and are already doing was given three months suspended .a bit of skating to get into condition. sentence. Neil admitted that at the There are so many intending to try auction sale of Thos. Quinton, he.had out for positions that everyone must loaded a horse collar, three 7ialters, some metal shingles. and a beet knife total value $32.00 into a wagon along with some other articles which his boss, a -Mr. Anderson, had purchased - He said his •employer told him to do bert, secy., Ned Sale; Treasurer, B. Osborne. The executive decided to hold a minstrel show to raise money to buy equipment. Hockey Meeting The Zurich Athletic Club held • a 50. --,---- 0.0.44-6046•040044,44,44,04/ OPP.** "6,0*•••kr.t.e,•47 o•••••••••••••• MEN'S BLUE • SUITS „ Two Pak Trousers $18,50 FELT HATS SILK LINED $L75 0100.11110110......0111•10•14MNION41.......KVAMINIMI.1 WILAWRIOT/Al BOYS TWO PANT SUITS MEN'S BLUE OVERCOATS Aa Low As $11.00 •ntini.roormormomiiiimisimmmisow.iemit ART SILK HOSE ASSORTED 25c. MEN'S ALL LEATHER COATS $5.75 * • • t ing the December meeting of Huron .County Council which ,opened this Tuesday. How quickly the time do- es fly it seems such a short time since Mr. Rader got the Wardenship of Huron County, and now the year is practically over. It will likely be some years before this honor will a- gain be conferred on the reeve of Hay Township. Womens' Institute The Zurich Branch of the Womens' Institute held their monthly meeting on Monday evening, December 5th, in the Council Chambers, with Mrs. WM.. Hey in the chair. After the op- ening Ode, Doris Meyers gave a re- citation entitled "Courage". Mrs. O'Dwyer gave a very interesting BRIDAL WREATHS Diamond Rings See These $15.00 to $100.00 SIGNET RIIVC-s',fs $5.00 to $1.2`..Ed The Gift for Him Can's be Beaten Engraving Fiin.x: be right on his toes at all times, as peper on "Quaint Customs and Leg - no position on the team is sinched by ends of Other Lands," after which anyone. The following officiers Miss Lenora Haberer favoured with elected for the coming year are as an instrumental. Reports of the con - follows: President, Jake Haberer; vention held recently in London we- Vive-Pres.,re received from the delegate, Mrs. Bill Reith; Manager and E. Klopp and Mrs. O'Dwyer, who also Coach, Ed. Gascho; Secy,-Treas., Lee attended. This was followed by a O'Brein. The motion was made and SLVE A BEAUTIFUL MAMMA DOLL FREE WITH PURCHASES OF $10.00 AND OVER. 441 Cf: * 74 : ooaceireaseivaeosaeockooires000easiocsoaeoeto sososactovomso sceonded that the Zurich Athletic Club draw on its reserve in bank to purchase the necessary equipment such as uniforms, sticks, etc., as the present outfit is in poor condition and some of it is lost. These uni- forms must, not be used for any other purpose than that for which they are bought and must be return- ed at the end of the season. Mr. M. Brown was appointed as local goal judge. THE CYCLONE HOCKEY LEAGUE SCHEDULE Dec. 29 -Zurich at Hensall Exeter at Dashwood. Jan. 2-Hensall at Exeter. Dashwood at Zurich, • Jan..6-Zurich at Exeter Hensall at Dachsvood Jan. 2 -Exeter at Hensall .. • . • • • Jan. 10 -Zurich at Dashwood Jan. 13 -Exeter at Zurich Dashwood at Hensidl. Jan. 17-Hensall at Zurich Dashwood at Exeter. Jan. 20 --Zurich at Exeter. Hensall at Dashwood Jam 23 -Exeter at Hem' 11 Jan, 24 -Dashwood at Zurich. Jan. 27 -Zurich at Hensel" Exeter at Dashwood Jan ,10-Ztrri ch at Da shwa od 111 nsall at EN ,er Poll..3-Eensall at Zurich .Dashviood at Exeter. 4 Feh, iii --Dashwood at Ilensall 'Exeter at Zurich., • • 01:t • IWINEIRAL 4/111111014641L3 • • • 110010011.11111104001***•••••4•••eodio•ooecoceoef6******o* vocal solo. by Mrs. H. G. Hess and a poem "Unusual Visitor" by Edgar Guest, was read by Miss Pfaff.- `she business was coiwlucted by the presi- dent, Mrs. E. Klopp. Several items of business were disposed off. It was decided that the Good Cheer Com- mittee for the month of December, remember the shut-ins with boxes. The members are asked to bring their food donations to the home of Miss Pearl Wurtz. After the singing of the National Anthem t contest was -conducted by Miss Pfaff and lunch was served by the committee in ch- arge. During the social half-hour, Mrs. Meyers and Mrs. Wm. Hey dis- played the children's articles receiv- ed from members and friends for Northern Relief. OBITUARY Edgar Jacob taker The death oceurred on Friday after- noon, December .3rd, of Edgar Jacob Baker at the home of his sister, Mrs. W. Luker; of Hensall. Deceased,who was in his 71st year, was born at Shakespeare, but for the past 40 years had lived in Hay Township. He was unmarried, 'Surviving are three brothers, Peter of IlaY Township; jOhn, of Stanley and Willitun of the West; one sister, Mrs. W. Luker of Tall. The funeral was held on Mond ay aftern On , from th Lukit• home, Hensall, to the, Zurich Luther ;Your 4.4- d as To Your Good Friends is always very hard to decide. ca. So take Our Advice this Year and let it be: fi SLIPPERS The Thouptful Family Gift WE HAVE NEARLY EVERY KIND OF SLIPPER FOR EVERYBODY SLIPPERS for the Tiny Folks, up to those in which t Father enjoys the Evening Paper at Home by the - Fireside. Make yoour recipients Happy this Year by presenting Them with SLIPPERS. It' • 4.? We have always a full line of the best of Footwear at 4, Prices that are the very Lowest, when Quality is con- sidered 6 For the wet weather and snow, We carry a conwlete Line of Rubbers, Zippers, Golashes, and Heavy Boo -Ls: and Lumbermen's Rubbers for Men. Repairing? YES! Neatly and Promptly Done. 0 FRITZ S•N MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA:. Phone 82 or 11.5 Zuric ++++++++++++f++++++++4*•44++++++++++•+++f+*+ft•C-444' 4=isanimo*ramo4imossuoveinninv.insida*., an terrietery, with ReV,1 Turkheim • .iwatimideadimkni."'"n*"..rdiodUld.i.• New Low Prices ON Fall and Winter Dry Good WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, SWEATER COATS, CAPS, GLOVES, MITTS, SOCKS., ETC., ETC-.. ALSO RUBBER BOOTS, AND SHOES, HAR. NESS REPAIRS, AND MANY LINES OF HARDWARE, GROCERIES., ETC„, A' SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR C.ASHl R. N. DOUGLAS GaNgR Al hig PHONE 11 - 97 EILA K 1E7 oc..........1;:citislicsocccaucomiscooia5.1, pastor, officiating. seestaarangaraan---...avae•