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Zurich Herald, 1932-12-01, Page 5
Vrer'st7ay, Dana her 1S1, 032 BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E S `,111 BUSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. Y PUBLIC, ETC, lOi ICC' -^-Hamilton Street, Inst oil the Square, GODERICIll, Ontario. 3re>i.+isl Attention to Cauncelnand Court Work, Bele ee may be consulted at 411,2eherich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. I COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK- ZUkIN 'Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At gAR,TLEIB'S BLOCK, DASU..WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and r. ilsdneeday Licensed Auctioneer For Harron and Middlesex 1 AM INA POSITION TO 3QO N tact anyAuction ase to size or article to sell. I solicit pour business, and if not satisfied well :snake no charges for Services Ren- -bred. en- irr R WEBER --Dashwood THI7R W� Vbone 13-51. ,urichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats to as, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash. Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve You!'' Yu e hlu a & Son ATIC14] Why We have the; Better Class of Customer's p3IG11 CLASS GOODS, ' U. S. L. MOBILE OIL, MAR- ETVLuBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES GENUINE, IGNITION ?art$, Holxriing and Mechanical Work k seen to Micrometer Settings, No ;ureses work. Watch the cars that ATOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. 01,11 IDASHWOOD -- ONTARIO earea Western Farmers' Mutual 'Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario- +.A:mouat of Insurance at Risk on Dec. Slat, 1931, $19,593,724, Vaal ()RabingBa ,sa1nd Honda • Vtatale- ,50 per •1,H110 for 3 yoa,t°a, E. F. Krupp --Zurich 1 tenet, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and alt kinds of Fire Insurance I NT 'r O U LT R WANTS D NUM *Tsry may till .s o'clock, 1p.nt. Vie nff reed Fbw1 sante horning When brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Stone 1141, Be.s94, Uuxis r THE 14ERAII'S 0B DEPARTMENT + Is : Coever� r at the P I Teti.. Shop t49 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. tor.,P:..'.; ]Get o prices be- + yet'1 w..._. iii oaken ur order elsei t ..,„. _ _... . 4*++1+It+is t+t+ll++ -1,4 r+Inlb k+9+ rb•.a^s406***lla3454,4§106*+Atilk4 eve Inhario Nant>1Fy For Sal osty Found, Nott Bey E"I . Ad. TOO OOM12313 APPLICATIONS For Tax Collector Applicatione for the position of Tax Collector for the Township of Hay will be received by the Council up Lo twelve o'clock, a.m., December 5, 1932. Any person applying ,for the position must be prepared to give the necessary bortd required by law. Applications should bt, Mailed or Sanded to the undersigned on or be= ore, that date. .tl... F. MESS, Clerk of the Township of Hag WANTED Agent four good reliable Life In- surance Company for Zurich and sur- rounding country. Good contract to man wishing to do business. Apply o Herald Office, Zurich, FOR SALE 50 purebred White Leghorn pullets 3 months old ready to lay. Also a Number of York pigs shouts. Also a fitter 6 months old. Apply to /no, B. Hyde, Lot i;, con. 2, Stanley, Phone 8fi r 11 Hensall. NOTICE FOR RENT Property on Main Street,. Zurich, owned by the Elmer Oosch estate.On premises is a 1% story building suit- able for small store or shop with dwel ling apartments. Wired for hydro and connected with 111/age water iystt m. Rent reasonable. For par- ticulars apply to Mrs. E. 'Desch, .Dashwood, Ont., or to The Canada Trust Company, London, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ill creditors and others having claims against the estate of Joseph Gelinas, late of the. Viliegn of Drys- dale, in the County of Huron, Retiree] Farmer, who died on the 30th day of September, A.D. 1032, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the 1.5th day of December, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIV- EN that after the said date the Exe- cutors will proceed to distribute the estate having ,regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. • DA'Z'ED at Zurich, Ont., this 17th day of November, A.D. 1932.. ARTHUR GELINAS, Executor for Estate, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont. ZURICH . HERALD LOCAL M Mr, grid lVIrs. E. Weida called on Dashwood friends on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. T. L Williams were St. Marys last week, attending the funeral of Mrs. William's aunt, Mrs. (1) N,) W. I. Irving, The rather unseasonable and :mid- winter id -winter weather this November, haii apparently been hrokeri by 'tate milt] ness this Wednesday, and the probs tell us milder weather r ; in store for us. This has been a rather unusual cold snap for November, and the coal bins have suffered .considerably as a consequence. Orders for half -a -million bushels wheat for export have been receei ed by the Goderich. Elevator Co. 'Shrp ping began Saturday last when th first train left on the C.P.R. line. 13 Wednesday afternoon, 300,00 bush els of wheat were on their way t St. John, N.B. for foreign export, of � e y 0 We regret very much to report that a ease of scarlet fever has broken out in town, and the vietini' is little Rossie Casella, son or Mx:. and Mrs. Norman Gascho. . And we are happy to state that Rossie is im- proving wonderfully, and we think it must be a very mild form of this dreaded fever. Dr. A. J. -MacKinnon Medical Health Officer is using every precaution possible, that the disease shall not spread, and we know the Gesell() family is co-operating with the Health Officials. Presentation An interesting surprise paarty was held at the home of Mrs. Ivan Yunng- blot on Thursday evening, when some twenty of her friends inset in honor to her recent marriage, and made a eery handsome presentation and the 1'ollowirg address: "We your friends and neighbors have fathered here this evening to show in a very small way our appreciation for your kindness end companionship. In behalf of all those present here thiis evening we ask you to acecspt this gift, and wit it goes s our sincere wishes for your happiness and prosperity. .. On Monday evening of this week the Choir of St. Peter's Lutheran church met at the home of Mrs. Ivan Yuxigbint ,end' Anent a very enjoyable evening, when a very acceptable pre- sentation Wca, made and the follow- ing address read: Dear liarga_et: We, the Choir Members of St, Pc ter's Lutheran church 'have assembled here to -night to show our appreciation for your services -as a member of the Choir. Yon have gre- atly endeared yourself to us by your amiable character, your earnest de- votion to duty and the hearty inter- est you have manifested in our wel- fare. We ask you to accept this gift as a token of love, and esteem towards you. You have our earnest congratulations and good wishes for a long and happy married life. May God Bless you and yours, and sur- roundgifts. you ever with his choicest Signed on behalf of the Choir. fp •. .:„,•:-+•:-.}.÷.}.+4,•:.-1.-:-+.3-4.4-4•+++++++4.4.* Are You Prepared? When the North. Winds do blow; and your heat will go. . ti, • Let Us Supply You with Storm Windows and Combin- 4. {' ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! r 1 Call Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure your ' I 44 openings free of charge.. -” LIFLRT (Y1 PHONE . f 9 ZURICH t 44+4,+++++++++4,+++++++++++++++14++++++++++++++4.+44444 • s1 4,+++++++++++++++++++++ +++ ++++++++++44+++++++++++++4. 4 + t Kindly se Ie a once an asseyllarrisNews .our Accounts are past due; 4.+I +. save 1+D per cent. 67 Mrs, (Dr,). Pink, R. N., .of Del- aware, 15 in attendance to h.ex cousin 411's, H. H. Cowen, who is ill. .Barristers J. G. Stanbury and Geo, ]Morley of Exeter,, were in town on Thursday last,attending the local Division Court, Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich wa•4 in town last Thursday when he presided at the Tenth Division Court in the Town Hall. a number of cas- ' , 'von! ii;; and ,tc alt ir;i,t. .'twee ee 1:,. IL atene, of iltty, 113r. d'rd llerington, Nalfon (Stanlake, and Andy Easton of Exeter, attend- ed the Royal Winter Fair at Tor- onto the past week. mod - Only three and a halt' more weoks till Chfstmas, and where are you doing your shopping. Your local merchant can supply you with almost anything ything you need and :at ver xrotl- orate prices.. Word has been received in town of the passing of Mrs. F. Centtner, at her home in Dashwood on : ionclay Mrs. Genttner is known by many in Zurich, having spent several winters with hers daughter, Mrs, E. Oescli, i and son-in-law the hen Ehnr, O eeni, The funorel is beim held this Thnrs-; day afternoon in pashs.v9od, A very interesting and enjoyable time was spent at the home of Mr. l and Mrs. George Hess of town on! Tuesday evening. the o.:casion being the fiftieth birthday of leer. Hess, a goodly number were present and a most enjoyable time was spent. pen . All wishing Mr. Hess another fifty years Of happinesi le lie. Hay Council will meet on Monday, December 5th for the December me- eting. Only one more regular meet- ing this year, Dec. 15th, and then an- other year has made history in the local township affairs. One wonders who will be the next year's council, but time alone will tell. The present board has done well in the discharge of their duties, and can come before the ratepayers with a clean sheet, and we think anyone is well worthy of re-election. • HYMENIAL Witmer—Bell The Dashwood Evangelical parson- age was the scene of a pretty but quiet wedding on Saturday evening, 0 November; 26t1i. When Kathleen Elizabeth, elder daughter of Mr, end :lifts. Charles Bell of West Summer - land, 11, C., was united in marriage to to Earl Ray, son of Mr. and _';ir'c;. Isiah Witmer of Dashwood, by > :. A. W. Sauer. The bride was attend- 0 ed by Miss Laurette Witmee,sister of the groom. While Mr. Robert I Floyd Pollock of Grand Bend, aeted as best man. Immediately after the ceremony they returned to -the gro- ovi's home. P* 1 Slott Glow fits any make .of (alBee`oesfiJe oft. Other models to fi! any Quebec healer or kilehen range. And there's no need for it! At less than half what you would expect le pay the New Silent Glow 011 Burner converts your hot-air or hot:water furnace into a clean, convenient oil burning unit. No more soot. No more ashes. No more bard labour . and a steady. even heat at the temperature you like. Let us show you how SILENT GLOW will save you mosey and needless labour next winter. 125,000 homes have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. The NEW SILENT GLOW FURNACE BURNER com- pletely installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage $1 95 tank and float feed. Only "IWMORE THAN "1 installed a Silent Glow Oil Burner in my hot-water SATISFIED" furnace last fall and am more than satisfied. 1 have a seven room house and during the last seven winter months I saved about $50 on my heating costs." (Name an request). trap Silent Glow model W Range Burner. Tested and approved by Home SecviceBuresu, conduc- ted onductted by Canadian Home journal. satissszscas �S� TRADE MASK 550 1N -CAN. \ND LLS. PAT. QFF. °� t, MADE 1N CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, garages, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for large homes, apartments, schoolsind other large buik'inds,. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. i( A0$t00000$i0470''CIO*01.c. e90 a *00eFOIXIET-ai1;VVE2#Tr3�. i,$Fze'ive, 4 0 4 Ducharme—Uorriveau Another interesting event was cel-. ebrated at the R. C: Church, Drys- 0 dale, on Monday, Nov. 21st,.. when Rev. Father L. Marchand performed he ceremony which united in mar- e) riago Genevieve, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs. Peter Corriveau, of Stan- er township, and Mr. Gilbert son 0 t a 1 0 Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a go©d Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver at $19,00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! Keep using STOCK FOODS your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by Our Various .Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! COAL COAL Don't Forget, We can supply you with "the -proper Fuel to keep your Moine nice and cosy all Winter ats the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" f Mr. and Mrs. David Ducharme, of 04 Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. n Detroit. The Heraldjoina their � �e ��`�� the Goshen Line, south of Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Ducharme will reside in Detroit. The Herald coins their � e � friends S dB �s many ]len s m congratulations. * s0000,00000vgaseo e0 v0c goo escosoAsoent,o,eoc,om.0imet GOOD NEWS It has been announced that Colleg- iate olleyiate Departmental examinations will 4fig9ftvvm not _Commence next summer until July 1st, and will continue until .a-' bout July 15th. This is a. change Lem ' previous years when exams were us- ually finished by ;iuly 1,t, It will at - low :from two to three Weeks extra echool before exams commence and although no official word is available, it is thought the new regulation will prove very popular with both teacher .fir and pupil, who are, . as a rule, loath to leave each other at this time. • Trial Began Monday . The trials of J. P. Johnstone, for- mer Toronto broker, and his erstwhile salesman, Francis 3. By]es, wlio face sever al charges of conversion with intent to defraud and theft, in con- nection with the sale of Amalgamated Creamery stock, got under way on Monday morning before Judge Cos- teilo, Goderich, without jury, in co- unty criminal count. Large sums of money are involved in the charges, it. being alleged that -over 1100,000 worth of stock in the company was sold and not turned into the com- pany, It is expected that the trials will last for several days. Grey County Girl Wins Pub- lic Speaking Contest The annual convention of the Guelph District' Educational .Asso- ciation sso-ciation was held at the Ontario Ag- ricultural College, Guelph, on Satur- day, November 19th, when a public Speaking Contest was conducted, consisting of the winners of the following counties: Miss .Verlet Hockkridge, Grey County; Miss Mar- joory McCutcheon, Duffeein County; Miss Jean Scott, Bruce County; Ken- neth Lantz, Perth County; Verna An- derson, Huron County; and Carol Rife, Waterloo County. The judges awarded the prizes in the order given` above. Varlet Hockridge will have the honor of representing the Guelph District at Toronto next Easter to. compete in the Provincial Public Sp- eaking Cotitest. J Zurich ]Jrug Store SCHOOL SU?PLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL ' lE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. ++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toibbt Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Too::a. a `.:, and Brushes, +i•+i++€++l++l•+h+++ ++++++++++++++1 FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS) Dr. A, J. MacKirrnon, Zurichl forivwwwomp*iwykommproNvmmytwmAj