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Farm Stock, and l.,npleinliIt$
At Lot E% . 21, & S's 22., Con. 15,
13ay Township. on
FRIDAY, DEC BE It 'w',ul, 1932
.Commencing at 1.130 o'clock, pen..
:LIVE STOCK ---1 bay mare 7 yr
.ipld, ll ;good condition; 1 bay macre 13
'ears. old; 1. aged gelling. 1 holstein
nowt sTrs. old; .1 Hol r 4n euw 6 yrs
.supposed to be in calf in June;
4'0 liens Leghorns and Rocks.
IMPLEMENTS- -M.H. binder No.
4, 4$ -ft. cut; M: H, fertilizer drill,
1000-1b. scales, Ford Coach model
11:924; -Aragon, gravel box, fiat rack,
11r'aIggy, cutter, grindstone, set team
2raxness, single harness, cultivator,
••cudfler, 2 walking plows, big iron
kettle, 3 -section harrows, Renfrew
'cream separator, About 275 bushels
-nixed grain, about 6 tons hay, tim-
rothy and glover mixed.
-Oscar 7Klopp, Auctioneer.
•Fred Thiel, Bailiff.
parents, rts
ex after w
short illness, 'Tr4
Mr. and Mrs, .J..1L Tiemaih Missy ceased, whose meiden mime was El
Ella Martinson ai'u Mr. Gordon li.e-.
.der spent the week -end with.. Mr.
.and Mrs, Martinson in Elmira.
Quite a number attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs, Battler of Zur-
'eh last Thursday.
14Ir. and Mrs. Hotchkiss, 111r. Hot-
chkiss, ..r., and Mrs. .Huntly of De-
troit spent Saturday with. friends in
Don't forget the Christmas School
Concert which will be held on Wed-
uesday December 21st. Come and
enjoy a pleasant evening.
A very quiet wedding took place
at the Evangelical Parsonage on Sat-
urday evening, when Miss Kathleen
Bell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bell
of British Columbia, was united in
marriage to Mr. Earl Witmer, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Isiah Witmer of
near Dashwozld. Their many friends
will join in extending congratulations
Death of Mrs. F. Genttner, Sr.
The death occurred on Tuesday,
November 29th, of Caroline Pauline
Gossman, relict of the late Fred
Genttner in her 77th year. She was
born in Germany and has been a re-
sident of Dashwood for the past 45
years. Her husband predeceased her
thirteen, years ago. The deceased has
been in failing health for some time,
and reached the age of 76 years, 6
months and 7 days and is survived
The service was taken on Sunday
afternoon in. the Hillsgreen church
1y I3r. Mortomore of Auburn, who
len Shei'tbr, was born"' in Vaughan
Tp., near Toronto 51 yc ai:a ago and
when a young girl moved with her
parents to Stanley Tp. where she lav,
ed till her marriage to Charles Troy -
en They conducted the Hillsgreen
store for a goodly number of years.
till Mr. Troyer passed .agay, when
she anoved to Hensall and had since
made her home with her daughter,
Mrs• G. Hudson. About a month ago
she took pneumonia and also •a se-
vere heart attack, from which she
failed to rally. She leaves to mourn.
her loss three daughters, Mrs., Robt.
Jarrett, of London, Sirs, Wm. Van-
X-lorn, London and Mrs. Geo. Hudson
of Hensall; .and three sans, Case Hud-
son of T:ilsonburg; Charles of Ham-
ilton and James of Toronto. Also a
sister, Mrs: Sarah Dick and two bro-
thers, Charles Sheffer of Michigan,
and Edward of Hensall.
gave a 'message on his work in West r by a family of six children; Mrs. F.
g lura•
'lir. and Mrs. H. Fuss ante family
.;,Hent Sunday with irrends in Clin-
• Mr. Ross Richardson is visiting his
sister in Tillsonburg. grandchildren and seven great grand-
randM ss Verlyn Thiel of Zurich, vis -
children. The funeral will take place.
xted with Miss Elda Stephan. j on Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m.
with Rev. W. Ness officiating. In-
terment in the Bronson Line Cemet-
(Intended for last week)
Mrs. Pope of l:lensall, visited her
sister, Miss E. Greybeil, the past
Mr. Milford Merrier and mother
11Irs. George Merrier and sister Kath-
leen visited in Detroit a few days
last week.
Evangelistic services conducted by
Rev. Silas McFalls are being well
Miss Anna Tiernan has returned
after a pleasant visit with friends .in
Wells and Mrs, T. Harness, of Ex-
eter, Mrs. E. Oesch and Fred of
Dashwood, Charles of London, and
Mrs. S. Grover of Toronto. One
daughter predeceased. her, nineteen
Mr. Wm. Jarrott and daughter
.Annie spent Sunday evening with
Friends in Hensel].
Ir. and Mrs. P. Campbell and chit-
-dren of Hay Township spent Sunday
,at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Leve.
Butchering is the order of the day
at present.
Ou Thursday afternoon, November
24th the Goshen Auxiliary of the
Worsens' Missionary Society held a
very pleasant birthday service when
they celebrated their 30th anniver-
sary. 'Invitations" had been sent out
to members of the Society who had
avowed away and quite a number re-
sponded corning from Seaforth, Clin-
ton. and Bayfield. Mrs. John McKin- Mrs. Sam. Steacy and son Jack of
ley of Clinton the first president of Detroit, visited friends in Hensaall
the society presided in a very etlf- I and Hillsgreen.
:tient manner. Mrs. (Rev.) Lane. of I The Sunbeam Mission Band of
'Seaforth was the guest speaker. Mrs. ! Carmel Presbyterian Church gave a
Nelson Keys gave the address of Pageant on India and British Guin
welcome. Miss Ida Roulledge of Zur- i eau in the church on Friday evening
-ieh added much to the program by f Nov. 25th.
tier readings, also Rev. E. A. P:oulter Fred Bonthron last week .sold the
@Itis, f`larK -with violin and organs of Mrs. S. Stacey On S.
Richmond st., to Mrs. H. Jacobi, of
Chiselhurst. Mrs. Jacobi . will take
possession about the middle of Dec-
Hensall village financial position is
affection with the society. After the
in good condition and next year sho-
.,deiet: A unique feature of tlie;pro-
agr.ain was a beautiful birthday :cake
;adorned with 30 candles which were
lit by Mrs. W. L. Keys of Seaforth,
'the oldest charter member, who in a
few fitting remarks spoke •of her con-
program lunch was served and a so-
cial hour was spent.
Mr. Mervyn Keys of L-oncion, :spent
the week -end at his home on 'the
The Y. P. S. of Blake and Goshen
are holding a social evening at the
home. of Mr. and Mrs.- Jas. Mc-
MLcBride on Friday evening.
'Miss Margaret McKinley is visiting
at present with friends in Clinton.
Mr. Elgin McKinley made a busi:n-
:ess trip to Toronto on Tuesday.
After an -illness extending over .a splendid assortment of meats. Hensall occupants were inured but the car
cried of one year there away. has now three butcher silos and with was considerabl damned.
this residence on the River Road a „number of farmers bringingin meat The home of GarnetVanalst n of
near Grand Bend on Wednesday, Vanalstyn,
evemlrcr 11th, Edward GiII, son of to ::ell by the quarter, Hensall eitiz Parkhill, was completely destroyed
he late Joseph Gill• Mr. Gill was in ens will be well supplied. by fire last Tuesday and was a corn -
Ills 58th year being born on the Bab A. L. Case, railway agent, is now. piete loss. At the fire had gained gre-
1z1ni Line near Dashwood, later mov_ able to be up and dressed in the at headway before being discovered
trig to the Aux Sable concession Ste- home, but has not sufficiently recov- it was impossible to save the con-
Trhen then to his late xesidence 23 eyed .from his severe illness to be able terata, The proprietors were out of
years ago. He was a member of the to go out on the street, but expects; town at the time leaving the day
Milted Church and a member of the t''x ''xy shortly he will be able to
Stephen Township council for the d' ss,
vYh coning up to Hensall from
L.•rdir • tl.e other morning to attend
the funeral of their grandmother,
th hat. Jars.. C. Troyer, Ruth and
WilIlma van Horn and Verna Jarrott
of Londsm rnet with what might have,
been a serious accident just north of
Exeter. Owing to the slippery con-
dition of the roads the car turned
over on its side. The car not being
Miss Alma Mi.'i1 eusen, of Hanover,
On t ieir return eo Exeten they will
reside in the residencs vacated by,
O, kiarness,
Citizens of Minton and vicinity will
regret that .111rs. Clara Riunball, local`
Manager of the 13x11 Telephone C
mlieny, has aunt in her resignation to
the company and intends to retire.
Mrs. ltunrball has been manager for
nearly 26 years, having been appoin-
tecl on the death of her husband.
Mrs, Hector Reid, a well-known re-
sident of flcrrsail, and a native of
Stanley tin, died in her 35th year..
She and her husband went many ye-
ars ego to Manitoba and purchased
a G40 -acre section which sold after
his. death for $30,0.00. Ten ye:ars ago
with her son, John Reid, now of Lon-
don, and her daughter, Miss Minnie
Reid, she returned to Hensall.
Iffrara".44:4 De embe
1 -eek!.
�y� h,
Helen Melsaac of London, and Lea -
ter ,of Detroit, were recent visitors.
with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. 7D,.
Mcisaac, Crediton.
Dr. Hoppins of Toronto, is 'taking
charge of Dr. A. Newton-Brady's
practice at Bayfield during his ab-
sence in Toronto.
David Chesney, once favorite dance
player and noted violinist of Seaforth
vicinity, died in Winnipeg on :Nov-
ember 12th, after a year's illness.
The remains were taken to Miami;
Man., for internent,
Over 600 people sat down to the
tables at the fowl supper in James
St. United Church, Exeter last Wed-
nesday evening but owing to- thein
cidment weather and blocked. roads,•
the crowd fell far below that of for
mer years. The balance of the pro-
visions were consumed the following
evening when some 300 again. sat
down to eat.
Mrs. George Shipley, just east of
Clinton, : aw - a deer running across a
field of her farm. It scampered off
towards the woods as swir.iy as it
could, almost too swiftly for one to
get a good look at it,
Mrs. Ellen Alice Roe, widow of T.
Roe, Seaforth, died on Nov. zOth at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. - H.
Hartry, London. She was in her 86,
year and had not been seriously 111,
but had been poorly lately.
John A. MacEwan, Stanley, with
a nasty accident while at a neighb-
ors threshing, when a heavy pole stn:
uck hire in the head. He has suffered
considerably but latest reports, are he
is up and around though his head
quite sore.
Varna friends are very sorry. to
ioose C. Stamp - and family, Who
have been residing in Varna the past
year and Who have moved .ixe Mr. B.
Peck's on the Babylon to reinain for
the coning season.
The other day two deer walked a-
cross W. V. Jefferson's farm on. the
4th con., Tuckersrnith, passing with-
in 40 rods of the house. Wire fences
were no obstacle, as they skiped ov-
er them with ease. So many hunters
go North eyery year, this looks like
a return from the deer.
The Exeter Chamber of Commerce
are again sponsoring a Relief Fund
for the needy in Exeter. For several
years the Exeter Chamber of Com-
merce have sponsored a Christmas
Cheer Fund which was used princip-
aly for spreading cheer to the kid-
While driving to Seaforth from St.1
Marys last Monday, H. 3. Sutherland
.owner of the Seaforth and Goderic'.i 1
Theatres struck an icy spot on •due
road betweed Stratford and. St. Mar-
ys and after skidding some distance
turned over in the ditch. Fortunately
neither Mr. Sutherland or the other
uld se taxes much lower than they
have been for some years. This year
the last payment on the pavement
fell due and this should mean quite
a reduction in the tax rate.
The horse owned by Peter Mun,
three miles south of the village was
struck by a car. and so badly injur-
ed that it had to be destroyed. The
car was also considerably damaged
and there will be an investigation.
Friends of Mrs. Don. McKinnon,
1 are sorry to hear she is confined to
her home through illness
W. J. White spent a few days vis-
iting at Collingwood.
W. Batten of Usborne Tp.,, .has
started a butchering business in the
Murdock Block and is carrying a,
past three years. Besides his widow,
who was Mary Ann Baker, he is sur-
eG111; one brother, John of Grand
Bend; two sisters, Mrs. A. 'Baker. of
Grand Bend, and Mrs. Ruben. R.
Wilson, of Arkona; and his two dau-
ters, Mrs. W. H. Love and Mrs. L.
X. Love, of the 20th concession of
Stephen and one son Edward W. at
Ionise Services were held in the
United Church on Nov. 18th, at 2 p. damaged .much the party `continued
.M. by S. J. 141athera assisted by 3, their jour•ney to Hensall where they
Morley Coiling of Lambeth with' in. reser•. ed ,nedical attention.
ferment in. the Grand Bend cemetery The death occurred in the Scott
*mid beautiful floral tributes. The Memorial Hospital, of Barbara Greta
spall bearers baing the members of McNaughton, youngest daughter of
Stephen Council. , Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McNaughton of,
Hensall. Deceased was born in Hib-
bert Tp. and moved with her parents
to Hensali ter} years ago. Five years
ago .she was appointed librarian of
the Hensall public library and; also
Miss Ruth Tiernan spent the week- treasurer, of the library board. She
:fend with friends in Stratford. has been indelicate health for a
.Miss Gertie Hoffman spent several number of years. She was stricken
taay in Kitchener last week. with a severe heart attack the early
„4irr. John Hoffman of London, parr of the weekand was taken to.
,spent tt few (jays with friends in she Hospital where ,she prsssed away.
toga. The death oeeurnerl at the r'esid-
Mr. Eugene Tinian of London { ems) of her daaglzte •, 'Mrs. George
,1It•,eruity .apt;i t the week -end with ihdtOn on Saturday 1ant. of Mrs. 'C:
The death took place in Exeter, of
Edith Elliott an aged and esteemed
resident of the community vino pas-
sed away in her 79th year, The de
leased has been, in poor health for
some time. She was born in England
and in her early years of her life
came to Canada with her parents.
For some contsiderable tame a swarm
of bees had a hive in the house of
Mrs, Geo. Leith, Blyth, causing her
considerable annoyance. When G. D.
Leith and Johan Mason opened the
wall to get rid of the bees, they we-
re re.warded for their labors ty tak-
ing 75 lbs. of honey from the hive.
Robt. A, Crawford, who for the'
past three years has been connected
with the rural hydro dept., of Exeter
wast united in marriage last week to
and Mrs. Mich. Barry, succumbed to
terrible burns as t result of an ac-
cident at the family - home in Hib-
bert Township, The cause of the ac-
cident remained a mystery to the
listrossed parents until on Tuesday
vening after the funeral, a younger
sister who had witnessed the accident
and lead by that time recovered from
the excitement and shock, told how
Franecri' alot.ie,r had caugg"ht fire from
the kitchen stove.
1••••••••0000010•10000[0040000, 000•0009.000(0
•Established ..1817
oil presentation, in easily understandable foa'1n,
of the Bank's
31st October,. 1932
Deposits ' . . . . m. 44:8,332,663.16
Payable on demand and after notice.
Notes of the Bank in Circulation. • .. .. 4_ 34,1132,970.00
Payable on demand,
Bills Payable. . . . ,. • .. a. 1.811,186.44
Time drafts .issued and outstanding. •
Letters of Credit Outstanding, .. 1,34•.3,722.33
Financial responsibilities undertaken on behalf of customers (see off-
setting amount (x] in "Resources')- •.
Other Liabilities . . .
Items which do not come under the foregoing headings.
Total Liabilities to the Public - . • •693,O( ,318.39
Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits
&Reserves for Dividends . •. •
This amount represents the shareholders' interest in the Bank, over
which liabilities to the public take precedence.
Total Liabilities . . . • • .
To meet the foregoing Liabilities the Bank has
Cash in its 'Vaults and in the Central Gold Reserves-
Notes of and Cheques on Other Banks. . .•
Payable in cash on presentation.
Money on Deposit with Other Banks .
Available on demand or at short notice.
Government 8 Other Bonds and Debentures
The greater portion of which consists of gilt -edge securities which
mature at early dates.
Stocks . . • • •• •- 0.
Railway and Industrial and other stocks
Call Loans outside of Canada
Secured by bonds, stocks and other negotiable securities of greater
value than the loans and representing moneys quickly available with
no disturbing effect on conditions in Canada.
Call Loans in Canada .
Payable on demand and secured by bonds and stocks of greater value
than the loans.
Bankers' Acceptances . e
Prime drafts accepted by other banks.
(equal to 63.46% of all Liabilities to the Public)
Other Loans
To manufacturers, farmers, merchants and.otherss on conditions con-
sistent with
oirsistent,with sound flanking.
Bank Premises . •
Three properties only are carried in the names of holding companies;
the stock and bonds of these companies are entirely owned by the Bank
and appear on the books at $s.00.in each case. 411 other of the
Bank's premises, the value of which largely exceeds $'r4,500,00o, rip-'
pear under this heading.
Real Estate and Mortgages on Real Estate
Acgaired in the course of the Bank's b.lsiness and in process of being
realized upon,
x Customers' Liability under Letters of Credit .
Represents liabilities of customers on account of Letters of Credit issued:
by the Bank for their account,
Other Assets not included in the Foregoing, .,
• • •
Making Total Assets of
to meet payment of Liabilities to the Public of
leaving an excess of Assets over Liabilities to the Pulilia o) $ '76,160;954.60
.. 069,166,272.69
Profits for the year ending asst October, 1932
Dividends paid or payable to Shareholders
Provision for Taxes, Dominion Government
Reservation for Bank Premises •
O. e. $3,960,000ms,
.,. 457:67i:0g
• zoo,000.00
Balance of Profit and Loss Account, 31st October, 1935
Balance of Profit and ]torts carried forward ..
X1,517 671.05
joint Ventral Managers
* •*
The strength of a bank is determinedits history,. its ptlicy, a11s mananenzent
g by
and the extent of its resources. For 11 years tile tack of Montreal
beer in the forefront of Canadian, finance.