HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-12-01, Page 1■ XX. ,i: W l Chester ✓L ZURICH; THURSDAY MOH,ARG , DECEMBER I i 32R _ , Smith 1.5 n year, 1J+S.7E.5tii G4,,ts^; I2VARR1$Alib,$2 IllAY B 011*ti ltd Let Heralcl Ads, guide you itt your Fall and Winter There are indicatkiionr% fkliatt the arose tin in the United States is gradu- ally becoming more "liquid" as the Christmas holidays approach. ' In Police Cour In F' c t When Albert. Blorarn ; ani , Ciande •boyo offered to enter a separation agreement with his wife,, no evidence was offered againet hihii Re cementer police court on a charge of d'isard- erly conduct. BK'onexz:e:,, A,Tito ,l rs be .en before the court. a uexal Vines, signed over a portion aids war pen- :don en:si:on to his wife and laminae. Jos. Ryan pleaded to a reduced Charge of common assault at, the fall assizes at Goderichand was bound over in the sum of WO to (keep the :peace. Accused was, allegedi to brave .frit M. Beaton, S'earaztie Ont 'mer" ov- er the head with a, chairs. A physic - lam testified that there VMS z>:* ee:n:- nous or permanent instar ST. PETER'S :Evangelical Lutheran. Church. %ZURICH', --- 4'i'llt&'id: "A Changeless atria flag sx dies Warta'' Friday, 8h:, ----Luther League. Saturday—Choir 'Practise. -SUNDAY SERVICES'' a. m:--^Ger uan, Services. /1.15 a. m.. --;gander Scheel. 7.80 p. m.—Expisii Sazo. Present and Wartime Prices Last Friday Ex -Warden Willoughby of Brant sold nixie ,, pigs weighing 1870ibs. in Chesley at $,S":10 per cwt.; netting him $5.7.97 In one of the e years of the Creat War he .sold ten hogs, averaging a little heavier, Fri- day, the ones he delivered• last k ri- day, for 45?6:35-. • 'While the latter price was abnormally high,- the pres- ent-day low, prices show how the col- 'lapse of the live stock market has .e-ontributed in bringing about the hard times. High taxation rias also luta Its share in forcing many fane priems into bankruptcy 1 Chesley nter- se. Auto Accidents Mrs. Ida Fields, aged 53, of Wing ham, died early on Monday afternoon in. Seaforth Hospital from injuries suffered shortly before noon of the same day, when their car, a large :new Hudson, driven by her nusband, Thomas, skidded on the highway; ,just north of Hensall on the pave- ment, left the roadway, and crashed into a tree. Mr. Fields, also was tak- en to the hospital, was seriously hurt about the face and nose. Coroner Dr. Burroughs said no inquest would be held. He declared the death ac- cidental. Death was caused by a fractured skull and a broken neck vertebra. Provincial Officer J. Fox - ton of Mitohell, who investigated the . accident, said Fields was driving . south on the highway and pulled out Everybody Welcome, e an Sonless. to allow an oncoming truck to pass. E. Turkkeiva. - rawtsarr - • His car skidded on the icy road- and crashed into the tree. Mrs. Fields was thrown forward against the windshi- eld and severely cut, in addition to her other injuries. Her husband had his nose broken, and was crushed behind tie ,steering -wheel. It is,feared he sufieted internal injuries , c, S`Fok MOTOR CARS urNvsi�s cunLmue at d$ satzsxacLory ,iI , A despatch from Toronto states: level, well, above the $;6000,000;000 i ` r, Brown we understana will en- CAR;i? .O'F THANKS We take `• .:dins medium ..in greatly thanking the neighbors and fri.c tails for the sympathy and a:sistanc, oan deri• a• �: ed during the passim„ of ou d <nr Mother,. Mrs. Battler. Also for t a many floral. tributes; for the seri:its rendered by the Ladies' Aid and the Choir of the Evangelical church. The Family, Huron- County " Council: Meeting . The Huron County Council will meet in the Council Court House, Goderich, on Tuesday the Oth day of December, 1932 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Accounts and notices of deputations or other business to : be brought before the Council.. must be zn 11.-e hanc?,; of the Clerk the prev- ious Monday, Goderich; November 28th, 1932. Geo. W. Hobnail,` Clerks. BANK OF MONTREAL REPORT SHOWS MAINTENANCE..OF. USUAL .STRONG POSITION lacks. Another drive was launched on Monday :of this week, when the Featured by unusually strong .Iiq- boys knocked down 30 jacks, uid reserves and affording every ilea- son for confidence, the Bank of Mon- Mr. William Miller of town has treal annual statement in this week's rented the 160 acre farm on the -15th portune time. Financial. conditi issue, makes its ap1earance at an ,op- eomicerssiokr, which be recently_ took rover frOrn Mr. Sovereign Ducharme, not enly in Canada, but through ut to Mr Chas: Weiberg for a term of the world, have been of an excepti n- five years. 11191., .199 } • Mr. Daniel Truemner of Crediton, e visitor with friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. T. L. Wurm of Toronto, called on" Zurich friends the beginning of the week.. Tr. Jacob Haberer of town attend- ed the Ontario Beekeeper's Conven- tion at Toronto a few days last week. .T_ lase a•a+•ea••easti• oseeseeseeetmeee a seseeeeese ceoca+ r taw • s • •e Eire • 5, iellery Thl Christmas e ft • • ALWA • S APPRECIATED s SERVES AS A CONSTANT REMINDER OF THE GIVER et Mars Watches for Ladies' -or Gents. Bridal Wreath Diamond Sae Rings. Gent's or Ladies Signet Rings. Engraved Free.. ••0. ,a� Attractive Gold Jewellery Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Necklets" EG'rece • Jets, Watch Chains, Etc., Etc. • d FREE FREE FREE ?1i;. and Mrs. W. A. McEwen ofgo Beautiful Mamma Doll with purchases to $1O.tzo and over fr=.�rtge Clinton were visitors at the home of I now till Christmas.> iblr. a"nd Mrs. T. L. Williams - this I: Qi tar wee] Ness, Ti � Phone p. tJ"r?, ne�� tom. caseva +aa�aaaeeeceaa sseacearzseeeaooeacoesaea ice d Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich of town -and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gin- gerh h of the Goshen south, motored to ICitch:ener over the week -end. The first jack rabbit hunt of the season was held one day last week wherc•ten local hunters bagged • 26 aI nature and on this account there f and Mrs..Garfield Brown of will be a distinct feeling of •satisfa:Ct- Hensall have moved _their effects in 'ion that. the Bank of Montreal agolra to the' wens. and place of business ;repo ts• t,o its shareholders the man- •tenanee of •lis' suaI''' treir�it. Mia'''rec6.411 �';74e: tea k?y N , E., Sierran, Part of the Dominion Hotel property. Revised registration tees for - motor mark The profit and loss account tette in the shoe repairing business. shows profits for the year consider-, Our local bakers are giving the Hon Minister of ably below those reported for the, public another cut in the price of Highways. Leopoldde revisedMacaulay, M will come previous year. The annual statement bread, it now being down to 6 cents which is for the fisciai year to Oct a loaf, and surely we can afford to The Color Guarantees ice Quality ense plates. understandable form appears else - vehicles in Ontario were approved by order -in -council and announced by i Blue Scranton Coal into effect December 15, in conjunct-� ober 31st d ' d ' I ion with the issuance of the 19331X- I where in this issue. - HOCKEY NEWS , an zs presen-e in east y eat it at that price. We notice that a bakery in Exeter is selling their bread at 5 cents at the shop, and 6c delivered. And probably some will walk . from the other end of town to save that extra cent. SCOTCH ANTHRACITE PETROLEUM, COKE SOLWAY COKE MILLER'S CREEK POCAHONTAS ALBERTA COAL. Always on Hand The Fuel Yards with all varieties of the Highest Quality:. Highest Cash Princes pais[ for Eggson a graded basis. W. R. DA.WDS N Successor tiz> D. A. CENTS Phone No. le HE kAYi,, ,,, ONT. 00444.044 Passenger and commercial cars and two -purpose vehicles are affected by the schedule -as revised, which is as follows: Cyclone Hockey League Meeting Four cylinders, $7. On MondayNbWord has been received here on Srx cylinders, up to and including evening, 28,Sunday of the passing of M. John 20 horsepower $12.a meeting of the Cyclone Hockey Six cylinders over 24 h I League wa,'held MX, Oesch's barber Schilbe, at his home Detroit. Mr, 15.0o. Eight cylinders, up to and includ- ing 25 horsepower, $15. Twelve cylinders, $130. Sixteen cylinders, $40.. The only changes in this schedule are in the sixes and eights. "It is. believed by the Department," said Mr Macaulay, "that this division more equitably divides the six anis eight cylinder cars according' to weight and price. That belief is concurred in by the manufacturer." orselrower Schilbe was a former resident of the shop. This meeting was for the pur- 14th Con., Hay Township, and many years ago moved to Detroit where he has since resided. The funeral is being held this Wednesday in that city and several from here are at- tending the same. The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas, of Blake will regret to learn that Mr. and Mr'w. Douglas are both confined to their bed with illness. Their. daughter, Miss Gladys R. N:, of the Huron Springs Sanator- ium; - Hensall is in attendance, while Mr. Will Clarke is looking after the general store. We trust thatboth Mr. andMrs, Douglas will soon enjoy their usual good health. - OBITUARY ruvu `9r.' errMr.. n.mwY..r 444.4+0. rewF44w40004.0 6646W...004o MEN'S BLUE SULTS Two Pair Tirser, $1.8.50 w FELT' HATS SILK $1.7.5 L .a7 - MEN'S BLUE OVERCOATS Aa Low As $11,00 ART SILK HOSE ASSORTED 25c. BOYS. TWO PANT SUITS I *100 MEN'S: ALL LEAi : EI , COATS $5.75 &man 0 0 • fi pose of re -organizing the league, which has • not been functioning for the past few' year The towns rep- resented were: Hensall, and Zurich. The representatives of Exeter and Dashwood failed to come so the two towns - represented elected officers, drew up a schedule and passed reso- lutions for the 11132-'33 season. The following were elected to office for the coming season: League President, W. A. Siebert, Zurich; Vive-Pres., Jack Passmore, Hensall. Executive Committee—Al- bert Traquar, Exeter; Peg. Shaddock Hen.,eall;•Mervin Tiernan, Dashwood; Gideon Koehler, Zurich, The follow- ing resolutions wee approved oft and passed: That the O,H.A. rules prevail in all league games. That the 4,isiting teams bring the referee and one goal judge, also a timekeeper if they sso desire. That the home team must have a goal judge, and timekeeper for both game and penalties: That team that is unable to play as sched- uled cheduled must notify league president and officers of opposing team at least 24 hours before game time. If .good and sufficient reasons aie not given for not carrying out schedule as ad- opted said team must forfeit garne depending decision of president and executive. That the point system be adopted in determining league stand- ing. Two points for game won, and. Late Henry Brenner There passed unto his eternal re- ward at his home S. 13. Stanley Tp., on 'Tuesday, November 22nd, Henry Brenner, a highly esteemed citizen of the community, aged 70 years and ,,8 days, Mr, Brenner has not enjoy- ed his usual good health for the past two years or so, but his condition was not considered so serious, but he was ushered into the eternity on Tuesday last. Being a. native of the Township of Hay, being born on the Blind Line, he -knew much about the pioneer life of this communityas it developed by the years of time, For a goodly number of years he resided one point for tic game. That each iti Dashwood, then moving unto the rink must be properly illuminated so farm where he died. Mr. Brenner players especially goal tenders have was ofa laveable disposition, and had a clear vision of puck at ail times, many ' warm friends who Iiked his and also as a safety erasure against mild disposition, and he will be gre injuries which might be incurred as atly missed, Surviving are: his wed- a result of poor lighting system. That Or, one, daughter (Alma), Mrs, Jos. - all teams have a distinctive uniform Bechtel', of Stanley; four sisters, Mrs. of it's own if at all possible, That W. H. Bender of Detroit, Mrs. L. • the championship of the .league be Webt:r;, .Mrs. W. G. Hess, and. IVtrs. determined by the first and second W. C. Wagner of Zurich, and also teams in final standing pl:ling off in one brother, John Brenner of nee a three !same series, The t,ant win- 'Ch. The funeral WAS held on 'Friday ming two out of three being declared afternoon: to the Lutheran Cemetery, champions and holder of the trophy Itev. E. Turkheim officiating. The ableinatic cif such in the Cyclone/bereft family have the ;sympathy of League. the loss of their father in the home 1111**.dla NI 46.1411: SIATIERAI, ll C i$ 0 04400lr4SO /4P8P00•l+F '' •�4'.r: 5" '•afssh4 fs 9 t04+a4S+,6 d§ 4S40 it • F' 1' wt ,0 ,0 $ gar 041. + iY hrish s To Your Good Friends is always very hard to decide + So take Our Advice this Year and let it bei. +! I SHIPPERS .., The Thoughtful • aindy WE HAVE NEARLY EVERY KIND OF SLIPPER FOR EVERYBODY $ SLIPPERS for the Tiny Folks, up to those in wrsici=s. T, Father enjoys the Evening Paper at Horne by the. Fireside. Make yoour recipients Happy this Year l ty,, presenting Them with SLIPPERS. �'�-.►.�(,.. it iliiiil111« i IIl111611' 1, We have always a full line of the best of. Footwear ,at Prices that are the very Lowest, when Quality is r- • sidered For the wet weather and snow, We carry a corrllpliute Line of Rubbers, Zippers, Goloshes, and Heavy and Lumbermen's Rubbers for Men. Repairing? YES! Neatly and Promptly Done. ti 0 FRITS'. SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA 3 Phone 82 or 115 Inch ewrPrioes BB rr ON Fall and Winter IDr Dry Good WOOL AND FLANNELE'I'i E. BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, SWEATER COATS, CAM GLOVES, MITTS, SOCKS.., ETC., ETC. ALSO NESS RUBBER BOOTS, AND SHOES, HAM - REPAIRS, A -REPAIRS, AND MANY LINES- HARDWARE. INESHARDWARE. GROCERIES.„ ETC.0 SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH t RIF No DOLIGLAS 00111ERAL g 'hHAi ll" "HON' 11 a 97 BLAKE wa+WMhmal01,999rvuY,nn+�n.m+M,M.>•faVru<m9.9991 wRT NMM, efr4 fe