HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-11-17, Page 5. November 3114 *91 BUSINESS CARDS � Lir E v TT ()LA s ADI RI55TER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. FFICE—Hsexnilton. Street, ;hast oft fate Square, GODEIZICH, Ontario. ;peelal Attention to Couutel wad Court Work. Mr. 33folnaes may be consulted at tlettlerich by Phone, arra -Phone charges reversed, Dr. IL • Ii. C O E N L. D. S. - D. D . S. DENTAL SU•RGEO it DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Nyary Thursday, Friday, Saturday At B ARTL1IB' S BLOCK, DASEWGOD; livery Monday, Tuesday and ;,Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex Am IN A POSITItDr�? TO CON - tact ,sny .duction Sale, regard o size or article to self. E so ~business, and if not satisfieal e no charges for Services R �,T1ii7R WEBER,—Dashwood ne 13-b7. .r1chd' Popular -ME AT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats 3 oiognaS, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest •Cash Prices for' Wool, Hides �hd Skins Let Us Sery Your o Yunghlnt & Sart 1 fess solicit s .t will Tiour Ren- aimed. e have the. Better Class of Customers s xH CLASS GOODS, u. «.HI0S1LEe b w•`R- "'`6•:1E�OIL, GOODYEAR 'TIRES - :Oh) "r JBES, GENUINE IGNITION "arta, ll obning and Mechanical Work items to Micrometer Settings, No vies work. 1Nateh tl,e care that i ilticlr is entirely separate from the CLASS CLIENTELE. JITO? at VEIN'S, They are all HIGH I U.F.O. convention, will be "held in the •tang Edward Hotel, Toronto, gra -- EUancH Mata !Want1111/0 s, °, .esti For Sole, �. Found Notices t Ad 1 TN was coLvain NOTICE There 'strayed unto my premises some time ago a five Months' 1?ld part Collie dog, and anyone wishing to have a young dog can have this one by paying this adveziseinent, and calling at my place, The dog is a very promising :looking one for farm use. Apply to Ferd. Haberer, Zur- ich. WANTED Agent for good reliable Life In- surance Company for Zurich and sur- rou.nding country. Good contract to rnan wishing to; do' business. Apply to Herald Office;• Zurich. FOR SALE 50 purebred White Leghorn pullets 6 months old ready to lay. Also a number of York pigs shouts. Also a litter 6 months old- Apply to Jno. 13. Hyde, Lot 5, con. 2, .Stanley, Phone 86 r 11, Hensall. • Old Man On Trial An aged man, an old -age pensioner William laird of Morris township, sent up for trial on a charge of fraud involving $1.00, last ,week appeared before Judge Killoran for election. His trial in the county judge's crim- inal court, without jury, was fixed for November 23rd. J. W. Buslifield of Wingham is defending., LOCAL NEWs Mr, and Mrs. ':T, L. Williams .,Yrexo visitors in Hensall on Sunday. 11'Ir. and, 'Mrs. Nuala SurerW of 'Kitchener, were in town Sunday. Mr. Gerald Bedard of Torpnto, spont the week -end at his homem here Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 'file of Dashwood called in the village one evening last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gazebo "and family of 1-iarriston, were visitors in town Sunday, also attending the fun- eral of the former's nephew. • All Hats sold at greatly reduced' prices at Zurich Hat Shop, which- is at present in charge of. Mrs. Herb. Krueger. L. Prang &' Son have recently pur- chased a .large Reo auxiliary wreck- ing car to use in their busyness, and it sure should • "bring thein in". - Born—At Blue Water Highway, Hay Township, on November 1.4th, to Mi. and Mrs. Garnet Patterson, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Kissweter of Kitch- ener were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe of near Brucefielci„ were; :Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Har- rington Finkbeiner, Goshen south. •' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Wagner of Guelph were week -end visitors with the former's parents, 1!3r and Mrs. W. C. Wagner - The Women''s Missionary Society of St. Peter's Lutheran church will hold a sale of home made baking on Saturday, Nov. 19th, at 3 p.m. at Johnston & Kalbfleisch's store: Mr. John Denomy has moved on to the farm west of Blake recently vacated by Mr. A. Rubin, who has moved on to a farm in Stanley Tp. ' Father Dies Mr. and Mrs. Rice and daughter Edith, of near Egmondviile, were 1'ir. and Mrs. Wm. Bieber and fame Sunday visitors at the honw of .Mrs. ily and TVIr. and Mrs. William North- C. Either. Miss Edith remaining for cott and son, all of Hay Township, a week with her aunt, Mrs. Eilber•. were at Ridgetown. on Friday last .at- tending the funeral of the former's Little Marion Cowen celebrated fattier, the late Philip Beiber, who her fifth birthday on Tuesday by hav- died November.2nd in his 78th year. ing a few of her little friends in to The deceased is survived by four lincheon and other amusements in daughters and four sons. the evelrarg. U. F. O. ISSUES CALL Mao FARM PEOPLt Miss Anna Datcii , who has been taking treatments°at London Hospit- al, ' turned • to her home here. on Sunday, and we -regret that Miss Rat- ers has not just yet got her usual On Thursday, Dec. 1st, during the health back. week of their annual convention, , • The: United Farmers of. Ontario will The Zurich Horseshoe Club expres- throw their' doors open to all farm sed • th^ar sympathy and loss of people of the •province, rn doing so well worthy rneniber in• the passing :of they are giving alead,lookingtoward, Charold Ray Sure:rus last Thursday. the unifying of all agricultural for- ,Charold was a very outstanding ces, as they did last July in spon- young playing with a very promising coring a farmers' delegation to Ot- :future, and very honest in the gau u. tawa. This farmers' mass meeting, always willing to give the benefit of the doubt to his opponent, and watt a favorite with this chub, who availed themselves of the opportunity in ex pressing their sympathy by present- ing the last remains with a beautiful 0 DASH -WOOD -- ONTARIO Western Farmer tu 'Weather Insurance Co • OF WOODSTOC The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Ailment of Tnenrance n} Rialr on Dec. Slat, 1951, 319,693,724. 'stat Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 gltates-44.30 per 01,600 for a ream, E. F. KlOpp—Zurich Alien, Also Dealer in Lightnsod Rods Rand all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POULTRY WANTED Tams every Day till 1k • Me not. feed Fowl, same morning when brought ire Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR -- CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Rea. 94, atria THE HERALDS 3011 DEPARTMENT ever ready to serve the pub- lic with, Commercial and fine 1Patinting. Get our prices. be - tem leaving; your otakttr e se - s 1 . itthext:. opening at 10.00 a.ni. and running both forenoon and afternoon ses- I sions. - wreath of flowers_ ¢°r l•.I•*F.I••I'•I•'I••I•$•£-�^°•:..P's'�-z •I••Q •€• I•ti••I•°r I••; ,� •l..r,«;.a,..;..; r.; .i•>..; q•�•:; ?--;.•g-«�.ri� i••�••3.•¢..i••p' re You Prepared? When• the North Winds do blow; and your heat will ga. Let Us Supply You with Storm Windows and Combin- ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! Call Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure openings free of charge_ Co„h F. • t PHONE 6 11. } 3•d•^; F i•-'~•I••4•,,.;..1.>-�-1-1i3a• •Y ;-Tal.,y..g..l••;;••!•�'+�i•.; ,a+•Fr•�•' ++ y ,b+ I•,l•.I. 2.'fi•4.4-1- ••II ++• AL f 4. your 4 FLEISC ZUR�CN r+++++++++++++++++++++++++116.14+++++++++++++++++-1-1-++++ Special Fall Prices .1.1'. On GRINDERS, HAMMER MILLS, CREAM SEPARAT- F F ORS, PULLERS, SECOND HAND MACI-IINiEI2'i� ▪ Used Fleury plow No. 21. Cockshutt riding plow, foot 1 lift. Oliver riding plow foot lift. M. -H. gang ptow. q Ford. Truck, Drag Harrow, Spring tooth Cultivator. 1 # • Call and see the New No. 7 M. -H. walking plow which ▪ will be used extensively in Provincial plowing match. Check your corn binder, plows n1I makes, cutting box, ' Grinders, for needed repairs and save extra charges by 4. ordering early. + GAS OILS GREASES t MASSE'' -HARRIS SERVICE ARM for FARM Tel. Shop, 149 O KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 • i t ir++IrK+*+* l 41 +44411 ,4, 444st*° ."" Born. ---At Harristen, Ont., on Oc- tober 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crasehoi a son. Mr.,and Mrs.: d. Geiger of Pigeon Mich,, visited at the home or: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Melick. • Old king winter made his ennrear- ance on Wednesday morning, with the heavy fall of snow which enables the sleighs to run, but the auto is still plowing its way along ,rico. Mr. john l)uchttrr;~e Lis leased his .list -acini farm, north of Dr•yscl:de,to' his son-in-law, Maurice Durand, for a terns of five years, :vir, Durand h•r.i also purchased all the stock and equ- ipment on the farm. 11Ir. and Mrs• Ivan Yungblut, brid- al couple, returned on Tuesday ev- i ening from their honeymoon trip in. Michigan, and they are now busy settling in the apartments they are ; taking in the Deitz Bloch. We ail join 1n wishing this popular young couple the vers best, The local Women's Institute have had an appeal for clothing for the children of Northern Ontario, espec- ially for babies. Anyone wishing to help with clothing or money will kindly leave same with Mrs. T. H. Meyers, Zurich, on or before Nov- ember 28th. Anything or any help will be appreciated no matter haw large or small the donation may be. A few villager: availed themselves and tockin the big iow,i supper held in the United Church, Varna, last Wednesday evening. The evening was anything but nice with the heavy fall of rain, consequently a goodly number of people did not venture out but the attendance was all that the management had looked for, and the supper was ideal, after the supper a very, spicy program was rendered, consisting of selections by the orch- estra; the male quartette of the Main Street United Church, Exeter; Read- ings by Miss Vera Hudson, of Sea - forth; Volal solos by Mr. George 000006 Poulter and duet by Mrs. Rathwell and Rev. E. A. Poulter. The whole doings being held in the fine new shed' of that church. A rather preculia.r and unfortunate accident happened on the farm of e Mr. Clayton 0. Smith, of the Blue leo Water Highway, south of St. Joseph on'Sunday evening. Mr. Gilbert Jef- frey a neighbor had driven a cow in- to the:, Smith farm which in some /9 way got on top of the shallow well which leads to the deep rock well, S and spread the planks and fell into in this shallow well, soon the neighbors We re in attendance but try as they a would they could not raise the cow till finally the - team of horses was y attached to the cow and with the aid of the men on the rope and block!i rmd tackle the cow came out, and ; it was no sooner out, in the darkness, when the fitty foot windmil derrick was pulled over by the team, the derrick fulling on the cow and Mr. 'emniie Jeffrey, a neighbor who was assisting, and of this latter exper- ience Mr. Jettrey is the sufferer of o fractured led, while the cow escap- ed serious injury. >O IWO Silent Clore fits any mate of furnace Burns cheap dis- tillate all. Other models to fit any Quebec heater or kitchen range. And there 's no need for it! At. less than half what you would expect to pay the New Silent Glow Oil Burner converts your hot-air or hot-water furnace into a clean, convenient oil burning unit - No more soot. No more ashes. No snore hard labour . . . and a steady. even hearer the temperature you like. Let us show you how SILENT GLOW will save you money and needless labour next winter. 125,000 biomes have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. The NEW SILENT GLOW FURNACE BURNER com- pletely installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage Si sank and float feed. Only "MORE THAN "I installed a Silent Glow Oil Burner in my hot-water :SATISFIED” furnace last fall and am more than satisfied. I have a seven room house and during the last seven winter months 1 saved about $50 072 my heating costs." (Name on request). 5 Silent Glow model W Range Burner., Tested and approved by Home Service Bureau, conduc- ted onductted by Canadian Home Journal. In 9 L G LOQ 4, TREE MAF K REG. IN CAN. AND U,S, PAT- OFF #1 P2 / x. s MADE IN CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, garages, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burnersfor large homes, apartments, schools and other large building. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. tessueseamseseaseseeskaaammenensesomp Womens' Institute On Wednesday afternoon, Novem- ber 9th, a number of ladies of the Zurich Branch of the Women's In- tltute,motored to Hurondale to the torte of the Misses Reddy where the i3urondale ladies 'held their regular Monthly W. I. meeting. The Zaeich ladies gave the programme which consisted of a ladies' chorus; a reading by Miss Pearl Wurtz, and an instrumental by Mrs. O'Dwyer. The Mises Pearl Pfile and Icia Rout- ledge favored with o humorous vocal luet after which Mrs. Ivan Kalb- iieisch gave a paper on "Canadian Women and why famous". A hum- orus play entitled "Wanted a Ser- vant", was very well received' Fol- lowing are the caste—Mrs, T. Meyers. Mrs. H. Hess, 1bIrs. H. Rose, Mrs. M. Brown and Mrs. E. Klopp. HYMENIAL Brisson—Denomme On Tuesday last week, an interest- ing event was celebrated at the R. C. Church, Drysdale, wnen Rev L. Marchand performed the ceremoy which united in marriage Mrs. Jane De:nonnue and Mr. Edward Brisson, in the presence of a host of friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Brisson will reside on the Blue Water High- way on his farm. STECKLE—GINGERICH An interesting matrimonial event was celebrated on Saturday, when Rev. C. Schrag of town united in Holy Weddlock Miss Lydia Gingerich R. N., late of Seaforth, and daughter of Mr. and iVlrs. Chris. Gingerich of the Bronson Line," Stanley to Mr. Daniel Steckle, also of the Bronson, Stanley and son of Mr. and Mrs. Merino Steckle. The bride, who has been following her profession in the Scott 11/emorie' Hospital, Sea - forth, will be greatly missed by that institution, but will make a good asset to the neighborhood inwhich 110R $NdII:ICrt vseoenne n©€ sts Se,,t,o voti,s:s+ . e tlIO ";: atieSIDS Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver at $I9.O0 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winte_..by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry roods, and Layi.n9. Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! r-. COAL CO Don't Forget, We can supply you with the..proper Fuel to keep your Horne nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom- Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. • • L. SchiL.e lq 9044300113041I.e4soa*essasesma:+,ser./pr.+a+Vieg©4lwa, atogo W IVVIUMVAPtMiaiW Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 1 SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfun iters, Toilet • Sca,Ds, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS D she will reside, on Mr. Steckle's nne a farm. The Happy couple are on a� LE honeymoon trip to Michigan, and the >t d UU�� N MacKinnon,urc Herald loins tnwi. many friends, in • extending congratulations..II