HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-11-17, Page 4ae- antes saes ends ilkiti* 7-1 r.: ti c:- 9 111111111 i� 1,j,��(�! , I !�I(�>lrfl tumllmlmm1u41luuululnuuuumuumm a g Bargain 1lW NEWSPAPERS For a Limited Time Only, We have made arra"t ;ements to offer the Public Very Attractive Low Ptices in Re- newals or New Subscriptions as £ flows•: Herald and London Free Press 1year:.»».........•.•,.$5.00 Herald and Londoon Advertiser, 1 year »•....•....,.,,.:...$5 00 .Above Prices are good only till Neveniber 30th 1932 lie sure and act before that. date.'! HERALD OFFICE ---- .ZURICH 11H1I1111f0111 11111111111111flNfHlNEMlMlllMIllIilglNlli<IIIIIIIINIIIIHIMIIN111111i11IIIIIII111111M(IIDIikIp111111IIIIIIII AUCTION SALE Of "Real Estate and Household - • Effects; in Zurich on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, At. 1.30 o'clock, p.m. REAL ESTATE—Being composed selt Pent Lot 22, Main Street. On property is a comfortable frame aseuse with'kitchen attached, good ?basement and cistern, Hydro installed :exceptional good garden. O•TI ER ARTICLES -Parlor table, ' xvu altaaanges, good organ, 6 rocking Theirs, clock, parlor rug and carpets, .mer 3 bedsteads, 3 wash stands, ,larttps, 2 toilet sets, kitchen table, leaf table, coal oil stove, coal heater, venal oil heater, glass cupboard, sew- ing teaching, 6 chairs, commode, 2 flcso-ver stands, sink, electric iron, washing 'machine and wringer, O'Ce- ar duster, linoleum, sawn mower, 2rring pan, tea kettle and all kitch- v n utensils, coal. sifter and scuttle, •aprantity sealers, . pictures, hammer, Neck saw, and many other articles. TERMS—Cash, except real estate :ch will be 10% on day of sale, lba1auce in 60 days. Immediate pos- :ion. .33m3.mr 1Clopp, Auctioneer. Ztelck, • Mr. and Mrs. J. Hey Jr., =tors. °red E ,,;Saeid,, .:state.. :AUCTION SALE Cf Farm Stock and Implements, lOn Lot 14, Concession das5., Hay Township, .on MONDAY, NOV-E1UBER 21st, 1932 »";osrencing at 1 o'clock, p.m. sharp HORSES—Grey horse 13 years old White mare rising 10 years in foal; Mack horse rising 10 years; Black ' `ereheron 5 yrs. old; Sorrel driver ~rising 5 years, works single and do- :ne; Colt rising 3. yrs; Coit rising 2 :; rs. LIVE ;STOCK.—Red cow due in ;'March; Red cow fresh; Spotted cow xaxi:lking; .loan cow due at time of .sole; 2 calves. 1 purebred Tamworth Mont; 9 stocker pigs weighing about TO lbs. each. About 90 White Leg- : ,rn hens. ThIPLEMENTS—Deering '7 -ft. cut :hinder, Deering 6 -ft. cut mbwer; 11- litoe M. -H. fertilizer drill, Peter Ham- a -ton spring tooth 'cultivator, Cock - rel. -raft spying tooth . cultivator, land gra:•3er, 5 -section harrows, No. 8 Me . bean cultivator, Oliver bean cul- tivator' with puller combined, 4 t.uree evener, 2 sets heavy doubletre- en, 2 sets of light cloiibletrees, 3 orsae tvener, 3 neckyokes, Peter l"mxu`Iton.hand* stuffier; M. -H. walk- ing plow, Oockshutt walking plow, 2 ',wagons, wagon box with stock rack, grzvrei box, hay rack,'fannreg mill, M 10 --ft. :steel rake, 2000 scales, 'sling ropes, wheelbarrow, root pulper :heb sleighs, 2 sets backbend double iaar:nees, plow harness, rubber tire sawn, buggy, cutter, number of grain. bags, sacks, 400 bushels oats, 800 .'ll,ets he's of mixed grain barley oats and peas, a quantity of buckwheat, taabout 20 ton of mixed hay, 14 -acre turnips, some mangels and numerous ,Caber ,articles. No. reserve, as proprietor is giving u farming. Terms of Sale—Cash. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. :R,. F. Stade, Clerk. Alove.reign Ducharnie, Proprieter. MORTGAGE SALE VALUABLE LE FARM PROPERTY 'Herder and by virtue of the powers ,• 4t;o tained in a certain mortgage wh- lch will be produced at the sale, the urrdereigned have been instructed to sell by public auction at TT it DOMINION HOTEL, ZURICH 9rt ':.cltilt"xDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd, 1932 At 2 etclock, p.ni. The following farm property: ALL .AND SINGULAR those certain par- cels or tracts M land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town- ship of Hay in the County of Huron,, being composed of the North.Half of Lot 26 and the whole of Lot 27, in the Seventh Concession of the said Township narnlaining in all one hun- dred and fifty acres more or Iess. On this property is a fine two storey brick house with slate roof. There are four large rooms and one small one upstairs and double par- lour, dining room, kitchen and pan- try downstairs. There are two- barns —one with .stoue walls and cement floors for stabling and the other with stone foundation. and shed. There is also a pig pen and hen house. Both hard and soft water at house and a second well in the lane. At the rear is some soft wood bush. The farm is said to be well drained and fenced. Only six roes from Hensall, four miles from. Zurich and one mite south of Hillsgreen on the Parr Line. It is central to the best markets and close to both school and church. TERMS • OF .SALE 10 per cent. on day of sale and balance within30 days thereafter. Subject to reserve bid.. ea-Furthee conditions and terms will be made known on the day of sale. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. • Gladman & Stanbufy, Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Mortgagee. DASHWOOD Rev. and Mrs. A. Kellerman and family of Waterloo spent Friday with friends in town. Miss Myrta and Jack Taylor of London, spent the week -end with Dr and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. Miss Ruth Kleinstiver and friend of Stratford spent the week -end with her parents. Mr. Ira Tiernan of Hamilton and Miss G. Cornell of Waterloo, spent Armistice Day and the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Tiernan. Mr. Milford Mcisaac and daughter Mary and Miss Bertha Hartman, 'of Detroit, spent a few days with rel- atives in this vicinity. Mr. Eugene Tiernan of London, spent the week -end with his parents. Miss Ella Martinson spent ent the we- ek -end -ek-end with her parents in Elmira. The. Ham Supper which ..ryas held in the Evangelical Church Iest week turned out to be a big success in spite of the rainy weather. -Mr. Gordon Keeler spent the week end with his parents in Mitchel. Mrs. Jacob Schroeder spent a few days in New Hamburg last week. • HILLSGREEN Mrs.. R. Love, who has been visit- ing her son, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love returned to visit with friends in Hen sail vicinity: Mr. and Mrs. George Stephenson, and son Bobbie of Walkerton, spent 'he week -end with their parents, Mr. :and Mrs. Robt. Stephenson. Mr. Wrn. Forrest of Goderich vis - ted friends here recently. ''T'he W.M.S meets Wednesday of his week at the home of Mrs. R. .onsite: Miss Evelyn Mitchell gave a splen - 'id address at the Thankoffering Service, on Sunday afternoon. HENSALL Hazel Morenz spent Sunday at he erne in Dashwood, Mae McNaughton of Toronto, vis - ed at her home here. Mrs. Holland Little and family of `nover visited with frisen'e in ele .. eta ZURICH HERALD aT xr l3onth;9,of Lendan, visited her parents item, Jake Baiter stiffl continues very seriously ill at the home of her sis- ter here, Mrs. Wm. Luker, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Geiger of Pig- eon, ig eon', :Rich,, Mr, and Mrs. Isaac Hud Son of Seaforth and 111x, Uladwin Melick of Zurich were Sunday visat-� ors with Mr. and Mrs.- S Meru;er and Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Brock, • Lloyd PPessmore of Delhi spent, a week end at his home hea•e. Mr. and 1'drs, Case Troyer of. Til- sonburg and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Troy- er of Toronto were visitors with fri- ends in town, 4 Alice I-liggins has returned after a two week's visit with laer .sister at Beach -o -Pines. • Mr. and Mrs, Robert Parsons of Stanley have moved into :Seawall and are residing in A. Sparks' house on the London Road., - Mildred Workman, who has been in the employ of Mrs. A. Ross for the past month has returned` to her home in Kippen.. • Mr. and Mars. Norman Peppier, of Hanover, spent a week -end at the home of Mr. acid Mrs. J. W. Bon- thron, being a sister of Mrs. Peppier. Mrs. Chas. Troyer continues very ill at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hud- son, and is being visited by many friends._ 'Mrs. Thos. Murdock spent a week in Toronto with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. .and ilIrs. 13. Campbell and family. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jarrott, of Brig - den; visited with ii\Ir. and Mrs, Win. Hyde, of London Road. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Buchanan, of London and Miss Mary Buchanan, R.N. of ,St.. Thomas; were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. Buchanan. Much sympathy is expressed for Mrs. G. R. Collyer in the death of her mother,, Mrs, 0. H. Talbot, of London, who passed away Sunday last following an illness of the past few weeks. The funeral being held on Tuesday. Hensall Council Minutes The regular meeting of the village council was held Monday evening, Nov. 7th, at 2 p.m. in the 'council chambers, all members being pres- ent. The minutes of the previous me- eting were read. That the minutes of the, previous meeting be adopted as read, Sydney McArthur appeared as a delegation from the Legion as- king for the use of the hall• for one night free of charge and that. the flag pole be repaired. ?lotion_ that the hall be granted to the Legion for one night free of charge. Geo. Hud- son reported needing some wood, al- ;o that. the mattress in the goal as in lad shape, also flag pole needing re pairs.- Property committee will see. to the same. Geiger reported se veral loads of gravel being needed for' cer- tain places on the streets. Jones re- ported re the windows in the church shed as in bad condition, also north door same to be looked after by Property Committee. Geiger report- ed re Board of_Health meeting as to a motion being pissed asking fo7 some definite action to be taken on the Milk By-law. Motion that Milk Bylaw No. 12 be given first and second reading. That Milk Bylaw No. 12 be given third and final read- ing and finally passed. Bills and accounts were read as follows: J. Passmore, hydro $10.07; G. M. Case coal, hall anti teaming 77.10; Bon- thron & Drysdale, supplies hall 9.10; • A Spencer & Son, supplies hall 4.15; Chas. McDonell, insurance on hall, $30.00; total $130.52. Motion t`. .t accounts as read be paid and G. W. Wren be billed for $2.$0 Board of Health account. That Council now ealtourn. --James A. Paterson, Clerk STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen convened at the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, November 7th at 1 p'.m. AU members were present excepting Councillor Gill. The minut- es of the previous meeting were read and approved. That application having been made to the Council of the Hydro -Electric Power Commission to have contract 1267 Exeter Rural Power District,. charged to a primary gurirantee con- tract of five units, the Clerk is here- by instructed to write the said com- mission that it is their pleasure to allow the change to be made subjec :hat the Contractor pays the cost to cover the labor of erecting a trans- former that was installed to serve .'zini and which was never required. That the Tax Collector's Bond as lied with the Clerk be accepted and .lcposited with the Clerk i'or safe- 'ceeping. That the following osiers and pay sheets are hereby approved and the' the orders and cheques be issued for the same B. Mitchell rd 28 ,$63.15; ditto st- .rtion St. 23.25; H. Schenk rd 6, 4.26; T. Regier • rd 1,1,, 4.20; W Schwartz rd 8, 8.00; 3, Wild rd 10 52.50; •I3. McCann rd 12, 8.40; I. Teatreau rd 14, 162.'15; H. Fahner I'd 27, 110,40; A. Latta rd 18 82.86; W. Preszcator, rd 2, 43.57; G. Eilber,.,$upt. Salary 6.1,05; A. Neeb gravel 22.50; R. ,i:innci gravel 10.00; M. Wilds grav- el 18.00; W. Preszcator. gravel .25; W, Robi.;iisoa gravel 94.65; J'. Ita'1- lins gra`i"+il 10,00; J, Patterson gravel 3.75, ,i'. : "isenbiaeh Gravel '7,00; F. id. King, id 5 32.48; P. Eiaenbach, 17, 26, Webb rd ' 8'I • S. W. rd �3, . , ..,. ,1,00; lV�unicipnl World supp.�cs 22.00 ,Can, Bank of Coommerce, commies - Ion 1,85; John Gill, 2 ewes killed 15y dogs 12.00; H. Hartman, removing Miss O'Rourke to the County biome .12,00. • The Connell adjourned to meet again at the,. Hen, Crediton, on Monday, Decembor 5th. at 1 p.m. Henry Silber, Township Clerk. COUNTY NEWS John Jowett, Walter Westlake, Brown Higgins, and Robert Penhale of Bayfield, left by motor on Sun- day morning last for the north deer hunting, and expect to be away a week or ten days. Jos. Lawson, of the llth Conces- sion of Stephen Township died on Tuesday evening last, following a flhaess. Guy Jones, who has carried on a blacksmithing business in Clinton for some years, is removing to Varna. Goderich tax collections for 1932 are now over $92,000, just $600 short of this time last year. However 'the discount was more generous this year. There is less owing in arrears but property owners still owe the town some $40,000. Owing to ill -health, -John Benne- Weis has resigned his position as pre- sident of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and G. R. McCartney of Tuckersmith, has been chosen as his successor. Mr: Bennewis retains his position ono the board as a Dir- .rrtor. About Nov. 15th Dr. T. Wardlaw Taylor, clerk of the General Assem- bly of the Presbyterian Church in ;anada, with his wife and daughter, will take up residence in Goderich Dr. Taylor comes from St. Andrews, N.B., and is retiring from active pul- pit work. Brucefield United Church held an- niversary services on Sunday :0ctob- er -30th followed by a hot fowl sup- per Tuesday with a social the follow- ing evening. Upwards of 500 partook of the fowl supper. The proceeds of the Sunday offerings and the suppers was $550.00. War has been 'declared in Usborne and Blanshard Townships on spar- rows. A number of boys under the •captaincy of Allan Fletcher for Us - borne and Jack Golding for Blanch- ard, are making life unbearable for the feathered creatures. His car parked on the county high- way near Hensall, without lights, on Monday night last, William Dougall, of Hensall, received a terrific jar xhen a car driven by Lawrence For, red;':of Brucefield, piled into the rear sf his vehicle. Damage to both cars is extensive, but the bill of costs was amicably arranged'. A quiet wedding was solemnized at`the Elimville parsonage on Nov. 9th, at 1 o'clock, when Minerva Aline eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Vincent, of Stephen, became the` bride of Harold Everett, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John.Prance of Win- chelsea. While adjusting a ladder for pick- ing apples, Ben Williams, Exeter, had a lense of his glasses smashed by an apple dropping directly upon it. His eye lid was cut and a small piece of was taken froze s aknit no Another Goderich Inc old reside r:4: greateglassr injury was donleie. ey:t' Mite Cornell, died on Steurday in her 8':th year. She came there from Eng- land with her husband over cO years ago, and lived continuously for that time in the house in which she died. Mr. Cornell who died in 1911, was for years engaged in the furniture and undertaking business. Six children survive. Emmerson Rawlings, s aged 27 of 1 g, g Ailsa Craig, died in London Hospital l on Friday last from injuries received the previous Monday night when his Tight coupe crashed into a parked truck on the highway near Elginfield A coroner's inquest investigated the fatality. Mrs. Bert Carter, Oth concession of. Grey, when coming down the out- side steps of her house with a basket of clothes and a pail, stepped on a kitten and fell, breakingher leg at the ankle. F. L. Grieve is opening up a new .drug" store in Exeter in the buil- ding north of Senior's studio. Dur- ing the summer he conducts 'a drug store at Grand Bend, He expects to. be opened for business this week.The building has been newly painted in- side and out. J. Willis Powell who has occupied the building ,has moved his stock into the Oddfellow's Hall. A number of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs Joab Sims, Crediton, on. Monday ev- ening last in honor of their 5.0th wed- ding ariniversary.They were married 50 years ago on Nov. •(ith. Gathering outside the people •gave them a good oldtime chivari. The remainder of the evening was spent ineuchre,mus- ic and a gaad time for all. They have 7, childhen 26 grandchildren and one great grandchild. They have lived in Crediton and vicinity since childhood, and are held in the highest esteem by all. A carload of fruit and vegetables from the orchards and fields of fl er on County loft McGraw station leaf Tuesday for relief distribution at Kincaid, Salle, It was donated by 011ureh people .pf all denominations in the rural seetions. Over 200 barrels of apples were In blie shipment, also generous suppliee of beans, carrots, ot. , , }ac.ets, turnips, onions, as well as honey; maple syrup, dried apples and preserved fruit. There were cabbage and pumpkins galore and three bap of walnuts. It is proposed to ship an- other carload inthree weeks. Recently in the Toronto Mail and Empire there appeared pictures of "Trick's Mill" down the Hayfield road near Clinton, which is described as an "80 -year -old -mill still serving the countryside. The picture siiow5 the mill, the ,dant and part of the riv- er. This mill was originally a flour min and ground lour for the early settlers in the community. It is now used for chopping grain: It was in- herited. by Mr. Trick and his brother from their father•. The pictures we- re taken by J. 13. Lobb, Cnlinton. Borden Clark, son of Mr. and.Mrs. Peter Clark, Blue Water Highway, Goderich Tp., suffered a painful ac- cident recently. He was helping to cut wood 'when his left hand came in contact with. the circular saw, whi- ch. cut almost through the bones and tare the flesh 'badly. The lad, who is 16 years of age, was taken to the Clinton hospital after receiving first aid. at Dr. Newton-Brady's office in Bayfield. Thomas L. Camerae, who for many years was a wellknown auct- ioneer in South Duran district, died last Tuesday at his home, Exeter, at the age of 80 yeare, 6 months and 17 days. The deceased had been ailing far some time. About two months a- ga he underwent an operation in London Hospital, and for the 'past 6 weeks has been confined to his home He was born on the Thames Road, near -Farquhar on the farm on which he resided until he retired and came to• Exeter, eleven years ago. Mr. Robinswho was driving, swung to avoid hitting the bovine, but the animal struck the side of the cal„ damaging the fender and door. The car was forced into a deep ditch,and narrowly missed a post in 'the .centre of the ditch. Mrs. Wm. McCulloch for over 60 years a resident of McKillop tp., and.I vicinity, passed peacefully away at the home orher daughter, Mrs.. Rht_ etewart, Seatorth on Oct. 2nd. Her.I maiden name was Maria Sage, was one daughter of the late Jas. Sage,. and was born at Peterborough 05• years ago. She was the last of a family of 12 children, many of whom lived to advanced years and. one bro- ther, 'Phos. Sage, who passed away this year, had passed the century mark:. When Jdseph :McMillian arrived: at police court last Thursday afternoon several hours behind schedule, he ex- plained that he thought the day was Wednesday, and not Thursday. Had he not been .reminded he wouldhave been a day late. Joseph was convict- ed •of stealing the wheel of a mower from Lee Morbeck, a young Hollan.& er who has the McMVlillan farmrented Morbeck said he, his father and a brother, laid in a ditch at night and. watched McMillan take the wheel. • a,' way. 1t was found next day in. a field several rods away. There was no apparant motive for the theft except possibly the inconvenience it would cause the Morhecks, with whom the accused was on the `buts": ,,1�t�!ewiA�er 17th, 193V , d- Goderich Northern Electric Now Playing --A V r4aaeis .in "Streets Ben Lyon a Theatre w Phone 47 Sound Svsterm Double Bill; Kay of women" ez in "Compromised" bion,, Tues., Wed, HAROLD LLOYD in his Q screamingly funny,%farce "MOVIE IE �CRAZ�1 " With Dorothy Cummings Thurs., Fri., and Sat. Maurice Chevalier and Jeanette MacDonald the screen"s greatest exponents of musical comedy in ..LOVE ME TONIGHT" With Charles Ruggles Coming— am "Bldie of the Follies" Matinees—Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Thedfuneral of the late Mrs. Laun- celot Clarke, Hayfield, who died on . Friday, October 14, was held on Mon day :afternoon last, interment being made in Bayfield Cemetery. A private service was held at her late residence after which a service was held in St Andrew's United Church, Bayfield. Rev. R. M. Gale, assisted by Rev. Mr. Pouiter and -Rev F. H. Paull, offic- iated. At The Lake Harbors The steamer Superior docked' at: Goderich Harbor Thursday last, dis- charging a cargo of 20,281 bushels of wheat, 25,000 bushels of oats,and . 23,873 bushels of flax. She return- ed to Feat Williams laden with 1,000 lausheIs :of apples. The steamer Kenora of the Canada_ Steamship Liars went aground outsisdc Kincar- dine harbor Monday last, she' was re- leased the following day with the aid. of local fishing tugs. The Kenora hart' . unloaded sugar at Kincardine anal was on her way out when, owing. to. the low water, she grounded. e 0 0 4 a 0 0 •s a a 4 • • s s Lake Tragedy Recalled The 'Great Makes disaster of No- vember :3, 1913, was recalled on li ednesday of last week, the ninete- nth anniversary off that day when the storm took its awful toll. In con- trast to the high waters that night when 'the fury of the storm was let loose, habitues of the harbor today ., remarked that they had never seen the water in the harbor so low. The • water 'level is, fully a foot lower than"' it was last 'week, .and five feet or more lower than. -it veas th_• ago-=',agOti ">Sig iii '- Cattle for Old Country" Market The lifting of the embargo. by Great: Britain on Canadian cattle is having its effect in the Exeter district, as Saturday last Ben Williams &. Son shipped.to -the Richileau Corporation of Montreal, for export to Glasgow,. 155 head ,or six car loads of cattle.. Altogether eleven car loads having - been shipped wring the month. An- other :car was shipped to the U.F.G. nnrrket .in Toronto. Mr. Stanley Gay, of Montreal, a director has be- en assisting in buying the cattle, and Mr. Richardson, the president of the company was also there, ZURICH HERALD'S Clubbing List ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper for one Year: Kitchener Daily' Record $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe ..,.:., ,.......... ........... :$6.00 Toronto Daily Mail. and. Empire ,., $6.00 Toronto Daily Star ,,, ;$7.00 Toronto Weekly Star $6.00 London .Advertiser ., .... $5.00 $5.00 $2.25 ...... ., $2.75 $2.50 Family Herald and Weekly .Star $2.25 Family Herald for 3 years ......... $3,00 Canadian 'Countryman $2.25 Weekly Witness .. $3.15 Farmers' Magazine ........ $2.50. Huron Expositor, Seafertlx $175 And a great many core that Ivo +cannot enumerate here. We have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine ,in Canada and the United States, and can .save you money on the most of them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at �' our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE , Zurich London Free. Press ...,....,.. London, Farmer's Advocate Farm and Dairy .........—.- Farmers' Sun ..........., 4s♦s•wsas****ss*a****** 40lard►i .44).41.404641.41•••ii•liN