HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-27, Page 5Ontehee 27%., BUSINESS CARDS • DUDLEY E. HoLmE s 16ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC. ETC. OFFICE—HannItori Street, anst off the Square, C4ODERICII, Ontario. Special Attention to Gemmel end Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be cone -tilted at Veoderich ley Phone, and Phone charges reversed. I 4."-• Dr. IL IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON t DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Eyory Thursday, Friday, Satneday HARTLEIB'S BLOCH, DABI-P7gOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and ,Vedneaday Ilirense1 Auction • For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - act any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to &ell. I solicit Tour business, and if not satisfied will mane no charges for Services Ren - :tiered. ARTHUR WEBER -.—Dashwood gleam 13-57. Zurichsi Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages„ Weiners, "WM WM W nts, For Sale, Lost, ZURICH HERALD Found, Notice, Etc. Ads 121 =EN 00.07Ital Barber Shop Moved! 1 hereby wish to notify the public that I have moved my barber shop into the Deitz block, in the apartment formerly used. as Brown's Boot Shop and solicit the patronage of the public. Phone 130. Milton Oesch, Zurich. AUCTION SALE Of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At DASHWOOD On SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 1832 Commencing at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. Cook stove, coal heater, sideboard, glass cupboard, bureau, writing desk, sewing machine, bed with springs and mattress, dresser, stand, 6 kitchen chairs, 6 dining chairs, book stand, 4 rockers, organ, extension table, 2 small tables, parlor table, jardinere stand, couch, quantity of picture frames, cane rocker, electric plate, parlor rug, curtain poles, quantity of sealers, pots and pans, pails, boil- er, a quantity of dishes, knives and forks, lamp, 8 -day clock, number of barrels, some crocks, 12 foot gate, garden rake, shovel, number of stove , pipes, 2 -burner coal oil stove, kit- chen table, sink, axe, and numerous other articles. TERME—CASII. 0Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. George Kellerman, Proprietor. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Hreaid PrintingOifice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a Barns, Etc., always on hand year, strictly in advance;,'1.5Oin arre.tai5eor $2.00 may be charged. U. flicrhest Cash Prices for ss.0in advance. No paper discon- tinued until all arrears are paid Wool, Hides Hides and Skins tess at option of publisher. The date -Let Us Serve Your' of which every Subscriptiou is paid Is deflated en the Label - ADVERTISING RATES SERVICE "Why We have the Better Cass of Customers miGH CLASS -GOODS, U. S. L. ;BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohnin•g and Mechanical Worn Alone to Micrometer Settinge, No limas work. Watch the cars that STOP at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIEN.TELE. IL SIP .Wei DASHWOOD — ONTARIO ri,••1 Western Farmers' Mai _ Weather Insurance CO OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. Slat, 29'31, 09,00,724, "Total. Cash in Bank and Bonds $1.99,101,.61 lutes -44m per $1,000 fol $ysara, E. F. KIopp—Zurich ;Agent. Also Dealer in Lightning Rods end all kinds of Fire Insurance eramiamosomman...............'"""..amanamams... • Display advertising made known . on application. LOCAL NEWS Mrs.. Alex, Voisin. pf Dashwood was in town on Monday. Rev. E. Poulter of Varna calle in the village on Monday. Mr. and 1VIrs. Herb. Axt and famil of Detroit, spent the week -end th village. Mr. J. G. Stanbury, solicitor, o Exeter, was on professional duties in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glazier and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gelinas of the Goshen line. Mr. Edward Axt. returned home over the week -end after spending two weeks with his children in De- troit. d y Judge T. M. Costello, of Gooderich, officiated at the Tenth Division Co- urt in the local town hall on Monday The work being mostly judgment summons cases. Three of our local hunters, namely Gid. Koehler, Well. Johnston and Herb. Mousseau, were out the other day on their first wild goose hunt of this season, and fortunately they we- re successful in coming home with a nice bag of six geese. - • . Mr. C. Fritz on Monday helped out materially in the unemployment men of town, es it was celerylifting day,. and he had a gang of some 32 men engaged in lifting his fine crop of celery too the east of town. The cel- ery was trucked to London, where a firm is putting it in cold storage, till the markets will be good. The public are cordially invited to attend the Big FOWi. Sapper which will be served in the spacious cement shed of the Evangelical church, Zur- ich, on 'Thursday evening, October 27th, from five to nine o'clock. Great preparations are being mane to ac- comodate a large attendance, with table room for 18a at one sitting. A high class program will be render- ed by focal talent, featuring the best of music,. vocal. and instrumental, al- so a play entitled "Mary Comes Home from College, The Royal Knight's Sunday School Class Orchestra will play some numbers during the lunch hour. The Ladies' Aid have a Re- freshment Loth and .Fishing Pond. Tell your friends about this big ev- ent, as everybody is invited. Ari auto collision took place on Saturday evening at dark, near the Miscellaneous articles of not more first beidge of the big swamp, on than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, ' the Zurich road, When Mr. Albert Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser- Heideman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eg- tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 his. 60e. bert Heideman, was returning to Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 ' Zurich from the east, and at the men - for first month,$1.00 for .euell..fol- _toned place he met Mr. Alex. Munn lowing otionto.: , ., • , :. . eo.: _,,.,:en o onf,nee,neeneall -geirigetiaetn When•iii.44e- Professional Cards •rx. of -exceeding ; way owing to fog or other conditions lee inches, per year $5..00. Mr. Munn seemed blinded and swiped In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c • the side of the Heideman car, with for each additional verse; Card of the result that both cars suffered Thanks, 50c. considerable damages of approximat- Auction Sales—$2 00 per single ely $40. each. The Heideman car neertion if not over four inches in was going quite slowly at the time ength. and the officers advise us that it was Address all communications to: within six inches from the ditch on the north side of the; road, and was absolutely at no fault of the collis- ion, while the Munn car displayed only one headlight. THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT. .. _....— fi•i4i+++++++***K—b-ir4i—b++++.:4•: el—i—i4.:-.•:.+++4—i—i.4-1—i—i••!--1—:--1-÷i--l—i.÷.1-. iii • I• 4* * 1 , Are You Prepared? + 1 , When the North Winds do blow; and your heat will go. 4. I .4 Let Us Supply You with Storm Windows and Combin- ation Doors at Greatly Reduced Prices! Call Us by Phone, and we will gladly measure your openings free of charge. t F. C. IC PHONE 69 14.13FLEIS4 - ZURIt1-) 4--feeeelefeee-', nen+e-:;++++44.1-4-!--1-1-t-e-neeteeee-e-e-eeee-e-1 te+++++++++41-1-e++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ L I VE POULTRY Special Fall Prices WANTED On 11: GRINDERS, HAMMER MILLS, en evint7 ICNIY kill a eaDa. CREAM SEPARAT- ak• not geedW1 ara'Yams ?„ 1: ORS, PULPERS, SECOND HAND MACHINERY whoa brought in, Highest Cask Prkes Used Fleury plow No. 21. Cockshutt riding plow, foot .--CASH FOR-- hit Oliver riding plow foot lift. M. -H. gang prow. + Call and see the New No. 7 M. -H. walking plow which * will be used extensively in Provincial plowing match. t Check your corn hinder, plows all makes, cutting box, :i t Grinders, for neecled repairs and save extra charges by CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ph... 21, Rea, S4, Zawrictki THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARIIVIENT is ester ready to serve the pub- alit with Commercial and fine !Printing. Get ow prices be - tore Lavine- "(Mgr fg.tfilhIZ else- `‘. *here, t Ford Truck, Drag Harrow, Spring tooth Cultivator. f ordering early. GAS OILS . GREASES I: MASSEY-HARRIS SERVICE Aim for FARM 1‘ • Ia. Shop t4 O KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 444,11414,44.1444,41-1441-110,14.1-144;o,.4*********44.+44-4440$ Mlss Pheobe Gelinas of London, is enjoying a two week's vacation under the parental roof. Mr. 'and Mrs, Albert Hess and Mrs. W. G. Hess were Sunday vis- itors with the latter's daughter, Mrs, Trevethick, Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dickerson of De- troit, were visitors for a few days at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and 1Virs. A. :Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard and Mr Newton Nelles of London were Sun- day visitors at the name oi 11'4. and Mrs. Henry F. Weseloh. Mr. and Mrs. George Hargreaves of Toronto spent a :few days with .Mr. arid Mrs. Wm, Truemner, of the 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. G. Hargrea- .'es.z;pent the week -end at Britton and Milverton. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Weber and daughter Myrtle, Mr. and Mes. Rol- and Geiger, Clare and Ronnun Cloig"- er of the Bronson; Mrs. Lydia Pfile and daughter Pearl of Zurich spent the past Sunday with .ith. and airs. Wm. Truemner, 14th con. Mr. Edward Axt of town brought to our office the fint sample of red raspberries that we ever saw this time of the year,'zhe last of Oc- tober, and while it wa.-i only a few in number, yet we would not mind enjoying a dish of these delicious lookine• berries for supper. Mr. Wm. O'Brein and Herb. Mous- sea,, \s'uo were during the past week at Croswell, Mich., on a partridge shoot, have returned, and report hav- ing had a good time, with plenty of game. Owing to the inland revenue conditions, they did not bring any of their shot birds along. On another page of this issue will be noticed an adv. for the floating of an 80 million dollar loan by the Do- minion Government, and although the loan will yield only about four per cent. yet it is as safe as the Domin- ion of Canada, and should ber eaffily picked up by investors who are lo -o 0 king for gilt edge security. The exceptionally fine weather the past week has indeed been welcome ! to the people of Ontario. The leaves ! fall, have fallen very gradually, as I which show outstanding beauty this. rA virrmf sane moo nis any more of And there 's no need for it! At Jess thalt furnace Burns cheap s - 'Mate oil. Other modelsdito or whit you would expect to pay the fit any Quebec heater, New Silent Glow Oil Burner converts kitchen range, your hot-air or hot-water furnace into a clean, convenient oil burning unit. No more soot. No more ashes. No more hard labour . ; ancl a steady. even heat at the temperature you like. Let us show you how SILENT GLOW will save you money and needless labour next winter. 125,000 homes have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation:. The NEW SILENT GLOW FURNACE BURNER. com- pletely installed, ready for use, with 250 gallon storage $1 95 tank and float feed. Only "MORE THAN "I installed a Silent Glow Oil Burner in myhot-water SATISFIED" furnace last fall and am more than satisfied. I have a seven room house and during the last seven winter months 1 saved about $50 on my heating costs." (Name on request). Silent Clow model W Range Burner. Tested arid approved by Home Service Bureau, conduc- ted by Canadian Home Journal. 011 LENT GLOWati TCADS mAtIK REQ. IN CAN, AIND U.S, PAT. OFF'. OIL MINE essestinamsigmas 'kwcy MADE IN CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, garages, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burnersfor large homes,apartments, schools and other large buildings WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. IOR ta.00.00000000960006003G06006 4“fr p4.#41044.4)4534*00 there was very little wind ai d • i 1 no n during the past week or so. Truly it is a most picturquest time of the seasons of the year. But we notice out sister provinces to the west of us have been greeted with an abund- ance of snow and cold weather, whil we here in good old Ontario are hav- ing the most pleasing weather, with all this nice scenery. After this week, two more big fowl suppers are sceduled in this community. On .Thuvsciu _evening_ "11Welienden72 ed; 'a ebikThHIPPW'ffil-1-7"106 held in the Town Hall, Zurich, un- der the auspices of the St. Boniface R. C. Church, Zurich. This society is noted for to feed the patrons well and the public will do well to attend this splendid event. Then a week later, on November 9th. the United Church at Varna, are holding their annual event, and those of us who have been at. Varna Suppers know that people will be feed all they wish to consume, and are royally received and put on a good program for the I evening. This latter event will be held in the new concrete shed of that 1 1 it We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will. 1 e at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! 1 Ia O STOCK FOODS Fertilizer Fertilizer e 1 • I = i : COA Don't Forget, We can supply you with the..proper Fuel 1 2 • to keep your !Home nice and cosy all Winter at the : Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. church. Please bear in mind these dates and be sure and attend. COUNTY NEWS Riding a bicycle while holding an umbrella over his head in a driving rain Raymond Murray, aged 11, eon of Mrs. 3. Murray, Goderich, he ran plumb into the side of a car driven by Mrs. Wm. Gauley, and was painfully ) injured. The driver was absolved from blame after an investigation by Pro- vincial Foe. When the youth's bicy- cle bit the car broadside h was' pit- ched up against the side with con- siderable force, but luckily was thr- own to the road clear of the wheels, The boy sustained a deep cut in his head and in one arm. The lobe of his left ear was partially torn away and painful abrasions to the face and arms sustained. A CDS(' of interest wa s a reu ed in the Court of Appeal at Osgoode Hall, Toronto Tuesday last. The plaintiff is Mrs. iseholle S.i-rPorth ani the Defendant is her brothea, Souter o. ;tient The action was tried before Justice Raney in Goderich on April 25th last and jud- gment was given in favor of Mrs. Cameron for $1360. and costs. Her action was brought to cover $1000, the amount of a loan and interest. The defence claimed that the money was a gift and that in any event the claim was barred by the Statute of Limitations., The defendant appealed on the ground that the trial Judge erred in refusing to accept evidence that the advaance of money was a costs The case was dismissed with t Consternation has been caused a- mong Kincardine fishermen and hea- lth authorities by the sudden appear- ance in the harbor early the other morning of millions of dead minnows. The little fish rose from the bottom of the harbor and while floating on the surface of the water have already began to decay. Much inconvenience Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter. .by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry 1- oods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! 1 c : • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. : a L. Schilbe & Son : aatutoevoomootuasonoovuieeavoseowe oitiMeeeeVaillailkaatikdososs,r64e00414 "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" WWWWWWWAVIMI6WWIMMAMtWWu WW Zurich Drug Store I SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. +++++++++++++++++++++++++÷ SEE OUR SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Soaps, Tooth 2ac,les, TOILET Perfurnizers, cad Brushes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS] pleasant odor whieh restlted. sarnpips has been oeeasioned through the un-! 1 E. r. MacKinnon,Zurich dewl fish have been sent to Tor- thn water, as well as a number of OtItO tor analysis. AMMIAWIWWWWVI'VWWWWW‘MN414011191.,