HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-27, Page 1Vol. XXXI1U Mo. i:6' ZURICK0 THURSDAY 111MORNINc., OCTOBER 27 1932. Let the Herald The Finance Departieent at Ot- • tawa issued 18,000,000 ane -cent piec- • es in the last twelvemonths, the g:re- atest number eveissued i o oesteene ar The humble copperlora in Canada now than it. was ,good many years Why The Price Elisa 7' One wonders why in the face ,of. ;Falling prices for hags that the pack- ing houses should, increase the ra- ces to dealers. Of late to bacon and ham have gone up pm-, eipitately. With myricas of:xneri out •ef work .and others an: half time. or reduced wagesit seems. an outrage that such an important article of diet as meat should be boosted in price abnormally. --Milverton Sun. ST. PETER'S `Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICEI -- ONT. "A Channgeless. Christ foe • cheer- ing Woriskr Friday, 8h:—Luther Lessee -so., :Saturday—Choir Practics♦: SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m:—German Se,rvise. 111.15 a. m.—Sunday Mies& 7.30 p. m.—English Sarvies. Everybody Welcome, see elf Seevico E. Turkheisrea reamer Chester L. Sn jtb Pri ii P ;. IL:5 • Fear; MS, .61.618 ft diarrsrattir i1.50INARR$ARs.$2 MMAY BZ 0NA7. R)lerEYu ds, guide you in your Fall and Winter Purchases .APPEALS IN LIQUOR CASES Judgment on three appeals against .convictions .and fines of Huron co - WELCOMED! Mr. W. H. Golding newly elected. Liberal M. P., for South Huron, left on Tuesday for Ottawa anLi took'' his. unty hotelmen, for illegalsale of h.—seat in the House on Wednesday. On guar, was handed out by Judger T.M. arriving at Ottawa, he was met by a Costello last Friday. Chas Dungey, of large number of Liberals and: escort Seaforth, Harry Johnston, of Blyth, ed to the House of Commons with :and Wm. Lemmon, of Hensall, were Piper Thomas Reid, M.P., of .New the .appellants, In the ease of John - Westminster, at the head of the pro-.. Ston the fine was reduced one half., cession. or to $250, the judge basing his de- cision on the fact that it was Jalrn- NOW IN ENGLAND stop's first offence. Likewise, Dung- ey's fine was reduced to $300. The appeal of Wm. Lemmon was dismis- sed, as. a large quantity of both beer and whiskey was found when police raided the place. e YOUNG LIBERALS ORGANIZE An enthusiastic meeting to organ- iiae a young men's Liberal Associat- ion was held in. the Town. Hall, Sea - forth on Oct. 19th, with W. J. Beat- tie presiding. W. H. Golding, M.P. of South Huron, gave a short address. The working cornmitte :are: president R. R. McKay, Tuckersmith; vice -pars Andrew McLean; secy., E: C. Cham- berlain treasurer, J. C. Crich. The association will be called the Thomas MacMillan Young Men's Liberal Club South Huron, Seaforoth branch. PIGS A LUXURY With the price of hogs weighing from 160 to 240 pounds, at $3.50 a cwt., farmers are of the opinion that pigs are a luxury they cannot well of ford to keep. This week a farmer in the Sarnia district sold _ix little pigs for $5, the price of one a few ye- ars ago. He had three left which he intended keeping for himself, but decidedthey were a losing proposit- ion, he presented the purchaser with these thereby getting; rid of nine lit- G. R. Paterson, formerly Agricult ural Representative in Huron County,, going from here to Peel County, and later resigning to take a position on the Ontario Marketing Board, has re- cently been. appointed Honey Com - menial Representative to Great Brit-' Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith attended ain and is alreads in England.: It is' the funeral of the late Ezra Schmidt hoped that having a representative on the ground will greatly increase the marketing of Canadian honey in the British Isles. CUT IN GASOLINE PRICES All dumping duties against gasoline; Don't forget the big fowl supper coming into Canada from the United', on the Evangelical church property, States have been cancelled. Instruct to -night, Thursday, eve. Oct. 27th. ions went forward from the Depart- I A big feed awaits you there. Depart- ment of National Revenue to collect ors of customs giving such instruct- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Newcombe, ions. It is estimated that it really.i Mrs. John Newcombe, .Betty Naegle, means a lowering of the imposts a- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner, all of gainst U. S. gasoline by two cents. a' gallon. The tax against gasoline com- ing from the United States into Can_'. ada is 21/2. centc a gallon, but in ad- dition a dumping duty was applied. The net result will be that importers. of U.S. gasoline will be able to bring it in at two cents less, and it is not unlikely that it Will affect. the retail prices in Canada. The dumping duty, was investigated very comprehensiv- ely during the probe by a committee of the House of Commons, last winter .00 Miss E. Martinson, of Dashwood, spent the week -end in town, •Mr. and Mrs. Chesney of Seaforth, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. C. Eilber' on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gid. Koehler were Sunday visitors with relatives in London. • who died at his home near Shakes- peare, on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger and family were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe, Tuckersmith. Old ', • e. Pension Cost The Color Guarentece, Tlzc B uaCitar (price of wheat at the Brigden. mark SCOTCH COAL et and found he could not sell it at Buy an EMPIRE PRODUCT with, 10 Points, of Sureassrecy. g1) A British Product (21 Less Ash (3) Long Burning (4):Even Heating .(5) Easily Kindled- (6) Unciform Quality. (7) No Clinkers. (8) 'High. • in Carbon Content. Cit)• Less .(est per season. (10) Less. Furnace Attention Solvay Coke, Alberta Lump and MiIler's Creek ,always Barn hand. • The Fuel Yards with all varieties of the Highest Quality, Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Successor t e. D. A. CANTEEM IPhone No. 10 HEN' T. any price. Steers that were bought at 5 cents, some at 6 cents a pound, have been fattened and sold at 31/a cents. Annual Meeting The .annual convention of the Hur- on. County Educational. Association of Trustees and Ratepayears will. be held in the auditorium of the Clin- ton Collegiate on Saturday, N.ovem- .her..5th., .c.oinmencing at 1.80 p.m. sharp. Contests hi public speaking, spelling and writing, for which pri- zes will be presented, will be featur- ed of the program. Mr- M. A. Camp- bell, of Toronto the newly secretary of the O.E.A., and Mr. Herbert Cor- bett, of Poton, president of the Tru- stees' .and Ratepayers' Department, will .give .adresses evM♦O1MOaE'O ••••••• .wh..+47,4`>a •e r*4s♦♦40♦O♦ •1 • • Before You Buy YOUR ' SUIT BE SURE AND LOOK OVER! OUR RANGE. JUDGE FOR! YOURS ELiFe®. —cO VIPARW • AND YOU WILL AGREE THAT T T. EY ARE THE! co• GREATEST •0 i 'VALUES Y012 CAM a s Z PRICED •$10.00 UP. READY. " ' E, TAILOR MADE„ AND 1 B a. ADE'Td -ME U.RE ..*a'+r • ♦ 4' ,OBTAIN. Ir. + A. Cam > RANIIIIALIMAS 441100 'MINERAL IIIMILEC ) e 2 e iThere are now 420 old age pen- sioners in Huron County, and the yearly bill is approximately•$140,000 according to figures issued by Geo. Holman, secretary of the board.Since the act went into force, there have been 984 applicants. A total of 321 have been removed by death or oth- er cause, and 133 were unsuccessful. Nine pensioners have come to Huron from other counties. Increase in Power Costs Goderich, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl E. Weido, on Sunday. .Mr. and Mrs. Irvin D. Smith, and daughters, Cathern, Marjorie, and Meriam, of Hamilton, spent the we- ek -end at the homes of the former's brothers, M. C. 0. of St. Joseph, and C. L. of town. Mr. Charles Fritz of town, who besides his business of selling shoes, is also very much interested in gar- dening, and has just harvested an immense crop of cabbage. One, sead at '29 poimds, "an + '.:ani'. 1= pounds. Anyone who enjoys the good old saut kraut, and most of us do, will envy Mr. Fritz when he st- arts cutting these large heads into the barrel for the annual supply of kraut. Mr. and 1VIrs. Gilbert Jeffrey and family who have been living on the Blue Water Highway, north of St. Joseph, are this week moving to their new home recently purchased from the Papineau estate, a half mile south of St. Joseph. This home has for the last number of years been occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sie- The Ontario Hydro Power Com- mon, who have for the winter months mission is now levying a surcharge moved in with Mr. and.. Mrs. Ben of approximately $2.00 a horsepower Charrett, farther south on the same on the Exeter Public Utilities Com -'rood. s mission araounting to about $'900 a year. This added obligation is to help pay the exchange on United States funds with which hydro must meet obligations maturing in New York. W. H. Doerr, the local sup- erintendent advises that this added expense will in all probability he taken care of out of surplus, and will mean less profit at the end of the year, but there will be no increase to the local consumer. W. M. S. CONVENTION The .annual meeting of the Huron Presbyterial for the West Section, was held in Stt. Andrew's United church, Blyth on October 12th. The meeting was presided over by Mrs. Lane, Lucknow, vice-president. The morning service was opened by sing- ing "Crown Him Lord of All" Dur- ing the meeting a financial and a re- solution committee were appointed. The devotional exercises were cond- ucted by Goderich auxiliary. The roll call of auxiliaries, circles and bands showed that the work of the W.M.S. is being carried out in a' 'very (courageous manner and that all ane ;.riving to meet their , allovations The musical numbers by the Auburn Aux., was enjoyed. The visitors were welcomed by Mrs. W. Laidlaw and Mrs. Oliver. The afteyn000n session (opened with a devotional response. An outline of the new Literature was given by Miss Lawrence, Pres. Liter- ature seeretary, Mrs. Lane gave a most interesting report of the meet- ing of the Dominion Board, Mrs. Mur ray of Blyth sang a solo. The ex- ercise presented by the Blyth band Uluty of Lambton will pay enjoyed. Miss. Grace Patterso•1, p y the, bounty, India, was the guest speaker for the. which will be collected trope the day, I Provincial Government. We have seen a goodly number of turnips in our days, having spent the boyhood days in Waterloo county where so many of these are raised, but the one Mr. Henry Krueger of the 14th concession, Hay, sent to the Herald Office beats all we have ever seen. It looks like a sweedish variety, and tips the scale at 22 pounds, and we are wondering if an ordinary hungry cow could manage it at a meal. If so we think it would feel something like most of us do after partaking of those abundant meals that are served at the local fowl suppers in these parts. WOLF KILLED IN PINERY Leaping from the bushes of the roadside into the glare of headlights, a 34 -pound wolf was struck and kil- led two miles south of Grand Bend on the Pinery road, about nine o'- clock, last Tuesday evening by a car driven by Mr. Duff of Port Huron. Mr. Duff was proceeding south when the wolf suddenly leaped in front of his machine. Confused and dazzled by the glare of light the animal fail- ed to dodge and was struck a heavy blow by the auto. The animal was immediately dead by the impact, and the motorists were not sure that it was a wolf, when Bruce Bossenberry h.,.ppened along the road on his way to London, and taking it along to that city to Col. Emmerton of the game and fisheries department. A bounty of $26 will be available for the fortunate motorists, while Mr. Bossenbcrry has had the animal skin- ned and will in time have a line wolf skin for his trouble. The Co- ••••e•••••o•••••••••••0•••••••1460•6e0000• • itch •• •• •• • r • • • • • • 0 •• 0 • • • • • • • • • • • WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING We Believe We can give You the Very Best in Watch and Clock Repairs, with. Prices con- siderably lower that what is charged 'in the larger centres FURTHERMORE WE CAN GIVE YOtJ PROMPT SERVICE Special attention to Mailed in Watches. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 Zurich, a tar OA OMNI OS••••••••••A••' 000•••••••••••••••••9FeotMCCEla +1+++++++++++.+++++4-1 i4++++F••F•d••g++t-•A3^m•f°++++++ 441044+1 + + + SPECIALS AT THE MAL SHOE STORE. WHERE YOU BUY THE BP ST FOR LESS CASH r + + $1.00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUSE SLIP- + Pers, Low ,1•ee.Ir,- Soft Toes, the kind„,yn»<-niways boug * Phone 82 or 115 + 4.+ eee x: yrs N'S IDEAL 1 STAT -KID-HOUSE SLIPTEKe"-„ With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WGRE. BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makea sr - tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5'{a. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Caps. Alia finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 131. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER. HOUSES.. CATALOGUE FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE- FERENCE .FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YbUR HOME STORE WHO OWES YOU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT., MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.75 . ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL. OE DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing prompt$; df ne, 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANA.Em, Zurich ++++++++++++++++++++++6+++++++++++++++++++++4t*, •g -t . i ALSO RUBBER BOOTS, AND SHOES, HAR- NESS REPAIRS, AND MANY LINES OF HARDWARE, GROCERIES., ETC.,, : SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH! I'ew Low Prices ON Fall and Winter Dry Good WOOL AND FLANNELETTE BLANKETS, UNDERWEAR, SWE2h.TER. COATS, CAPS; GLOVES, MITTS, SOCKS., ETC, ET Rr N. DOUGLAS GENERAL A 'EEC'+ E;1AE T PHONE 11 •97 BLAKE sr r A