HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-20, Page 8ZURICH THE STORE WITH THE STOCK .'hi» a aYr 3- t't41.50$`, 54 444.4.4444444.444+44444444444444.04++++4++++++++404444 #t•+.i *H.,^p.444.4+ i++44 +4+fir'R +'IF44 4.04+ ir+•i4 .., .i.,p.,Y+* ++404 pfk + ter G ods OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE AND WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION New Sweater Coats for Men, 'Women, Boys and Girls, at New Low Prices. Men's best heavy all -wool Coats, now each $3.50 A. special lot of Boys' and Girl's Pullovers at 75c to 1.10 Everything in Underwear, in Sizes Suitable for Everyone. See our centre table for Special Values in odd sizes and Broken Lines, at less than Half Price New Dress Materials, Ripple Crepr:.s, Flecked Tweeds, . Queen's Cloths, Santoys, etc. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Ginger Snaps, a lb. Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for japan Tea, per lb. Factory Cheese, old, nippy only, is Princess Soap Flakes, at CELERYi CELERY! Fr•:sh, from our own Gardens, at very low.prices Har re Store * I'VE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC `WITH fiE.4.30N. AB b HARDWARE AT I 1E AII, 11111:CES LET ITS S O W YOU OUR FULL LINE O'><: GRANITEW p . AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Furniture Greatly Reduced We are offering our entire Furnitere Stock at Creatly do Reduced Prices. Furniture Poi• have reached lowest level and are sure to advance Secure your needs nowt 10r f9c 37c 17c 17c 11 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday. and Saturday Maxwell House Coffee, 1 lb, Tin Robin Hood Rapid. Oats, large pkge. 42c 20c Kellogg's All Bran, large pkg. ... .... .. . .... . ... ..19c New Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. .27c P. and G. White Naptha Soap, .5 cakes .., 19c Maple Leaf Salmoon ' s, 19c, 1 lb. 33c Ready Cut Macroni, 2 lbs. d' 4o Cascade Salmon, 1 lb. Tin, 2 for 25c Fry's C?efray Ib. Tin 23,.. Standard Peas and Corn, per Tin 10c Black and Orange jelly Beans for Hallowe'en ..... 9c Men's and Boy's Fleece and all W000l 'Underwear at Lowest Prices. Sweater Coats l-Ieavy- Jumbo Knitt at 9 2'5 Men's Red Back Overalls and Pants at $L25 Dutch Setts Wanted! Monday, October the 24th. We are starting to take Dutch Setts. Bring them in. We will take all we can get, } We also have some Good Used .Furniture in Stock ood, Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory kory Srnoke Salt in Stock. 4 We have been appointed Agents f.tair the Celebrated t w Massey -Harris Far'= remi4ernent Repair , kikrf! i. F 4t E N . R Highest Prices for Eggs. 4 ?hone 140 PRODUCE WANTED Johnston &,1 Kaibflei H r ware & Furniture. Phone '• •f `6 t4 4..: E+ ri•Ft•tod+•F B+•fl' o'l-•rrdn c,g 4: F J.g, '�f. e ` r � #•t• •i•4i•+3t+•Y +l+>v+e f,d5lfigu6l sci 1040.11.0.16 CONVENIENCE ANI) 3A ,ETY Huron & Erie Debentures Are Graxwing in Favor Year by Year. In 1931 inv-stors held $29,300,000 of. the Trustee Debentures The Rate of Interest is still 51'f. twice a Year FOR PARTICULARS A1?F''I:Y TO: Andrew F Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? L? 11 Mr. John Ililclebrandt of Seaforth spent a few days in town this week renewing acquaintances. Mrs, S. Jocohe and daughter, Mrs. E. Snider spent a few days visiting with friends at Exeter and Centralia. W.M.S. Hold Convention in Grand Bend The W. M. S. Convention for the south section of the Presbyteriat,was held in the Grand Bend United Ch- urch, September 29th. The devotion- al period in the morning was con- ducted by Thune: Road Auxiliary. Mrs. Mathers, of Grand Bend, weI- comed the visitors and Hensall Aux- iliary responded. 'rhe roll call of aux- iliaries by Mrs. Anthony, the vice- president, brought very encouraging reports. Eeach of the twelve Auxil- iaries were well represented and gave a report of the year's work. Brinsle:y reported that the W.M.S. meetings have helped the missionary spirit of the whole church. Centralia reported that they have always reached their allocation and hope to this year also Hillsgreen Auxiliary reported that Itheir members are so interested in the work that they never have to ask for money. Grand Bend said that they are trying to keep up to the stand- ard they have had in other years. USY FARMER NEWS a 11~0a04Mtme: edf. ac •a 4441" *isomanesia 01144240C4 a ♦e HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds SeedLS If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike; Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom I cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL. We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Mai -shall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! • , bang, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinstnithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. -.7); STADE & E ID 01 zuaicH ONT., Britain Buys Barley Receipts of Canadian barley on the British market for the past five or six weeks are as follows: 1590 tons for the week of August 16; 1249 tons for September 2; 1337 tons for Sep- tember 16; 1069 tons for September 23; and 396 tons for the week Sep- tember :30th. Horseshoe Pitching One of the features of the Royal Winter Fair again this year will be the horseshoe pitching cha.mpion.:hip: for all Canada. In addition the final competitions to decide the champion- ship for the county and rural fairs in Ontario will be held at the Loyal, open only to winners .it agricultural fairs in 1:1:32. The Ontario Athletic Commission is again sponsoring these competitions and the rules of the orninion. horseshoe Pitchers' Associa- tion will govern the contests. Seed Industry The seed growing industry in Can- ada has been gradurdly developed and improved during the period of the past 30 years. ft now embraces the production and improvement of ap- proved varietite of cereals of pedi- greed stock, the prod etion of for- age crop seeds, and theauction of field root, • garden vegetable, and flower seeds. It is estimated that i§e 1931, 31110 farms were producing seed crops subject to federal inspec- tion, and that around 12,000 persons were .engaged in the produetion and rnaeketing of the improved seed. Honey Prices Going Up Honey producers throughout the Province are considerably gratified with the recent steady rise in price' LOCAL MARKETS ' orreetec1 every Wedheseia' Butter ...... . .28 Eggs ........... 28-2314 Chickens live weight ......... 8-12 Hens, live weight .......... 4-? Wheat 45 Barley 38 Oats 23 Buckwheat 40 Flour 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 15.00 Bran, ton 15.00 Hogs .............. , , 4.50 � UI<ilinl'im?UI!I"!';iailll�I' " !:"c?iID(Illii!I!IIINillhlil.11lulf i�4111?±� u� n i - � �• !i i 11 1! !I!?(��!!f!!i?1 H"yak! "!.:.i?i??iUllltf!I!i%ik`II' �, ,i „ i i,? � �, i ?t r?' ; ?+,, , •, e Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. s-; good ,Leber Warn 5 good buggy at 4 wheel Trailer Complete te..................... C KEEP ON SMILING/ [EBBJ the Repair Man 4kklt`1114'Il ii.±fi; l+?", 4,�,,,,� tGa 7iif!IiiilD!iilClfi+aif,71101�ff(11H49ib1ltlp!l; ;�!flEi!}i!ii;, t.raPilf!N!Hl t' . ,• , ... FUN...iiln�llluhlb((lilitliilli?8ififtlll!I!I!iplP111Ppif1115'tk quarter of a million pounds in Sept- ember alone, the domestic price has risen from a cent to a cent and a half; -most producers are' now re- fusing to ,sell for less than six and a half cents per pound net. With re- 'ports etports of further heavy export ship- ments going forward in October, i large beekeepers are watching the situation with keen interest. Mean- while smaller producers are preparing to take advantage of en impro"ed domestic market, which nuw freed of the preesure of large individual lots of honey, has lost most of its former bearishness. Ontario honey is now handled through a commercial sales promotion representative, and is bot- tled and sold under the industry's owe, brand and trademark. In this way its identity is retained through to the tens -timer and every advantage taken of the powerful "buy British". sentiment in Great Britain. Mixing Infected Potatoes • increases Marketing Lost J. T. Gassin, Ontario Marketing Board. says that, if the portion of the potato crop infected with late blight rot is mixed with the remaining good potatoes, the entire lot will •become affected. This, of course, calls for a needless picking over of potatoes, a practice which does not reconcile it - I self with the policy of cutting down marketing costs. Definite Export Market If Quality • is Right According to Garnet Duncan, On- tario Marketing Board, only two car loads of calves have beenexported to Buffalo during the past month. Mr, Duncan states that there is a definite market For much larger number, pro-, viding the quality is right. Little mor than 10% of calves being offered, however. meet export requirements. Mr. I)un:can said that fully 50% of the animals offered, while being of suitable type lacked proper lnish, Earlier Western Market Indicated For Ont, Carrots "A real, service to the fruit and vegetable producers is being effected by the Ontario Growers' Markets Co- uncil", said J. A. Carroll, secretary, Ontario Marketing Board. He ad- vised that'; according to information from. the Markets Council represent- ative in the Prairie Provinces, an earlier market for Ontario carrots is indicated this year. In order to be in a position: to answer inquiries, and to place buyers in touch with sellers,, the Council is sending out query for- ms, 'in an attempt to determine the quan;ittr of winter vegetables avail - atat� + �,7 AI00 heavy their product. Asa result of ,able and at what price producers are exportations totalling over one willing; to :;ell, 1 i. d •hd^+:• R• ,..P++t44-4er rte•+'.• e Z.bi ft,4,441,4'^f' 4-•44.. 4.4 4sd•+ it,100.f lid TE1 t7 FARmErts "i' iRie taxa, Q Y7 NER& WIZ ARE NOW FULLY EQUIL x 1;]22 TO SUE Vjy G..k.SOLINE IN LARGER QUAIr'TNZIS`'t. EE A GOOD STAND- ARD G,RAD171 OLg' GASOLINE mail OM DELIVERY TRUCIK LOWEST PREVAILING PRj' ts:', TaTa QUAL/TY CONSIDERED ; EXPERT WORKMANSHIP OVELt- ItEALII. Joss ON ALI. MAKES OF CARS V'Ti'frl cHARGE5 Imply OILS EASES GAs ft� Moaeaii f r^'! urich 4, ?n+t.51,4".„gat.11•1 s 1,1, `1.8+0+&0400,V+n:4E.0. + ,4.6,0 1II.ir0-`1.45+ 4.2,1•P 01144 Et 4 4, 4, 1- ' A D E R T I S E1 till° 04( *, , Do You Knowli 'flat 1 am the Master Salesmar4 11 cm the herald of Success for; all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tells the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising 1 And the World listens when I apeaki For those who have used ane as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. 11 command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever 1 go l 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! I am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and nay Nam s: I'A