HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-20, Page 5RJ'hureday, October, :.Qt1ii; 1'913' BUSINESS CARDS DuraogarEffoLiviEs ill. 1<RAISTER, SOLICITOR. NOT - ABY PUBLIC, ETC. frOFFXCE-"--Herniltan Street, .7-alet ' 3.a Square, GOI) RIC! , Ontario. peei'a •.Attention by flouxrc:ei and Colbeck Work, arc. Holmes may be consulted at 0—walla by Phone, and Phone chargee :reversed. •...�.,e..,,.;.,,,,..,,--..�.,,_». gym,»,«.. Dr. tL ft, COWEN DENTAL ,. 8, SURGEON D. D1"+ DN r! AL t DEITZ BLOCK--Gi 3B Cil ,}Every Thursday, Felony, lel ataed 't liARTLE:IB'S I3LOOK, DASD: W OOD Every Monday, 'Tuesday and i. t3duvs*aSY ai' k� � c n ir fg> waver For Huron and Middlesex IMIN Tam Wants, For Bole, Loot, Found, Noll000 Etta Ads , .». ,..• - WANTED Beginn ng oxr October 24th, we are in the market :for Dutch, sett on - 'ons. W. J, Merner, Zurich. Mrs. E, Snider of town is spen.ding the: week at the home of Mr, and Mx Gerald .anidei, north of »rys(za1e, Mr, 1Vniltortc Oeseb hoe moved hi barber shop frown the Fritz block, t the Deitz block, b the room forever ly used as, Brown's Boot Shop: Mr. and Mrs. William F. Braun an family, of Forest were week -end vis liars with Mrs. Brown's father, Mr William Lamont of town. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Johnson over the Thanksgiving holiday 5 s 0 d Barber Shop Moved! 1 hereby wish to notify the public that I have moved ray barber shop into the Deni block, in the apartment formerly used as Brown's hoot Shop and solicit the patronage of the public. Phone 130. Milton (Desch, Zurich. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 3:SSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON F1,OM THE Hr•eald PrintiingO'fice 1 AM IN A POSIT1Oi•+l TO CON- 1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 tinct any Auction Saiz, rei;a)'c3lea° year, strictly in advance; $1,50 In :as to size or article 't;a sale I sollelt arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 1J wear business, and a net satisfied :7171 S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon make no charges foe Serviees Ren- tinned until all arrears are paid utl ter d. less at option of publisher. The date ARTHUR WEBE L---Deetnaood of 'which every Subscription is pain i eneein a 13-rjf, s derated on the Label. _-� ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known ... urichs' Popular EAT MABKITT Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats 3 1 '-nas,. Sausages, Weiners Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us ServeYoua. 11„ un b ut, Son on ,application. Miscellaneous articles of not neon. than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser Mr. and Mrs. J. V. .Cook or Drum bo and granddaughter; Mr. and Mia Wm. Brenner of Stratford were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. .Henry FIaxboard. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Schwartz, and daughter Eunice of Detroit, were visitors during the past week at the home of Mrs. Schwartz's mother, :',1rs J. Fuss of town, Mr, and Mrs, F. C. Kalbflei t, of Zurich, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Vera Cara to Mr. Jacob W. Haberer, also of Zurich. The marriage to takeplace in the latter part of October. Thr Zurich Bible Society will meet in they Town Hall, Zurich on the even- ing of November 9th. Rev, Denny Bright fr ors London, Bible Secretary will give ;;ome picture views. Every- body is cordially invited as there 10 admission. Mrs. Earl E. Weide who spent a week with friends at Yale, Mich., re- turnerl home on Friday evenin . Her h rl tion 25c, 2 ins, 40e,, 3 Inc. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 p usband, Mr, Weido and da+it;' t,�r orally motoring to Sarnia Friday l vening to get Mrs. Weida at that lace, flowing month. The Zurich Branch of th:. Wow, 1 cr frst month, $1.00 for each fol Mr, and Mrs. C. Fritz, Ward and Miss Pearl Wurtz motored to Lon- don on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. 1f. Mile of Hen- sall were Monday visitors at the home of Mrs, Lydia PIN of town. Mrs, W. F. l inkbeinei' and daugh- ter, Miss hazel of Stratford, were Sunday visitors with the former's ,Aster, i•Ir,i, Wm. H. Raffinate Ile tine T',d. Leone and fam- ily of Detroit, were week -end visit- ors with her mother, Mie. C. Ayotte, of •gown. Rev. and. Mrs. N Oretzinger and daughter Norma, of South Cayuga, v.ere guests at the Lome of Mi. tinct Mrs. C. L. Smith laet Thursday night. The South Huron plowing; match :en he held on Tih .rcclay, October 20th, on the farm of Wtn. Welsh, ore No. 4 highway about two miler, north of Exeter, The potato crop in green parts is now practically all t len in and it has [proven itself to be a very poo l crop with a fine .ample of "reurp`lies' and a;; a consequence, there soul be no need of going hungry, Ur. and 'leis. Snrnuel McBride, :'.fir, and iilrs. Joh.: Oici ride who 'ofoy'ed a motor trip to ::+'Ia.ii"ei: Elbe Saskatchewan, have r•e::•ntly rot iirn- ed, enjoying the trip ve'1'y mue:h, and covor,ng distancee of about 5,:100 :^lt� .:l h. C. Frit:: � '":on who IIaLP recently purchas.ad t 1: ::tock of the Wm. Brown estate, hst:a moved the same over into their own :>iore, and are giving the public big reductions to footwear. Tera\' have also ptlreh^ ased the Ford tudor from the said estate, hA' pump in the ch c'p coater well at the local lire hall had to l,e taken not last week, as the jerk rod that raises the water broke oil near the bottom of the pump, and as it is neve,; to 300 .feet down, it was a nice ittic i hnre to talce all these pipes p and put them back again, The many Zurich friends of Miss tanrr Hess, who is confined to Lon- 9 rd • Professional Cards not exceeding en's Institute have arran+rea•• ; lei'=-' lie i , h , �, u In _Memoriam one verse 50c, o5c nr'erI, 7'h,rsrl• ay and I'*rdo;f af;ir I..x inc es, per year $5.00. mg of an autograph quilt on Wo -i- Ifor each additional verse; Card of noon;, .as w,•11 as ev..n+ gs • o• '! l'hanks, 50e. lodir;: are invited to ::,elect fini..i t•. .Auction Sales--$2.00'persizlgh , quilt, insertion if not over four inches it ' n At less than half whale yo:, world expect to Play --the NEW SILENT GLOW OIL BURNER converts your hot-air or hot,wntei furnace into a clean, convenient oil heating unit. Good-bye coal shovel and coal bin! No more ashes, smoke or soot .. , and a steady, even heat at the temperature you Mecca Let us show you how Silent Glow will save you money and needless labour next winter. Completely installed, ready for use with 250 gallon storage tank and float feed, the NEW SILEN r GLOW furnace burner burner... r Only 0 e. . agate SILENT-CI.ow fits any maks. of iurnac•e. Bum:: cheap distillate ail. Other models to fit any Quebec heater or kit.. m range. Silent Glow mod-! W Range Burner. Tested and approved by Home Service Bureau, conduct. ted by Canadian Home Journal. ISLET u�•t. �tk�RARADEMARK RG. IN F CAN, AND U,S, AT. OFF. IL I 125,000 HOBS have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. "SAVES FUEL" "1 installed a SILENT GLOW 011, 13L'RNE,,R two years a::o and hose been more than satis- fied with results. 1 use 0 in my hot-air furnace for heating I'I rooms- 1 have saved about ,535 every winter an fuel costs. (Nam- on request,) MADE IN CANADA Makers also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes,. camps, garages, e' .., and Silent Glow Power Biel-nen/4f largehornes,apa aients,scboolsandother large buildings, \'JILLTA S BROS. ZURICH - ONT. iintietseg',(+7C G4)00a01:1;feeiealibtiediei.046 a eseeaet.,aavaa+ w-..-:;;,Av'e9I sea on hospital with an eye infection„ will regret to learn that Miss Hes; is ' We aa'ways invite people t, 5 l in h Address all communications to: drop it in our letter acs. :i l o:: - THE HERALD i c° ,3n•cl'. 1i •• ":ill tae i* i , � � ���11 �� � ZURICH - ONT. Why We have the: Better Class of Customers liZ1 CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. Atr AERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- ' I'r",LU83`•s' OIL, GOODYE:. ,TIIERES, AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION 3` avec, Behning and Mechanical Wor% :rdem'a to Micrometer Settings, No wawa. work. Watch line 'cares that STOP at DEW'S. They ars all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE, TIN B DASHWOO1) _ - ONTARIO ;Wt st rn Farmers' WW1 • LOCAL NEWS of enjoying' her usual health and a as suffered very much and it is very g ouhtful if she will again recover a ear eyesight e Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will„delive at $1.9.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! any :moll t 1S°;ail+ �, yon r The t+ S � 0 TMJ, ideal fine hrnttiei• this week, p to elle has been a great help to the 'armelr•s *j..a•:r in harvesting, their late crop, such as buckwheat, wideh in most cases s h, • Mr: whR th,' e you are a subscribe Herald. :voor• items will be with the i:Nnn rourtes-y, , Tho I:, ; lical .f+ nior. Leagu 1 t fn r,•-nt•ganl:,ktion last gree::, .Allen Mr. Alphonse I)abus called en fri- lull.' • following offfceTs were ;elect: l: • dent, Doris Meyers; Secrete ::•Grace r:'mr.-"itird."t ito'3'tilini Hartman and 'Meyer;, Treasurer, 33vroth.: 'Mot I'hi;tp of Seaforth ,ap::nt tine we elk..„ Librarians, Ruth Johnston and Dor- man. end with Mr. and Mrs. Kuno 'Hart- othy O'Yrcin. seen. ;nils in Drysdale the past week. rrs:u cut,Mary i4Tcrner;• V4;e-r+ • - quite heavy, and also getting rn the Potatoesand root crops. A goot11� nunih r of :!armors circ threshing the buckwheat out is the field, and in most t -a es just ac well, as it hats ':s. poor quality of straw for reeding Th.' Znr'ich :iyrieuitu al Smile et Lir. and 1lrs, Prod E. Dueharine, recently hod a business meetin; and • and family, and Mr. ?Aid Mrs. luno the lists well, carefully gone over, • Hartman and baby motored to Chat-, and the S ne)-TreaQ„ way ham on Sunday to visit Miss Proc- ; to pay out the prize monies. and any• i.11e their daughter and sister who is! oleo having won prizes can get their in the Convent in that city. money from the Secretary -Treasurer, s Mr. Elmore T', Klopp. For the con- venience a• •_ the public 111. Klo w ho at itis home on Tuesday and ,Fri - f day of each week for a limited time.! SAS Off'.00 l At the meeting of the Directors o pi? 'purposes. •es. , .; - • KEEP UP STEAM • Th,: William Wrigley Jr„ who made millions through advertising, a, enc ....ked why he did not stop alv rti:in. after he had built up the world'.. ;1rgest Clewing 'gum bus- innn n. = Did you ever hear of train- men taking off the locomotive after' they had. got the train moving?” ask- ed Wrigley.-- Ex. Reward Offered the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance;- A substantial reward has been off - The pu!die -are cordially invited .to eyed by relativ°.s for the recovery of, tend the Big Fowl Su which . , .Jell be served in the secho c• men, .{.^iris Chapman, I:a .:::xld Apple'. - 11 yawl and Douglas Milne, who aerie their lives Labor Day when a sail- boat in which they were returning', from Bayfield to 1)etroi; foundered 1 in Lake Huron., off Kettle Point. A' reward of $50. for each body re- ; covered has been posted in hope that' fisherme: and other shore residents will make it a paint to continuo the i --,40 lookout ti:.at hair been kept ever since the accid::nt, � WOMEN NOW ELIGIBLE . Co„ held in Seaford), John Br elnc wer` ' sit g pp, r +n v. n the bodies of !tar: young London who has been president of the coal Weather � Co patty for several years, reargued 1 pc 11� ii^ i jell, of the N�van cereal church, Zur- e� position via account of ill health, and g OF WOODSTOC .- µThe ,Largest $1�.5ineS9 of any vessel., i11>:, 'McCartney ha, been a 1 cnllhclel7lte, a Iarge attendance, with h' _ , - company g director' of the corlip i,ny for a number, tabic• room for 1S0 at one sitting. f t k i1doin t 'ears • G. R. McCartney, on Thursday evening, October of Tuckersrnitll, 27th, from five to nine o'clock. 'Great was unanimously chosen as his sue preparations are being :rm to a.c- J. v.siness in Ontario- .:&naount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 'fist, 2931, $1,9,593,724„ Teta1 Cash in Bank ani! :Bonus $199,3i0i,.6I l: tsra—$#, 9 per 21,105 ftp E y'enrm E. F., Klopp--Zurich mem, Also Denier as Lithisia�>„113ods -�s1 all kneads al Firs Insurance E POULTRY WANTED ' *very Day till 8 •o'cloi k, p.m. mot feed IM'owl aerie* t ei:ming 'when brought ixl; Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR — CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ' toile 1c1, iRos, 94, Zola i �, HERALD'S 30,13 DEPARTMENT Ilty mer ready to serene pub- with: Commercial and line I x•�lti�tkttlig. ourprices be. ' 4re leavilw vote eTtler dee. ° A high cla: program will be render - One of the most beloved of moth- cd by local talent, featuring the best cis and one of the most highly este-' of music. vocal and instrumental, al- toned citizen; of Goderich, in the per I so a. play untitled "Mary Comes Horne. son of Mrs. C. MacEwan, widow offrom College. TheRoyal Knight's the late Peter MaeEwnn, passed a-1 Sunday School Class Orchestra will way on Oct. 9th in her 88th year. play some numbers during the lunch The news of her death was received : hour, The Ladies' Aid have a Re wpathyth niiversal regret and deepest sv t fr Isimientour booth andunti ishih�ingronv ent, as everybody is invited. The Toggery Shop, Seaforth, will undergo a complete, changee in the Can ada Lower in Trade next few weeks in preparation fol -Eitel opening on Oct 21st of a Red and White chain store, carrying groceries and meat provisions. There passed away in London, on "'ridgy last at the honk of her son Dr. Lloyd Moffatt, Agnes McBride widow of Samuel Moffatt, in her 79th ear. :Death came after an illness of apward of one year. hers. Moffatt •vas born in Hamilton, and while still a child her parents located in Stain- : try ''i`lr., near Varna and it was here she wet and later harried Samuel It/loffatt who predeceased her six yrs. In religion she was Presbyterian. For over a year her health had been fail- ing and"she had been cared for at the home of her son. After an illness extending over a couple of months or more Herbert Crich died at the ripe old age of 80 :nears and 8 months. 13e was born in Tuckersntith Pp., being a son of the late Samuel Crich, later he farmed on the 2nd con now occupied by his son, :Melvin, leaving to go to Clinton about 6 years ago, White in Tucker - smith ntith :he took a keen: interest in Civ- it' affairs, serving on the +council for 16 years, 7 years as reeve, and since corning to Clinton he took a place at the council .table and was e rving his exiond term: Figures A despatch from Ottawa state, 1 that, from fifth place among the tract illi; countries Of the violet in 193i• , Canada dropped to seventh place in 1981, . according to a report on trade land commerce tabled in the House of Commons. Fifth ranking importing country in 1930, the Dominion: drop- ped to eighth place in that cla,ss,anee t'romsixth place in exports to sev, °nth place in 1931. Total imports during the fiscal year ended Match 81, 1932, were $578,504,000, a de- cline of 36.2 per cent from the pre vious flscial year. Exports of $576,- 344,000 for the fiscal year showed e decline of 29.9 per cent from the previous year. While the above fig- ures give the trade only in dollars and do not state just how much :.pro- ducts in numbers or weights the •iecrease is. As for instance if we would figure the present price of farm products now and two years.. Argo, tend the figures 'given in: tons of export instead of dollars, it .would 'crhaps uot look so bad. 'Canada is still a big producing country, and chile the pieces are low at present, yxt Iva meet keep up our volutne 'oi ado,, FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter,.by using Our Various Brands of Stock arid Poultry food,, and Laying, Ma ia. ..None Better on the Markets TD___! „7 •rrt t3 COAL s COA a Dont Forget, We can supply you with 'the..prropekr Fuel-. a to keep your Horne nice andcosy all Winter at the a Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. a G"We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for }McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. chill/ ae a eanonnesaaea e>raanaattleer Gee a de" .;liiininta TO SERV AS ELDERS Permission granted by vote of Un- ited Church Coura':.d at Hamilton. Women may now serve as elders oi' the church General Council voted. alio ila0,eral Council was competent to deal with the a err is lou of Woreen .0 the aid mill. fire LAW and Log- .slation Coma?.itis declared, Mrs. A. 1.11. Scott, Calgazo, then moved to a- nremnd the manual of the church to. permit woolen to net as elders. Mri. Scott made a strong plea for the eualqual status of her sex in the el- :lersnrp and e;arried the Council with ilei. SPARE PARTS AT LOWER RATES A despatch from Ottawa states that all spare parts for agricultural implements can now be imported un- ler duties ranging from 5 to 10 per .:ent. A memorandum has gone for- ward to customers offices conveying Iuch instructions. In 1030, while the Ludes on farm implements were left at 5, 7 and 10 per cent, the rate on parts was fixed at 25 per cent, but this was not to be brought into eff- ect for a year. The date of coming into effect was last May an order -in - council was passed that the only pe- ople who could import at the low rates would be the manufacturers in this country of farm implements Wh- ich used these parts, All others had to pay 25 per cent. --. Les VIiiVAWN4AWIMit VigUi V rY Zurich Prug Store SOROOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC, ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. "03 SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS Perfumes, Tailct \)Vat ars, Perfurn :ers, Toilet Soap;-,, s,,:,..a Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. • KODAKS AND FILMS Dr. Atjo MacKinno'l' Zurich r.