HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-13, Page 8rAor Tay/ THE STORE WITEL THE STOCK F.11 and inter Goods OUR STOCK IS NOW ALMOST COMPLETE AND 'WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION New Sweater Coats for Men, Women, Boys and Girls, at New Low Prices. Men's best heavy all -wool Coats, now each $3.50 A. special lot of Boys' and Girl's Pullovers at 75c to 1.10 Everything in Underwear, in Sizes Suitable for Everyone. See our c^ntre table for Special Values in odd sizes and Broken Lines, at less than Half Price New Dress Materials, Ripple Crepes, Flecked Tweeds, Queen's Cloths, Santoys, etc. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Ginger Snaps, a lb, Broken Sodas, 2 lbs. for Japan Tea, per Ib. 10c 19c 37c Factory Cheese, old, nippy only, l,b.. 17c la/c Princess Soap Flakes, at CELERY! CELERY! Fresh, from our own Gardens, at very low prices J (S(; PRODUCE WANTED 0 PHONE 59 1, Fire prevention has again been called to attention of the public. Let us all do our share towards keeping (Corrected every Wedueudael down fire loss. Examine all fire Butter 28 Your fall Investments BUY Huron & Erie Debentures Th? Hnxr ono and Erie Mortgage Corporation has de...la •ed its usual diviidend of 2% for the quarter ended September 30th, 1932, being at the rate of ..S% ..per • 1, <anniimPayable at the Corporation's Office in London on .and after October 1st, 1932 to shareholders of record on September 15th, 1932. Andrew F. Hess is local representative for this well known institution which has paid dividends to its shareholders regularly and without interruption since incorporation in 1864. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich 14 IY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? *SO1s1100660606600*******B0oe e seeseembeeseseset HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds • • If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsrithing our Specialty. .FULL' ,INE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK, STADE .8g, ZURICH - ONT. 0ao4>►0a; ZURICH 1 t'1►onl ty, 'l' dOVO I.3th, •104 t +4444+4+++++++++++++4444+44++++.44+++44++++++4,4++4. + i • Our Hardware WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC 4. ABLE HARD BARE AT MEAATE PRICES , 4.I LET US SHOW YOU OUR •Flip., LINE OF GI ANITEWARE + 4 AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. r WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR, SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. Jtw,J�^ YELLOW FRONT STORE ER Phone 1140 maresommuommilaamsnatampaMOSaissaalsom.sesso. LOCAL MARKETS azar s. 1� v1r. P. H. Jory, auditor for the Department of Highways of Ontario, was here Tuesday last auditing the accounts' of the Hay Township road system. Dr. Newton -Brady of Bayfield, recently returned from a visit to Dr. Locke of Williamsburg, who seems to have been performing wonderful cur- es of all. kinds of diseases by treating patients' feet. Dr. Brady said, what he thought of it was; patients had told him of some ahnost miraculous results, He saw five thousand patients, treated and talked with them and, having studied . the art, he intends using it in his practise. iir. L. H. Racier, of Dashwood,and. Warden of Huron County, who' was Mr. Golding's Conservative opponent, made a good fight against unbeatable odds, and when on election night in Clinton, he made the statement: "I fought a good clean fight and I 'con- gratulate Mr. Golding," Mr. Rader proved himself 'a good loser and a good sport. And he has this con- solation too: Had any other Conserv- ative in the riding, any Cabinet Min- ister or even Mr. Bennett himself been the candidate, there would have been no change in the result. -Huron Expositor. BUSY FARMER NEWS Western Ontario Leads. The County of Wentworth now Leads Canada in the production of high-quality hogs. For thn past 7 months, 90.6 per cent of all the pigs marketed from that county gra- ded "select" or "bacon", the two top grades. The seven leading counties are in Ontario. Waterloo was second with 69.9 per cent., grant ?i'.1 per cent, Perth 88.2 per cent; Huron 87. and Wellington and Oxford both 86. Perth County, well up in quality, was the heaviest producer with 54,708 head in the Seven. months. The Buckwheat Crop Buckwheat is assuming greater inn- portrmce as a crop in some counties in Ontario, p utieularily in the Centra and eastern districts. This grain is sown later. than others and thus es- caped the effects of dry weather in June this year, while growing con- ditions in August were good. Statis- tics show that in 1931 Simcoe, Nor- thumberland, Ontario and Durhom counties each had more than 10,000 acres of buckwheat. Southern count- ies such as Essex, Lincoln, Wentworth and Halton, where truck gardening and fruit growing prevail, have relat- ively small acreage. .. Ontario Farm Piod-acts High expectations arc 7;-.` .rior On tario Farm Products Week which. be- gins Oct. 17th and continues until Oct, 22nd. Jas. D. Fairbairn, Dep- uty Minister and his assistants have been working hard to ensure its suc- cess and no stone has been left un- turned. Merchants and business hou- ses in all towns andcities are co- operativing splendidly, with. the . re- sult that Ontario farm products will be displayed as never before. The slogan being used: "On.tario ]+arm Products are freshest and Best", and "If the Fanner Can Sell He will Buy." Eggs Wheat Barley Oats Buckwheat Flour Shorts, ton Bran, ton .-. .......... 18-20-24 45 38 23 40 150 2.80 15.00 15.00 Hogs............. ............ 4.50 White Grub Outbreak White grubs at the rate of from 300;00 to 1,000,000 per acre are pre- sentfield in s of timothy sod and threaten serious damage to crops in 1933: throughout the northern half of the counties of Glengarry, Stormont, Di- Grenville and Leeds and the south x`i. portion of Prescott, Rus- sell, Carleton and Lanark according to a forecast by G. FI. Hammond of the Federal EntomoIigical Branch. The prospect of crop Iosses from white grubs in infested districts in 1933 is extremely serious, according to officials, who state that trooping of infested land during next season must definitely take white grubs into account iI Tosses are to be avo- ided. At the best there is bound to be some damage but if the known infor- mation is utilized the brobable loss can be reduced to a small portion of that assurance by the numbers of in- sects in the ground in many distric- cts. The losses can be cut down by reducing the number of grubs in the land with its resistance to injury and the white grub population of the field in. mind. Apple Crop Down Recent estimates of the commer- cial apple crop show a decrease of 10 per cent in production throughout Canada as compared with 1931. This means a decline of approximately 304,000 barrels. The British Colum- bia crop alone indicates an increase about 28 per cent above that of last year. The greatest decrease is shown in Ontario where the crop is expected to be 20 per cent lower than in 1931 The nurnber of barrels last year was 976,0O01 while only 680,000 barrels apo expected this year in this provin- ce. • Warning To Farmers At the present time reports and coning in to the Department that oats for which fabulous promises are made are selling at $1.60 to $1.80 a bushel, while the finest registered seed oats grown in Ontario can be purchased at less than half the price. Farmers should take warning from the experiences of others. Losses ca- used by this form of exploitation by certain unscrupulous firms probably run into thousands of dollars yearly. Not so many years ago salesmen ac- tually sold wheat represented to be from King Tut's tomb to Ontario farmers at prices ranging from $o to $6 per head. If this grain had actually come from the tomb of Egy- pt's famous king it would have been several thousandyears old, and even the common mustard, which is cred- ited with being the most retentive of all seeds, cannot hold life within the seed more than 50 to 75 years. i 4. 4. 4. Furniture Greatly Reduced4.. We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs mewl +i+ We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock • Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and 014 Hickory ' Smoke Salt in Stock. We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated +: Massey -Harris Farr n Implement 's epairs, Johriston h L1bfijh mar ware -Furniture. Phone- 10(1(01(III(!hill'lp. �MIMEMMIliNr IIII11IMPIIWG1lILnt'r11 MN{NSII silur.IMNII(lltllflilll;;;r131110111111?Ifni'1i 'd Il1110!€il1!fi11A1V We Repair Wagons, Buggies,• g• , ,, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. . 1 good Lumber Wagon at a._ ......................,, $45 1. 1 good buggy at 4 wheel Trailer Complete .. .................... 25 _= KEEP ON SMILING! - HESS, the Repair Man 1' 144.4446.144+44-64.4-1.444.++++4-61i11-14++++ 4. 444 ++E+ ++3++6444+4.4+4*. �'"�����F��'�« tip;i};illMpiil11111111]!I<�7�3'liiili�-O11h�i�7��.���;�1� �,�,w1;00?fJ11900Ki1(11111f' li?,ld:.tiiwlp�llhli.�}f14011i1(liL'111di11NHi i urn 4 dC+.6.11eG.E d TTEi0 . ; TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS • WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OP GASOLINE ZN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A COOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK 'AT LOWEST PIEMVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, AND OVER- HAUL SOBS ON AU MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABUL GAS OILS GREASES �r Moasseau Zurioli • •' IIERALDOITIO • Do You now' t f That i am ithe Master Salesman! • • a ii And the World listens when 1 speak! For those who have used me as their Servant t have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoeyyer i got I1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvestl * 1 ern Masater Salesman at Your Service, ark( my Nail:te • ADVERTISE! + 4,0 b8 4****s+ +v °it b 1 am the herald of Success for all men, Methants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising/