HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-13, Page 5Tfrertsday, °clam- 13tTre ./932 p jai?* BUSINESS CARDS - IbitantS, For Sale, Lost, 'DAIDL-FlyE EtoLivuo s Found, Notice, Rte., Ado lARRISTER, SOLICITox NOEf.' MIMI COI.,11391/8 ARY /PUBLIC, ETC. •OFFICE—Hanfilton Street, just off the Square, GODERIOR, Ontario. STRAYED- been in townefor some time, left an . Spaniel Attention to Counsel and From my premises, leith eon., Hy Satarelay for .1.1naylleid; 'wheee he in - ZURICH JIERALD LOCAL NEWS• IVIr. Daniel Smith, who spent the semi -Jeer months in . Arizona, renamed te Zurieh. on„Saturdan• Mr. Ed. llossenberry, evao,: has 001311t Work. NW Holmes may be co/malted at Gederich by Phone, and Phone ellage e reversed. Dr. ft. II. COWEN L. D. S. 1). D B. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At, IIART•LEIB't3 DASIIWOOD • Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TOCON- /net any Auction Sale, regardless se to size or article to sell. I solicit ;your business, and if not satisfied win snake no charges for Services Ren - &red. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Rhone 13-51. Zurich& Popular MEAT MARKET •Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Boloinas, Sausages, Weiners,,. Harns, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Your TT. Yungbiut & Son of which every Subscription is paid Township, a 2 -year-old steer, white, Finden kindly notify, • Nelson Masse, Zurich. For Sale • Buckwheat Honey for sale, at 3 cents a pound. Bring your contain- ers. J. 'laborer & Sons, Zurich. 2 blocks ,south of Hotel. Fertilizer For -Sale 'or. the convenience. .er anyone wanting Fertilizer, Mr. Ervin Willert has several tons of the same at his barn for • immediate sale. Kindly get in touch with Mr. Willert, if in need of any: NOTICE My hairdressing parlor is open for business, and solicit your patronage. Reasonable Charges; Lottie E. Turklieim, Zurich FOUND A girl's Red Leather Coat and a Toque. Same can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON. FROM THE Hreald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 year, strictly in advance; 1.50 ni arrears or *2.09 may he charged. 13 tends to stay. Messrs Herb IVIoueseau, Wellington, Johnston, Q. Fritz and W. Burn were on a partridge shooing trip up in the Brucel,Peninsula..Over the holi- day. • Mrs. Wm. Teeeenmer of Colborne, and Dr. Noiman Treemneinfrom Ar- thur, Mrs. Mary Geiser from Shipka spent the past week at the Wine- •of Mr. and .IVIrse•Williani 'I:rummer of the 1 4thecen. Bar.. We have received oin• Hydro ace ,„. counts for the past two months, and with the rate's gradually raising, our change is 'disappearing ninee freely. Too bad, just when. titles tbugh and it is hard to get hold tif.a dollar our big intrests try to squeeie still more out of the public. The public of this vicinity if they have a little lobse, change are in no need of going hungry, as we notice a big fowl supper every week for a couple of weeks. This Thursday ev- ening a monster supper is being held in Crediton. Next Thursday evening a big event at Dashwood Lutheran, and then the following week the Ev- angelicals of Zurich will hold their annual event. To all these suppers the public are cordially invited. Joseph Gelinas Sr. Passes Death removed another of the old pioneers of the French Settlement, and a well known •resident of this section on Friday last, September 80th, in the person of Joseph Gelinas Sr., who passed away at his home in Drysdale after a short illness in the fine old age of his 84th year. De- ceased had conducted a general store at Drysdale for many years and &- so owned the farm on. which he lived having purchased the same from the late Mr. Drysdale, after whom this important little berg was named. Mr. Gelinas was a man of sterling quality Very upright in business and of high S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon esteem; by all who knew him, he tinued until all arrears are paid un- knew alT about pionear life, and vnll less at option of publisher. The date be greatly missed in the community as, well as his immediate family. He is survived by his aged widow and a grown up family of sons and dau- ghter., who greatly mourn hi?, demi. The funeral was held on Monday el SER VICE41 'Why We have the: Better. Class of Customers ABGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Pearls, Hohning and Mechanical Work 4ilooe to Micrometer Settings, No is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known on application. Miscellaneous articles of not mon than four lines, For Sale, To Item. :Wanted, Lost, Found,AC. One inser tin 25cp 2 his. 40e., 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale s2.0o for first month, $1.00 for each fol- iov...tig month. Professional Cards not exceeding I% inches, per year .$5.0,0. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 251 Sl ueswork. Watch the ears. that ox each additional verse; Card oi s STOP at WELN'S, They are all HIGH, ilanks, 50c. CLASS CLIENTELE. Auction Sales—$2.00 per single insertion if not over four inches is length. Address. all cornrounications to: THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT. f 11. Sao eine linASHWOOD ONTARIO ro. —torn. r r v. tz, m in a n Por 1.4 d iv • ge to • m. No • r Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF wowsToCK The 'Largest BusiireSs of any Canadian Company. doing • Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dei. WA, 1981, $ , Total Cash in Bank and Bonds • • $199,101,6I ABitt.s-14.50 per $1,000 tor 3 years, E. F. Klopp—Zurich Aiest, Also Den lex in Lidhinkini Reds and all kinds of Fire insurance 1,1 V E POU LT RY WANTED leakeni ovestr Day till 8 o'clock, p.m tUo not feed Fowl same morning when brong'ht in. hest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— 'CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien :Maas. lel, Res. 94, Zenith THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT ver ready to serve the pub- illic:with Commercial and fine Printing, Get our prices be - fume reaving your order else- • 14.ergr.. LOCAL NEWS Rev. E. A. Pouter and son Ceorge of Varna called in town one day last wenlc. Miss Ruth Turkheim • who is at- tending Waterloo College, spent the week -end at her home here. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Guelph, were visitors with the form- ers brother, Mr. W. C. Wagner of ;town. Mn end Mrs. Theo. Wagner of Guelph, wereweek-end visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. C. Wagner. • Mr. F. C. ICalbfleisch is attending as a delegate from the Canada Syn- od the big Convention of the United Lutheran Church at Philadelphia. Mr. Lloyd Eidt and. Edward Kins- man of the Bank of Montreal staff, pent the week -end at their homes at ngersoll and St. Marys respectively. Messrs Paul Eidt and George Al- brecht of Kitchener, and Karl Ben- nmity of Stratford, were week -end visitors at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. a. Yungblut • The monthly meeting of the •IWom- 1 .3 n1/4 AVIISSi011arY Society of St. Peter's ' nutheran church. will be held on Mon - ay evening at eight o'elock, Mem- ors and friends are cordially invited The many urich friends of Miss 'Anna Hess will regret to learn that ' recently suffered an eye infection and has been at Loudon Hospital, .alting treatments, andher sight is adly affected as a result. The announcement was recently Tiede from the central office of the ;race Municipal Telephone, System Nal is good news to the subscriber; .n practically every class of phone the eave neon reduced. For sub- ,ribere the reduction is effective ram 4pril last and The 'reductions is $1T which they Kaye been paying .8 dropped. hi ithpo.r ennui. last week, interment taking plade,ir the Dryedaie R. C. cemetery, .of)Wh- ich faith the departed Was ane,” ' t neeneeee, Fttth.cyr, L. officiating. The Herold joihs thn friends in extending sympatny teethe bereft family. LUTHER LEAGUE COareenNTION On Thanksgiving Day, idoadan, 0 etob er 1 OLIi, ow e 8n nen e.,,ntee of Central Dietrict No. 1, of the Luthee League of Canada,. areembled hi St. Peter's Luthevan Church, Zurich foe their annual convention. During the morning service, which was in charge of the local pastor, Rev. E. Turkheim, an inspiring rally sermon was •delivered to the young people by Rev. J. Schmeider of Kitcheuer. Af- ter the service greeting e or welcome were extended to the visitors by the local pastor, by Mr. Bruce Inlepp,the president of the local League, and by Ilfr. Peter Deichert, Jr., renresenting the vestry of St. Peers Church. Foe dinner the visiting delegates were bil- leted in the various homeof the • congregation. During the arCernoan business of interest to the District was transacted. The old Executive was re-elected; it consisted of: Pres- ident, Mr. Geo. Albrecht, Kitchener (a former Zurich boy); Vice. Pres- ident, Rev- S. Wittig, Conestogo; Secy., Teas., Mr. Carl S. Bennewitz Stratford; other members, Miss 0. Wittig, Tavistock and Mr. Paul Eidt Kitchener. A new 1.3 point program vas adopted, setting a standard for the Leagua to live up, to, a shield to be awarded to the league fulfilling those paints. :the, most closely. In the evening. about one hundred Leaguers sat down to a sumptuous banquet, prepared and served by the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Church; it was em- animously voted the best banquet over partaken of. The community 4inging of so many young throats made the rafters ring, and were ac- nempanied by Miss Lenora Haberer on the piano, and Mr. Howard Klopp en the saxophone. The banquet or- ators, all speaking more or less ill unnorous vein. A shield for the high- .?.st standard attained was awarded '10 the league of First English Church (itchener, Elmer Lipskie, president. rhe silver cup fur softball was pres- )uted to the Stratford League, and banner for the best attendance O. this convention to St. Matthew cave of Kitchener. After the ban. met the local league repeated their nay "The Jonah" to' .entertain the 4siting delegates. After a long day illed with work and. prayer, as well is wholesome recreation and fun, the eaguers departed for their various indaunted by the unpleasaatries of weatherman. All are looking for vard to the next convention atlVId- erton. The league coining the long- est distance was Elmira, and were veil represented. Wonder when they 1 7. home?: - Mr. and Mrs. IL G. Hess motored to London on Saturday. Mr. H. S. Wein of Dashwood, eel - led in town on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Milttlei HeYeend babe 01 Detroit, were week -end nisitorsItt the home of Mr. and! Mrs.:461m Hey, Mr. and Mrs, C. lenSmith and da- ughter Mae spent the holiday and week -end at Hamilton, and New Dan - dee. Another Thanksgiving • Day has passed and there were considerabie strangers in the community. with the big Luther League Convention in the village'and a Bible Conference at the A. M. Church, Bronson Line. • Dashwood'.has••the distinction of havingeone- ,ofethei oldest voter in. ..'Sbutheinatoti"in the pkriiou of Miss Christena Allendorf ain't this; lady cast her first ballot on Monday last for the Liberannandidate, Mr. W. H. The Zurich road .,between Hensall and Zurich is receiving a coat of crushed stone delivered from the Hay Township stone crushing outfit. The material is of flne- quality for road building and should withstand a lot of hard traffic. This new enter- prise .that the township has gone into has been thoroughly considered be- fore Making the purchases. Your pub- lisher availed himself of calling at this place where coarse gravel and stone are in abundance, and in look- ing over the outfit and the work it is doing, we cannot help but admire the good forethought of Hay Council in taking this action, as a load of this hard crushed stone, (not soft lime- stone) as some are led to believe, is worth several loads of some pit gra- vel that we have recently seen hauled on roads, and we are told that thehi cost is practically the same. T s large and heavy machine is built on etrone truck and can meetly be hauled from place to place with the tractor which is used to supply the power. It is the intention of the management to some time bring the a outfit to the lake at St. Joseph where where there is an abundance of mat- erial to be crushed, aud of the very best obtainable anywhere. S • HYMENIAL I 1 CONVERT YOUR .5,TQVE A SILE T GL ‘/V Shovelling fuel, shaking grates, and carrying ashes are now unnecessary labor. Women are tired of, dirt and toil in the kitchen. Make sure of clean, perfectly trouble-free heat in your present range, heater or furnace by installing a Silent Glow Oil Burner now. ' Burns clean—vvithout noise, soot, odor or smoke—gives all the fire you want for cooking or heating. Self-operating and .absolutely safe. Burns cheap fuel oil. Backed by a wrineni guarantee for 5 years. • LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT—BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OFHEAT GENERATEDi Silent Glow Burners are already installed in 100,000 homes -- more than all other burners combined. Come and see it demonstrated. $44.00 and up. D MARK REG. N . AND U.S azdimamoma IL Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters forrmerc:ps ,Zand Silent Glow Power Burners for heating large homes, apartments and other large buildings. WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 11,000000 illenng 0*OSO A very pretty wenning was solemn- ized on Monday !miming, October 10, at St. Peter's Churele Dresnane which was prettily decorated with palms and autumn flowers; when the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Laporte, was joined in matrimone to Me. Goth A. hat, Ion of Ole. end Min.John P. an, epf Zurich, l3t1 &,'Th a "Lie.atitifiA iowir ivory eatin, and with lace veil cought with. (gnome:: of pearls and carrying., bridal bouquet of white roses and lidies of the valley and white .:4atin ribbon. come down the vi -le on the .arin of her father, to the grams of r g I Keep your 'Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by te using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry F cods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the Markets To -Day! 74 R 8 ezatetea,seneasownezemegmelooreeti Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will. at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS 0 0 t F50 k. ! Ig S 0 the wedding Meech. played by Miss Ida (lei..,e The proceseion led a by Harold Rau, son of Mr. and Mrs. learl Rae of Detroit, as ring bearer. 11), He was dressed in white satin blouse ; and long black velvet pants, am: car- ried the ring on a white.satin pillow. • Following the bride were her sister, Miss Clotilde Laporte ofChicago, who • acted as brides maid and was grossed * in old blue velvet and carried a bou- quet of pink roses and yellow chry- santhamuns, ae did Mrs. Irving P. tWW1iiNVMAIVIAWMWAMAJWA AVM VW/Vt,WY Gumbleton or' Detroit, who, was mat- ron of honor and was dressed. in ghter of Wilfred Laporte and train to enatch. The little flower girl, dau- 111110h Drug light blue chemise with hat and si.oes bearer, Cecilia Masse, daughter of Nelson- Masse, wore white frilly dros- ses and poke•bonnets of organdie and carried bac ets of pink and white asters. After the ceremony, the wed ding party was served a very elabor- ate breakfast at the home of the bride's parents. The dinning -room and breakfast .table were tastefully den,- e Orated in smihtn end roses, with fest- oons of blue and white crepe paper caught up over the centre of the table, with a large white fall direct- ly over the wedding cake, a four tier cake topped by basket of silver and white flowers and silverbell, and at either side of the cake was .a candle stick bearing lighted candles. Among the' guests were the father and mo- ther of the 'groom, Mr. and Mrs. John Rau, the latter in a becoming gown of flowered silk; Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Rau, Mr, and Mrs. Earl Rau, Mn and Mrs. Walter Heyse, all of De- troit; Mts. LeBeau, Mr. Lester Le - Beau and Miss Omerine LeBeau of :Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. La- porte, Mr. Gerald Laporte, Mr. and Mrs. Irving P. Gumbleton all of Detroit; Dr. and Mrs. Richard La- porte and Miss Clotilde Laporte of Chicago,Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Laporte of Windsor,' 0nt.; Mr. and Mrs: 1411i S Beneteau of Command River, Ont.; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. La- fremboise, Mr. and Mns. Theodore Laporte, Of this palish. The bride wore a' lovely dress of' Ruby Crepe With hat to match, as .he and Mr. Rau left for Detroit where a recept- ion was held that :evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hupe, sister of the greonts Mr. and Mrs. Itau will reside in Detroit. (My wish to the Bride and Groom:) Best wishes for your future, May gOod things come your way May. you be always happy. As you are te-dayt . • .•--CeCle•nk•Inenenneens.Q.Q.eketTeeeeeneeee,!',1.-.e.trei''.:one Don't Forget, We can supply you with the. proper Fuel to keep your 'Home nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. La Schilbe & Son . • . 1 414.0.1111•1111ChkrffiCaki.......... Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, s,r..,-ad Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND HUMS Aki J. IViacKirmont Zurich ..kiwkiiikkovo,?ftkplvmmmampo-0