HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-06, Page 8lr,IC1ll ZURICH RAW THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW 'A, $!{S Let us show you our New Fall Lines of Dress Materials in Season's best Shades $1.85 59c Diagonial Tweed Suitings, 54 -in. wide Flecked Tweeds, 36 -in. width New Queen's Cloth, a finely woven wool ,Cloth, 38 -in. wide at Ladies' Pullover Sweaters at 1,98 to 2.25 New Sued Gloves a pair 4%, 59e, and 79c New Styles in Kid Gloves, BIack, Brown • and Tan, ata pr. $1.98 New Monarch Yarns for home knitting. See our style cards of knitted Sweater Suits, Etc. Dove yarn now 15c Down yarn, now 25c. 85c GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Whiz Fly Spray, 8 -oz. for Palm Olive Soap, 2 for Tely's Toilet Soap, large bars, Princess Soap Flakes, at Japan Tea, Special, Ib. Ginger Snaps, lb, Pink Salmon 11-s. Special lot of scribblers for school, 19c 15c 4 for 25c f7c 37c 10c 7c 2 for 5c and 3 for 10c Everything in jars, crocks, jar rubbers, Rings, Corks, and all spices for pickling at lowest prices. PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 For Your Fall Investments BUY Huron & Erie Debentures The Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation has declared its usual diviidend of 2% for the quarter ended September 30th, 1932, being at the rate of ..S% ..per ;annum. Payable at the Corporation's Office in London on and after October 1st, 1932 to shareholders of record on September 15th, 1932. Andrew F. Hess is local representative for this well known institution which has paid dividends to its shareholders regularly and without interruption since incorporation in 1864. Andrew F. ess, -' Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR W I LL? QNMtupeA.W'Jl44YG:Ck ...21.VCl2WIYm. ma sus O Oe easJe Asearaafalmaasiasealearia HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual --- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress, See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need'of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tilnsmithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. !.:TADE & WE 1D ZURICH • - ONT. Qi WE SELL. THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, ' Friday and Saturday P. ea G. White Naptha Soap, 5 bars ............ Fay's Cocoa, Halt Ib. Tin 23e 23c 39c 25c 99c $1.14 712 25d .21e 23e 29e 89e 29c 25c Many Flowers' Toilet Soap, . 4. cakes Family Blend Coffee, per Ib. Cascade Fancy Pink Salmon, 2 tine Fruit Jars, small pints, per dozen Fruit Jars, Med. quarts, per dozen'` a Fruit Jars, Imperial quarts, per dozen Cereal Blend (the perfect Breakfast Food) per pkg, tiara Coffee, 1 lb. tin 45e, Half lb. Tin Oxydol large, Pkg. Certo, per bottle Forest City Baking Powder (with Cip and saucer) Blue Boy Tea, 1 1b. Blk. Coleo Soap (with water Glass Free) 3 cakes Men's new Caps Men's Heaviest weight Overalls, per pair Men's Good Med. weight Overalls, pr. ?y jama Cloth, 1 yd. wide, per yd. Men's 'Good weight flannelette shirting per yd. :95c $1.75 $1.35 25c 25e J. HIGHEST PRICES FOR EGGS YELLOW FRONT STORE Phones 140 Mr. and Mrs. David Beattie of London, spent Sunday at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas. Mr. Ed. Worm of Markham made a pleasant call to his Zurich friends on Monday. Miss Helen Thiel, who has been for some time at Hensall, has return- ed home and taken a position. with Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen. Mr. and Mrs. John Truemner of Detroit, are spending a few weeks with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Truemner of town. Miss Lylyan Rader is taking the position as operator at the local switch board of the Hay Telephone System, in place of Miss Margaret Schilbe, who resigned. Hay Council met on Tuesday of this 'week for the October meeting, anda report of the doings will be published in next week's paper. A goodly number of villagers at- tended the Bayfield Fair on Thurs- day of last week, and although the weatherman was not so favorable, the event was a good success. Prize Winners Fred Ellerington Jr, was the win- ner of the first prize, $5.00, in the Boy's Home Garden Club Contest for the Exeter district and Orlando Bat- tler, of Zurich was 2nd. Wm. Stan - lake sonof Jas. Stanlake was third and wins a free four-day trip to the Royal Winter Fair at Toronto. Fred Ellerington was not eligible for the trip as it is only for boys ,living on the farm; Orlando Battler winner of second prize was under the age limit. To Northern Ontario W. G. Medd, M.P.P., of Exeter, was in Northern Ontario last week with a party of eight members of the Ontario Legislature, including prac- ticalIy all the members of the Cab- inet and the Canadian High Comm- issioner to Britain, Hon. G. H. Fer- guson. They went as far north as James Bay and inspected the mines; the pulp and paper industries and other points of interest in the north country, 15,000 Words e The Seaforth Canadian National Telegraph Manager, M. McKelIar, sent out from that office on Wednes- day night and Thursday morning of last week, 15,000 words dealing with the Bing meeting at Seaforth. 5,600 went to the London Free Press; 4,- 000 to the Canadian Press Associat- ion; 4,000 to the Toronto Daily Star and 1,400 to the Landon Advertiser, making these the biggest messages ever sent from the Seaforth ofice.Mr McKellar was assisted by a number of outside operators. BUSY FARMER NEWS Weekly Crop Report Average yield of sugar beets itt Huron County will be about 12 tons per acre. Sugar content is not high this year and fere growers will receive a bonus above the contract priee.The superiority of alfalfa as a hay :crop was demonstrated in Peel where it yielded 21/2 to 2 loads per acre as compared with 1 i/2 loads of timothy. T+Tons Lincoln comes word that the crop of lulberta peaches was very (mod anti that grapes are being cut an quantity and are of fine quality. 1 The bran harvest and corn cutting I LOCAL MARKETS Morrected every Wedneedaea Butter ............... .28 Eggs .......... ... ,6 66 ..18-20-24 Wheat ... 45 Barley 88 Oats .......... ..0............. 23 Buckwheat........ 40 Flour 150 2.80 Shorts, ton 15.00 Bran, ton 15.00 Hogs ............. 4.60 and silo filling has engaged the at- tention of many farmers in South- western Ontario during the past few weeks. Live stock continues in good condition. enable to Secure 20,000 Ontario Calves ... Garnett Duncan, Ont. Marketing Board states that a buyer from the United States has been on the Tor- onto market attempting to purchase 20,000 well finished top calves, wei- ghing about 185 pounds. These calves were to be used to top out loads of American calves, and this buyer cla- imed that the Canadian calf is a bet- ter finished product than that obta- ined in his own country. In spite of being prepared to pay eight cents a pound, the calf offerings on the mar- ket Iattely have been so dissapointing that the American has been unable to get the desired quality. Mr. Duncan said that farmers would be well-ad- vised to cultivate this market, as out- side competition in buying is vitally necessary. If this market is not cul- tivated, the United States, a most valuable outlett, will be closed to us Preference for Honey Confirmation has been received by the Ontario Marketing Board that Canadaian honey is to enjoy the same preference, on the British mar; ket, as that of our sister Domionions, Australia and New Zealand. 'This preference amounts to sevenshillings per hundredweight. SeII'►ng lemature Fruit "Growers who persist in the pract- ice of sending inmature fruit to mar- ket must realize that they are grad- ually robbing themselves, through creating dissatisfaction customers. "' This was the recent statement of 0. T. Broughton, Ontario Marketing Board. Mr. Broughton said tthat an instance had been reported to him where a consumer was forced to hold peaches for ten days after purchas- ing before the fruit was fit to use. "If we are to maintain even our pre- sent hold on the domestic market, let alone expand it", added Mr. Brough- ton "immature fruit . should not be offered for sale." Pall Wheat Tests, 1932 , During the past year seven fertil- izers were compared with unfertilized areas on wheat in 43 fallwheat sec- tions. The fertiliser vas applied: at the rate of 375, ponds per acre:: by O.A.0 officials. —The average gin of all fertilizers above check or no fer- tilizer was•8;7 bushels per acre Ys1 e average gain in Yield for three Ware was 10.3 bushels per acre. Yields varied con'sidernbly on different- stirilx , with difrerent fertilizers. As ar rid the relative respetrse feartiaaaara was remarkable uniform. 1 .::`.._.,.,._„:;_,,....�_. • rui:n 3ay, ^00tOr 6th,, +I t tato ,++F.!+140+4•i•++ ••k44.4-' 444 ltv S•aeaat as+•P•++++444 +444r H' Your Hard ar Store :• .WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON. 4, $�+s ABLE HAR'rr.. g� AT MODERATE r C aEF WARE 4Yr+.oX.�'+L' 4 .� h's PRICES `,fir QI + 4. Furniture Greatly Reduced • We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly t'I�edut;t✓d Pte. • Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs now! LET US SHOW YOU OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES: We so have some Good Used Fearniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. 1 We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Fain fsarplenaent Repairs. thtori albfleisch .e e & Furniture. Phone 63 UIUI911119119911tfIIRiIN,idlliHofllU'IiE,'wJ.+.J;!4ii1(Il(li(((I(((lIIIfIIIIIIfIiImumaaormd,4ygitmflililllll8!ilNlllllunllllstam+,,„,,,,r, We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 goad Lumber Wagon at ff 1 good buggy at $30 ▪ 4 wheel Trailere KEEP ON SMILING! ICA ESS, tiie RMan11 111IMIIIIINI !ftEMONt9f!FAIIIMM1111111919111119911111fl 1111 SIMISIMESEIIII N111IIIIIIIIIN9,, ,, Ikl911C119f9l119{I99111!l19Ii1iIr7g1a +4.++.K¢++++++++++++F+++4144.X444+44++++++44•ra.4,441 . 'G-1 ATTENTIONI TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS r oAsorawm IN LARGER QUallatTrriEs win( A GOOD STAND- A~vR G '.It t)1R OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK Ar LOWEST PREVAILING G PRICES, WITH QUALETY CONSIDERD EXPERT VirORXM..N9;'•IIP ON REPAIR IiR WORK, AND OVER H ..FE„ JOLBS, OM ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE. GAS OILS G Moueau li"'i'g' 4+11' 4"F'Fti'4'F aI.'I`•I8jjgiq'.#.4',I`4•Ss+0i"4'6'"6°444, Eg"g't0- 4°p"}'.Q'"%„a"i'a.(.°Iui')r4 4+4 EASES urich tat•ErF 04.e.el•eaaae-r.„l.tw4aleserelama aeea taateee••••••••••04-44 HER LD OFFICE Do You Know? That I ain the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all- men, Merchants,, Manufactureos, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the n' sage of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I els $ For those who have used me a, their Servant 7 have gathered untold millions into their coffers. command the legeons of fashion., mould mho ares. • and lead the World whitherso carer I,got 1 sow fields ;for you to reap a Goldeo Harvest! I ark Masater Salesman at Your Serves, lsw`a>i. amy .. `" AD VER.TE;,'