HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-06, Page 7Responsibility For
Franklin Young harper
Mr. and Mrs. Benson had three child-
, ren, ante almost from the birth of their
first child Mrs. Benson had left dis-
ciplinary matters entirely in the hands All over the world Kruschen Salts
1vf her husband. is appealing to girls and women who
When One of the children beolce a are striving for an attractive free -
rule of the home Mrs. Benson would from -fat figure.
invariably call Mr. Benson's attention 1 Here is the methou they are follow -
to the matter, suggesting that the child ing to banish fat and bring into bios-
needed punishment and taking it for son all the natural attractiveness that
granted that he would do the punish- they possess: every morning they
ing. Usually he was away from home take a half•teaspoonful of Kruschen
during the day. If, while he was ab Salts in a glees of warm water before
pent, -one of the Children did some -t breakfast.
thing that should not have been done l They do this every morning--with-
Mrs. Benson always threatened to "tell out missing one --for "It's the daily
Father" about it.as soon as he. return-
ed. And when he slid return, leis wife,
true to her word, would tell him all
about it, and he would punish the child.
This was the regular disciplinary pro-
cedure of the home. Mrs. Benson act-
ed as a sort of spy but invariably shift-
ed to her husband's shoulders the task
of punishing the children.
As time went on it became neces-
sary for Mr. Benson to be absent a
great deal, and finally he secured a
traveling position which permitted
him to be at home only one night a
week. Still Mrs, Benson kept to her
custom and on that night reported. to
!him all the wrongdoings of the child-
ren. So his short visit was usually
!spent meting out punishments for
everything that had been done amiss
during the week. Of course it came
about that this was not a night to be
pleasantly anticipated by either father
or children, but rather to be dreaded
by all concerned.
As the years passed and Mr. Ben-
son's work took him farther and far-
ther away from home, it became im-
possible for him to return oftener than
twice a month, and finally he could
get home only once a mond:. And,
as no change was made with regard to
the responsibility for disciipline, that
visit became less and less a pleasant
occasion. Of course, as was to be ex-
pected, the home government finally
broke down completely. Anarchy and
chaos reigned supreme. What was
wrong? Should the husband have re-
signed his traveling position in order
to be at home to punish the children?
Many traveling men are very suc-
cessful fathers. But should not the
wife and husband hold themselves
equally responsible with regard to dis-
cipline? In other words, if Billie needs
punishment, is it wise for the mother
to say: "Now, Billie, when Papa conies
this afternoon, I'll have. him attend to
You?" Isn't it better for the mother
to punish Billie herself and get the
matter over with?
Inflicting punishment is oue of the
unpleasant tasks incident to bringing
children up properly. It can't always
be evaded, though a wise handling of
the problems that arise will minimize
the need, but when it must be done,
can either parent consistently shift
the responsibility to the shoulders of
the other?—Issued by the National
Kindergarten Association, S West 40th
Street, New York City. These ar-
ticles are appearing weekly in our
ie had decided to sell his car --if
he could—and when a gullible -looking
fellow knocked at his door and asked
to see it, the owner eagerly flung open
the garage doors and coaxed the car
into the roadway.
"She's a beauty," he said. Jump in
and I'll take you for a run!"
The potential buyer jumped In, and
the owner managed to persuade the
'ear to snort her way up a fairly steep
laStretch of road immediately ahead.
"Shell go up here like a bird!" he
chuckled, hoping for the best. "Just
A hundred yards up the slope the
car emitted a loud cough, trembled
Violently, and began to run back -
,wards. The owner forced a smile, and
hung on rim! to the steering wheel.
The potential buyer eyed him doubt-
"What's the idea?" he asked, sus-
piciously. "We're going backwards."
"Quite all right!" grinned the would-
be vendor. "I er—that is, I've left my
'tobacco pouch on the piano!"
After much bustling around the
family was safely packed inside the
car and the journey to the country be-
gan. Everybody was )nappy for sev-
eral minutes, when Mother sncicienly
exclaimed, "Oh, Sohn! I left the elec-
tric iron switched on." "That will be
;quite all right," replied Father, "for
I've just remembered that I left the
bathroom taps running." •
Women of All Nation
dose that takes off the fat." When
ICruschen is taken daily, every particle
of poisonous waste, matter and harm-
ful acids and gases are expelled from
the system.
At the same time the stomach, liver,
kidneys, and bowels are toned up and
the pure, fresh blood containing Na-
ture's six life-giving salts is carried
to every organ, gland, nerve, and fibre
of the body, and this is followed by
"that Kruschen feeling" of energetic
health and activity that is reflected in
bright eyes, clear skin, cheerful vi=
vacity, and a charming figure.
Easy 'Teething
"Baby cut all his teeth with no trouble,
thanks to BABY'S OWN TABLETS,"
writes Mrs. Thomas Shaw, Ifamilton,
!Ont. Scores of other Mothers have
written in similar vein.
Give YOUR child BABY'S O\VIS
TABLETS for teething troubles, upset
stomach, simple fevers, colic, colds,
constipation, sleeplessness, or whenever
the is crossirestless and fretful. Easy to
take as Candy, and absolutely SAFE—
see analyst's certificate in each 25 -cent
package. Over 1,230,000 packages sold
i, e3.7. Z43
v )bo Wfltiamr'
ISSUE No. 40---02
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrate Dressmaking lesson
Furnished with Every Pattern
A. brown diagon•,1 woolen skirt is
topped by a jacket -line blouse of
vivid green plain woolen. The
revers and bolt r:peat the brown
It's just full of dash 'u.d
It's a real favorite with ..e col-
lege and school girl, and the ;; outh-
ful type of women.
The wrap -over blouse is particu-
larly slenderizing feature. The
slightly circular skirt is cut in
gores to lend height to the figure.
It may also be carried out in one
material as Spanish tila woolen
with the revers of brown woolen
and worn with a brown suede belt.
Black with Persian green is
Style No. 2537 may be had an
sizes 16, 18 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42
Size 36 requires 1% yards 54-
inch for blouse, with 1',43•yards 54 -
inch for skirt.
Write your name and address
plainly, giving number and size of
such patterns as you want. En-
close 20c in stamps or coin (coin
preferred; wrap it carefully) for
each number, and address your
order to Wilson Pattern Service,
73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
1 want to tell you the hay is strewn
Under the curve of a knife -edged
I want you to know that the clover
Ina reeling fragrance that sinks and
As the wind comes up from the seat
below,. •
And the •boughs of the spruce swing
to and fro.
I want you to know. I want you to
Martha Banning Thomas.
A ]Berko tirnv has perfected 1c pill
low oontalnina a radio loudspeaker.
Some persons would, however, %e
more pleased with a loudsipetirer ,
with a pillow in it.
in the fa% lb Qou trp
Give the 014 Folks the best possiblo
Christmas present by going to see then
this year. Enjoy the thrill of doing your
Christmas shopping in London, Glasgow
or Paris. Low ocean rates still in force,
Ocean Rates One Wad' Return
Cabin from $104. $192.
Tourist from 67; 119.
Nearly a century of sea -experience is back
.t ""` of the famous Cunard -Anchor -Donaldson
service, accommodation and comfort.
'Weekly sailings throughout the Pali
Nov.18 AURANIA Plymouth, Mavre, Londono
Nov. 18 ATTIENIA. B'fast, Liverpool, Glasgow
Nov.26 ANTONIA Glasgow, Belfast, L'pool,
Dec. 3 ASiIANIA. Plymouth, Havre, London
Dec. 10 *LETITIA. Blast, Liverpool, Glasgow
*From Saint John on Dec. 9
1—Chunk of metal
4—Egg shaped
9—'To scold
13—Vital power
15—Flat bodied fishes
17—Dwarf ear of corn
24—To plant
29—Pertaining to Hindu
31—Small piece
33—To follow
35—Slang: officer
40—To fall behind
44—Communion plate
50—Wife of
55—Famous angler
61—Rather than
62—Frt,st covered
64 --Since
07—At present.
en 1—Dance step
2—Scottish: every
3—Gave glossy covering
4—Baking place
5—bolding tools
6—King of Bashan
7—Electrified particle
8—To beat
10—Mohammedan name
10 --Pertaining to s,nnd
20—Convulsive sigh
23—Pertaining to pun-
25 --False hair
.30—To daunt
, 86—Fruit seed
41. ---Drinking cup
45—Dutch explorer
52—Jutting rocks
55—Insect trap
57—Insect egg
63—Greek letter
Making Children Grow
Growth may be remarkably stimu-
lated by diet, according to reports of
recent experiments by Dr. Summer-
felcit, described in Good Health (Battle
()reek), Mich.).
By feeding eleven children on a diet
hi which were large quantities of vita-
min B and extra supplies of other vita-
mins and minerals, he succeeded in
securing a rate of gain nearly five
times the ordinary amount. Says Good
"The dietary by which this extreme
Binary rate of growth was secured
nonsisted .eliieily. of farina, oatmea p
corn -meal, and wheat germ. One per
cent. each of brewer's yeast and alfal-
fa ieaf-meal were included. Besides
the above plant foods, 2 per cent. of
bone -meal was given, probably to sup-
ply lime, but an abundance of this ele-
ment should have been found in the
alfalfa meal, the wheat germ and oat-
meal; or, if more was needed, another
portion of the alfalfa _meal would
easily have supplied it. Bone -heal
may be suitahle for lions, tigers, and
other carnivorous beasts, but it is not
a proper constituent for a human hill
of fare.
"This experiment clearly demon-
strates the tremendous importance of
diet regulation, especially during the
growing period. It is certainly not a
pleasant thought that many thousands
of children are stunted in their de -
velopment by wrong feeding, and yet
there seems to be no escaping this
conclusion. Children while dependent
upon their parents are in the position
of interned prisoners. They must eat
what is given them. If they are in-
nadequately fed, their parents or guard-
ians are responsible for the conse-
"With this new and rather startling
information concerning the. possibility
of securng a notable increase in sta-
ture morel,; by adding a few inexpen-
sive items to the bill of fare, it is easy
to believe in the possibility of realiz- course is complete without a mourn-
ing the late Mr. Burbank's forecast er's bench at each tee. The best rea-
a new human race within six genera-
tions.by the thoroughgoing application
of scientific methods of race improve-
ment." some things for yourself—nobody can
help you. Success is the privilege of
- 1doing what you want to do, when you
Gems from Life's Scrap -book! want to, and as you want to. Most
Justice i women do not know what they want
"Justice is truth in action." ----Jou- until they discover what their bus-
hert. i bands do not want, Character is the
Book through your local
Agent—no one can serve you
better, er CUNARD LINE.
219 Bay Street, (Elgin 3471)
CUM 141
Owl Laffs
At a dinner a well known professor
was introduced as follows: "You have
been giving your attention so far to a
turkey stuffed with sage You are now
about to give your attention to a'sage
stuffed with turkey."
Professor—"Will you please stop
exchanging notes in the back of the
Student—"They're not notes. They
are dollar bills. We're shootin' craps."
Professor—"Oh, pardon me."
Classified Advertising
,�a•List of wanted inventions and full
information sent free. The Ramsay Com -
any. World Patent Attorneys. 272 Bank
Street, Ottawa, Canada.
idla Midland
L Laboratory, 308 Buns 0 EACH. 1St..
Winnipeg, Man.
ACTER analysis from handwriting.
Deans Henderson, healthn 1Tyrrell Avenue,
EEKThe boy who has never had to wear JCI LY growing Mushrooms for us all
a pair of heavy boots all winter Tall and winter, In. collas or eutbuiid-
ings. Begin antic•, Illustrated booklet
doesn't know the real joy of going free.Em o Col, Leet JByear
., Toronto 10.lan
Musbarefoot in the summer.
Plumber (to his wife)—"Doncha be-
lieve them cartoonists, dear. I ain't
never found no lady in no bath tub."
Stray Shots
The older a man grows the more he
cares for comfort—and the less of it
he obtains. One has to keep up if
the up -keep is to be kept up. No golf
son a girl can have for starting a diary
is that she knows enough about men
to fill a book. You have to think out
"Justice without wisdom is impos-
"Moderation is the basis of justice."
—George MacDonald.
"There is no virtue so truly great
and godlike as justice."—Addison.
"justice demands reformation of the
sinner."—Mary Baker Eddy.
"Every place is safe to him who
lives with justice."—El)ietetus.
"All religion and all ethics are sum-
med up in justice."—Conway.
Do You Know?
That from the Columbia Icefelda in the Collodion odian Rocky Mountains three
great rivers flow to three different oceans? They are: the Columbia, into which
in the pacige Ocean; the Mackenzie, which flows' into the Ardis
Ocean; and the Saskatchewan River, which binds its outlet through the 1' el.-
sson River into Hudson Bay and thence to the. Atlantic Ocean,
diamond that scratches every other
stone. love, sweet child, is the last
word in a letter asking for money.
Digging in a garden may improve
one's philosophy more than the read-
ing of books.
Doctors have proved that an ordin-
ary person retains only one-fifth of
what he hears. Which goes to prove
that a woman isn't an "ordinary per-
At,cnsed—"How' could I commit for-
gery when 1 can't write my own
Judge --"You are not accused of
writing your own name."
An old Indian went into a bank to
borrow some money.
Baniter—"What can you put up for
security that is, how many ponies do
you have?"
Old Indian—"Got 100 ponies."
Six months later the old Indian
came in with a very large roll of bills
and paid the note. As he turned to
leave, the banker amid:
Banker—"We let yon have money
when you needed it, now why don't
You deposit your extra money with
Old Indian (grunting)—"All right.
How many ponies you got?"
Counsel had finished their speeches.
The court awaited the judge's sum-
ming up. Presently he leaned forward
and glared hard at the thickly -set man
in the dock. "Prisoner at the bar," he
said, "it has been proved that you en-
ntered the building on the tenth. You
tore up a huge safe and lowered it out
of the window to the ground. Further -
More, you tore the door of the back
entrance to the building off its hinges.
What is your answer to that?" The
prisoner shrugged kis shoulders.
"Well, your lordship," he returned, "I
did It in a moment of weakness."
�! LC:t3AiiDSO." DOL BLE CAitV
g� cruiser, ab.'ut thirty feet. in Lisa
a,tugether one, four or five months in
two seasons: complete equipment includ-
ing carpets. bed and table linen. china;
glassware and si1: er as well as all mar-
l: e.,uipaient and many extras. This
cruise'. with its two cabins and Its .yell:
equipped galley is an unusually comfort-
able boat for week -ends or longer
cruises for our to six people. it is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
MA over the Great Lakes. It has a .lisle
class and very economical i') horsepower,
six -cylinder power plant with complete
electric lighting throughoutand speed
of 12 to 14 miles per hour. It is a ape-
eial paint lob and •ery attractive in ap-
pceiance. Owner will sacrifice for nail
its original cost. 11. ttialkins. 73 'AT,
Arlpinide St.- Toronto.
SIeep is a spiritualizer in the con-
stitution of nature itself.--Buehn il.
,. CUTI'V17S.are 'invited to send for
partldulars of foundatldn exemption
meirtbership as Associates, ,Fellows and
Senior Fellows, now ootn In this coun-
try to a, selected number of eligible
ters Patent rills been obtained for
canna.: .over 6,'000 members 'throughout
the ,'.rid; registrar,
and Iixeoutiveg Cori:n*4 ion (Great
' Iltaain). office 202, 74 King East, TO -
Build Resistance-.
sy, to Digest
They stimulate
your liver, get rid
of poisons and
improve your
Sold everycuhtrr,e in
]25e and awl pkgs..
gob Minard'e in gently. It
penetrates sore ligaments,
allays inflammation, soothes,
Pills you on your feoiK
Shaving Crean*
1' otice3 8 slob, creamy lather
Shat teolalu $ ixioiat tiltrou d '
out ,fthoebave.
:1,i tl�ealer9 of . rent Ve, 41646
e� r'bCaoper�v', ��ia