HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-06, Page 5say -1 Ontriber ath, 1932, BUSINESS CARDS •1•••••••,..!•10.•••••,.. DUDLEY Fig il.OL/VITIS ARRIST.ER, SOLICITOR, Pacer- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Bandlton Street, 4ust ofr the Squave, GODERICII, Orbtario. Ibeenal Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr, /lames may be consulted at Coderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S DENTAL SURGE'ON DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday HARTLEIB'S BLOCH, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday am Wednesday licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 Am IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. / solicit I your business, and if not satisfied wig make no charges for Services Ren - slated. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'none 13-57. Zurichs' PIM 'Vous nts, For Salle, Lost, IF o d9 otice, Etc. Ads 1111/23 STRAW From Lot 5, con. 1G, Hay Township on .Se,ptentbee 11th, a light roan heifer possibly with a calf. Finder kindly notify, Theodore Rader, Dashwood. FOR SALE aAbout 70 White Leghorn hens, for 4. sale, or wilt consider to exchange ; them on eordwood. Apply to. Ferri. Haberer, Zurich. STRAYED. From my prerniaes, 14th con., Hay Township, a 2 -year-old steer, white, Finder kindly notify, Nelson Masse, Zurich. For Sale Buckwheat Honey for sale, at 3 cents a pound. Bring your contain- ers. J. Haberer & Sons, Zurich. 2 blocks south of Hotel. Fertilizer For Sale For the convenience of anyone , wanting Fertilizer, Mr. Ervin Willert f has several tons of the same at his barn for iinmediate sale. Kindly get in touch with Mr. Willert, if in need A of any. Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages,. Weiners, !clams Etc., always on band Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins -Let Us Serve You!" H. Yungblut & Sou, SERVICE Why We have th<, Better Class of Customers IHIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. • SIATTERIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- . VELUBE OrL, GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, Hohning and Mechanical 'Rork Sone to Micrometer Settings, No guess work. Watchthe cars that •STOP at WEIN'S,. They are al!HIGH CLASS. CLIENTELE. ITN DAsHwooD — ONTARIO Western FarmersMutual eather Insurance CO OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any •Canadian Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee.1 31st, 1931, $19,593,724. Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 ides -14.n per $1,000 leen II yeasts, E. F. Klopp—Zurich tient, Also Dealer in LidhilaW Rods, zatl all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT WANTED Woken *very Day till 3 o'clock, Malit Utcl, FONFj. 19/34, winning witco brought Ixi...4, hest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. Cr; den 3. Wbit0a, Res. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT ever ready to serve the pub- 1. lc with Commercial and fine Printing. Get our prices be - NOTICE My hairdressing parlor is open for business, and solicit your patronage. Reasonable Chargms. Lottie E. Turicheira, Zurich FOUND A girl's Red Leather Coat and a Toque. Same can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv. ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE reald PrintingOfflc.e SUBSCRIPTION RATES --$1.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 r arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 13 S. $1.50 in advance. No paper discon tinued until all arrears are paid un &eS at option of publisher. The date of -which every Subacription is paid is deflated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising made known an application. Miscellaneous articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc, One inset tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 5111c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for first month, $1.00 for •each fol towing month. Professional Cards not exceeding Oh inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25c for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales—$2.00 per single insertion if not over four inches ir iength. Address all communications to: THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT. ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWs • Mr. W. H. Pfile of Hensall, was town Monday. Mr. and. Mrs. T. Dinsmore cello on Mr. Jocob Baker, at Henson o Sunday. BORN—At Sauble Line, Hay Tp on October lst, to Mr. and. Mrs. No Laporte, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Thiel of th Zurich Road, spent Wednesday in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. IVIegill isf London were Sunday visitors at the home o Mr. and Mese Jno. Douglas. Miss Marguerite Amy of Crediton, spent the week -end at the home of her friend, Miss Greta Horner. Dr. •and Mrs R. R. Ross • .of Sea - forth were Sunday afternoon visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Douglas. Little Rossie Gascho has 'ned his tonsils removed •On Wednesday by Dr, A. J. MacKinnon. in .2 el Mrs. Peter Koehler has returned recently to her home here, after sp- ending an enjoyable visit. with fri- ends hi. Port Huron for about ten days. Mrs. Moore, 'Vit. and Mrs. Donald Loeffle from New Haven, Conn., we- re visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Koehler for a few days, Mrs. IVfoore being a sister to Mrs. Koehler. The local teaching staff of the pub- lic school will attend the 'West Hur- oo Teacher's Convention at Goderich on Thursday and Friday of this we- ek, and there will be no school. Mr. Louis Rader, reeve of Hay Township, and Warden of Huron Co- unty, and the recently defeated Con- servative candidate, wishes through this rneduim to greatly thank his supporters who stood by him to the very last. Zurich Band has had a busy week Monday, Zurich Fall Fair, and then on Saturday afternoon an evening they played at the Drysdale and Zur- ich Liberal gatherings, and then on Monday night they took a promineni, part in the big celebration of Mr. W Golding. Mr. Gilbert Jeffrey, who has been living a little north of St. Joseph, _Col a time, has purchased the house and 11,e acme, of land, a half mile south of St. Joseph, from the Pap - incest estate, and gets possession ori November lst. The property has been occupied by Mr. Free. Siemon for some years. Mr. Jeffrey is hav- ing auction sale of stoma ern., on Thursday, October 20th, to dispose of • these effeete.. • David Mitchell, well known Mc- Gillivray farmer and thresher, suf.-, tered a broken back when he was hauling the separator of his thresh- ing outfit into 0. Bazil's barn by 'means of a tractor and cable, His son Wesley Mitchell was in charge of the ',rector at the time. Mr. Mitchell be- eame entangled in the cable which threw him up about three feet off She ground and then it slackened and he fell to the ground suffering injur- ies to his back and head. He was ta- ken. in. an. ambulance to Loudon. teOtlenech. water and Tight commis- . sion will not pay the extra levy pro- eosed by the Provincial Commission make ins tine adverse :halve on H,E.P.C, bands without a •srotest. The tonal eommiasion une anitnously passed a stronglynNerded notest objecting to an extra levy of $2.52 per H.P. oti. ite current power flls.This wouj amount to over 3,000 a year and would entirely Ape ariee surplus the /ectil tonnnissieu ease or may have eau/ force an :rease on the rates next Year. The •es-olution cane far the ,Provincial E as -emission to 'itself' peter this stern of el time $2,000,000 grant its own huge ler aesilus; corintilintesf by the muni.cip- 7/ Crushed stone from, the township rock crusher is now being simnel on the road .between ,Zurich and Hensall. This is indeed about the mist looldne stuff that has been put an this road in many years, and if a contiouance of this material will be followed up for a number of years, it should create a good hard roadbed. We are advised that the cost of this superior quality material is so surprisingly low, that ordinary pit gravel could hardly be teamed on the roads at the same price. Zurich Fall Fair (Continued from last week) LADIES' WORK, DOMESTIC Quilt, pieced cotton, PP. Haberer. Mrs. Darling; Quilt, fancy quilting, cotton, R. F. Stade, W. Decker; Com forter, homemade, R. F. Stade, Mrs. M. Tiernan; Bedspread, knit or cro- chet, J. Grieves, Mrs. Darling; Bed- • spread, fancy, other handwork, Mrs. Darling, J. Grieves; House stress cot- ton, Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs, C. Sims; Man's sleeping garment, machine made, W. Merrier, A. E. Oestreieher; Child'smade over dress, W. Merner, P. C. Kalbfleisch; Bed sheet, hand, made, Mrs. Darling, Mrs. W. li,Smith Kitchen apron, .Mrs. W. H. Smith, W Docker; Ladies, Smock A. 1.4`. Hess W. Merner; Ladies' dust cap, Mrs.E. Lawson, T. Johnson; Sweater, knit or crochet, Mrs. Sims, A. F. Miss; Woot socks, handknit eoanse, Mrs. Lawson, J. Grieves; Mitts, handknit fine, J. Grieves, Mrs. Darling; Darning worn sock or stocking, F. C. Kalbfleisch, J. grieves; Mending worn table lin- en, T. Johnson, I. Routledge; Flom sat, braided, Mrs. L. Pfile, J. Grieves Floor Mat, other kind, H. Disjardine Mrs. W. H. Smith; Home laundry wht hirt or shirt waist, Mrs. A. Johnston Haberer Bros. t k LADIES' WORK, FANCY Lace, Irish crochet, E. S. Datars, IVIrs. Darling; Lace, Filet crochet, cot on IV1. Lawson, Mrs. Darling; Lace tilttenl, J. Citiovo, Airs, Lawson, Itting, display, nles, M. Tiernan, is. Young; Emb. French, Mi. Law on, IL A. Fuss; Et/lb. eyelet, Miss. ming, W. Merrier; Emb. Roman cut P. Merner, I. Routledge; Emb. B- linn relief, H. A. Fuss, T. Johnson, trib. Bulgarian, Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. Me- ng; Emb. French knot, Mrs. Me- ng, Mrs. Sims; Ernb, cross stitch, A Oestreicher, Mrs. M. Tiernan; R- ion Hemstitching, L Rotttledge, Mrs . Tiernan; Special, Madern beading, . A. Fuss, T. Johnsou; Specimen, M cue kazitung your order else -1 1. • Dining Room Furnishings Lunch set, 5 pieces, Mrs. Darling; Mrs. E. Lawson; Set table doyleys, Mrs. Darling, Miss Young; Set table mate, Miss Young, Mrs. Darling; Ta- ble cloth and napkins, emb., Mrs. Darling, H. A. rues; Tray cloth,Mrs Lawson, Mrs. Derling; Service tray Mrs. Pfile, H. A. Fuss; Centie. piece, white emb., Min. Darling, A. E. Oestreicher; Buffet set, 3 piecee, Mrs E. Lawson, Mrs. Daelleg, Bed Room Furnishings Pillow gips, pair mb., Mrs. Dar- ling, F. C. Kalbfleiech; Pillow elipe, other handwork, Mrs: Darling, E. Lawson; Fancy sheets and pillow slips to Match, Yklie, Inueing, ens, Te Pfile; Towels, pair emb., 1 -Mrs. Date ling, B. F. Mermen guest towels,Mrs Darling, Mrs, Lawson; math towel and Wash cloth iniS. Dueling, H. H. Neeb; Dresser runner, Waehable, Routledge, Mrs. Deeding; Cueledne, pair, hand trimmed, T. Johneon, H. A. Fuss; Vanity eet, F. C. Kalbfleisch Mrs. Darling; Bedroom set, 6 piemee Mrs. M. Tiernan, E. F. Meilen.; Innid oir cushion, Miss Young, Mrs. Sims; Laundry bag, Mrs.' W. H. Smith, Mrs Darling; Night robe, Indies' wear, Miss Young, Mrs., W. H. Sndth; .Stip, ins, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. Darling; Collar ; and cuff set. H. A. Fuse W. Inern-1 er; Handkerchiefs, . styles, T. John- ; son, H. A. Fine; Wrist bag, fancy H. A. Fuss, Mrs. W. H. Smith; Neg- lige jacket, Min. Darling, T. Johnson Ladies' slip. handmade, H. A. Fuss; Ladies' scarf, fancy, H. A. Fuss, T. Johnson; Ladies' dressing gown, fan- cy, Mrs. Darling., Mrs. Sims. Children's Wear „ Bonnet, Mrs. Darling, E. F. Mer- rier; Jacket and bootees, W. Merner, Mrs. E. Darling; Child's bib, H. A. Fuss; Crib cover, Mrs. Darling, H. A, Fuss; Carriage set, H. A. Fuss, , Mrs. W. H. Smith; Child'fancy dres F. C. Kalbfleisch, E. J. Datars; Childs play dress .and bloomers, W. Merner' Mrs. Sims; Child's costume, knit or) crochet, Mrs. Sims. Living Room Furnishings Centre piece, colored, Mrs. E. Law teen, IL Geiger; Table runner, Mrs. E. Lawson, Mrs. Sims; Sofia pillow, enab., Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs. Dar- ling; Sofa pillow, other handwork, , Mrs. M. Tiernan, Mrs. Lawson; Lamp shade, A. F. Hess, Mrs, M. Tiernan. 8 I Miscellaneous I • Single piece needlework, not list-. ed; Coll, 6 different styles needlewrk so Mrs. Pfile, Mrs. M. Tiernan. Judge—Mrs. D. A. Fowlie, Dun- e gannon. • ART WORK 9 painting, huniscape, froth net- streeMrs. Follick, A. E. Oecttreicher; Oil painting, marine view copy, Oestreicher, JJ'. Grieves; Water col- ors, scene original, J. Grieves, A.E.G Oestreicher; Water color, flowered let grouped, Mrs. A. Penick, and 2nd; Water colors, animals, copy, 3. Gri- • eves, H. A. Fuss; Pastel, any subject, re H. A. Fuss, E. J. Datars; Crayon Dor • charcoal sketch, M. Weber, H. A. Fuss; Pencil drawing, M. Weber, H. re or A. Fuss; Conventional design, in col- ors, any subject, J. Grieves, M. A. Follick; Bigeetry, IL A. Fuss, Mrs. C Sims; Wood carving, Mrs. L. Pfile, H. A. Fuss; Amateur photo, farm sc- enes, M. A. Follick, E. J. Datars; Sin- gle piece Art Work, not listed, M. Weber, J. grieree; Drawing, colored Maple Leaf, H. A. Fuss, T. Johnson; Coll. moths, and butterflies, A. F.1 Hess, Dr, MacKinnon; Sepia, Z. Gri- eves; Mrs. A. Follick. FLORAL EXHIBITS At less than half what oft won't' expect to pay—the NEW SILENT GLOW OIL BURNER converts your hot-air or hot-water furnace into a clean, convenient oil heating unit. Good-bye coal shovel and coal bin! No more ashes, smoke or soot ... and a steady, even heat at the temperature you like Let ,tt,s slow you how Silent Glow will save you money an needless laboiar xb winter. Completely installed, ready for use with 250 gallon storage tank and float feed, the NEW SILENT GLOW furnace burner ... SILENT -GLOW fits any make of furnace. Burns sheep distillate oil. Other models to fit any Quebec heater or kitchen range. silent Glow model W Range Burner. Tested and approved by Home Service Bureau, conduc- ted by Canadian Home journal. SOSO *OWNS Only $195 125,000 HOMES have chosen SILENT GLOW because of its exclusive features and efficient operation. "SAVES FUEL" "I installed a SILENT CLOW OIL BURNER two years ago and have been more than 4atis- fied with results. 1 use it in my hot-atr furnace for heating 11 rooms. 1 hada sada/ about 135 every winter on fuel tads. (Norm: on request.) t 1=40 TRACE MARK REG. IN CAN. ANC U.S. PAT. OFF. ';‘• ;!Iltfi 3. az ,z neeerssene nennesnin genereneen ' 'One MADE IN CANADA Maken also of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, garages, etc,, and Silent Glow Power Burnersfor large homes,apartments, schools and other large ktilelintre WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. one tense eneneseeenen-r-.4r.i,, 111R 00,9060raz acd2SOMOZ.609fPlaef#100*Gdflaggightt Fertilizer Fertilizer We have a good Brand of Fertilizer that we will..deliver at $19.00 a Ton. Let Us have Your Order! STOCK FOODS Keep your Stock and Poultry Healthy this Winter -by using Our Various Brands of Stock and Poultry Foods, and Laying Mash. None Better on the • Markets To -Day! .COAL COAL Don't Forget, We can supply you with the. .proper Fuel to keep your 'Home nice and cosy all Winter at the Lowest Possible Cost. Coal, all Sizes, and Coke. Good Supply Always on Hand. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs - L. Se Hite & Son ,4 .4; tar&MegJefO3FaigielileetIMMIFACT.kaDellavesift *tea aaratinee cesiosementeneseene** Asters, whit, 8 bloom, E. Wainer Mrs. Heywood; Asters, col. Mrs. Hey- wood; Dahlias, (3 bloom, cacti, Mrs. Heywood, Dahlias, decorative variety Mrs. Heywood, Dr. MacKinnon. Glad- ioli, one variety, Mrs. Heywood, P. Haberer; Gladioli, different vaikitys, P. Haberer; Roses, best coll., 1'. }tab- orer; Zinnias, display, A. F. He E. Walper; Annuals, hest coll., in Hab- ereee Mrs. Smith; Pere nniaLi, best .:o11., P. Haberer, T. Johnson; Douce aet, table, mixed Mrs. Heywood, F. Haberer. Potted Plants . , Begonia flowering, Mrs. A. John - Atoll, P. Heberer; Coleus, 'Mrs. A. Johnston, P. Haberer; Fern, any var- iety, Dr. MacKinnon, T. Johnson; geranium, single, Mrs. A. Johnston; E. J. Datars; double, Mrs. A. John- ston, F. C. Kalbfleisch; Fuchia, dou- ble, Mrs. A. Johonston, F. C. Kalb- deisch; Fuchia, single and dauble, 1'. Haberer, T. Johnson; Fuchia, do- uble 1, P,. Haberer, E. J. Deters; sliorl'itse plants, best 6, Mrs. A. John - to . Judges—Mrs, O'DWyer, Miss Dolly Hagan, CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT Coll. mounted weeds, H. Clausius, A. F. Hess; Coll. weed seeds, A. F. Hess, Dr. MecKinnon; Best dressed doll, E. F. Klopp; Bird House, Hy. Clansius, 3. Stirling; Writing under 10 yrs. old, T. H. Meyers, W. Decker; • Writing over 10 yrs. old, J. Grieves elm -Am WilkilAMA2AMMAWAMMAAAAMMAMWW, Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet FINE TOILET Perfatnizers, Brushes. +++++++++++++++++++++44444 STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND HUMS sic E. Wolper; Art, over 10 years, E, siss Wilber, Grieve. • elos Dr. MacKinnoo Special, A. F. I Nees. Dr A J MacKinnon 7urioha N 114' land hemstitching,. single, Miss M. Horseshoe pitching con- iix:orreg, 14., A.. Puss; test --Boa and Boa. NYWOViktfklIVIINVIIMW 11MV MMWASAMMAttil0