HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-10-06, Page 40 r HILLSGREFLN o'eleet, A. cordial itak'cation is ex- tonbd to all to atteaScl. • and IVIrs, W. Dignan and Mr, 13othany Sister's Class Tea - Th and Mas. S. G. Troyer- of near Hew 4.411, and Mrs. Bell of Exeter, Vint 'with MrS. Troyer, Miesee, Effie, Eleanor and Tata Bell of Hensall, spent the weekaend with their aunt Mrs. Troyer, We are sorry to report th Mr. F. Stelek is ort the sick list Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jar.aet,t, of Brigdea, payed a flying ces'l in this vieinity ori Sunday, The W. M. S. will meet in the eteurrie on Wednesday afternoon, ctober 1.2th at 2.30. Mr. Edward and Mise. Verlyn Thiel .,ef Zurich visited with -Miss Minerva Reichert STAN FY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Lenoveh of Windsor, are the guests of Ray. E. and 'Mrs. Poultetr at the psirson- age!, Varna, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul John and soh Bahald, of Flint, are spendiag the week veith Mrs. johns' sistee, Mrs. Tithe. Robinson and other friends in this vieinity. r. John A. Armstrong and fain - fly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert McKay of Brucefield, The Y. P. Society of Goshen and Blake listened on Sunday with much delight to an inspiring address given 'by Miss Deliett Muteh of Goderich. Coleman-StePhenson. - On Satur- day Sept., 24th a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Ther and Mrs. Chas. Stephenson, Var- un, when their only daughter, Gladys e:ftathieert, became the 'bride of Lorne Webster Coleman, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman, Var- anr, at high 'MOM Miss Edith Mc- Bride, -cousin of 'the bride, played the wedding march, and the .bride and ,groom took their places before a hea- naffed flower -laden evergreen arch, in lerspreased with flowers. Rev. R. R. 'Conner, pastor of Hillsgreen 'United -Church, ,performed the marriage cer- emony. During the signing of the ..wester, Edith McBride played a ple- sing piano solo. Immediately after the sumptuous wedding dinner, Mr. aral Mrs. Coleman left on a motor trip through the States. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Coleman will reside on the groosn's fine farm on the Parr :Line, ...Shenker. DASHWOOD ...Miss Ruth 'Tiernan spent the week- end in }Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Burns of Port Huron: ,rand Mrs. Shaw of Manitoulin Iseland .are spending a few days with Mks. J. 5. Witzel. ,Mr. Fred Shettler of Buffalo and sisted Mrs. Bhiir of Texas, called on .friends in town on Tuesday. Mts. D. Tieman's Sunday School evR1 give a sale of home made ':laking in Mr. D. Tieman's furniture eihop on Saturday afternoon at three lasonthly tea given by the Bethaay ''...4isters' Claes of the Dashwbod Ev- angelical Sunday School was held on Monday afteanoon at 'the hame of Mrs. David 'Tiernan with Ale. 'Tie- rnan and ,Urs. Garnet Wildfong as joint hosteeses. Mrs. Mersean Tiernan and Mbse Anna Tiernan :assisted in looking *after the gueste while Mrs. A. E. Oestaelcher presided at the prettily appointed tea table. About forty ladies called clueing the after- aoon. The proeeede :of these teas are to be used for missionary purpos- e4.a. On Wednesday evening last abut fifty neighbors and friends assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mex. Neeb and gave them a pleasant sur- prise and farewell party before their departure for theia new home Ln God- erich. A very eajoyabIo evening was spent during which Mr. and Mrs. Neeb were presented with two hand- some chain. Aad a very appropriate address for the .occasion was read by Mr. W. Sweiteer, Reeve ef Stephen. Mr. Neeb then made a very fitting reply. The re --t of the evening was spent ia music and games. After which a dainty lunch was served by the ladies. Mrs. T. Wilds and Mrs. Ness sp- ent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Koch, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .Meier returned to Detroit ••en Saturday after spend- ing a week with his :parents. alr. Geo. Koch spent Monday in Blake on his faien. Mr. and 'Airs. George Koch spent Friday at Grand Bend with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Burnett. Mr. and Mrs. George Koch spent the part of last -week with their bro- ther and nephiew in Monkton, and Sunday in leiStowell with Mr. and Mrs_ George .Hammer, Monday in Brodhagen with Mr. and Mrs. John Mawe and George Seamon, then to Mrs. Koehler:and Mr. and Mrs. Jno Koehler, also Mr. and Mrs. Ad. Es - ler, and Wednesday to Mitchell to Mrs. Dialler. HENSALL Margaret :McLaren returned to Toronto where she is attending On i- -versity. Ray Pfaff of Stratford visited at his home Jean Bonthron of London was a vis nor at her home here, Mr. •aml"Mrs. G. M. Dryscmie, Mrs. W. A. McLaren and Harry Howard left Sunday last for Beurbeaux, Sas Where they will visit with Mrs. Me- Laren's and Mr. Drysdale's brother, who is .seilinuSJy ill. Muriel Carlile of London, visited with her parents here. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron has returned home after a pleasant visit with fri- ends in Kitchener. ............÷.....,...„....,........,...........:_+÷„.+÷.,..„.+.......,...,. . Special Special .,7.. + 8 Ft. CEDAR POSTS, O. Inches and .up at only 41 4 4- 35 Cents. 9 FOOT END POSTS AT ONLY $1 25 DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! Pi-IONE 60 VI/WMASSOMMI0110 LFL :rt ZURICH 4. • 4. jib ++++++ +++++÷÷.:-++,:••:•44.+++-H--: +.6+3,1-44++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++44444++++++ * 4- 4. On 4. r + r 4, 4. GRINDERS, HAMMER MILLS, CREAM SEPARAT- 41. .I, it• ORS, PULPERS, SECOND HAND MACHINERY 4. Used Fleury plow No. 21. Cockshutt riding plo,wfoot Special Fall Prices lift. Oliver .riding plow foot lift. M. -H. gang prow. Ford Truck, Drag Harrow, Spring tooth Cultivator. Call and see the New No. 7 M. -H. walking plow which 1. will be used extensively in Provincial plowing match. 1: Check your corn binder, plows all makes, 'cutting box. 4- Grinders, for needed repairs and save extra charges by 1: ordering early. + GAS OILS GREASES '1" At. .1. :2 MASSEY-HARRIS SERVICE ARM for FARM • • Vis.itors at the )'40-ine of 'Mr. and 111r.s. Robt. Htggins were Mr. and Mrs. A. 3. Wweitzer and family of Beach o' Miles, Miss Lois Coby„ of Detroit and Mr. Mrs. Orville Beaver of Exeter. Mr, and Mas. Wm. Daniels of Br- antford spent the past week with Mrs Jas. F. Sparks, Mrs. Daniel's mother. Considerable grain is being brou- ght into market and with the fall fairs over, more will, nodoubt, be brought in. The forenoon train from the south known as No, 603, now arrives here at 10.55, a few minutes sooner than in the past, the change taking effect on Monday this week. Rev. M, B. Parker has been able to return home after his recent Op- eration for appendicitis at Seafottb, His many friends are glad to. ,see him getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Bell and little son of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. James A. Bell. • Alma Scruton, R.N., late of the General Hospital, London, has aa- coptnd position. at the Huron Spr- ings Sanitarium here. The manage- ment of the Sanitarium does well in adding another efficient member t its eta-ff. Jean Bonthron visited her honie Mr. and illra Jas. W. Bonthrou • Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Smillie, of Toronto, spent the past week with their son, Dr.. Ivan Smilie, of town. John Elder .and Louis Clark have returned from a weeks' hunting and fishing trip in the northern parts of Huron and Bruce counties. Parkhill United Church parsonage was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Saturday, Sept. 24th at S.30, when Rev. R. C. Copetand un- ited in marriage, Myrtle Laureen Schram, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Vm. R. Schram of Parkhill, to Fos- ter Pepper, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm Pepper, of Hensall. The many friends of Frank Essay, of Oberon, Man., were shocked to learn .of death which took plaee on July 19th. During an electric sto- rm the barn on the farm was struck by lightning and while he and his brother were endeavoring to save the stock, the harp was struck a second time rendering him. aneoteseieas, The• doctor was called, but theeunfortanr. ate man passed away. Deceased was born in Hay Township 50 years a- go where he lived for about 30 years when he went West. 0 Mr. and Mela rs. mee Simpson ret urned from a vary pleasant extends trip to the West and reports a mos enjoyable time. Wm. Simpson f Detroit, spent the week -end with relatives here. He was accompanied home by his grandmoth- er, Mrs. R. Bonthron, who will visit for a month with relatives in that city. • AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOCK. & IMPLEMENTS On Lot 8, Concession 9, Hay Town- ship, on WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 12th,1932 .at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. 1 3 yrs, old due 16th of Jan- uary; 1 white cow 21,e yrs. old, due on the 16th of October; 1 red Ow 5 yrs. old with white calf at foot; 1 red cow yrs. old supposed to be in calf; 1 red cow due in 1VIarch; 1 road cow still milking; 1 York sow due th of November; 1 sow litter at foot, .also 1 Jersey cow 5 yrs. old due on Oct 17th. 1 culto- packer 1 Cockshutt double . plow, spring tooth cultivator and other small art- icles too numerous to mention. TERMS -All sums of $1.0.00 and under cash, over that amount 6 months credit be given on furns ishing approved joint notes with a discount of 4csa •off for cash on cred- it amounts. Holger Knudsen, Proprietor. Arthur 'Weber, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Hay. On THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th, At 1 o'clock p.m. On Lot 8, L. R. W., Ralf mile north of St. Joseph. ,Horses -11 yr. old mare,; 3 yr. old gelding; Bay Clyde mare 16 yrs. old, in foal. Cattle -red cow due in February, Roan cow due in April, Gray cow fresh; Black cow due in April, spot- ted cow due in April; no cow is over 7 years old; Durham bull eligible for registration 1 yr. old on June .15; roan steer 2 yrs. old; yearling heifer, .i steers 1 yr. old; 3 calves; about 10 ton of hay; Half acre mangolds; Half acre turnips; 175 feet rope. Terms -12 months credit will be given by furniahing bankable joint notes, 3% off for. cash on credit 'Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 !amounts. filbert Jeft`rey. 4.3.4104.444+++++++++++++++++.444+44444+14+44++++++++.• 4 Oscar Klapp, Auctioneer, Capital Theatre Goderich - Phone 47 Northern Electric Sound System . en_ Now Playing -`Young America" and "Dance Team". Monday and Tuesday CHIC SALE and JACKIE COOPER "WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEN D Wed, and Thursday "MISLEADING LADY With an all Star cast Friday and Saturday WILLIAM POWELL, and KAY FRANCIS In "THE GREAT JEWEL .. ROBI3ERY" Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 p.m. Coming-"Letty Lyton" COUNTY NEWS East Huron teachers will hold their annual convention at Brussels on October 6th and 7th. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood, has been awarded a $75 scholarship in the Men's solo competition at the Toronto Exhibition. Miss Madeline Hawkins, of Clin- ton, left last week for Toronto, to train for missionary work at the An- glican Deaconess Home. May Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Smith, Wingham, fell wh- ile running across the road in front of her home and broke her leg. The Huron Dental Association me Wednesday last at Seaforth, and af ter transacting business the member were entertained at golf and dinner. Thos Hatte:r, Exeter's eldest resident celebrated his 95tth birthday on Sep tember 20th. He is enjoying fairl good health and is able to be a round. Verdun Wells, a girl attending Ex • eter High School, had the misfortun to sustain a double fracture of th left arm, the result of a fall whil playing at the school. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Eilber and da ughter Bernice, of Crediton, were ii Lucknow visiting Mrs. Susan Girvii and Mr. and Mrs. Fred, Anderson Mrs. Eilber staying for a few days a her mother is ill at present. Mrs. W. B. Oliver; Grand Bend had the misfortune to cut a nasty gash in her hand when a pickle bot tle in which she was putting pickle Ita„ and her han.cl slipped n th k.g..a,"' 11 re.qiiired a ininiber- of stit cies to bring the wound together bu she is doing nicely now. Hensel]. and Lucan baseball teams held their play-off on the Exeter die. mond Thursday last and the game was witnessed by a good many of fans. The game resulted in a victory for the Hensel' team 5-1. This ma- kes Hensall winnins af the Cyclone League. Five cars of gypsies paid an offi- cial visit to Seaforth. Saturday last Leaving their bag care at the corner of Main and Goderich sts., the lad- ies of the band paraded down Main St., canvassing each store as they went. In half an hour they had. re- turned and were on their way again. What the "take" was no one seems to know. Lars, Mabel Bell, Goderich, senten- ced to serve six months in Mercer Reformatory, has filed an appeal a- gainst her conviction. The case will be heard at the next general session of peace. With Robert Neil, also of Goderich, she was convicted of con- tributing to the delinquency of child- ren. In the meantime, she has been released on $500 bail. Twe gentlemen who were attend- ing the softball dance in Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, Fair nightte returned ea the gentlemen's cloak room after the dance was over to discoeser that some person unknown had stolen their hats. Both hats were brand new and were a rare bargain for whoev- er took them. ' The fine bank barn of Mrs. Chas. Box, of the fourth concession of Ste - hen was totally destroyed: lay fire on Wednesday evening last together with he season's crop and three calves, ire started when a dog chasing a cat verturned a lantern that. for years ad been hung in the same, spot. The antern was near a fanninginill and he dog in jumping at the cat which as near the mill had struck. the lan- ern. The flames spread rapidly. Some; igs and one calf were saved. A en -house was also destroyed and on - y by heroic efforts was the driveshed eyed. A. large crowd gathered at the t F 0 h 1 t p 11 scene. While driviing with a horse, and baggy on the Blue Water Highway, a few miles north of Bayfield, Mrs. Robt. Colwell and her daughter Mar. ion, were crashed into by a ear dri- ven by Harold McLeod of Bayfield. Both Mrs. Colwell and daughter we- re badly shaken up, the buggy was de . molished, while the horse had only a few scratches. The car turned over on its side in the ditch. McLeod had a brother and a sister and another girl with him in the car. Traffic cer Lover. who investiaated. pail sae buggy Carried lights. McLeod is faa- 'fag a. charge of reckless driving. Two young Goderich Collegiate stadents, Wm. and. Jas, Sailer/and, grandsons of the late Wm. Caots, County Registrar, have made a very creditable showing in their recent exarnin.atiens. The former won the Maurice Cody Scholarship„ worth $125 and..four years' tution, qualifi- ed for a scholarship in classics won the Hugh Innis Strang Memorial, $125 andfour years' tution, and the Robert McKay Memorial, $200 cash. James won th.e first alumni scholar- ship, $100. and four years' tution datINS01.4•1410.11Wasrommearrowir Thutsday„ 'October 6th, 1982 -'" and also received the Hugh 1. Strang - scholarship, •ledneh was not awerdeel last year, -.carrying $125 and four years' tution. David Baird, Crediton, has been. .employed at Grand Bend, met with a nasty accident While alighting from atrack when bis coat caught and threw hint to the ground and the bads wheels of the truck passed over .ohe arm and leg but no bones were 'bro- ken. He received terrible, bruises on his arm and leg. fle was brought to. his home in Crediton, The truck contained over it ton of cement. +Plata, kiete•,,aa,a04'•--4-es, It '4 t.10 11 It fe4,148,4 4.5 Kwra,"i'llQr;.,P 158Ir t5 INSTALL AN VOU may have done without a 'bathroom solely because you thought the cost was more than yott. Could afford. If so, that reason no longer holds. Prices' of Emco Bathroom fixtures are extremely low, owing, to reduced manufacturing costs, and because every part is entirely made in Canada. Let us show you. different designs in Etnco Bath, - room equipment, The three pieces sliown the illissfraiion, with ail fittings, ready for installation, - 2.78 only cost Our booklet, showing different styles in Emco Bath -- room equipment and with prices shown, will be gladly mailed you. Diiro Pressure -Water Systems,,. all Canadian -made, will supply running water throughout your.' home.. Easy time payments available on all Emco equipment. • FOR SALE BY: Mk: FRESH FLOW Can be used where fresh water direct from th.e well STADE and WEIDO ie roquirerZ. Capacity, 250gal. per hour. Small 4' gal. Galvanized. ZURICH - ONT. Tank. rto Volt Motor - 80 eyele . . $82.50+ cycle $90.0a Extra for SO gat. Galvan- izedTank. $9.8O EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED' London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 26 IIIMMIZIE.01131=11S119=22211======naile4EVEMISEMIMEIVSSMIESVICILVEMEg p ...4 -***44,1040444041,000041,0440.84• .,0,"3,,a-4.-04.04P.A.0,004041`..0..4040 ZURICH IERAL 'S t. 8- 8' 8 Clubbirig List 8 8- 4), ZURICH HERALD and the following Paper o, for one Year: tis Kitchener Daily Record ..... .. - . $5.10 Toronto Daily Globe $6.00 8 Toronto Daily Mail and Empire $6.00 4*, 8 Toronto Daily Star $ 7.001 •,. Toronto Weekly Star . $6.00 .g.., London Free Press __-__ . $6.00 41, .. • London Advertiser .. $ 4 6.00 a a London, Farmer's Advocate$2.25. a,. 0 - + • it. Farm_and Dairy ,.), ..................-.......... ... . . . $.,..7 ,/.., to c el, * Farmers' Sun, ... .. . .... . ...... .....-- .... ..,... $2.5 0 46 tr0 Family Herald and Weekly Star .. $2.25 40 • • • Family Herald for 3 years $3.00 Canadian Countryman ......-- . -.-.... . .. $2,25 Po or 4, • Weekly Witness *4.4.4 ..... $315 ca. 4%. • Farmers' Magazine ....„ . $2.5( t Huron nepositor, Seaforth ....-- . -...-., $2.75 4. e.. qt. 8. . 0- • 8 ettx . 8. 8. 8. are 4'. ete. 101106.040.4.4...**0644*******************••••••••••••eiet:Z Arad 0 4 0 0 • 00 0 it great many more that eve cannot enumerate here, .1i1Vo have the Agency for every. reputable Magazine .ixo Canada and the United States, and can nave you money en the most iof them. Renew all your Papers and Magazines at our Office and save Trouble and Money HERALD OFFICE Zurich 1,4 • 1. 4