HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-29, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW FALL GOODS Let us show you our New Fall Lines of Dress Materials in Season's best Shades Dia;-•onial Tweed. Suitings, 54 -in. wide $1.85 Flec`-ed Tweeds, 36 -in. width 59c Nei, Queen's Cloth, a finely woven wool Cloth, 38 -in. wide at 235c Ladies' Pullover Sweaters at 1.98 to 2.25 N w Sued Gloves a pair 49c, 59c, and 79c New Styles in Kid Gloves, Black, , Brown, . and Tan, ata pr. $1.98 New Monarch Yarns for home knitting. See our style cards of knitted Sweater Suits, Etc. Dove yarn now 15c Down .yarn, now 25c. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! Fly Spray, 8 -oz. for Pnlr.: Olive Soap, 2 for Tely's Toilet Soap, large bars, Princess Soap Flakes, at Jars: n Tea, Special, lb. Gin -0.r .Snaps, lb Pin!: Salmon Special lot of scribblers for 19c 15c for 25c t 7c 37c 10c .7c 5c and 3 for l0c Everything in jars, crocks, jar rubbers, Rings, Corks, and all spices for pickling at lowest prices. school, 2 for J. OEASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 dor Your Fail kivestments UY Huron & Erie Debentures The Huron and Erie Mortgage Corporation has declared its usual diviidend of 2% for the quarter ended September 30th, 1932, being at the rate of ..8% ,.per .ane m. Payable at the Corporation's Office in London on :and after October 1st, 1932 to shareholders of record on :September 1.5th, 1932. Andrew F. Hess is local representative for this 1 11 known institution which has paid dividends to its !1;.-1 ••eholders regularly and without interruption since i corporation in 1864. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? WOMBS i e• s6ir4Ai fde� ROI�IIi0M/0e111M111/1110111•0 ._ HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. •6 COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Prernier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock,. Also please don't forget, when in,need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plum!biaag, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, ALWAYS IN STOCK. STADE & WEID ZURICH l . Il._ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Crown Corn Syrup, 5 lb. tins ......................... .....28c Parr•shine (the perfect cleaner) 3 tins 25c Chips°, large pkge Australian Raisins, 2 lbs. LUX Toilet Soap, per cake .17c 27c 8c 5 string Broom, Good weight, each ...... ....................c 5 string Broom, medweight, each Certo, per bottle 29c 25c Kara Coffee, 1 lb. Tin 39c Klenzine Amonia Powder, 2 for.,......,................._15c Jif, the Perfect Soap Flake, Large pkg. i 7c Colay Soap, 3 cakes 23c J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone I4® E..mow ZURICH FALL FAIR (Continued from page 1) Doan. Thorondale. O'Brein Special, Jno. Wein; Jr. Farmers' Class, E. Heywood, 0. Battler, A. Armstro:ng,. J. Wein; Laird Bros. Special, I£- Truemner and 2nd. GRAIN AND SEEDS Bushel white fall wheat, M. Brown ner, J. Grieves; Black Spanish radish H. Truemner; Red fall wheat, su at, J m Battler, Kockes & Son; White Rader, H. Truemner; Spring wheat, radish, J Battler, Kockems & Son; any variety, H. Truemner, M. Rader; Cauliflower, E. Willert, J. Grieves; emner; 6 -rowed barley, Jac. Battler, H. Tim - Peck `garden beans, E. Walper, F. eWhite oats, J. Stirling, M. Brown; Large peas, J. Tice r, H. i Sockems & Son; Pumpkiia y Ioar, H. Desjardine; Small peas, H. Desjax- Truemner, Mrs. Heywood; Mammoth dine, M. Rader; Rye, H. Truemner, J. 1 pumpkin, Mrs. Heywood, H. Truem- Battler; Buckwheat, M. Rader, H. i ner' Citron, J. Battler, J. Grieves; Desjardine; Red clover'seed, M. Hub'ba.rd squash, Mrs. Heywood, A. Brown, H. Truemner; Alsike clover warner; `Mammoth squash, T. M. seed, M. Brown; Sweet clover seed, Snowden;;"3 blood beets, Mrs. Hey - A. Warner, T.M. Snowden; Timothy wood, H. Truemner; 3 root beets,Mrs seed, M. Rader, H. Disjardine; Small Heywood' J. Battler; :3 watermelons white field beans, M. Rader, Jac. Bat- 0. Koehler, E. Willert; 3 muskmelons tier; Collection grain in heads, any H. Truemner, J, Grieves; �' Red tomat- kind, H. Clausius, M. Rader; Alfalfa o -es, R. Desjardine, H. H. Neeb; el - seed, M. Rader, low tomatoes, J. Battler, J. P. Tur- ner; Coll. of garden vegetables, Jr. Battler and 2nd. 10 Judge, J. W. Ortwein. DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCTS Butter, 25 lbs. winter use, H. H. Neeb, E. Walper; Butter 5 lbs, R. Geiger, Myrtle Weber; Butter 3 lbs. prints, W. Decker., R. Geiger; Cheese hornemade, 10 lbs., E. Haberer, Ed. Walper; Honey in. comb, 5 lbs. Ed. Haberer, Haberer Bros; Honey, ext- Stirling, xtStirling, W. Dougall; R. L Green- ratted 5 lbs., Haberer bros, Ed. +ings, J. Stirling, r'. Triebner; Spitz- Haberer; Honey display, 20 lbs., Ed enberg, E. Willert; Canada Reds, J. Haberer; Maple Syrup, Jac. Battler Stirling, H. Truemner; Ribson Pip- M. Rader; Hen's eggs, 6 white, 6 .bra pen, T. M. Snowden, F. Triebner; J. Battler, H. Desjardine; pr. chick - Golden Russets, J. Stirling, E. Wil- ens, dressed, M. Smith, R. Geiger; cert; Ben Davis, J. P. Turner, E. Wil- Homemade hand soap, 2 bars, J. Bat lert; Wagners, JJ. Stirling, J. P. Tur- tier, H. Disjardine. ner; Manns, J. Stirling, F. Triebner; J. W. Ortwein, Judge. Wolf River, J. Stirling, F. Triebner; DOMESTIC SCIENCE, BARING Alexanders, Mrs. Sims, W. H. Smith; Loaf white bread, M. Smith, T. Maiden's Blush, J. Stirling, F. Tri- McAdams; Loaf nut bread, R. -Geiger bner; Blenheim Pippen, J. Stirling, Mrs. Pfile,; Six rasen buns or rolls, J. P. Turner; Pewaukee, F. Triebner, E. Walper, T. McAdams; Six tea bis - J. Stirling; Colverts, J. P. Turner, J. cuits, 1VLrs. Darling, Dr. MacKinnon, Sttirling; 20 -oz. pippen, J. P. Turner, Six rolled sugar cookies, Dr. Mac - .T. Stirling; Talman Sweet, J. Stirling Kinnon, E. Walper; Six rolled gin J. P. Turner; Coll. of Russet apples, ger cookies, Mrs. A. Johnston, T. Mc- J. Stirling; Coll. of fall pears, J. St- Adams; Six fried cakes, R. Geiger, E. irling; Coll. winter pears, J. Battler, Walper; Loaf cake, A. F. Hess, Mrs R. Geiger; Coll. pears, fall and wint- M. Young; Dark layer cake, Id. Smith er, J. Stirling, J. Battler; Bartlett W. Decker; Light layer cake, E. Hdb- pear, H. H. Neeb, 3. Stirling; Flom- erer, •Mrs. C. Sims cherrie pie, Mrs. ish Beauty, J Stirling; Plate of pea- W. H. Smith; M. Smith; Meat loaf,, ches, T. McAdams, Ed. Waiper; Pru- Mrs. Smith, P. Haberer; Sealer can - nes, H. Truemner; Red crab apples, ned rhubarb, M. Smith, E. Walper; 3. Stirling, A. Warner; Yellow crab Sealer canned raspberries, Dr. Mac-. apples, J. P. Turner, A. Warner; Kinnon, • W. Decker; Canned straw - Grapes, Ed. Walper, Myrtle Weber; berries, Mrs. A. Johnston, A. Warn- Coll. grapes, P. Haberer; Coll. plu- er; Canned cherries, Dr. MacKinnon, ms, J. Stirling, Plate of plums, J. W. Decker; Canned pears, A. Warn- Stirling, arnStirling, er, H. Disjardine; Preserved citron, Judges—A. Weber, P. J. Haberer. Mrs. A. Johnston, R. Geiger; Preser- GARDEN VEGETABLES ved plums, E. J. Datars, A. Warner; (Peck World's Wonder potatoes, M. Preserved peaches, Dr. MacKinnon; Rader, II. Disjardine; Doo,Iey potat- Currant jam, A. Warner; Berry jam, oes, H. Disjardine, P. Haberer; Rural n A. Fuss, A. Warner; Sealer other New York, 0. Koehler, M. Rader; native fruit jam, Mrs. M. Young, Potatoes late, J. P. Turner, H. Dis- H. A. ass Sealer grape jelly, Mra. jardine; Potatoes, early, J. P. Tur- M. Young,Dr. MacKinnon; Red cur- ner, M. Rader; Green Mountain pot- rant jelly, H. Desjardine, Mrs. atoes, M. Rader, H. Disjardine; Irish Cobbler, M. Rader, W. Dougal; 6 ears flint corn, Mrs. Heywood, A. E. Oestreicher; Dent corn 6 ears, A. E. Oestreicher, A. Warner; Sweet corn Walper, H. Disjardine; Sealer Pick - E. Willertt; Yellow Bantam 'Sweet led., red cabbage, Mrs. Pfile, R. Gel- corn, E. Willertt; 6 large red onions' ger; Sealer canned tomatoes, red, H. J. Battler; Yellow onions, Mrs. Hey- Desjardine, W. Decker; Sealer can- mood, H. Disjardine; Gallon, dutch ned corn, A. Warner, W. Decker; Netts, Mrs. Pflle, E. Willert; Spanish., N.:�.,laii1i• CO .e tl_r exam .,. . sii oons, MJ Mrs. Heywood, . Grieves; l »a quarts, 6 varieties, Mrs. A. Johnston White field carrots, E. Willert, F. , {Concluded next week) Triebner; Red garden carrots;, L Bat- tler, attler, F. Kackems & Son; Swedish. turnip, E. Willert, W. Dougal; Long red mangolds, E. Willert, E. F. Mer ner; Intermediate mangolds, H. Tru- emner; E. Willert; Sugar beet man- galds, t E. WilIert, Kockems & Son; Oxford cabbage, E. Walper, J. Bat- tler; Drumhead cabbage, E. Haberer E. Willert; Blue cabbage,, T. P. Tur- HORTICULTURAL Coll. of any kind of apples, varieties, J. Stiirling; Plate of 4 var- ieties fall apples, J. Stirling, F. Tri- ebner; Plate of 4 varieties winter ap- ples, J. Stirling, F. Triebner; Plate of 5 King of Tompkins, J. Stirling, H. Desjardine; Snow apples, H. Desjar- dine, J. Batttler; Northern Spies, J. Starling, T. P. Turner.; Baldwins, J, ZURICH -- ONT. 0••••••••••••••••••bowomowealsommimireeseftimmisimessa T nrsddl*, dptiltnber 241th, 1!i; +* s *4+4 4t+ '+> + *++444+++++14*+++++444 Your H WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MO E AiE ARES LET:ITS S S : OW YOU } OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT . LOWEST PREVAILING PRICE'S. Furniture G-reatiy Reduced + • We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly / Reduced Prices.. Furniture Prices have reached lowest level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs now. • We also have some Good 1.Jsed Furniture in Stock Good. Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. t We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated - Massey -Harris Farm implement Repairs. Johnston c� Kalbfieiseh Hardware & Furniture. Fho,a,e 63 4.444.444.444.4.44+4.444.441+444,4444444,4+444+44+++44,1.44 444.4'lrt.444.4.44+4.4 4.441+444, j; 4444, 44ir++t4+++44,1.4+ N INNNIIII!MMATMZ; NII11111111131111111Fri!1;11lEIIIINIIINQIINs'aNNYf 1M ? It ENS INIIIIMNliil' ,1N1.!J;11111Lt1Hlllym S1111111NNNf Marr We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc.., Etc. 1 goad Lumber Wagon..._ r .. _....�...._..�45 1 good buggy at 4 wheel Trailer Corplete.......__----..-_.-.$25 • KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, thee- air � marl J gamcimmonagannumemkmIf1NYf maANotammN411114111SrllN71hT!!"+'••?s 111101 P4.4•44.4,40444-4,40++++4•4• it444,444,441,4444 4.4.8044 4,41" ling; Bottle mixed vinegar pickles, Mts. A. Johnston, Mrs. )Darling; Bot - tie mustard pickles, Mrs. A. Johnston Mrs. E. Lawson; Bottle catsup. E f 1i4+44444444444444+4.4.44+i4,41rr44444144 4,464,4444.4 +4,44 „D,, ZtTBICE ' Ci9EL6GE ATTENTIOi� TO FARMERS AND TRACITOR QRS g' A.Ra A.P.NOW FULLY EQUIPPFD TO SUPPLY ALL usz a OB` GASOLINE IN LARGER QUAN'm'1 WYTH A GOOD STAND, ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUP DI lL1VE .Y. TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES,, lima QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON EWA R WORK, AND OVER- HAUL JOSS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERY REASONABLE, GAS OILS G -RE A.S.E S . Mousseau Zurich. t;+t.+@+E+f++ ++++++44++F444'14 ...'p..SIF$4•lb$ihi11+dH....+++4+G�dFt Special Fall Prices 1 7 I Oft 1 45 t GRINDERS, HAMMER MILLS, CREAM SEPARAT . • ORS, PULPERS, SECOND HAND MA.CHJNERY • Used Fleury plow No. 2L Cockslw.tt riding plow, foot $ lift. Oliver riding plow foot lift. M..H. gang prow.. Ford Truck, Drag Harrow, Spring tooth: Cultivator. t" Call and see the New No. 7 M. -H. lking plow which .+r,. will be used extensively in ,Provincia.1 plowing match Check your corn binder, plows all makee,, cutting bor„ .t Grinders, for needed repairs and save extra charges ordering early. • GAS OILS GREASES t, MASSEY-TIARRIS SFRMCE ARM for FARM 4 O. KLO a FP SONS I T S 14