HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-29, Page 5srlay; September 290v, 133% BUSINESS CARDS 1•uDLEY E o HOLMES ;r1At' *1STER, SOLICITOR, NOT, ARY PUBLIC, ETC,. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. .1'3pecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. **..Holmes may be consulted at rairt,delial by Phone, and Plioue charges reversed. Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON k .DEIT,Z BLOCK—ZURICH. Zyrery Thursday, .Friday, Saturday iLt 1 ARTLBIB'&S BLOCK, DASHWO4 D Evan, Monday, Tuesday dela QWednesde.y Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex 1 IN A POSITION TO CON- ,4actt any Auction Sale, regardless au to size or article to sell. 1 solicit lour business, and ii not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ben - Bared. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood limes 13-67. Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Bolognas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve Your' 11. 1uughlut & SD11 SERVICE 'Why We have thea_ Better Class of Customers HIGH CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. BATTERIES, MOBILE OIL. MAR- VELPBE OIL, :GOODYEAR TIRES SAND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITi0N Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work alma to Micrometer Settings, No ,Vuvsa work. Watch the cars that STOP ,at WEIN'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. . B. 'Vein DASHWOODP .-- ONTARIO Western Farmers' Mutual. Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any Canar' ian Company doing iusiness in Ontario - /Ian -ant of Insura$19,593,724.nn Deo. Mat, 1931, `fTota1 Cash n9,81ank 01,.62 d Bonds $19iltat+ai—$4.D per PAH for Spears. Eo F. Klopp--Zurich Meat, Also Dealer in Lightning Rods ;and all kinds of Fire Insurance LIVL3 POU LT R Y WANTED ;liken every Day till 8 o'clock, p.m. Ise net teed Fowl came morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR— MREANI AND EGGS W. O'Brien one 101, Ree. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S :SOB DEPARTMENT is ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and fine Printing. Get our 'prices be- Foxe leaving • your order else - lire. a ZURICH RALD eye 'rows Wants, For Salo, o, .et, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads lT1 Me 001.1:01111 FOR S1 aAbout 70 White Leghorn heals, for sale, or will e:snsider 'to ,exeh^ange thein on cordwood. •Apply to. Ford. Haberer, .Zurich. STRAYED. From my premises, 14th con., Hay Township, a 2-yeareeld steer, white, Finder kindly notify, Nelson 1Vlasse, .7uzich. For Sale Buckwheat Honey for sale, at 3 cents a pound'. Bring • your contain- ers. J. Habere' &. Sons, Zurich. 2 blocks, south of Hotel. Fertilizer For Sale For the convenience or anyone wanting Fertilizer, Wr. Ervin Willcrt has several tons: of the sante at his barn for immediate sate. Kindly get in touch with 1VIr. WilIert, if in need of any. NOTICE My hairdressing parlor is open for business, and solicit your patronage. Reasonable Charges. Lottie E_ Turkheim, Zurich FOUND A girl's Red Leather a Toque. Same can be had at the Her- Nomination was held' at }Jensenancy. Everybody is advised to go ald Office by paying this adv. on Monday for the candidates for the out and honor their franchise by by-election of South Huron, and a casting their vote for their favorits 1 • _.__ 1 record crowd was present. The large man. Politicians are talking policy town hall was soon filled and held past records and what not, but who- !f only half of the gathering, which ever is elected in this by-election will was present to hear the debate after- • not overthrow the government, as- it the Returning Officer, Mr. D. Me -has from two to three years to go \' Naughton, officially declared that' before a general election will be held. there are only two candidates in the i Go to the polls on Monday and vote as you think best, we are not telling field, namely, LouisH. Rader and how, but loose �•o! ,;•:� Government Candidate for William H. Goulding. In the youafter'p t1 y South Huron Coat and LOCAL NEWS PAW MAP Mr. and Mrs. C. irk of Exeter, ?The local ball fans are spending Cubs, the two largest cities in North w he i conn i one daryainlasstonwemeko.ndaythe afternoons in front of the loud-, America The first; game this Wed- Mz. and Mrs> W. H. 1Pfile of fen- night were indeed welcome to many speaker .oi the radio these days, as nesday afternoon, and they another being played this week between the sail were in town one day last week, as at present the farmers have all New York Yankees and the Chicago - til a team wins four games, who will to Chicago tor three games, or 'an:- the worlds series baseball games are , on Thursday, then they will. journey Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Render of Detroit, spent a few .days this week with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wagner,Our next public holiday will be Thanksgiving' Day, October loth, and we trust this will be observed in a fitting way. itVir. and Wis. Andrew Miller of Detroit, called at the home or ,Mr. and M. C. L. Smith, on Sunday afternoon. their late crops in, and are now ready for the fall plowing, which in most cases the ground had been too A rare treat will be in store for tile public on Thanksgiving evening, October 10th, when the young peo- ple of Zurich will present their play "The Jonah" in the Zurich town hall ,' This play went over so big on Mon- day eve. that many requests have be- an received to have it repeated. So the committe has decided upon that date to hold it. Rush seats can be Mr. Philip Randall and family, - of obtained for 25 cents, and you sure i; Hanover, was in town one day last will get your money's worth. week, having with him a four wheel then be crowned champion, As will be noticed in ani colleens rolling home, evidently out oft. a this week, that we are just a little camping trip. Mr. Randall is an crowded for room, this is due to the old Zurich bay, and a goodly num-large volume of advertising space us -h bee of citizens remember him. ed by the political parties in adver- pa tisi:ng their issues and meetings. We Wednesday afternoon of this we- are naturally not overjoyed to have F'1 ek is the grand final of the half -poli- such an extra amount of work thro- day season for this summer. We wn upon us in connection with the trust the local business men have fair the beginning of the week. I, ^t enjoyed them, some with harder work with preservenance and hard work 'y than at their business, but it• was a and long hours we hope to wiggl change and a relaxation, and this through it. While. it means a lot of I Ki often if a tonic to the nerves. As extra work, yet as the old adage goes .1 for your publisher, we can remember "we must make hay when the sun! 4 only once these months that we were shines". As has been often stated 4able to take the half day off. Thursday evening, October 27th, is the date set for the big fowl sup- per at the Evangelical church this Election for a representative for. year, and the few weeks will soon the House of Commons, Ottawa, is t.• slip around till this big event, as well being held in South Huron, on Mon - as "big feed' takes place. We have day, Oct. 3rd, as will be noticed by been advised that the St. Peter's the number of advertisements and Lutheran. congregation are not hold- the interest shown in the matter by ing a supper this year, as it was re- rently voted down, so these events will likely not be so plentyful this fall and we must make good use of them when we have the opportunity. before the: publisher of the Herald keeps its columns clean of political matter, only the paid advertising is what is inserted. FINAL Conservative RALLY AT Zurich and Hensall ON Friday, September 30th At 8 o'clock, p. rn. ti (Both meetings will commence promptly on time, with Speakers alternating. the many public meetings, this by- election is the cause of the depart- ing of the late Thomas McMillan last spring, and as is the costum a by- election is being held to fill this vac- VZ Don't forget the big political me- etings in the local town hall this we- ek -end. On Friday night the Con- servative party in favor of Mr. L. H. Rader, Reeve of Hay Towns:ap and Warden of Huron County. ;Ind then the following evening, Saturday a public meeting is being held in the interest of Mr. W. H. Golding, an ex -mayor of Seaforth, who represents the Liberal side of the House. At both meeting special outside speakers will be present to address the gath- erings, and the public is. invited to attend these .rattles. 11111111111111111111111101111111111111 E HON. ROBERT WEIR, M. P. Minister of Agriculture SAMUEL GOBEIL, M. P. of Compton, Quebec GEORGE SPOTTON, M. P. North Huron will speak in support of LOUIS H. RADER House of Commons in 111111 ala 11 m1 aal111111 i aaaalalaaaaaanaa atm laa 1; meeting which consisted of debates, BORN Mr. George Spotton, M. P. for• .. North Huron and Hon. Mr. Suther- Corriveau—At Hay Township, on land spoke for Mr. Rader, while Mr. September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Sanderson. M. P., spoke for Mr. Lucien Corriveau, a daughter. ?\ Golding, unfortunately a shower of 1 Keller—At Hay Township, ox. Aug- ' ' rain crept up and disturbed the las- ust 28th, to Mr, and Mrs. Adolph ter part of the meeting. .Keller, a son. Ai Illllllllllll@Ilmaalllllllaaaalllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllll 11 IIIIIIIRalllllaillll 111111I1111111111111NIIIIIIIII all I 1111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111 1 t1 :,� '1 VOTE FOR RADER AND CONFIDENCE IN THE EMPIRE! In one of my last appeals to the electors of South Huron, before polling day, Monday, 'Octo'ber 3, I urge that you cast your votes for me, because 1 up- hold the Government of Rt. Hon. R. 13. Bennett, that 'negotiated the Imperial Conference agreements, of such material benefit to South Huron and the rest of Canada_'"7"k"-W.,Tropm2e- vt, �„x �;"$ ::t This is the first test of public opin ion in the Empire since the Conference concluded. For that reason, if the Government candidate is defeated, it will be stated in, Great Britian that Canada has turned down the Imperial Trade Agre- ements„ that she is opposed to the Conference. If, on the other hand, you elect me as your representative, the forces working in Great Britain and throughout the Empire for increased trade and prosperity will be cheered and heartened. Conference results have already increased prices for apples and other farm. products. If you want the good work to continue, vote for the Govern- ment,. whose splendid work has made it possible. • I have had twelve years service in municipal life in South Huron. This year I am Warden of Huron County. If elected, I will devote myself to the interests of every person, regardless of political affiliations, as 1 have in the past. MARK YOUR BALLOT THUS-. Yours Respectfully, LOUIS H. RADER. 1 Rader, Louis It, Farmer X 1 This Adv. inserted by the South Huron Liberal -Conservative Association 111 1 11111111l1 11111 111 111I1QI111111 IIIIIUIIU 111111;11111 III 1111 III 111111 11 iii(llll f ti ]DIDilDnliilTflll l ill I ii?i +lulu 1 riiiri i 'tile!? all iiltlllllll1n1 hili 1 IIi1 [I. 0 4.1.11 Mark Your Ballot Thus: RADER, Louis H., farmer X And stand behind the Imperial Conference Agreements that mean more money in the pockets of South Huron farmers, merchants and workers. Ladies Especially Invited. God Save the King EVERYBODY WELCOME Col. H. B. Combe, Pres. Robt. Higgins, Secy. !9i (This advertisement inserted by the South Huron Conservative Association.) rwww www w w.w wh'YEYYYIIVLYYY' 1 Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. 9 SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Toilet Perfunnizers, Soaps; T co ya P, sacs, and Brushes. FINE STATIONER' AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILIMS iDr Al J. MacKinnon, Zurichi 744NNWOM'AM/Wwwwimrimmelvoimf