HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-22, Page 8PAC! Fi f;Tr r THE STORE WITH THE STOCK NEW FALL GOODS Let us show you our New Fall Lines of Dress Materials in Season's bes-t Shades Dia onial Tweed Suitings, 54 -in. ` wide $1.85 1 lc.e Med Tweeds, 36 -in. width 59c New Queen's Cloth, a finely woven wool Cloth, 38 -in. wide at 85c Ladies' Pullover Sweaters at 1.98 to 2.25 New Sued Gloves a pair 49c, 59c, and 79c New Styles in Kid Gloves, Black, Brown and Tan, ata pr. . $1.98 1\1e-, • Monarch Yarns for home knitting. See our style carus of knitted Sweater Suits, Etc. Dove yarn now 15c Down yarn, now 25c. GROCERIES! GROCERIES! V'1 -,;z Fly Spray, 8 -oz. for i 9c Fa' 1 Olive Soap, 2 for 15c Te'• 's Toilet Soap, large bars, 4 for 25c P. i..cess Soap Flakes, at i 7c Tea, Special, lb. 37c . ?r Snaps; lb Pi Salmon ''=-s. - S.'n.;aal lot of scribblers for school, 10c Eve -tithing in jars, crocks, jar and all spices for pickling 7c 2for 5c and 3 for 10c rubbers, Riogs, Corks, at lowest prices. '.Y'1OUCE WANTED PHONE 59 0 I/11011i es - BUY Erie Debentures N? The lbercn .d Erie Mortgage Corporation has it • cyan e .q ual eliviidend of 2 c'c• for the quarter ended P t ?' 7.- ~?::er 30th, 1932, being at the rate of ..8% ...per Payable at the Corporation's Office in London on and -,7,7ker October 1st, 1932 to shareholders of record on epten_':er 15th, 1932. .A udrew F. Hess is Iocal representative for this -ell known institution which has paid dividends to its :eholders regularly and without interruption since ;rporation in 1864. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? i 1 riec.ac3.0i(1N41e000•4Oi1•iY#riY1A***N11f+M41_MMSM_Y_. HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE Seeds Seeds if you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. GOAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual ---- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress, See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! '1urnbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. lULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. ZURICH • 0 { • 1& ass • ,1 I ONT. ZURICH HERALD 8E1p$41.4'4U '?„ 1,1ek, 19" ."1"1"6444414444444+++++.144.4440141++.++.1.14++++++444.4404V!UE:; y4 T 4 WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Special Prices for Thursday Sept. 22nd, and continuiing to Tuesday, Sept. 27th, Zurich Fair Day Fry's Cocoa, Half 1b. Tin, per tin Life -Buoy Soap, 2 cakes Hillcrest shorteniing, per lb. Red Cohoe. Salmon, Half lb. Tin, 14c, ib. tin Best Pink Salmon, lb tin, 2 for Swansdown Flour, per pkg. Salt, plain or Iodized, 2 pkgs Del Maiz corn Golden Sweet, 2 tins . Kellogg's Rice Kruepies, 2 pkgs Heinz Tomato Juice, 1 lb. tins,. 2 for -11aci-ons Ready cut, 2 lbs. Comfort soap, 4 bars Blue 'rot Tea 1-1b. pkg., per lb. Derby loaf cheese, per lb. June Factory cheese, per lb. Princess 'Soap Flakes, large pkg, 1'9c 13c 11c 25c 25c 31c 18c 25c 25e 13c 19c 29c 23e 15c 15c Men's Caps, Newest Patterns and Styles. Men's plain pullovers, all wool worsted yarns. Ladies' best fullfashioned Silk Hose 79c pr. New Patterns in ycl. wide pyjama cloths, yard 25c Ladies' pure Silk Hose, per pair 59c EGGS WANTED—HIGHEST PRICES PAID I0 We Your Hardware Store WE CAN SUPPLY THE KWIC ,IC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES ft- LET TJS SHOW YOU OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. Furniture Greatly Reduced g ▪ We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly t Reduced. Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest ��. • level and are sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt{ • We also have some Good Used Furniture in Starck Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. \ c can also sup- ply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. HE_YSALL, ONT. 54. Fres. Phone 63. Office Phone Mr. Wm. C. Wagner and son Leon- ard motored to Guelph and Kitchener. en Sunday. :rlessre Harry Eiikmeier and Hen- ry Steinbach motor od to Stratford on business on Saturday. A goodly number of this commun- ity attended tire' big Conservative Rally at Exeter on Thursday evening Iast. Many attended London Fair,- last: week, whiclh was insofar as attend- ance goes, a big success as nearly a thousand' more attended this year than 1931. Messrs Albert Hess, Dave Fuss and Ed. Axt spent several days outing in the Bruce Peninsula doing some ex- ploring as well as duck shooting, and returned with their prices not feel- ing any the worse of the outing. BUSY FARMER NEWS Canning Crop Peaches The prospect of large requirements by canners for canning varieties of peaches is very bright this year. This was the recent statement of C. W. Bauer,' Secretary, Ont. Growers' Market, Council. He went on to say that canners have already reported their stocks are entirely depleated of last year's pack, while wholesale and reaail grocers, throughout the Prov- ince, prefer Ontario canned peaches to any other pack offered for sale, and are awaiting this year's stocks. Bill of Lading Protects Farmers Excellent progress has been made in applying Bill of Lading regulations to truck m.ovcrnent of live stosk; states Garnet Duncan. of the Ontario Marketing Board staff. Farmers ap- preciate the protection offered by this system gainst irregularities pra- cticed by some truckers, continued Mr. Duncan, and most reliable truck- ers support the system as it saves time and protects them from untair competition. Weekly records show the use of bills of lading is increased steadily. Ploughing Practice A series of experiments carried out at a government experimental station has given some interesting results in regard to ploughing at different de- pths and times. On an average, ov- er a period of nine years, ploughing four inches deep for a rotation of corn, oats, clover and timothy has given higher yield, than has piough- ing seven inches d+ -yep, eee pt in the, case of oats. in which the y ielde have been practically the same, The shal- low ploughing is of particular ad- vantage to the corn crop. In the pre- paration of eod land for grain, It has 1)0, 'rt t' unrl that ploughing in July, a; 'o,m as the hay i- ofr and top- eirkfng during tie, stunteer has not ,ondv given higher yieldsof oats, but has also left the hold free from co- uch grass. The r xp+ r anent has shown that on sandy loam- soil. it does not pay to either ' rib the land or replough in the fall. On heavy claw soil, rib- bing or roploughing late in the fall LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected -every Weelnesdavl Eggs 16-12-I3 32g Wheat bushel 55 Barley bush. .... 35 Oats bush. 25 Buckwheat .............. 44 FIour Shorts, ton Bran, ton ._.._ .ta11n IT 1.75 3.00 18.00 18.00 Hogs........................ 4.50 gives the frost a chance to mellow the soil and leave it in a better state of tilt. In the preparation of sod for corn, manuring on the sod and spring ploughing has given higher yields than manuring and fall ploughing. {" f,lcoura�eznerit #or Boys P1 -ie ananal'•lilre stock judging com- petition which will be held in con- nection with the Ridgetown fair, Oct 11, 12 and 13 will have special at- tractions for junior farmers this yr. The Kent County *Live Stock Im- provement Association have donated five head of live stock to the Ridge - town fair board for prizes in the judging competition. The stock given away will be registered, purebred live stock. In the beef cattle judging competition the boy making the high- est score will receive a calf; the boy making the highest score in judging of dairy cattle will receive a calf al- so; a sow will be given to the boy making the best score in the judging of hogs; the highest standing boy will likewise receive a ewe lamb in the sheep judging contest; the bibh st- anding boy will have his choice of a calf, hog or a lamb. Points on Hog Feeding The big thing for the hog feeder to keep in mind, according to the Do- minion Animal Husbandman, is, the feeder needs the frame but the pack- er wants the finish, and the ideal type which sells as the 'select' bacon hog, must have both. Grow the frame first. Never feed more than pigs will clean up; overfeeding, particularly of heavy or unbalanced rations, causes unthri.ftiness which in turn is the- common hecommon cause of short, thick pigs. For the first four months the pig sho- uld clean his trough and look for more. Field Crop Figures The fifth departmental report of the season on Field Crops gives some interesting facts and figures. More than the ordinary amount of stook threshing was done this year but the weather was not too favorable for this attempt at labor-saving. Farm- ers are planning to sow their fall wheat somewhat later than usual in order to reduce the likelihood of in- jury from Hessan Fly. Buckwheat and hoed crops have made good gro- wth during the month and excellent yields secured from second cutting of alfalfa.. The, total acreage of field. crops sown in Ontario in 1922,is pra- ctically the same as last year. The most important changes occurred in barley, buckwheat, fodder, corn and 'alfalfa which showed iincreases, and hay clover, beans and potatoes which show large reductions in acreage:The he total production of both beans and potatoes will show considerable decre- ase from last .year, for in addition to reduction in acreage, the per acre yi- elds are lower owing to less favor- able growing eoniliti.ons. We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs. Jhnt & Xalbffeisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 •�. f I In= � We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops,Etc.„ Etc.1 . good Lumber Wagon at I good buggy at - $30 4 wheel Trailer Complete $25 KEEP ON SMILING! IIESS, the Repair Man +nYiq)Ill !i "!13+tl,',,.,;a ;!I!!1i8!IIiIV,,.a -'i:„ e «i;'1;;'JL19.,eiGal tai;"I:II!,]ll,:,;'.i'!lIIfU1i11lilll{llll{ r''"'„„�slr oee +E ,feb.% ++fr+9+4.+++>• i+3+F++E+ ++a++ + ++E �t { +f°+ ++N+E f'+ F+ff++4+++l++F i++±d+.4li+ 41. IC73 ' dusiRazoE ATTEP;TION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNER W712 ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY AIM tregRa «W GASOLENE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND - ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR, DELIVERY TRUCK AT Lowzar PREVAILING PRICESro WITH QuAr3rry CONSIDERED. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- HAUL JOBS ON A1r.¢. MAKES OF CSS WxnI CHARGES VERY GAS OILS GgtE1SEs .Moussaau Zurich 1 644444.444411.4.44+ +l4+I+i.t+,l+.l+++i,. ,V4P444.44.4 +bags 44+4+E,+q+ +., 00* Do You Knaw?— That 1 am the Master Salesman! - am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants„ Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used nae as their Servant 1 have gathered untold millions into their coffers.. I command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I go! I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is ADVERTISE!