HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-22, Page 4OUP STANLEY TOWNSHIP. Arraletrsary Servicee will 4w,, held in the £oshen united chutnh next ;Sunday, BepteMbea 25th, at 11 a.m. axed. 7,`880 p.m. The pastor, Rev,. E. A, Penner will have the ge - of the terning ;service, and Rev. A. Sin- clair of Heusall will be the: speaker fat• the evening. Special niueis is he- :ig irr•apared by the choir. . 'l.rrs, Wilson Armstrong !reds re- turned home after spending a week with •her daughter in Londu i. Mr. Bert Buchanan has :moved in- the: house belonging to •Mr. Orval trTc:C1.ine ey. Mr, Bert Dunn of Tomato has be - 'fit visiting friends in this vicinity. The Y. P. S,,. of • Blake and Goshen are. holding a weiner roast on the, :!leach at Drysdale on Friday evening. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schwartzen Tuber° and family spent Sunday at ale home of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Erb! 1r;. and Mrs. Chas, Reman spent Sunday at the hone of llr and Mrs Reedy Oesch, eend. Miss Jean Hey is spending a few Mr. Louis Montague has returned • ghter Margaret spent Stil4tay, even- ing with friends in .Heard!. M. and Mrs, Ednia3id Oeseh and daughter Dorothy '4pent Tuesday with eche former's parents. on the Go. alien Line. DRYSDALE Mr, and :Mrs. Gilbert Plante, of Goderich, spent last Sunday at the home of Mrs, Jane Denomnle. The Misses Annabel and klrace Denonne, after spending the summer holidays with their parents, heee re- turned to St. Peter's Seminary, Lon- don, to resume their duties. Master Gerald Rau, son of Mr. Harry Rau, has gone to Sang wrch to attend Assumption College, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Masse :and tam ily of Detroit are enjoying a few holi days with their parents, Ma. and Mrs Frank Corrie eau. Miss Marie Laporte is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geronette in Detroit for a few weeks. Mrs. Delphine Duchai•me of Wind- sor was visiting With her daughter, Mrs E. J. Denomme over the week- 'eks holidays under the parental to Sudbury to resume his .studies at a£, the Sacred Heart Colleges after apen-i • lir. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich sp- ' ding holidays with his parents. 1 -. int Sunday at the hone of Mr. and ; Mr. and Mrs, Adolph Denomnle 1 .'.yrs. Ed. Oesch in the village. and family, who have lived in Detroit Miss Jennie Manson of Nees- Lisk- have returned to our burg and intend' a is visi rig friends on the Gos- taking over his father's farm. hen line. Mrs. Oscar Ducharnle, Jr., and Mrs.' Mr. and Mrs. R. Douglas and dau- John Bedard returned home last Sun-, ( eleteleiei e1 1111111111! I N.! t 1 di,eie eloi1inlili(`f. 11�Hli in I Iilidli , T I ii! �iUi 1'illi ti;i! !i 1 J l ;,, i, fleet ti ifl i i,tit� , Zurich Fall Fair ZURICH HERALD • Capital Theatre oder kb s. Phone 47. Northern Electric •Soand System Now playing --The Cohens and K.ellys in Hollywood,, Mon., Tues., Wed. CLIVE BROOK Claudette Colber & Chas Boyer Portray the tale of a man's return from the dead. "The Mat from Yesterday" Thurs., Fri., and Sat. A Double Entertainment Special WILL ROGERS offers 'another droll humor yarn assisted by Greta Nissen & Marg. Churchill in the truly great laugh hit AMBASSADOR BILL on the same bill GEORGE O'BREIN and Cecilia Parker in a thrilling outdoor action story MYSTERY RANCH Matinees Wed. and Sat. at 3 pan. Coming—"This is the Night" day after spending a few days in Loden with friends and relatives. Mr. Frank Granville of Chatham, was a week -end visitor with friends here. HILLSC REEK Sutton and, Mr. i.3allingal of Lon - Jon visited with Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Ntdiger on Sunday, Dashwood Brass band will give frit dpen air Band Concert on Sunday evening, Sept, 25th at 8,8.0 erre Dir. paylor's lawn. All are cordially in- ,sited to attend. The September meeting of the Lutheran L. A. was held in the+ base- lnent of the church. The meeting. was opened by singing, Scripture re- ading and prayer by the pastor. The the ,• , �e(1 with i business meeting followed Pres. Mrs. 11: Wein presiding. A reading was given by Mrs. T. Kraft. The roll call was answered by 29 zilernbers present. Committees were appointed as follows: Visiting com., Mrs, Ottillie Resteineyer and Mrs. W. Rleinstiver; Flower Com., Mrs. D. Schrader and Mrs. R. Hayter. This was followed by a Ladies' Quartette. After other business disscusios the meeting closed with the Lord's Prayer In unison HENSALL - Mrs, Roy Keron of London visited in -town last week. T. C. Joynt was a few days in Tor- onto the past week. Friends of Mrs. (Rev.) Young re- gret that she is confined to her home with illness. • Miss Parker of Dorchester visited with her nephew, Rev. M. 13. Parker. Mrs, John Lepier visited with rel- atives in St. Catharines. A canvasser for the Lords Day Al- liance was in town soliciting subscr- iptions in the village. W.M.S.—The regular monthly me- Florence Reynolds left last week eting of the Women' :Missionary So-' for the West where she will resume ciety was held on Friday afternoon ;:het duties as teacher. September IGth at the home of Mrs.' George Spotton, M.P., for North Troyer with Mrs. Rosi. Stephenson 1 Huron, was in the -village last week, presiding. The meeting apenea with land among other friends, called upon Hymn 249. The Scripture lesson A.W.E.' Hemphill, druggist, who was was read responsively from St. 14Iat- at tone time a pupil of Mr. Spotton's thew 28th chapter,. Mi, J. Cochrane • school. then led in prayer, Hymn 148 was Mrs. Robt. D. Bell has sold her then sung. The secretary and Treas neat dwelling property at the east urer reports were readan adopted. end of Main St.,to J. rtween The rollwas then called answeredby • Monday and Tuesday Th 1 lld d i W Ortwein. There passed away on Wednesday!' E: j the letter R. The offering was then evening last another of Hensall's well 1 Sep. 26, 27, '1932 teen. Mrs. Rev. Conner gave an known residents in the F person of 1 !item on the work of hiss m.. lI• Adam Reichert in his 80th ear. The, deceased was born in Hessen, Ger- many, in 1852 where. he resided for 1 PROGRAM FOR FAIR DAY, SEPT. 27th. some time afterwards moved to Wel-1 and from there to Hensall, judging of Horses, Cattle, Sheep,Swine and Poultry ! lovely. a remembrance. where he has since lived. He had be- few � � � �' h ell in good health up unsii a few ! Horseshoe Games, Calf Race, Walking Contest, l Philthorpe. The study was then tak- en by Mrs. R . Consitt. Hymn 376 was sung. The meeting closed by all praying the Lord's prayer. The Soc- fiety presented Mrs. Troyer with a ve y purse as remem rr . Wedding bells are ringing in this months ago. Several weeks ago his vicinity. Anniversary services were conduc- ted in the Hillsgreen church on Sun- day, Rev. J. W. Herbert of Holmes - Bicycle Race. Don't miss the Concert in the Town Hall, get your Reserved Seat Tickets Early. Good Orchestry will Furnish Music for the Dance ZURICH JUBILEE BAND IN ATTENDANCE ;. P. RAU, President. E. F. KLOPP, Secy.-Treas. eignin1111111111111MM N11111111111111111q(f11i1181 111=119N11ll11W1 IH N1EMI1f1111iI1QI111 INIflI(ifM9111(fpllli$IMIMMIiUitl IMIli family were called home. He leaves! to mourn his loss three sons, John H., of Detroit; Albert, Pt. Huron vine was the guest speaker for the . and Nelson at home. The funeral to- p ok place from his late residence on day and helivered inspiring sermons + S. Richmond St., on Saturday Sept. The Kippen choir with their leader, 110th with interment in the Hensel! firs. J. B. McLean cave enecial xmps u -,n n ter„y,,.„HThe,,,73,gv.. Arthur . e occasion. A duet whs green Sincialz .a iating. in the morning by Misses Jean Ivison and Edna Cochrane entitled "The Old Rugged Cross" and in the Evening Misses Mary and Florence Thomp- son sang `After". We wish to thank the choir for their kindness. Rev. R. Keith and Mrs. Love of Kintore, bridal couple, and Mr. and Mrs. Manuel and son of London, vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Love. •g y �.� i T�� - J ` A number front this vicinity took �' i i t r•: =r•:- : •A> ti •i -i F r•'c t 111 a day at the Western ' Fair, Lon- . don last week. Special Bpei ..• cal eta • 8 Ft. CEDAR POSTS, 41= Inches and up at only 35 Cents. 9 FOOT END POSTS AT ONLY $1,25 DROP IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! 1119 C. X;: LBFLEISOR °- ZURICH PHONE 69 -q-.4--1.++++++++++++.:-++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-: q-.4- '+'f";' '.t..j.'}••it'•tie ++.:•`i pt'•;•'g ;T.,3!'y,,[F•$d•+-.t + +ti ++:•.'r•A`i•.i...?e•3,:;..i..l,•A•3 +-: 4 4 4 Miss Gladys Stephenson entertained a number of girl friends one after- noon. Miss Mary Hagan returned to her duties in London after spending sev- eral weeks with her sister, Miss Dolly Mrs. R. Love is visiting her son. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, DASHWOOD Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Wildfong, Mr. and Mrs. E. Nadiger and Mrs. Hamacher motored t oDetroit over; the week -end. ,f, Mrs. E. Guenther is spending a few + days with her parents in London, this week. + Mr. Sampson Colosky returned , last week after a pleasant trip out 1 West, also visiting his brother in I Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. D. McGregor of St. • Marys and Mr, and Mrs. A. Valley of Pakhill were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Rourke and two daughters of Detroit spent Sun- lay with her parentts, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schatz are — visiting friends in Sarnia. Mr. Hy. M. Willert has purchased Mr. Geo. Kellerman's house and lot, Mr. Willert gets possession immed- iately. About 40 enjoyed a jolly evening when Principal Gordon Keeler enter Le rained the taff and pupils of the Senior Room of Dashwood Public School at a corn roast at the home of Mr and Mrs. A. E. Oestriecher. The i evening was spent in lively out door games after which all gathered aro- rind the old fashioned cauldron of cern which disappeared all too qui- ckly. Mr. Milford Verner and sister Kathleen and CIarence. Fisher motor- ed to Niagara Falls on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. H. %Top#' of Clifford, end Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Price of Han- =_ ?ver were Sunday ,visitors with Mr. end Mrs. Hope ot., hisses Aletxia and Jean Og•ii-.n +++ f +++++++++++t 4++t+++ f++++•d•++++++•++++++++++++++• Special Fall Prices On GRINDERS, HAMMER MILLS, CREAM SEPARAT- +ORS; PULPERS SECOND HAND MACHINERY 1 Used Fleury plow No. 21 Cockshutt riding plow, foot lift, Oliver riding plow foot lift. M.-H,ano g � prow. 1. Ford Truck, Drag Harrow, Spring tooth Cultivator. C .il and see the New No. 7 M, -H. walking plow whichwill be used extensively in Provincial plowing match. Check your corn hinder, plows all snakes, cutting box,. Grinders, for needed repairs and save etra charges by ordering early. 4 411.04. 1 GAS OILS GREASES MASSEY-1-IARRIS SERVVICE ARM for FARM Shop 149 0. LOPP & SONS Res. 67 4444 -14.4.51+-34.+++++++++++++++.14,01++++++++++++++++++++++1-4 riaieliRenilr 22'0, len Are you satisfied to do without Bathroom conveniences? And without up-to-date kitchen facilities or ether modern requirements, that running water ilia your home will instantly make available to you? Prices have never been lower for Canadian -made Emco quality bathroom equipment and Duro Automatic Pumping Systems. Three pieces—Bath, Shower, lavatory :a Toilet as illustrates!, with a8 1 fittings - 9 - 5 Other complete 6aihroom egu p':m.en* ""29!137 7C low as - - - as The Duro-Special Pumping Systein, all Canadian -made, having a capa— city of 250 gals. per hour, complete with ail gat Galvanized Tank, and 60., cycle, 110 volt motor, costs $95.60; wswith 25 cycle miotor $99.50. Write for free illustrated booklets ora• Bathroom Equipment or Plumbing Supplies. Easy time payments both on Pumps and. Bathroom Fietures may be arranged. Dano-SpEeva. FOR SALE BY: Stade & Weida 51..APIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED otaama Tsar sneo 'Winnipeg Vancouver,, 2 et, i :ill illlilllllflllllll(lfllllllk;j]1thigl�Jfl Jjl' 11lIli INN1111111111111111111111IDi1IfINNHIIIIMI11111111111111IDN111111NII11ililIINI111Illll 1111INIINIIIIINN1111111N1NL 11111}N1i11l11N1iNiE 1111111 11611111111111111 111111111111111 111 All Roads Lead to Town Hall = urich Friday, September 30th At 8 O'Clock, p.m. BE THERE TO HEAR: Hon. ROBERT WEIR Minister of Agriculture, in Rt. Hon. R. B Bennett's Binet. SAMUEL GOBEIL, M. P. FOR COMPTON, QUEBEC. GEORGE SPOTTON, M. P. FOR NORTH HURON WHO WILL SPEAK IN SUPPORT -OF LOUIS H. ader GOVERNMENT CANDIDATE FOR THE HOUSE OF 'COMMONS IN SOUTH HURON ammoommor .VOTE FOR RADER AND STAND BEHIND I • IMPERIAL 'CONFERENCE AGREEMENTS THAT MEAN MONEY IN THE, POCKETS OF FARMERS, MERCHANTS AND WORKERS OF HURON COUNTY Ladies especially invited. Everybody Welcome God Save the Bing COL. H. B. COMBE, President. HIGGINS, Secretary: aboveThe Speakers willI3"I'. � p e also be hi the AdHALL,v. HENSALL, ALLY the same evening TOWN This Adv. inserted by the South Huron. Liberal -Cons rvative Association Ni i(< i11111{MBIE 11111 10111111111 0111111111 111111111111111111111111111111 OfLII'11111111111111111111N1111111111111111 1111111111111@1111111111111111 'I 1�1 11111q111111 0111111'11111111111 I" 111111111111111111111111111111111111