HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-08, Page 8PAG rrW1' THE STORE WITH THE STOCK. LE ICES CONTINUED C7 ALL LINES OF SUMMER DRESS MATER- VOLES, RAYONS, CREPES, PETER PRINTS, GINGHAMS, REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS. MEN'S WEAR Wo .--.rry a complete line of Men's Work Clothes,..for tE' T-larvest Season,.. and Selling.. at.. Lowest..possible .prices for High Grade Goods, • llartt's Overalls, pr. from 1.50 to 1.95 Overalls, extra yarn dyed cloth, Special at 1.50 • 'og Smocks to match, Special, at Mc- -ch Overalls, all sizes at Ivocr•.' Work Shirts, Special at Me;n"v Navy Shirts, well made, large cut, now .1 Work Sox; at pr. 1.45 1.10 1.00 80c 17c to 25c J. &ASCHO P<<ODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 For Your Fall Investments BUY Huron & Erie Debentures NOW YIELDING 5½% PAYABLE TWICE A YEAR tON AMOUNTS OVER $100, FOR ANY TERM 1 TO 5 YEARS. .P"O DELAY—NO UNPAID INTEREST—PROMPT COURTEOUS :S'ETIVICE. "OLDER THAN THE DOMINION OF CANADA". LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? avec $ eeesseemee o eeeteseees.. w HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE 1 .. Seeds Seeds If you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the 'i Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as usual --- LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mattress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tins tithing our Specialty. FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWAYS IN STOCK. • STAD.E 6�,WEIDO —...y2URiCH - ONT. URI.CH H Y'.D . Thursday; Se;loirr o'b Bili, j O'a .. _ --•.I� ,f� ,t,.,�s, y.� .t,.� tea. �i+�li "f44 4***T*+1.44'k''�'4** c4-ts+ •r$,'y'rlw�kr.k 1.4.4 d, .l .+4..q 4, WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maple Leaf Salmon, x�2s. .160 Many Flowers Toilet Soap, per cake McLaren's Olives, Stuffed McLaren's Olives, large jar; plain 5c 23c 23c -lunt.'s Orange Marmalade 40 -oz, Jar 23s Certo per bottle 29c Heinz Mayonnaise, per far • 20c Heinz Salad Dressing, per jar 20c Corn Flakes, 3 for 15c All Bran, large pkg. ... T9c Rose Baking Powder; 16 -oz. at 18c Harry Horne's corn Starch, 3 for 25c Ladies Pure Silk Hose, at.. 59c Laciies' Pure Silk, Full Fashioned Hose J9c Ladies' Heavy Silk Non -Run Bloomers 79c Children's School Stockings, Sizes up to 7, 15c Larger sizes, per pair i 9c Men's Plain light and dark blue Shirts, all sizers, Heavy Weight at only. 69c Men's Red Back, 9 -oz. cloth Overalls, pr `js 1.69 J. W.MER.NER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone 140 GRAIN WANTED • We are prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and. Beans. We can also sup- ply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. HENSALL, ONT. Office Phone 54. Res. Phone 63. Mrs. C. Eilber is spending a, week at 'Toronto. Mr. Dan Mclsaac of Crediton was in. town Tuesday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Con. Siemon of Hen- sall, were Tuesday visitors in town. Rev. J. P. Hauch D. S., of Strat- ford will preach in the Evangelical church next Sunday evening, and preside over the Quarterly Confer- ence. Miss Selma Burn, Bruce and Lois Burn, children of ".dice Joy, the Dream Girl," left Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn on Saturday for Cleveland, after visiting here for two months. During the electrical storm on Sat- urday forenoon, lightning struck in- to the house of Mr. Henry Brown, of the 15th concession, Hay Township. The bolt, which evidently was not of the burning kind, carne down the chimney to which the stove is con- nected, and when it hit the stove it seems to have spread, as the carpets in the room were all torn up into shreds and the plaster wa practically all knocked down from the ceiling. Mrs. Brown, fortunately was stand- ing on the front verandah at the time, and the telephone wires which. were only a few feet away from her were burnt off, while she escaped with only being stunned from the shock. Mr. Brown, who was in. the house at the tune rushed out and seeing the damage the bolt had done to the house from the outside, as considerable damage was done, notic- ed what he thought was smoxe coming out of a window, but it was the dust from the fallen plaster. it will be considerable work and expense to put thing back into shape again, after this part of a second's fracus. BUSY FARMER NEWS Plantings of Celery Increased in Ontario Revised acreage figures, for Ont- ario, indicate that 808 acres have been planted to celery this year. The two leading districts, Lanibton Coun- ty and Burlington, report plantings of 400 and 325 acres respectively. Weather conditions have been favor- able, and crop prospects are from average to somewhat better than nor- mal. Sheep aand Swine Classes An outstanding feature of the sheep and swine.` sections at the Cen- tral Canada Exhibition were me clas- ses open to country pens of lambs and bacon hobs, selected and entered by Agricultural Representatives from counties iin Eeastern. Ontario and Western Quebec. A good deal of good natural rivalry was evident be- tween the residents of the various counties with entries in these elasses. In the class open to pens of lambs, Lanark won first and third, with Ren ;second, while in the bacon. hog ention, Grenville was first, Lanark second and Renfrew third. On Thinning Man gels i periments carried out over a LOCAL MARKETS a?orraeted every Wednerdaw+ Eggs 16-12-9 aS� ....; .........ro a zaung Wheat bushel 56 Barley bush. 35 Oats ,bush. ................. 25 Buckwheat 44 Flour ........... 1.75 8.00 Shorts, ton .................... 18.00 Bran, ton -. _. 18.00 Hoge .......» . — 4.50 period of eight years by the Domin- ion oEaperimentaI Farm, Ottawa, show tbat, the largest crop of ; man gels is ALiired when they are thh ned to a disci of 9 inches apart. ' The report also observes that the system of blocking plants into small bunches results in the production of many small roots, which are difficult to harvest. Ontario Potato Outlook J. T. Casson, Ontario Marketing Board states that the early potato crop is being marketedrapidly, and yields are averaging about sixty-five per cent of those last year. The southern counties have almost finish- ed shipping, and the crop in the cen- tral part of the Province is being moved as quickly as it is ready. The Dooley, or late potato crop, is pro- gressing favorably. Recent rains, wh- ich have been more or less geneatly improved the appearance of many fields. A good crop of late potatoes is anticipated, . if favorable weather conditions continue. Poultry is at last definitiel.y recog- nized as one of the essencrals depart- ments of every up-to-date farm wh- ere a program of mixed farming is carried on. Not only is it recognized as a necessary department or farm work but more anis more farmers are coming fro realize that for the capital invested and labor involved there are few it any departments that give as high returns. For the mixed farm, general purpose -breeds such as the Plymouth Rocks which are good both for laying and for the production of market poultry, are recommended. A flock of a hundred such birds care- fully managed are returning many a farmer a profit over cost of feed of from $200 to .$500 a year, which is something not to be disdained by ev- en the most successful farmers. Immaturity and Culls Injure Fruit Business Ontario growers are again advised against the practise oc placing im- mature fruit on the market. C. E. Broughton, of the Ontario Marketing Board reports that, only recently, he noticed a quantity of plums on the Toronto market which should have been left on the trees for at least another two weeks. Another pract- ice, detrimental to the business as a whole, is that of selling culls to jobbers who are definitely in the market for this quality or product. Generally, it does not seem to be known that there is a law against selling culls, unless these are being transported direct to a processing plant, to be used in the manufacture of apple by-products. Growers sho- uld ca -operate in an effort to keep the market free from culls. The marketing culls does seriously injury to the entire trade, through creating distiatisfied customers. + +4 Your1ardware Store ,WE CAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE PRICES LET ITS SHOW YOU fi OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE r AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, �Yg471 Furniture Greatly Reduced i We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly IReduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest flevel and are sure to advance.Secure your. needs ROTA We We also"hare some Good .Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cure and OLd Hickory. Smoke Salt in Stock. IWe have been appointed Agents for the Celebrated + Massey -Harris Farren Implement Repairs. .1 Jhtn Kalbffeiscli i Hardware F I r jt eo Phone 63 411. nu1u81 ii a4; ttiE ll "' s41k1i!ll!(!!fN!!ial!!!I!Ilflrz;!I!l1RJll!!!!!N!QI!8111!!!:Yil!!7(tG"ilCl`."'i?m�"! !I�;f; p;q(tH!!!!!!!!!1!1!!!IIc'',#!I1:91?!Rimii!!!iiH!ifl!!ailiv • We Repair Wagons, . Buggies, I. Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. 1 good Lumber Wagon .... .$45 1 good buggy at • 4 wheel Trailer Complete........__ ...w..,_.$25 1 KEEP ON SMILING! repair Mai ipi�l.�!uBl4i#l�liilu!II�!l!?3!9tXa�88!u i�t'8!I!Ifl!Illlu GIIBiuull1i811111!!illl8lul8 � i ZVRICS ' GARAGE ATTENTION! TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS WE ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS OW GASOLINE! IN LARGER QUANTITIES wrm A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WITH QUALETY CONSIDERED IEXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK.AND OVER.. HAUL OBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH CHARGES VERT , REASONABLE. GAS OILS GRE SES 11. Allou.sseau Zurich 1 ',{"!"aa..W4'i..4+F+1t+l►+1M.44t►d"bA.9b•f+4in ..t + HERALD OPFIOE + t 4 t 4. 4. + +F 4. 4 4. 4 t. + + + * ADVERTISE! Do You Know? That I am the Master Salesman! I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising/ And the World listens when I speak! For those who have used me as their Servant I have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I command the Iegeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got I sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Services and my Name is A� •