HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-08, Page 5Jay, Septetttbe'rr tatbs 1932 BPS/NESS CARDS DUDLEY E oLIn egeeee1i.ISTlER, SOLICITOR, NOT. ARY PUBLIC, ETC. lOY F'ICE Eamilton Street, Just .off t}1e Square, GODERICH, Ontario, 'Special Attention to Couneel and Court Work, Lr, Hobnes may be consulted at ,ilerielz by ]Phone, toad 'Phone Charges reversed. Dr, H. 11. COWEN L. D. S. D. D S. DENTAL SURGEON RICE Saturday Cg, At DEITZ BLOCS--•-ZU Eery Thursday, Friday, At B.APTLEIB' S BLO DASIIW OOD 'Every IViond.ay, Tuesday and eW eaneeday • Licensed Auctioneer For Huron and Middlesex I AM INA POSITION TO CON - duet any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or articleif tosell. satisfied lwall icit easier business, aeid make no charges for Services Ren- sileaed. . • ARTHUR WEBERe—Dashwood , Phone i3-57_ Zurichs' Foal. ar MEAT MA.BKET .Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats 3,oiognaa, Sausages, Weiners, ;Jlains, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins ''Let Lis Serve Youi" . Yui, gbIut & Sou SERVICE 'Why We have the. Better Class of Customers HZGi4 CLASS GOODS, U• S. L. IBAT3 RIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR- "'#T*ORE •0114. GppDyEAR TIKES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGN1T1bk+T' ?Parts, .l lohning and Mechanical W rh No lilone to 'Micrometer Sett gs, Suess work. Watch the cars that STOP at WE1N'S, They are all HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. s ■ Wein 'DASHWOOD ONTARIO 'Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK The Largest Business of any CanaC fan Company doing Business in Ontario - Amount of Ineart%t oe at Risk on Dee. 31st, a Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $199,101,.61 **tee -44.5a per 81,000 for 8 years, E. F..Klopp--Zurich .Bent Also Dealer in Lightning Rods and all kinds of Fire .Insurance L I VE POU U L, Try+ R Y WANTED 'ken every Day till 3 o'clock, p.m. aftle not feed rove. same mornieg When brought In. Highest Cash Prices CREAM AND EGGS W O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurieb THE HERALD'S ,OB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pub- giverwithCommercial and fine Printing. Get our prices be- fore e-f ore leaving your order else - MP TO Wants, For Salle,, ►,ost, FO IA rid, Novice, Etc, Ads ><N '11H1 4c0114IMINI FARM FOR SALE Consisting of a good. 15Q -acre farm south of Zurich, Goshen Line. For further particulars apply to: William. Koehlter, Zurich: • . FOR SALE SEED, 11WWREAT FOR SALE A limited quantity of Junior No. 6 Whites ;Bald:E lead Gall wheat seed for Salo, freefrom smut and weeds. Hilton 'T'ruemner, Zurich. Phone No. 85 r 1l FOUND A girl's Red Leather Coat and a Toque. Same can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv. Shoe Stock For Sale By Tender Consisting of the entire general stock of coarse and fine shoes, in Brown's Boot Shop, Zurich. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Last day for receiving ten- ders, Sept. Oth... Address all com- munications to: Mrs. Flossie Brown, Administratrix, Zurich, Ont. Beans Wanted We are prepared to pay the high- est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucaing at low rates, J. C. Reid, A Co., Dashwood. Phone No. 3. LOST Auto license marker, D.T.-203. Finder kindly return to: Ev. Brod- erick, Parr Lin.e,, kle.y Tp. GRAIN WANTED • We are prepared to pay the Malted market price for all kinds or Ontario Grain and Beans. We can also sup - p., you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same at a very low rate. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. HENSALL, ONT. Office Phone 54, Res. Phone 63. ZURICH HERALD Established 3'.900 ISSUED EVERY WE:DNESDA? NOON FROM THE Hreald PrintingO1fice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a Year, str iistly lass. advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged. Ua ;. 11.60 in, advance. No paper discon rinued until ail S 14=:ar% are paid un - :ass at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the Label. ADVal TIS1N'G RATES Display advertising made known 'n application.. Miscellaneous- articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inner - ion 25c, 2 ins. 40e., 3 ins. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 :or first month, $1..00 for each fol- owing month. Professional Carrie riot exceeding L inahess, per year $,5.00. In Memoriam, one verse b0e, 25c 'or eachadditional verse; Card of :hanks, 50e. Auction Sales ---$2.00 per single nsertion if>tot over four inches in. ength. Address all communications to: THE HERALD ZURICH - ONT. TO) Otak CREDITORS Owing to heavy financial obligat- 'ons thatwe have to meet at present, .ve are obliged to seed out an umber )f accounts, which in most cases are ;mall, yet they amount to a nice lit - le sum when there are a number of hem. .W'e trust the people will show heir 'appreciation of the credit ex ended dry replying to our appeal. We ave also given a towel citizen a few ir ct,tlke:tiori, who etsiti Th due time .a petunia' n.l, call for the ailments owing . AL NE ZURICH Mr. and Mrs, E. , Weido unotor- ed to Goderich Monday. and Mrs. TarryG. roar and family attended a, Heist ,re-un.ku in Michigan, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mose Kipfer of Kit- chener spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schwaetzentruber. Prof, and Mrs, Alvin Sarerus' of Toronto, arespending the week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Geiger of Pig. eon, Mich., were recent visitcra,with relatives here. . Mr. and Mrs. Joeob Sehwartren- truber spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Athos Gingerrth:.` The Misses Eva Bechier and Ida Schwartzentruberare` visiting at Milverton, Wellesley, New Hamburg, Baden and Kitchener, Mr. and. Mrs. Christ Gascho of the Bronson, visited with friends atBlakr on Sunday. Mr. William Beaver of Kitchener, wh'o has been visiting around Hen- sall and Crediton for some time, sp- ent the week -end with Zurich friends Misses Gertrude Sehads and Mable Wilson of London, were week -end visitors at the former's home at the BIue Water Highway, south of St.. Joseph. Labor Day on Monday was quietly spent in town, as considerable citiz- ens were out of tows for the day, while others were being visited by friends., Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Edighoifer' and son Grant, who spent the summer HERALD Dr's A. • . MecKiinnon ana son lilugh, motored to Caladon a east. Mrs, 5, 14lerner of Hensall was a recent visitor with friends in town. Mr, Ed. Wurm of Markham called on friends in town, Mrs: E, °peck of Dashwood, called. on Zurich friends on Friday, Mr. W. J. Ortwein of Hensall, was in town en business on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Greb and family of Detroit spent several days at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Brenner I of town.; • Miss Ethel Fowlie of iiayiield, ent tht, week -end with her sister,Mrs G. Koehler. Mr, anti Mrs, Lawrence Fowlie of London, were visitor • et the home of i Mr. and•Mrs Gid Koehler. Mr. Oscar Schneicker of Milverton, 1 spent the hollday with air. and nee. Jiro. Brenner. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Snider and dau- ghter of Brucefield were visitors at the homy of Mr. and Mia, L. Schilbe. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 1'. itraen and family of Forest, were. -week -end vis- itors at the home of 'Mr. Wm. La- mont, Hay council held the September meeting on Tuesday afternoon in the aown hall. A report 'of the min- utes .will appear next week. Jfo.Iowing the heave- rains of las Friday and Satur day, ' the weather man has. favored us with much cool- er and m.ort Pali like weather. Rev. and .urs. Tlo:.ig end children of New Hamburg were vi,itors at the home of Rev. and Mr. E. Turkheirn of town, last week. Miss Beathrice Gascho, who spent the summer months in Ren: all, is now attending High School at CIin- ton. Mr. and Mre. H. Kerswell, of .Grand Rapids, =Mich., we -r' tiisitors menthe at Grand- Bend, where Mr. at the home of Mr her: well's par- Edighoffer conducted a barber bus- ents, lir. and Mrs. Conrail Sehilbe iness, are moving back to Zurich and occupying rooms in the Dietz block. The annual picnic held by the French Settlement parish near Drys- dale, on Monday, was another big Mr. and Mns, Heybeiat and family success, as the attendance was good of Listowell were holiday .i iters at e and it is a the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet fine medium. of old friends getting together and renewing' old Jacobe, Parr Line. • frien'Iship, on this occasion. M1It • and .lire. Elton Sei'uell, who • spent a few weeks with the former's Mr. and Mrs. Samuel alcBride, and 1 moths lir:. J. Seliv ill o.i town and +e Mr. and Mrs. John McBride of the eelae-a es at I;ayfit ld. . 111 immediate vicinity- of Zurich left o last week on an extended motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Cia :.::e l-ioirnar: of a C to the Canadian Western Provinces. Galt spent the week e•n4 with their • They intend going as far as Sack -,parents in town. Clarence is con- a atoon, Sas'.:., where the two genie valscent from an appendicitis opera • mon have a sister, friss. A. H. Schnell. at on.ThDirectors and Officials of the' II It will indeed make a most beautiful motor tip. at this time of year when I Hay Township ram :r-' Mutual Fire . m Mrs. Racey and daughter Idella, and Mr. Edward Brenner of Kitch- ener were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J, Brenner. the harvest fields in . the We. tern E Insurance Company held their regu- Provinces are in their beauty. lar meeting at Grand Bend on Satur• - iday last. • •• • Fall Fair will be held, then the next • holiday will be Thanksgiving Day on • October 10th. There will be no • School Fair held in Zurich this year. The usual Wednesday half: holiday' . School opened on Tuesday after tin Ost of the. teases m the, ti ct the Labor Day holidays,'mid will now have now come to an end and the go steady till Sept. 27th when Zurich places of business are open again six days of the week. But ur going over the records of Zurich we notice that the agreement calls for September also, and we do not know hove much Mr this will be observed in Sephember, Sunday visitors at the home of Line, at any rate the weatherman is giving and Mr.. Rudy Oeseh, MoseKiBronson Line, were: lir. and Mrs. Kipfer and us rather cool weather for holidays this week. The Chamuion Hensall Ball Team who have now come through the sec- ond round in the O.L.A. playoffs will play with Kincardine this Wednesday a..ternoon at Hensall. Kincardine is family, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Goore, Crediton; Mr. and Mrs. Os- car Pfaff, St. Marys; Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch, Goshen Line; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Erb, Bronson; Mr. and Mrs, David. Oesch, and fancily, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oesch and daught- reported to have a very goo.: