HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-08, Page 410.
'Rev. E. A, Pointer has returned
aeras a month's vacation at l ondeau
Trov"ieciad Park and resumed his work.
a• rt Sunday
Mra, Margaret Lrratt has returned
'trona a'week's visit at Haukilton and
oro tb,
.Miss Mabel Calver spent the week -
:end 'smith her another in <'linton,
'[r Richard Robineen arrived on
"Monday from Carlyle. Sask„ and ex-
Irects to be here for a short time to
trrcbase apples for shipment to the
The service vas conducted by Rev.
;A, Sinclair of Hensall on Sunday af-
i'tcrneen, Rev. W. A. Bremner of
:ruueield will. conduct the services
o n Sunday, September llth at 2.81!)
Anniversary services will be 'held
on Sunday. September 18th at 11. a.
est. and 7.30 p.m., conducted by Rev,
'=9V;. Herbert, of Holmesviile.
Mir. and Mrs. A. Hess and (laugh -
'ter of Zurich spent Svectnesday nt
'fir; brine of Mr. and Mrs, NSTM
Z tehherie
Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman and fam
i1 r of near Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs+
Dignan of Hensall, visited at the'
.'gnome of Mrs. L. Troyer.
Mr_ and Mrs. Irwin and daughter,
tea& Mss Pollard of Detroit, visited
eat the home of Mr. Frank and Miss
Dolly Hagan.
Mrs. dark returned to Detroit,
after spending several weeks visiting
a• .ees Dolly and Mary Hagan.
Mrs. Alf. Smith and daughter. of
-Crediton, is .visiting with her parents
:Xr. and Mrs. J. Richardson.
Mr. Jack Stacey of Detroit, is •;is-
:iitirsg friends here.
School re -)opened after the holi-
days in No. 7 Stanley on Thursday
-Fifa Mr. V. Dinnon teacher. No. 3
:Hay with Miss L. Love, teacher, op-
ened Tuesday.
l Lr. and Mrs. Chas. Blackwell and
-son Bussell, attended the funeral of
3tes..Flynn in London.
Ms aced Mrs. Harry Guenther,
71eaes Rose ,and Florence and Ervin
attended Toronto Exhibition lest we-,
Mr. and Mrs.. Koessel of Lansing, l_
: 4lich., 'are visiting her parents, Mr.
;.ted Mn.sJohn Kuntz.
Mr.. and Mrs. Elligsen of Mitchell,
mere Sunday visitors with friends in •• H E N S A L L
R. Goetz spent. a few days in
;aria last week.
Miss 1\lyrta Hoffman of Kitchener
s�,Lait the week -end with her parents.
Miss Onieda Restemcyer has re -
.turned after spending two weeks with
.: zelatives in Detroit.
Miss Rose Zinser of Detroit is vis-
.,siirag,; at her home here.
Mr,;'Ira Tiernan ` Hamilton, ep.
est. the week -end with •her parents,
Ma. and Mas. E. ""
• �. lamas,
]Misses ;Jean and Mary Melsaac re-
turned to their: home in Detroit af-
ter spending their vaeatioa with rel-
Mr. and '1lrs. Milford .1V1 :tsaae oi:'
Detroit spent the week -end with the
former's parents, Ma .and Mrs. Y.
The ••marriage of Miss ,L l:ir,eleeth
Hartleib of Kitchener to Edward
Dundas of Detroit, took place quiet-
ly in London with Rev. R. H. Herli-
hy officiating. The bride is a gradu-
ate sof Kitchener -Waterloo i)osjiital.
After the honeymoon Mr. :anti Mrsa
Dundas wi11 reside in Detroit.
Mr, Ed. Davie rand daughter 'Violet
and Miss Irene 111artene of Detroit,'
who spent the week -end with the lat-
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Mar -
Wile, returned to their home on
Monday. `They were accompanied by
Master E. "Davis who has spent six
weeks with Mr, arra Mee. X. alartene
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thede of Grand
Rapids spent a few days with. Mr.
and Mrs... C. Reid,
Mrs. Punches of London is spen-
ding a few days with kir. A, Birk
end Verna.
Rev. and Mrs. E. Miller of Chic -
Igo visited the former's mother, Mrs
1 Miller on the 14th con. last week
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll and Mrs.
Gatchke and daughter of Milverton,
isited Mr. and Mrs. P. Mclsaac last
Rev. Silas McFalls of London, oc-
cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical
church on Sunday evening.
Misses Lucille and Alice Willert of
Detroit and Fort Wayne are visiting
their parents, Mn and 1Vlsra. Fred.
School opened on Tuesday with Mr
G. Keeler as Principal, and Miss Pep-
per and Miss Martinson as assistants.
Rev. Koessel of Michigan -conduct-
ed special Missionary services in the
Lutheran church lest Sunday.
Miss Marie Allemang of St. CIe-
" "its. spent Monday with Miss Helen
Mr. P. Schroeder of 1Vlonkton is
visiting in this vicinity.
Sunday visitors at the home of Mr
and Mrs. P. Martene were: Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Dixon and family and Miss
Irene Martene of Detroit; Mr. and
Mrs. Hy. Becker Jr., Mr. R. Heck-
man, Miss Zeta Nadiger all of Dash-
wood and Miss Florence Heckman of
;Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of
Kitchener spent the holiday at the
home of 11Ir. and Mrs. Thomas John-
Mrs. Thos.•Murdock is visiting' i'e-
latives in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Buchanan have
returned to their home in St.Thoni.-
as, after a pleasant visit with friends
in town.
Mrs. J. MacArthur of London vis-
ited at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs.
Harry Arnold
,,,,, ::,
Special . Special.,...
• 8 Ft. CEDAR POSTS, 4v2. Inches and up at only 4
35 Cents.
PliuNE 69 - - ZURICH
al -
Weeks -End Special
Soil Pulverizer
By using this machine you have land firm below and plenty of mois-
ture preserving mulch on top to insure rapid germination of seed,
4. enabling late sowing of wheat which is recommended by O.A.C. to
cheek Hessian Fly.
4-6--7r/e & 12 inch wide points for Cultivators
heck your Bean Harvester, plows all makes, drill and silo filling
equipment. Order Repairs early and save expense.
:: ^£+54++^i'+++++f++++++++++3+ i/..4++f+++++fff+ff++4.j.4+47'
Capital adTheatre
,+ ,der h Phone 47
Northern '1 ri Sound Se
�qCt C Y&t '111,.
Now Pbeeiing-"Dancers in the
Dark" with Miriam Hopkins,
Mon., Tries:, Wed.
in a wonderful story picturing the
adventures of the "big top"
• Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
Warren Williams,
Betty Davis
Hilarity. is ,just around the
, with
Coming-"Aisene Lupin",
Matinees Wed..and Sat,a
t 3 p.m.
Jean and Dorothy Campbell ;and
brother Keith have returned to their
horse in Toronto . after visiting for
some weeks with their grandminother,
Mrs. T. Murdock.
The Hon. Donald Sutherland; Min
ister of Militia and Defense,, was • in
town Friday evening last and ,addres
ed a meeting of the South I3.urein
Conservative executive.
David McNaughton. of Hayfield
returning officer of South Huron, was
in town Monday last.
A great deal of grain and beans is
marketed here at present. Al] three
of the elevators are kept very busy.
Public and continuation schools re-
opened again with the same staff of
teachers in the public school, but in
the continuation school Mrs. Filshie
is taking the place of Mr. Cantelon,
Friends of Jas. Hofarth are glad to
hear he is improving after his recent
severe illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Coliing-
wood spent a few days with her par-
ents, Mr:. and Mrs. W. J. White.
Andrew Dougall, Sam Dougall and:
Geo. Hawkins were in Toronto last
Mary Johnston has not been enjoy-
ing' the best of health lately.
Mrs. Snetsinger of London, is vis
iting at the home of Mrs. G. Case.
'1tne:Seafortlt 13risinessmen' Assoc-
Min is putting on rr�iday and pxtt-
urday, tin; week anothe soling ev
ent similar to the Dollar Days, This
will be in connection with the open-
ing of the new palace theatre. •
'After an illness of ten days follow-
ing a paralytic stroke there passed a-
way in Clinton, Silvester Lawrence
in. his '78th year, Surviving. are' his
widow, two soars and two daughters.
The funeral was under' the auspices
of the Clinton Masonic Lodge.
Mr,. and Mrs, Alex, Lennie, Sea -
forth, announce the engagement of
their only daughter. Gwenidoiyne
Pearl, to the Rev. R. Keith Love, 13,
A., B.D., of Kintore, Ont., son of Mr,
Mid Mrs. Wm, Hugh Love: the Mar -
'liege to take place in Sherborne Uni-
ted Church, Saturday, September
loth, at 3.30 o'clock,
The other day at Seaforth, Adam
Hays' young grandson, who is his con
stant companion, dropped his keys in
a sewer manhole. A flashlight was
'procured and many willing hands jo-
ined in an effort to recover them.
Finally with the aid of a magnet the
missing property was drawn out of
the. hole.
Two fine barns belonging to Ed-
ward Noble near: Hanover, were coni
pletely destroyed by fire,. which was
caused by a lantern which ,was kick
ed over by a horse. He had all his.'
crop in except one load and as dark -I
- ness came on he was working by the !
light from the lantern.
$ Ruby Stone, of the Exeter High
School, is the winner of a scholarship
Miss Beatrice Gascho has returned
to her home in Zurich after spending
several months 'in town.
Flax pulling or rather fax cutting,
is now the order of the day, as by a
new system the flax is cut, not pull-
ed, and by another machine it is cau-
ght up and tied.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Wren; have re-
turned to then home nn;T.oronto,ar.
ter a`''pleasart visit,:wrth,.x�ezxtls:; "
Jessie McMorran, of Chicago, ac-
companied by Mrs. A. Curtis, of that
city, motored here to visit the forms
cr's relatives and friends in HensaIl
and vicinity, and will remain >:or a
couple of weeks,
Carmel Presbyterian church vr-ill
hold their Harvest Home services on
Sunday Sept. llth. The Pastor, Rev.
W. A. Young will preach at both
ervices. There will be special music
for the occasion.
There passed away at her Hosie in,
Detroit, on Monday last, Mrs. ThemaHemphill, a former well known resi-
dent of Hensel'. Her maiden name
was Leah Durstsin and was twice
married, Her first husband was Jas
Moore, who was a former well known
grain buyer, coming here from Kip
pen. Some years after his death sli
married Thos. HemphiII and for a
number of years they lived in De-
troit. Besides her bereaved husband
she leaves to mourn her loss one »son
Wesley Moore, of Detroit. There was
a funeral service at her home in De-
troit Tuesday evening after which the
remains were brought to the home of
Mr. A. W. E. Hemphill, from which
the funeral took place on. Wednesday
afternoon, interment in. Hensel]. Un-
ion cemetery,
Mr. and Mrs. Dyer and fancily,
who in the spring motored to i3ayy
field from Saskatchewan, left for
their home last week. During their
stay there Mrs. Dyer carried on a suc
zessful home-made baking business.
The annual flower show of the
Brucefield Hor "ticultural Society was
held in the basement of the church
on Tuesday, September 6th, after-
,ioon and evening.
13ily:, the four-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. W. L. Kress, Exeter, ran in
the path of a motor one 'clay and was
knocked to the pavement, his dight
'.eg being fracttnrecl at the thigh and
:his head gashed.
p c ar thing happened the ot-
ner afternoon during an electrical
storm at Brussels, The lightning st-
ruck some stooks in G. Bishop's Meld
settinig them on fire. The fire spread
rapidly until a heavy ''downpour of
gin extinguished it.
Roy Allin has resigned ,from the
Clinton Collegiate .Institute staff and
will teach in the London Smith Coll-
z.ate the coining term,
Alex. Neely, county registrar, has
'chased the residence of Provincial
.:icer, A. Wi,iteside an letoria
end ,illi occupy it at.once.
wide hie hands when the al; dent
A. very happy family picnic was
held on the spacious grounds of the
home of Mr. and Mrs, W. J, '.Cough
of Hayfield, when about forty relat-
ives met to honor Miss Jessie Tough
on the occasion of her 70th birthday;.
A beautiful u:ake was made by Mrs.
Tough. After a short program of
speeches, singing, etc., and raees,
and games for the children, an int-
eresting ball game was played.
62 oderich, birds were included
in the pigeon flight from the Canad-
ian National Exhibition grounds on
Saturday last. Three of these made
sjlendid time •on the home flight, Per -
first to arrive, being reported at 7.08
p.m. J. W. MacVicar'r birn, arrived
at 7.13, and W. Geromette's at
7.30. These three were the only birds
to arrive home by Saturday Iast�•
Will. Corp, of the village.of. Tay-
istock is seeking damage to the ani- -
ount of $95 from the •Tp. of S. East
Hope, because he alleged 18 acres of
his property were destroyed for pas-
ture purposes when the weed inspec-
tor made his call. The weed inspector
D. Blain, visited the property in ques-
tion and cut the weeds on it.' The
plaintiff claims that the field could
not he used for pasture land after
the cutting had taken place. The case
will come up in Division Court.
While threshing was being done in
Morris Tp., a team drived by Wilfred
Stockwell, took fright when piilling a
load of grain and ran away, throw •
YW Septetube�r 801•, 1932 ".
iz1g the driver .from the. lead onto hi.a
I, hkad and shoulders. l+or a 'Gime he
use aruon.$Oaous sind at was thought
his injuries serious, :and was taken to
Seaforth for an x-ray on his arra.
oderich school board, with the co-
operation of the home and school
claim, is making arrangements for the`
picnic for'public school pupils to be
held en the afternoon of Friday,Sep-
Wenber f)th. The event to take place
on the grounds of 'Victoria school.The'
bequest of the late Robt. MacKay for
this, purpose yields about $100 'a yrs
and this aanount will be used in sup-
plying refreshments, As there are a-
bout .'-i00 and 4300 pupils, the mane
agement has no small job.
Crediton and Dashwooe.. Evang.
Ladies' Aids held a union meeting at
Mr. and Mrs. H. K, Eilber's cottage
at Grand Mend ,on Aug. 24th. There
were +00 present. .After a brief pro -
grain by the Crediton Aid and devote
fon by Bev: Sippell, and other nurnli-
ers, the conmiitte took .charge of the
Stanley I3alitsky, Kitchener young
man, learned that he could not drive
a cat with one arm around a young
fady, even if the lady happened to be
his bride of one day,.as was the case
Stanley faced a reckless driving ch-
arge. Traffic Officer Lever said he
followed the couple for two miles be-
fore stopping them. The husband had
his right arm about his bride's neck
bolding one end fingers and the other
end in .his left hand at the wheel.
Meanwhile the bride pointed and
talked about going places.
IP your home is not equipped nth running water, let
a Duro Pressure Water System prove what a heuefit
it can be.
A Duro Water Pump will allow you to have running:
water throughout your home, barn and dairy -and, more:
important, to, install a modern laanco bathroom, ars
improvement you undoubtedly have long desired.
Prices have never been lower and Zasy Time Pay-.
rents can be arranged.
!.Che Duro Special Pumping System,
all Canadian -made, .,complete, only w
Complete tiee'. ce a room with all
fittings ready for installation, as low as
We will gladly snail you, without cost, illustrate&!'.`
booklets showing our full line and prices,
STADE and WEIDO ei cxty d pars. perW our:
Ali necessary valves and
ZURICH - ONT. fittings between pump and
20 gal. Galvanized Tank.
EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED ' ° deo . $95.00r
London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 25 .cycle . - $99.80 e
awarded by the Western University. tee.
fhe scholarship carries 'with it a $50
cash prize and two years' free tution e
at the University, valued at $250.
The Anglican church at 'Teeswater
which has been closed for some two
years, was entered lately and the el- a
ectric wiring stolen. Of considerable
value to the church, but of very lit- e,
tle use to anyone, and it is considered
one of the meanest lines of theft pos- s
• Geo. Hay, Exeter, has returned
from a motor trip to the Pacific' o
coast, covering seven thousand miles..
He visited Vancouver, Revelstoke, B.
C., and at Gull Lake, Sask. The roads
were practically all good, and the
trip through the Rocky Mountains is
a wonder and thrilling experience.
The I. 0. 0. F. lodges of Huron.
county held a most enjoyable union
picnic at Bayfield on Wednesday,.
last. Aiernbers with their wives
and families were present front prac-
tically, every lodge. .Addresses. were
given by some prorhinent members of
the Order after which sports and
races were contested.
Farmers in Colborne state they-
heyhave never come across so many
snakes while cutting grain as this ye-
ar,. but can ascribe no particular re-
ason for it. One farmer speared a
4 -foot copperhead snake with his fork
The snake wound itself around the
prongs with sufficient force to bring
them together, which could not be
done with the human hands, accord-
ing to the report,
An unusual and delicate operation
was performed at Alexandra Hospital
Goderich, Sunday last, by Dr. Septi -
mus. Thompson of London, assisted
by Drs. Whitely and Graham of God-
erich. Gus Vanstone, of Benrniller,
was the patient. A splinter awl wood 1
zed pierced the ball of his tight eye:
rupttleinte the aantether .eharicaer, life.
was; in the net of breaking, a, l,oated.ii
****••••••••••••••••••• •*1.4.30*•44•vv4+r4“1,4+4++.,,0
Clubbing List
ZURICH HERALD; and the following Paper
for one Year:
Kitchener Daily Record .. ....... ...,..... $5.10
Toronto Daily Globe ,..,, $6.00
Toronto Daily Mail and Empire ...:..,, $6.00
Toronto Daily Star ., .... $7.00
Toronto Weekly Star •,... $6.00
London Free Press ......_ ...-.> $6.00
London Advertiser .. »......,._ $6.00
London, Farmer's Advocate ... $2.25
Farre and Dairy . »., $2.75
Farmers' Sun...... .... ... $2,50
Family Herald. and Wely Star $2.25
Family Herald for .years $3.00 "
Canadian Countryman y.. . $2.25m
Weekly Witness .....,».»ti»»..,.». ......,.»» $3.15
Farmers' Magazine ... $2.50 m.
• Huron Expositor, Seafortla$2.75 m
• •
Ain,$ a great many more that we cannot enurner,te dere.
O. • We have the Agency for eve . in .-
Ca• naan
Magazine .-
i Canatan anti the Cllnited' State$,, .ant'! tan eave you money ; a'
a on the moat of glom. *.
o litelltW all your Papers and e,
l� Magazines at ourit-
Z "
Office and save Trouble and Money m
HERALD) ('E'IdE Zurich
ki.V4V'' * r4+,vyr�l 1,7 4)x.