HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-08, Page 1Vol. XXXIt U No Do ZURICH, THURSDAY MOHNItkiG, SEPTEMBER 81932, Chester L, Smith,, k x ; t, 11.25 a year, U,S. $1.5dfax .s;^ .a+sw.irs e1.50 I Z)JJ E•ARS.,$2 MAX X31$ CD4A.Melax 't forget Zurieh Fall Fair pates, September 26th and 27th 'Thanksgiving Day',. October TOth It is announced from Ottawa that Thanksgiving Day will this year be observed on Monday, October 10th. Since Armistice Day and Thanlcsgiv ling have been separated it has been ?the rule to have theholiday but 11. ;month apart. Presbyterial Will Meet The Huron PresbYterial .0f. the W. .;"ILLS. of the Presbyterian Church of j;;anada will meet in. Bayfield wen-1- .day, in I+xi- .day, Sept. '9th. Mrs. Therburn, of Ottawa, Provincial Treasurer, will be the guest speaker and it is hoped -that many will avail themselves of the opportunity to hear her. There will be two sessions, morning and af- -ternoon, and lunch will be served. by -the ladies of Bayfield Presbyterian: .!Church. ST. PETER'S Evaangelica6 Lutheran Church ZURICH ONT. e'A Changeless. C'a'mst for e; a roeg- ? ing Wartdr Priday, 8h:—Luther League. Saturday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES' 610 a. m:—German Som.. 3.1.15 a. m.—Sunday S 7.80 p. m.—Thigh Service. /Everybody Welcome ea Serres. E. Turkbeinrr Paster Will Meet in Stratford At Stratford on September 6th and 7th, the London Conferen.c.e .of the United Church is holding a mission- ary convention for Oxford, Elgin, Middlesex, Perth, Huron, Lambton, Kent and Essex Counties. Missionary leaders of the presbyteries will open Constable Whiteside, moving to God - the convention ivith axi execu«ive erich. Constable Whiteside has sere session Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 6, vc;d for 25 years as guardian of the under the chairmanship of Rev. J. peace in Huron County. After acting Bruce Hunter, D.D., President of Con for some years as Provincial const ference. All sessions syill be held in -able at Hensel', he was' appointed Central Church, Stratford. chief constable of Huron couinty,iii 1911, being still stationed at Hensel' In April, 1925, he removed to God_ Exeter Resident Passes Officer Whiteside Has Left' Provincial Constable A. Whiteside and family left Goderich on Thurs- day, last week for Kitchener, to wh- ich city the officer has been trans- ferred, P. McCoy, Provinelal con stable of Kitchener, who succeeds • The funeral took place on Tuesday at Exeter of Victoria Snell Bagshaw widow of the late Caleb Heywood. She had been in poor health for some time, and was in her 70th yr. Her husband predeceased two years ago.She is survived by four sons, Hector'and Clarence of Exeter; Alon zo of Edmonton, and Clyde of the Lake Road. Rev. A. E. Elliott, pas- tor of Main. St. United church officiat ed at the funeral which was held to the Exeter Cemetery. Blueberry Supply Supply Heavy The volume of blueberries reaching the market this year is considerably us a copy of the resolution passed by ;Yungbiut & Son are now in a posit - greater than that of any recent pre- that Board which was handed to the, ion to keep 'their fresh meats as good vious. year. This is the opinion of C. Premier of Canada, to be presented+ as in the large city refrigerators. E. Broughton., Ont.. Marketing Board. at the Imperial Conference recently held at Ottawa: Miss Chesrie Newman of Detroit, 'Is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs L. A. Prang. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner of God- erich were Sunday visitors at the erich as Provincial Officer.' He has '.tome of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Weido. been actively connected with alms . Mr. -and Mrs. A. L. Burn left for every criminial case dealt with in the 'their home in New York City on county during that time, and` during _Tuesday, this week, after spending the three McNeil tritls, 1930-31, he ''three weeks with Rev. and Mrs. E. played an important part. He has Burn. been an efficient officer and. may'be expected to continue his god record -1y Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sipple and in Waterloo County. =sent Wilred of Milverton, spent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Sip- ple's sister, Mrs. C. L. Smith, also with other friends in the community. H. Yungblut & Son, local butchers, :have last week installed an electric Warden L. H. Rader, Reeve of Hay' cooling system in their large refriger- Township and who last week attend- -iter. The work being done by a ed an executive meeting of the Ont -'couple couple of London men and they in- ario Agricultural. Council, Toronto, -'stalled the equipment on Wednesday of which Mr. Rader is a member, gave: With this equipment the firm of NOTICE ;9 He said that hitherto blueberry pick- ing has been an activity confined to Th' h of farmers. Thi year, owever, many the 'unemployed have turned to the picking and selling of this fruit as a means of obtaining ready cash. In the Vii Sudbury district alone it is reported I that -approximately 500 -unemployed are engaged in this work. Based on the -most recent figures, e ress shi Blue Scranton. Cue. The Col'er Guarantees the Quality PETROLEUM COKE • !Cut down your I+ei 1izll 'bar .easing this GREAT HEAT, NO« ASH 1 UE'L Stock up now withthis as the .'remand is more than: the supply W. R. DAVIDSON Snecesscr tEe. D. A. CANTEI.ON The Fuel Yards with. all. Varieties 'of the Highest: Quality. Phone No. 10 HET S.,T 1 T than. those o yea i1 -quart 'baskets. 'NEW 'WELLAND CANAL ONE OF THE WORLD'S GREATEST The newWelland Canal, which was ofiicially opened early this month and 'broadcast through the transmission 'lines of the C. N. R., is the first link in the Great Lakes -St. Lawrence deep waterway, and is the fourth 1; The Annual. Harvest Home and !'Missionary Services will be celebrated To The Committee in Charge of; in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- Memorials to be Presented at the lick, on Sunday next, September 11th Imperial Conference. <1at both morning end evening services. On behalf of the farmers of the [-The speaker for the day is the Rev. Province of Ontario, the Executive''.. H• .Knauff of Preston, who will deliver inspiring messages at both Committee of the Ontario Agricul'--- s vices The public is cordially in - ural Council res .ectful y c � t t lite , t s krati,3 1 emu= tee or body in charge of re- ceiving papers of this kind to be us- Priedns of Mr. Charles Fritz of ed as suggestive in the way of secur- town regretted to learn on Monday, ing more advantageous trace relat- that while returning from Grand ions with Great Britain. We firmly Bend in the. afternoon, while riding believe that if our Federai Govern- in the car he became unconscious ment can reach an agreement which and was hurriedly brought to his will give the Canadian Farmer a pre- home in Zurich, where medical aid ference over the foreign countries on was at once given, and we are pleas - their products it will at least have,ed to state that Mr. Fritz is progres- achieved progress towards the .re- sing as rapidly as can be expected, covert' of any industry which through although confined to the bed for a canal to be built in the fast one hue_ these times of economic depression is few days. The cause of the illness dred years connecting lakes Erie and undoubtedly suffering through the being heart failure. Ontario. The new Weland ranks with lack of substantial markets, more so the Panama as one of the world's than any other industry in our Do - largest canals, indeed in some re- minion, therefore, we are in hopes While the that our Federal Government will go spedts •exceeds the Panama. locks of the latter are a little Longer far in the way of action of example towards an agreement which will make it possible for Canadian farm products to at least be placed on a competitive basis in the market of Great Britain. We are fully aware of the greatness of the undertaking and that . certain concessions must be given in return and we sincerely hope and wider, the total lift up and down between the two oceans is only 85 feet, covered by three locks each way whereas the lift in the new Welland Canal is 325 feet covered by seven loeks of 4Fri4i ft. each, and an eigth grand lock 1,380 feet long, or 300 feet 'longer than the longest Panama Oliver Surerus is Called The cold hand of death visited the Zurich community on Saturday September 3rd, and called unto his eternal reward one whome we al.l Ioved in the person of Oliver Surerus aged 50 years, 11 months and 24 days. Mr. Surerus has been for the past few months a sufferer of cancer on the throat, and took treatments lock. These replace 2i locks in the that in the proposed revision of tar- at London, later at Kitchener, but old canal. iffs which may be brought about by the disease had set in so strongly the Imperial Conference, that no in- that medical aid could not effect a dustry will be made to suffer to any cure, but could only give such assist- 04$0,o4,004r®reh.4$$Noocp.004P60oY y.4,,.e.++e•w.a..t,a 4.4e•e•e 04,40.••*: 0 • • • • • • • O • Be„orertou u YOUR y, W SUIT BE SURE AND LOOK E OUR RANGE. J 1 DGE FOR YOU LF---GOM ABE! s 1 e e s 4 e e AND YOU WILL AGREE MAT THEY ARE `IE s egREATEST CLOTHING VALUES YOU CAN •4' PRICED.r 0' a l UP. + READY MADE, TisolLOR MADE, AND s ElrO, ` RE ..,.....r c WILT . e 441E0IRR/ 'RAIL # ek tme tares f�lK9 v stakaeo r •I gatiac�'�i. *****• •04. great extent. We are looking forward ance to relieve part of the sufferings. co the various memorials which are The departed possessed a wonderful }eine• presented for con• ideration by strong constitution, and bore his suf- the farmers and Agricultural Organ- ferings without any complaint, seem- ieations being amplified to such an ingly awaiting the day to be relieved extent that the representatives of of all suffering, and to enter that our Federal Government at the Con- Haven of Rest where there is no ference will be fully seized with the more toil and sufferings. He was al - facts concerning the Canadian far- ways deeply interested in local sports mer. Farming being the cnfcf in- and while enjoying health was a good dustry of Canada and at present horseshoe tosser, at which he often suffering the greatest loss, it will no played lately to try and forget his doubt be the aim of our Govern- ment to secure preference in the British market on all farm products and in considering the agricultural industry we would ask that all bran- dhes be recognized and that due con- sideration be given to grain, live stock daily products, fruits, meats and vegetables. Each have their place in the -agricultural industry and play an important part in the welfare of our country. Moreover., if Canada is to prosper the first step to be tak- en is to stimulate the farming indus- try. On the other hand if Canada is to secure the concessions aimed at. it is almost certain that a modification of eertain tariffs nowexisting will take 'place. Stability, at reasonable prices is the primary need of the Monday, afternoon from the residence British fanners as well as the Can-, a mile west of Zurich, to the Bvan- aclian fiirmer. In conclusion, we wish gefical church for burial, and to tie the representatives of Great Britain illness. He was confined to the bed only about a week or so, and death came as a relief to his patient suf- ferings. He will be greatly missed by all his friends as well as his own family who were so closely attached to the departed. Deceased is surviv- ed besides his sorrowing widow, by one daughter, Geraldine; three sons, Legend, Charles and Clare, all at home; two brothers, Albert Surerus on the old ,homestead, 14th con.,Hay and Wesley Surerus of Detroit; four sisters, Mrs. Ed. Italbfleisch and Mrs George Kalbfleisch of Detroit; Mrs. Wm. percher of 'Weyburn; Miss Ad- eline Surerus and his mother, Mrs. Benjamin Surerus ort the homestead 1.4th con. The funeral was held on Bronson Line cemetery for interment 1• * aan.cl the various Dominions compris- Rev. E. Burn 'officiating, the funeral se ing the ' British Empire, success in being one of the largest held in that ilE their attempt to reach an amicable church for a lone time. The bereft agreement which will be lasting and have thee sympathy of a large. s`lic'e, !`ice '1° beneficial to all conCerltedl� 'I of :Mottds+ 0.0000/6001/666••lern•06)30000.65,10• 100,S000340046.000 • • • • • • FOR THE "BRIDE TO BE" Briday Wreath Diamond and Wedding Rings \\tin. 07417"t--- $25.00 • • Our Feature Value, Beautiful • • Engraved.. White ..r Green Mo- • • unts, with Good Size Perfect • • Stones. • • • • • • • $7.50 Beautiful Engraved Wedding Rings To Match, 18 K White or Green Gold. Half dozen Free Community Tea Spoons accompany every Diamond or Wedding Ring during Aug, and Sept. i7 as` ti Or 00 •• Phone 74Zech , rie 0.000.041•804•000040600"+6604140,S0000•0669310000064111 1e*J .e, ;;-++++•}••F+++++++++�F•4•!+++,i•�3•+ 4r•Mor+++,{rd�3�•Fi�+++4 X4444 11, ,. a SPEOIALS $ AT THE 4: Y MIJTTJAL SHOE STORE 1 I WHERE YOU BUY THE BST 1 FOR LESS CASH "aa_''$ .pb. ixr*OmENw" BLACK CANVAS STRAP -ROBS S • pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought. aest something a little different. .p $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 ST .P KID HOUSE SLIPF!' 1 , With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles_ $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORK BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make". i $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes ea, tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 54.. $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Gaps', Alum finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13'h. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE: FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RIE— FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THIS STORE., WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES TCYt?; TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDfa'ti`,. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, 82.40 and. $2.75tr Les~ ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL ex- DER xDER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERWT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAMita WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing prorptly' c3!.anao a . 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA. Phone 82 or 115 Zurich .f! +-d+•F+i^•h++•F•t*+++++++^P+++arrk C=4,+E.ar.t,+ .2..C.^S•++++++4+ 44+4+ New S Or G as . .m We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants, With New Eva, - Priced + a;Priced R;iit7od:. PRINTS, GINCHA.MS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSL.UNS, ETC.. ETC. A Few Stamped Mats at 20% Off While They Last.. Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at 5c and lOc a Packac HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON RAND R +. i� �l DOUGLAS GENERAL, M4MER014 r pHOAI fl im 97 BLAK r1a 1! 1 t A