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Zurich Herald, 1932-09-01, Page 8
A.Clm ... t•Oi;.. .4K' 4.,✓ TH: k. WITH THE STOCK 7.04 I'd ,UE C : 1..1: SUMMER DRESS MATER, 1. ol.u..,.. i.AYONS, CREPES, PETER P..' .:. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, REMNANTS OF ALL KINDS. MEN'S WEA R "-',^ - --wry a co:vapi zqe line of Men's Work Clothes,..for t4 harvest Season,.. and Selling.. at.. Lowest..possible .prices for High Grade Goods, C.• =,-.:rte's Overalls, pr. from 1.50 to 1.95 1 'og Overalls, extra yarn dyed cloth, Special at 1.50 F. 7,g Smocks to match, Special, at 1.45 .-`h Overalls, all .sizes at 1.10 Work Shirts, Special at 1.00 ii: • Navy Shirts, well made, large cut, now 80c - Work Sox, at pr. 17c to 25c � q,b M'r� 114 a ' • z t f _9_CDUCE WANTED PHONE 59 RI For Y Huron & Erie Debentures NOW YIELDING �. r / % PAYABI .F, TWICE A YEAR +?N AMOUNTS OVER $100, FOR. ANY TERM 1 TO 5 YEARS. :l:n D'F'.AY—NO UNPAID INTEREST—PROMPT COURTEOUS iERVICE. "OLDER THAN THE DOMINION OF CANADA". LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Aukke F. Hess, - Zurich IVTl' bIOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? fl ,,titr.6-el 4,etweD +L`eetm t eee.ot,etlee conn P&oegcgao*ege a+64kG mcgose • HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE ee .s Seeds 11 you have to offer for sale, any good quality Alsike, Timothy and Clover Seeds, don't forget we are in the Market at highest prevailing prices. Also do custom cleaning at lowest prices. COAL COAL We can take care of your Coal orders. Prices as - usual -- : LOWER! Until September the 17th a $5.00 allowance on any old Mttress, on the purchase of a Marshall Special, Marshall Premier of Marshall Regal Mattress. See our Stock, Also please don't forget, when in need of NEW FURN- ITURE, We have it! Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and General Tinsmithing our Specialty. • 0 ULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE, t ALWAYS IN STOCK. • ST 4 DE & WEIDO ZURICH ONT. Manitoba, 15 iti I3r]tish Columbia, iz in Saskatchewan, 10 In Alberta, 7 int Prince )dw'ard island, 7 hi Now i3runs- wick and font; in the '2"tikott or the lbrthwest Territories, 1l ZURI IJ HERAL'D' Thursday, 2epiexme isf ;il y4 *********44++++'iP++++ Tr'+4 + A"p'.!',�4**0,.,114+84++ Fr'F.Y+.i..IIL6.•** * ..nn . . - our Stoi _a� WE cAN SUPPLY THE PUBLIC WITH SIEASO fi. + .. ABLE HARDWARE AT MODERATE P..r.. 2.,� 4. y WE SELL THE BEST.. FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday anti Saturday 'Orange Marmalade, 40-ozjar...... ....... Maxwell House Coffee, ll 4 1 c Australia:r Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. for............... Swansdown Flour, per pkg., 31 c McCormick's ArrowRoot Biscuits, per lb. ..:25c 2 -in -1 Shoe Polish, per Tin ,. ...12e Certo, "Sure Jell", per bottle 219.c Heinz's Pork and Beans med., 'Tin, 2 fox.. .........,25c Superior Baking, 8 oz. Tin . 15 c Panshine, for cleaning pots and pans, 3 tins ........25c Children's School Stockings, Black or Sand, Small Sizes 15c, Large l:9c. per pair. We' carry all School Supplies 1. YELLOW FRONT STORE ERN LET ITS SHOW YOU FULL, LINE OF GRANITEWARE OUR � ULLEaARE AT LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES. 4. Furniture Greatly Iteducecl We are offering our entre Furniture Stock. at Greatly Reduced. Prices. Furniture Prices^have reached lowest • levet and are sure to advance. Secure your needs' now! We also have some Good Used Furniture in Stock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cum and OLd Hickory. X Smoke Salt in Stock. • We have been appointed Agents for the Celebrate v Massey -Harris Farren Implement Repairs. t Johnto Ke Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Phone 1140 GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of Ontario Grain and Beans. We can also sup- ply you with empty bags and arrange for trucking same; at a very low rate. COOK BROS. MILLING CO. HENSALL, ONT. Office Phone 54. Res. Phone 63. The Liquor Control Board has is- sued a statement saying- that house- holders may now legally serve their guests with homemade wine. The ruling may be new; but the practice; is not, nor is it likely to make the: wine taste different. BUSY FARMER NEWS Warble flies. constitute a serioo.s pest of cattle wherever they are COM - mon. It is estimated by federal ento- mologists that fully 50 per cent of the hides taken off cattle in 1930 we- re dama,,ged by the pest and the loss in value to hides alone amounted to $700,000.. The annual loss through- out Canada from this pest is estim- ated at from $ 7,000,000 to $14,000,- 000. ..14,000;000. Careless Handling Causes Lower Prices. A report received by the Ontario Marketing Board states that, in an effort to induce apple growers to prevent the bruising of apples during harvesting and packing, R. S. 1llarsh of Illinoise College of Agriculture, cites marketing studies which have revealed wide differences in market prices as a result of methods of han- dling fruit in orchards. In, one case he said that there was a difference of 05 per cent between prices received for apples at the terminal market in consequence of the method of harv- esting and, grading. Make the Medows Pay Ontario usually has about four and one-half million acres of hay crops each year. In passing across the pro- vince just before haying one cannot help feeling that manyµ o1 these ac- res are not paying the taxes and the cost of handling the crop, Statistics reports indicate an average yield of only one and a half ton; to the acre and this can certainly be much im- proved upon. For the meelows, good drainage and sweet soil <ne very im- portant. Roots of grasses and clov- ers are slow to penetrate wet soils and whenever there is a surplus of water on the soil, air is Shut out and hence the bacterial life is either we- akened or killed. Another point in medow improvement is the use of high quality sed. If poor seed is us- ed the .:meadow starts out with a handicap. Good drainage, good se- ed, and a liberal supply of suitable fertilizer make profitable meadows. Must Register Feeds Geo. H. Clark, Dominion Feed Com rvissioner, calls attention to the fact that tinder provisions of the Feeding Stuffs Act, all registrations expire automatically on Sept. 30th follow - I in;g the date of issue; alio that all commercial feeding stuffs must be registered, and that the fee for reg- , (ration is $2 per brand. Feeds n`iust be labelled exactly as registered and the guaranteed analysis, statement of gredients -aend other information re •wired for registration must appear on labels or tags attached to feed containers owing. LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every. Wedneedalr4 Eggs ... ... I:6-12-9 Butter ... . .. 23 Wheat bushel ..... ... 56 Barley bush ...... 35 Oats bush. 25 Buckwheat ....................44 Flour ................ 1.753.00 Shorts, ton .... ........... 18.00 Bran, tort ...... sae • wa • era Vs. 1g.00 Hogs 4.50 A Serious CIover Menace The inild weather of the last three falls in the Lake Erie counties of Ontario in particular, has resulted in an alarming spread of clover doddler, otherwise known as lone vine. This parasite plant is. one of the most ser- ious menaces to clover because of the fact that it is almost impossible to separate dodder from clover seed and where' dodder goes to seed in a clover field some spread is enevitable The clover dodder is a delicate vine - like plant, which starts with a very fine green shoot, hard to detect, and which attaches itself to the stem of the growing, plant, finally breaking away entirely from its own root and living on the clover plant. Killing Couch Grass Exposure of couch grass roots to the sun for a few days in hot sum.- mer um-mer is one of the most effective ways of ridding the soil of this pest, Un- der favorable weather conditions it is possible to kill couch grass roots com pletely by two or three days' expos- ure, but with the presence of moist- ure they will retain their vitality for some time. It is difficult to kill couch grass roots under humid conditions, and plowing under couch sod is of comparatively little use in destroying it, even when plowed as deep as 15 inches. The spread of the plant is through the root system and the on- ly effective way of elhninating it is to work the roots up where the sun can get at them and burn or dry the vitality out of them. Alfalfa Ensilage Full bloom appears to be the best time to cut alfalfa for ensilage. Wilt- ing alfafla for five hours improves the quality of ensilage and is teem mended for this crop. The addition of 25 per cent. of timothy to alalfa seems to improve its quality as ens,- liege, ns=ilage, while a mixture of corn a and alfalfa produces an excellent ensilage The .addition of rnolases at the rate of two to four per cent. and crude sugar at the rate of one to two per cent improves the quality of alfalfa ensilage. The addition . of salt does: not appear to improve the quality of alfalfa ensilage, while the addition of lime resulted in such a poor quat- ity of ensilage that the cows did not eat it. TO OUR CREDITORS Owing to heavy financial obligat- ions that we have to meet at present, we are obliged to send out an umber of accounts, which in most cases are small, yet they amount to a nice lit- tle sum when there are a number of them. We trust the people will show their' appreciation of the credit ex- tended by replying to our appeal. We have also given a local citizen a few for collection, who will in due time make a personal call for the amounts Whin Witt 'Oa itsea es 614:611.43 xt.x Vaw Ile and proteetion against the spread of fires, These carpet grass strips' also will bound and quarter a samara of land. 11111111111!'!11111111'tl i}}}rl!Y,'n,;;A]it14IlllllE!I}!i!1111E11uil 1111ll)ll;8 i(ldli!11111111111111111111V 'lUE'"I T 1 '�I' "g11?'lu,}�} l r 171111 I .Pln^I a.a. �n . , ,E.t.i.i :, Illllilfil "' 111^ We Repair Wagons, Buggies Auto Tops, Etc., Etc. I good Lumber. r. Wagon .... 1 good buggy at $30 4 xtrIkeel Trailer Complete.... -.....$25 KEEP ON SMILING w. HESS, the Repair Man d114111111111#i 1M11!17yi01;ilCt#:z.21,11111111i111i'tCl!11111111IIIIIII1111111111111111iC iiu11 nt'd'u.'it.'N 1tr it I.IG`(111i11}IIII1141M110111NU11111111101i IDP,IgI i 1+'+#++-t'++++****f°****fii*i+444++ilVi•+*********fi**.r,'+ .+iti+1* ©^ 1 T3' ICII ' AR A PPP T0N ID FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWN E S WE ARE NOWFULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS' Or GASOLINFI LARGERQUANTITIES WITH A ar GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM OUR DELIVERY TRUCK AT t LOWEST PREVAILING PRICES, WLTII QUAIE`l E CONS/D EE7i EXPERT W'n:'RI6MANSHF.Vx'' ON REPAIR WORK. AND OVER- "; .FOSS ON ALL MAKES OF CAR WHMl CHARGES VERY RE AS °NAB LE. 4. 1.**+++*44++ ^+++++++**t***4++++.ems++***** *, 46+41,+**+•i, AS OILS AREA SES Moasseau Zurich !'"lK4.610.44«2 04 . * Sal K .ng,.µ+. *Gi•egetta'ti 4,' . „E04.•&, 4;.t riot+ 4445 °# .44 IIEALDOFFIOE • • Do You Know?irk That I am the Master Salesman! 1 am .the herald of Success ' for all men, Merchants Manufacturers, Etc. I go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound 1V Merehandisingt' t And the World listens when I speak! • For those who have used me as their Servant 1 have • gathered untold millions into their coffers. 1 command the legeons of fashion, mould the styles and lead the World whithersoever I got 1 sow fields for you to reap a Golden Harvest! • 1 am Masater Salesman at Your Service, and my Name is'w ADVERTISE! 41444.+6 dril �.t dive?" Slee --`°In divers lrtaces,"