HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-01, Page 5r°r=salty, ta"epternhex• 1st, 1952 BUSINESS CARDS DlUDIOU E. HOLME , AR UST£'R, SOLICITOR, NOT- A• C, ETC. RY Steeet, Just' off the ,Square, GODERICII, Ontario, ;,Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Ma. Holmes may be consulted at Ooderich . ►y Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. I, H. COWE L. D. S. D. D S DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ BLOCS—ZURIOFI Bleary ..Thursday, Friday, Saturday At gARTL•FIB'S BLOCK, DAeFUW OOD �E'ery Monday, Tuesday and ,'Wednesday . �� e Auctioneer i r •Ft' For Huron and Middlesex INA.POSITION TOCO dui any A.Uction Sale, regardless r to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will ,tee no charges for Services Ren - Aare& ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ?`hone 13-57. uli .chs' Popular MEATMA -K `T, Always. a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats B�ologna5, Sausages, Ieiners, Hams, Etc., always on hand Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins °" ..et Us Serve You!" Yungblut Son SERVICE Wh.. We have' the` Better Class of Customers i"R3Gl4 CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. MATTERIES, MOBILE, OIL. MAR- VELUBE OIL, GOODYEAR 'FIRES .AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Parts, ;tiioltning and Mechanical Work dome to Micrometer Settings, No 4;u+ess work. Watch the cars that STOP et WE1N'S, They are all HIGH ?CLASS CLIENTELE. 4 IL l DA3HWOOD — ONTARIO Western Fanners' hh l R Notice, v1 Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found,Etc. Ads FOR SALE A. Yorkshire sow with nine pigs, weeks old Atxulp to: A. A. Weber, Phone 97: r FOUND ZURICH HERALD LOCAL NEWS Mr. ,•,P. Rowe motored to Toronto this week. Mr. Newell Geiger of London.,'sp, eat the' week -end at his hone in the village. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Erb of. the Bronson 'were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Oescli Mr. Yule, who has been visiting with relatives and friends for tia. past week has returned to his home in Fullerton. A girl's Red Leather Coat and a: Toque. Same can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv., Shoe Stock For Sale By Tender Consisting of the entire general stock of coarse and fine shoes, in Brown's Boot Shop, Zurich. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Last day for receiving ten- ders, Sept. 9th.• Address ail com- munications t.o: Mrs. Flossie Brown, Administratrix, Zurich, Ont. Beans Wanted We are prepared to pay the high- est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for tr deicing at low rates. ' J. C. Reid, & Co., Dashwood. I'hohe No. 3. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of WILLIAM H. BROWN, late of the Village of Zur- ich, Merchant, who died on the Eight- eenth day of June 1932, are required to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fifth clay of September•, A. D. 1982. AND NOTICE IS ' FURTHER GIVEN that after the staid date the Administratrix will proceed to distrib- ute the estate having- regard only to the :claims of which she then shall have notice. t t DATED at Exeter, Ont.,. this 10 h day of August, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, ....Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Adininistratrix. LOST Auto license marker, D.T.-203. Finder kindly return to: 'Sv. Brod- erick, Parr Line, Hay Tp.. GRAIN WANTED We are prepared to pay the highest market price for all lances or Meanie Grove, owed and eared for by Mr. • in hand, namely: Rooth No. 1, Mr; Grain and Beans. We ran also sup Gordon Turnbull of Parkhill, and a a ply you with empty begs and arrange- U. Koehler, teaelt.;r; Room 11, Mies.fernier t for trucking same at a very row rate. Olive O'Brein; No. III, Nis Frieda Highrrayresident of the Hue Water Miss Pearl Pfale and nephew Claw Geiger are visiting at the horne al Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Pf'ile; Rensall, Mrs. Egbert Heideinin and son Al - bort, visited a week with friends at Jackson, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Desch, and Mr. and Mrs. Willott Kelleburn,, of.Mil- verton, were Sunday visitors with re- latives and e-latives'and friends here. Mr. Harold Stade left Thursday to spend -a few weeks visiting with fri- ends in Detroit, Marine City and Holly, Mich. Mr. Menno Steckle Sr., and Mr. R. F. Stade, accompanied by Mr. Albert Rittenhouse motored to Danville, .ov- er the week -end. • Mr, Ed. Wurm, of Markham, and a former' well known resident of Zix- ich, was a welcome caller at our of- fice this week.—Seaforth Expositor. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz and. daughter and Mr. Atkinson, of Gu- elph were visitors et the home of Mr and Mrs. C. Fritz. ti d • The registrars preparing tate vot- ers' lists for Polis 3 and 4 for the pending by-election, finished the pre- Mrs. Wilbert McBride and children have returned to their home iai Win- dsor after spending two months at Ba..yiield and at the hone; of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride. rats prirn Mrs, Herb. Desjardine and son,. Elroy are spending the week with fir- etads at Detroit, "Mr. and Mrs, George Hess, of Elensall motored to town on i; rtes- day.. Mrs. S. ()liver arid son, Gordon of Kitchener wef'e week -end visitor; at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Fritz. Mr, and `'Mrs. Ed.Hertz ertz and feun- ily of Detroit were week -end -visitors kiith friends here. - ltilrs. Damrow and son Dick and Miss Olive of Kinde, Mich., are :>p- =endiug;; a few days with Mr.and Mia. Simon Gree, and other friends. Mr. anncl Mrs, Ed Heitman a_i.l gamily of Stanley Tp., were 'Sunday visitors at the home of Mi. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman. Mr. and Ara, D. E. Studer and daughter Evelyn of Detroit, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. JohesLon and ot- her relatives. Mrs. Wm. C. Wagner arid :,on, I',"onnrd, and Mrs. A. McClinchey of Stanley; attended the funeral of Mrs. Rudolph Seigner, at Mildmay, on Sunday. Iiia. Henry We:eloh of town has returned home after pending a week with her. daughter, Mrs. Wm. Schrad- er, south of Dashwood. .Miss E.. J. MacDougall of Toronto and Ms,. C. C Shaw • of Brockville, were last week' guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Reith and Jean of Ingersoll; Mr. and lir;; Charles Andrews of Ingersoll, were week -end visitor; with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reith. liminary lists on Tuesday last.;Mr. Henry Howald is registrar for Poll No. 8, and Mr. Henry Neeb for Poll No. 4, Iiay. • Mrs. Lydia Geiger, owing to the Mr. and Mrs. Seth Brown of Staiia, leaving of her daughter, Miss Buloine and Miss Doris Kleinfeldt, also of! ei for Rye, is spending a shorty cane at Stan and Nr. and Mrs. Orville De-' the `Trio Cotage at Grand Bend, of aver of Exeter, were Sundayvisitors ter which Mrs. Geiger will stay for at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward' a time with her sitter at Kitchener„ t heaver of town. i I6, Don't forget, the Zurich Drug' g Store has a full supply of Publi aril High School text booas, •rcr iii ti: •s, Sunday visitors at the home of Mr' p. oils, yes everythin ; ret°u.t 1 iai and Mrs. Rudy Schwartzentruber and!this line. Good supply. of everything. ta fancily of the Bronson Lime, Were: isrj—Zurich Drag Store. and Mrs. Moses Yantzi., Mrs Daniel namely, Mrs. (Rev.) S. R. F ,iiechte:l, Mrs. Jane Guenther and Miss E. Rennie. kantzi, ann. -.,r. acou �, 3uer `ee Mrs. F. Shaw left ay motor to her e Baden; lairs- Peachey from. Belleville, home in Toronto, after spending a', a 3 Pean.; ivlr. and Trir5. Stephen Peashey '"•4.. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. it and family of Dashwoocz; Mr. and F.Modsseau of the Zurich Road. She Mrs. Sans Rupp and family of near n a, 'conipanied l,y miss 31 irgtu•''t 1-iensall • iUr. and Mrs, Josiah Steckle 1loa -'au who will attend Toronto e and son and the Misses Ida Schwartz- htlr°tion. entruber, Susie Oeseh and Nancy t civ public are warned to ob- Gingerich. in dery i±, Stop Agnes ni Zuricn,:ome School opens on Thursday morning Deer": t' think this i only a joke, P sharp at trine o'clock, tor another >ut if ome i called" upon to pay a e years hard plugging ao is ospeak. and t v.:ts for violating this rule We think lessons and .ua,Jects are getting a little harder every year, th juke is not so big. Observe the 2 traffic rules, and make it safe for flb probably it is only imagination, at .3'o:uself as well as the travelling e any rate if it keeps on in another public. generation or two, what a wise bunch • - A goodl • number of campers this i e0 of people will inhabit the earth. We Y j ' tq are happy to announce that in the year have found a most ,beautiful Zurich School the same staff of to spot for relaxation between Grand Bend and Bayfield in Turnbull's j • aciln aa last year will have th:: walk. i. Kalbfleisch; and thea ltooni IV, Ctni At this rather yountl e-! ether Insurance COOK BROS. MILLING CO. OF WOODSTOCK. The Largest Business of any Canadian Compa 1j tdoiX?g Business in Ontari s9rt are picnic i.tUler', good tinuation School, wP1 be in eiatege and other accomodations. A ,:teat I3ENSA;LL, ONT. Mr. P. Rowe. We trust that schol has been made in erecting .mall •{" Office Phone 54. Res. Phone 68. ars, parents and teachers will wawa cottages, or cabins, which are us••' together end make this a very sue - :csstul school ybii; ually not so expensive. Numerous, • The Zurich Fall Fair Prize Islets and have enjoyed it very much at aaaaaaa tenters have faund this quiet pI.ice a .letteuni frierernee at Risk 1931,a$19 593,,724., Dee, Total Gash in Barrie' and Boilrls $199,101,.61 lifttitea-44.50 pee $1,000 for 3yeam, E F. KIopp—Z rich Mart, Also Dealer in Lii 1du nd Bods' and all kinds of Fire insurance LIVE POU LT R WANTED Vaduz . every Day till 3 o'eloelk, pan. .3)0 zett feed T'ow1 same morning ou ds. when brought i g Highest Cask Prices —CASH FOR —; CREW AND EGGS W. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich H'HE � RALDS 9033 .DEPARTNi NT ever beady to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and. Tine -Tinting. Get our prices be. lure leaving 11g youryour order else. ;."�'• . *them- ...-..W.... a .7,.w ZURICH HERALD Esfa6ffs'ieci 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Hreal ty PrintingOlfce SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.50 rn arrears or $2.00• may be ehargeal. U• S. $1.50 in advance. No paper cliscon• tinned until all arrears are paid nee teas at option of publisher. The date rf which every Subscription is paid ss denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Display advertising anade known on application. Miscellaneous arkieles of not more than four Hires For Sale, To Fent, 'JVanted, Lost, :Reda ., 1, etc, user :ion 25e, 2 ifs. 40e., 3 ears. 'SOc. i •a Estate for sale 2.00 Farm or Real s $ for first month $1.00 for each fol• owing month. Professional Cars :not exceeding ilk inches,r year 5.09. per .(rte' In Memoriam, ass versm nee, ul'st for each ad'diti't verse; Cara! ,oi Thanks, 50e. Auction Sales --42.00 per single Insertion if not over :four itches is length„ Address all communications to: THIS HEILl ZURICH' w ONT. have been tainted and completed the this nice and shady epot, past week, and are now in the handsThe wet weather over the week - of the Secretary, IVIr. E. F. Mope, end and on Monday did not improve who will be del:ighed to let you have the hatvestinQ conditions, but on one for the asking thereof. In thisTuesday morning the weather tarrnetl year's List there: has been eon:testi'- fro` quite cool to real' hot in fact in able revising done, which bring.,,1! m 1 i1"uesday night w*a,< the wrr�:n•.� we cep -to -date, and shield be muc:1 i'a ile i> had tm, zeasea. anti :7.0s, car - proved. In the live stock lists a aniers who were riot fortunate in get - changes have taken placea Eery a- r, ting their harvest finished lest week ded to poultry, but the biggest chcrit nory do so under this srvcalteririg r� ges take place in the Ladies' Depart - heat. heat. We do not know if the eclipse ments, these, have: been carefully o f eller sun is ilia nt± r�^ r" this warmth vised and we hope they are sari; raci- bat we do knew that it "eclipses" only- A fine number of special pia - anything we have had this summer. res are again on the ]1st, as wt:i. a: Monday of next week is Labor Day special attractions, there will be no and a public holiday, and as a ;con - horse races this year, but othcci'%N equence all. placed of busine s, in the Fair should be a good one r;iti-i stench will be closed. the weethernnan favorably inclined. The pump installed in the sleep Fire at Bayfield be -Mur - came i +- water well at the local Pre hallThe .home of Mr. and Alla. _It r came out of—cornntission last week, dock Ross, Bayfield, was burned to and _ it had to be hauled out foe re- the ground last Wednesday afternoon L o pairs, and upon, examination it was The Etre was caused by the explosion discovered that the pipe about twenty of it coal oil stove which took place feet above the cylinder had become shortly after one o'clock. The alarm disconnected' and the weight from was given and people rushed to the i, , t• the lifting ;pot, but as it was an old frame lnou- there an down xe5teal of e p , rods, and when there were discou- se nothing could be done to save the netted the rods and lower part of building.' The furniture from the o th- and wn ta" ^ roomsa - d buti elle ptinip fell to the bottom, . do s rt was nave only through some skilful fishing on ing could be taken from the upstairs. The loss is estimated around $(i,000 partly covered by insurance. Clayton Weston who was helping, had his fo- ot badly cut with broken glass which necessitated medical attention: The surrounding trees caught fire but a bucket brigade prevented any other buildings in the naigMorhood from catching fire, '1'110 loss is sovere one to the elderly couple. Ma Ross in 80 Bei rs of age and widely known in tee clietrict, the part of Mr. Louis prang, the parts that had dropped down wore coupled of . to and hauled up, it sure for it time seemed to look like a lot of trouble ahead, but fate would trot have it thus, and on Saturday It noon the pump was going agntn5. is no small job taking out this pump ehich extends nearly three hundred Geseli ie and l.,icitxor' don't ribs,. 'net into the bowels of the earth, but rp r• is in abundance 1"he Toad hog cs txraaixl� ' sTiu�tuld avoid the supply of water ..,n blind r'ea. izral o,! good anat.. iu� No Sooramin. .. i.J Na QDQR No STOKING No SHAKING No A s &4u s !°t° No COAL SCUTTLIE rt FLOORS ;, 4, That's why 100,000 women praise the Silent Glow Oil Burner. In place of old fashioned dirt, it brings cleanliness and health; instead of worry --happiness and leisure. Insist on the genuine Silent Glow— IT LIGHTS QUICKER—GIVES MORE HEAT— BURNS LESS OIL AND MORE AIR PER UNIT OF HEAT GENERATED Read this letter from a well satisfied user of "Silent Glow": "During the winter I installed a 'SILENT GLOW' oil burner, model W, in the circulatin t furnace is my (i -room hoase. I used the two burners 0:-ly when i+: was very cold. 'This winter I have used 342.00 wt rth of oil and saved $22.Ot fuel with much more satisfaL:ion, and with always an e.,Lu and healthy temperature." (Name upon request) "Silent Glow" will fit your ren ,•4 or heater. Let as sLow you its simple, noiseless over:.tiro. OrinHOW ;.syr TRADE M ARK RE -G. IN CAN. AND U.S.P T OF:. iv' Makers of Silent Glow Pilgrim Heaters for homes, camps, etc., and Silent Glow Power Burners for he<:ting large homes, apartments and other large buildings. (Made in Canada) WILLIAMS BROS. • ZURICH - ONT. 40 eeleegteeilI feetiaaCoate'eage.',?elaaaaae s,:irCgwr'Dr a 13e 0eerieatas"ue Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your Spring Orders for Ferti'_izer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and We will be pleased to supply You with the 'follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. SEEDS SEEDS I"or Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs;. �o. yup a�'Emit abti) ttJ%C'Seatilt* WO S3 ,..IS sr e.sit:r ra S..'ur1 GINi.i.W3ce e+a�S1t9.2)9 ZUriCh Drug Story SCHOOL SIJPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. 4+i+44+i++t ;.•i•y ++l••b+d++i , .q+.g,+ +N , 4..telea ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK, • • u3v,aa; sd ++++++++++++++++++++++44-e SEE OUR SUPPLY OF PREPERATIONS: h Perfumes, Toile: `:ratrs, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, TOILET Perfumizers, and Brushes, FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. 1 KOJAKS AND IMAMS sof- Dri Ao MacKinnon, urs h s;t aiY. Jt,. 'YiSYY.g':J' ; ...nsr>; .3PAT 1wi YL .yAy -