HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-09-01, Page 2.1ViOr(Wr ra Bridge
When Special Investigator Dundee is
Summoned to the house of Juanita Selina,
3aaurdered at a bridge party, he orders
tta- guests to mite the places they held
during the playing of the "death hand."
Ralph Hammond, in love with Nita, Is
the only guest missing:.
Plora Miles says she was In the
S"ests' lavatorY, but Dundee 'finds her
bridge tally on the floor of lk,Zita's closet,
proving she Is lying, She „tdmits she
went to the closet to recover a note sent
to Nita, and hearing a bang or bump,
and fearing- she is to Ise discovered,
faints, recovering consciousness when
liaren Marshall screams on discovering
the body.
Dundee is suspicious that Clive -Um-
mond stayed in the -solarium with Pally
his fiancee, instead of coming in
to speak to his hostess when h arrived.
Dundee asks Man when he last saw his
"Then why ask me?" Hammond
shrugged, but his red-orown eyes:
flickered toward Polly Beale.
"I thought perhaps you mild give
a little additional information," Dun-
dee soothed him. You see, it hap-
pens that I saw you, Miss Beale ana
another young man come into the Stu-
art House dining room about half -past
one today, just when I was thinking
of inneh for myself:"
'The mysterious 'other young man'
was Clive's brother, Ralph Ham -
mead," Polly Beale eut in brusquely.
"Your decision to lunch with your
fiancee and his brother was grite a
sudden one?" Dundee asked .courteoas-
TY. 'lust when did you change yeer
Irina about Mrs. Seib:ifs luncheon
party at Breakaway Inn, Miss '3eale.?"
The tall girl threw up her mannish-
ly crepped chestnut head. "There is
nothing at all einister• or even queer
about it, Mr. Dundee! I. was on my
way to the luncheon,. when I decided
tc drihe past itale house, on the
d ance that she might like me to drive
her over."
"Then you didn't knew that Mrs.
Dunlap had already arranged to meet
Mrs. Selim downtown this morning'
elle to take her to the inn?" Dundee
asked, with his greattst casualness.
"No! I didn't hear of the .arrangee
moat," Polly answer. d decidedly.
"You were a close friend of Mrs.
Selim's, perhaps?" Dundee prodded.
"Not at all! But that would not
keep me from doing my hostess a
-cotetesy. . It was shout a quarter
to one when I sot here, I shou7e. eay,
Nita wen% here, no. was her maid,
but I saw Ralph's cat parked :n front
of the house--"
"Rmlph Hammond'.. ear?" a women
squealed, but Dundee let Polly con-
-"I rang and he answered the door.
Said he was alone in the house, going
over the premises at Judge Marshall's
request," Polly said evenly.
"That's right—that's right!" Judge
Marshall agreed hastily. "Nita—Mrs.
Selina—wanted the Tao finished half of
the gabled top storey finished. up..
Wanted a maid's room and bath and a
guest room and bath added to the
living quarters .already• completed.
gave the commission, for an estimate,
e least, to the Hammond firm, Of
course since they haa built the house
originally for Crain—Penny's father."
oath she was lying now, Or rather
not revealing the real truth behind
the actual facts of her movements
that day, For instance, could a simple
plea of her future brother-in-law make
her do so discourteous a thing as to
break a luncheon appointment, ,espe-
daily when such a course would not
only disappoint her hostess and her
.iends, but disarrange the seating
plan of a rather formal party?
Of course the explanation was ob-
vious. She had wanted, first, to see
Nita and remonstrate privately with
her for having so involved Ralph
Hammond, when he was tacitly known
to "belong" to Peuny Crain—one of
the sacred crowd. Failing that, she
had found Ralph himself, and had nat
expected to find him ehad talked with
him about Nita, had quarreled a bit
with him, perhaps, over his behavior.
And the crisis had become so acute
that Polly had arbitrarily called upon
Clive Hammond and then had forced
Ralph to accompany her. . . . By Claude A. Swanson, United Stit'S
"Do you know, Miss Beale, why Delegate to the Disarmament
Ralph Hammond did not keep his en- Conference.
gagement with Mrs. Selim this after-
noon? Or rather, his promise to ap- Before I went to Europe I had an
pear for cocktails and to be Miss idea that the whole place was upset—
Craires partner for the rest of the that there were strife and politics: un-
evening—dinner and dance at the rest over territorial- assignments. I
Country Club?" have examined the matter and fr.d
"I do not!" Polly said crisply. that out of 450,000,000 people in Ear-
'`Ilammond?" ope iess than 10,000,000 are dissatts-
"Neither clo I," Hammond retorted fled over territorial assignments.
angrily. In the second part of the adjcorm
"Then it was not to discuss Ralph ment resolution (at Geneva) vas a
Hammond and his—affairs, that you specific promise that there would be a
beckoned Miss Beale to meet you iu limitation and real reduction in sffec-
the solarium upon yoer arrival?" tiees on and.
"It—was not!" This is the first time since the
World War that France has eatensd
A shade too much anger and em -
into such an agreement and I am sure
rhasis, Dundee decided. And he wish-
ed heartily that Strawn's detectives; that something will be accompliseed
would not delay min this direction.uch longer in brings'
I think that conditions in Germeey
ing the missing young man into this:
already involved examination. , are more favourable than many pee
"You say that you both were in the believe. The agreement • on reeera-
dons and Germany's adherence ze the
solarium from the time of your arriv-:
al, Hammond, until Mrs. Marshall' Franco -British agrement for eonsera-
sereamed," Dundee continued. "Jut tion on all important matters affeming
what did you see and hear'?" Europe indieate a disposition on :te
Dundee waeched their faces keenly,. Part of Germany to co-operate with
but again they were wardored, expres-' Eurepe that will lessen a great deel
the declarations made by Adolf Hiersionless. It was Polly Beale who an-,
and the National Socialist party.
sw-ered: "Naturally there Was not a:
deathlike silence, but I am afraid we When reparations are reduced to
the small sum agreed on I lock &,rwere not listening. We were rather;
mcre favorable conditions in Gerreemy
engross -ed. in our conversation. We
were seated—near no windows—and I and a:so in Europe.
for one saw nothing, as well as heard.
nothing that I can recall."
'That goes for me, too—absolute- Make a little fence of trust
lye" Around today;
eee, Apd you walked quar-
ter Of a mile to this laouser
Spragee's hand umbled with his
cravat. 9—of eourse 1 dicl
"I see. . . New, Miss IteYthend)"•
Dundee pounced unexpectedly, so that
the red-haired girl went very white be-
Peath her freckles, "you observed Mr.
Sprague toiling down the rutty road,
hot and weary, but romantie le the
Mrs, Drake let out a nervous gig-
gle, then clapped her hand over her
el—I wasn't looking that way,"
Janet Raymond stammered. "I—I
just went out on the poreh for a
breath of freeh air—"
"And yen were completely surprie-
ed when Mr, Sprague eame walking
ep the flagstone path?" Dundee per-
sisted, for he knew she was lying,
knew that she had stationed herself
there to watch for Sprague,
"I -4 -yes I was! He stopped and
talked for awhile, before we eame In
and joined Tracey and Lois in the
dining room, where Tracey was mix-
ing cocktails. . But," she flexed
suddenly, "I don't gee why you have
to badger all of us, when it, must have
been Lydia, the maid, who killed Nita,
"Oh, Janet! Shame on you!" 'Penny
cried furiously.
(To be continued.)
The Future in Europe
"I see," Dundee agreed. 'And you
. sit your brother, Mr. 'Hammond?"
"He was the ,atural one to send,"
Clive H:amond retorted. "Small job.
Ah he had to do was to get together
an estimate on additional furnare
lines and radiators,: elettric
plumbing. plastering, etc."
"Go on, Miss Beale," Dundee di -
"Thanks" There was sarcasm m
he- brusque eclice. "But that's really
all I halm to teL Ralph comnia. ined
tnat he was hungry and charged me
with giving him too little of my time
—elm usual. thing._ I picked up Nita't
phone, called Clive and made the date
for the three of us. Then I called
Breakaway Inn, canceled the lunch-
eon part of the bridge party with
Nita, and Ralph and I drove back t
Dundee 'studied her strong, clever,
almost plain face for a long minute.
Gertaibly Polly Beale did not look !Ike
e. liar—bat he would have taken his
rid for t6is FREE BOOK!
One iumdred ond eighty-six ways
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Nene semi ;at fret ecny of
4tifte Gcod Piewder'
t43 .....
Abruptle- abandoning the engaged Fill thy space with loving wore_
couple,. Dundee turned to Miles. "You: And therein stay.
'were the second arrival, then?" Look not through the sheltaeng bars
"Yes. I parked my car along the I port tomorrow,
curb in front of the house," Tracey God will help thee bear what comes,
:answered readily. "And I came right Of joy or sorrow. —A.M.
on in, and Nita jumped up—o'
"Yes. We've had a". that twice be- Those days are lest in which we.
fore," Dundee interrupted cruelle.
do no geed.; These worse than lost
"Now, Judge Marshall—" in wizich we do evil.
One of my friends gave me a lift
from town,' Judge Marshall volun-
teered pompously. "Chap- named
Sampson.. You may have heard of
him—fine fellow, a good lawyer. We
played billiards together at the Ath-
letic Club, and When I was about to
call a taxi—my wife having the car
here—he offered to drop ine here on
his way to the Country Club. N -no,
I don't remember the exeet time, did
not tonsult my \seta."
"You came direct'y from the nee'
nto the house, Judge Marshall'!"
"Certainly, sir"
"Did you.—er, eee anyone?"
"You mean, sir, did anyone see me?"
Judge Marshall oemanded with pomp-
ous indignation. "No, no one, sir! If
my word is not good enough for you,
you can think what you damned
"I think we are an getting a little
too tired, Mr. Dundee," Penny Crain
suggested, almost humble in her
"I'M truly sorry," the young detec-
tive apologized. "But I can't leave
things like this.. . . Mr.. Drake, you
have said you walked racer from the
Country Club. You must have ap-
proached the house from the driveway
side, the side of the house which con-
tains Mrs. Selim's bedroom. . Is that
"Mere or less, except that I skirted
the house rather widely and arrived
rem the road, stepping upon the front
porch, and walking directly into the
hall, I saw no one outside or near
the house when I .arrived," Drake an-
swered, with less than his anal
"And taw no one running away
across the meadows?" Dundee pressed.
"No one at all," Drake -retorted. "I
Wish I .could truthfully sae that I saw •
gamete with a mask and a smok-
ing .reeelver, skulking through the
wildflowers, but the abeteute truth is
that I 'saw no one."
"Thank you. Mr.. Drake. .
Sprague, Mf New York."'
Spre.guehe ncrvonsly iswiteliieg face
reddened darkly. "I—I took a bus. I'
have no ear of my own, I got oil the:
bus an .Sheridan Road, at the entrares.
to Primrose Meadows."
Man and Medicine
By Lord Daemon et Perim President
British. Medical Associetion, in His
elenteunial AddreSS.
The art of medicine embraces the
understanding of illness, and if the
phesical and biological sciences are
given a too exclusive attention they
are apt to give to medical thought a
too pronounced objectivity. We need
to take count of the ;whole Mall.
We need a new type of institution
— distinct from hospital provision —
namely, a health hostel. Examples
flow from any physician's experience.
Overweight—the man of 40 getting
a fat body and a fat head, who avows
himself a small eater yet is clogged
with his own metabolic products.
The man becoming set about the
neck and waist, who tures his body
slowly rather than his head and eyes
eutoklY, or who is bluish and breath-
less, losing his rib movements and
wants to "stay put." s
Then, again, the patient in the early
diabetic stage, where not only himself
but his wife needs instruction in food
calories and cooking, and, it may be;
in the administration of insulin, .
All such and many more need for a
space a designed environment; they
require education, but under tbe con-
ditions of their working life. Such
institutions much. have a kitchen un-
der a trained dietitian, and a physi-
cotherapeutic department; skilled con-
trol, but no cults or fads. It would
prevent disease in untold measure and
would be self-supporting and even
First Summer Girl — "Did you
hear that there was a man-eating
shark in the harbor yesterday?"
Second Summer Girl — "Well,
there's one good thing about it,
he'll die of starvation."
me Fine
Lower Price
League to Review Work
In Weekly Broadcasts
Geneva.—Beginning in September
the League. of Nations will go on the
"air" every Sunday for a world-wide
Three languages, French, English
and Spanish, will be used to broadcast
bulletins dealing with the League's
work during the preceding week. Each
broadcast svill last fifteen minutes and
it is believed possible to reack virtual-
ly every continent. There will be two
broadcasts every Sunday, one in the
afternoon and one at night.
It ts expected that they will begin
with the regular fall assembly of the
League, which meets on September
19. The League's wireless station
was inaugurated at the beginning of
the disarmament conference in Febr-
uary of this year. It has been in touch
with all countries of th Far East,
North and South America.
"Miss Personality"
Persenality plus. Radiating plenty of pep, Billie Elwood, le, Fan
Anfento miss, arrives borne by plane from Galveston after datzlirg
the judges these. She will soon make a nation-wide tnur in her new
"Fresh from the Gardens"
Complete Examination of Bowels
Averts Menace of Cancerous Growths,
The cure of Cancer at the Present
time Is not a drug, tier a serum, nor a
ray, nor a miracle, but simply the edu-
cation of the people as to the signs ,f
its beginning in local lesions and the
importance ot an immediate examina-
tion which will lead to recognition and
treatment in the most favourable
stage for a cure.
The very human slcle of the medical
profession, even in its most brilliant
career of the last fifty years, is shown
In the failure to make the simple, but
unpleasant examination of the lower
bowel with the finger. Less than ten
years ago, in one of the clinics at St.
,Agnes' Hospital in Baltimore, the or-
derly in charge of a male ward said to
the physician one day: "Doctor, will
you examine my rectum?" I have been
telling the internes for three months
that I have a bloody diarrhoea, and so
far none has examined me. They give
me pills and restrict my diet. I have
just read in the Baltimore Sun that
when any unusual discharge is ob-
served from any orifice of the body, an
examination should be made at once."
We do not need the X-rays here, and
for some years we have, in addition to
the examining finger, different sized
cylinders or hollow tubes which can
be introduced into the rectum and the
lining of this bowel inspected by elec-
tric light, svith a vision just as clear
as an examination of the mouth or
tonsils. It is impossible to overlook
any defect of the raucous membrane
of the rectum or lower sigmoid, if the
proctoscope (the name of the hollow
tube) is properly used.
Delay in this examination, if there
are any symptoms whatever in this re-
gion, with and without a discharge,
gives the trouble, first, an opportunity
to change from a condition not cancer
into one that is cancer, and later to a
larger cancer the removal of which
will destroy the sphincter muscle and
the coetrol over movement of the
bowels. In the past five years, due to
correct information in the daily press,
more and more people are referred by
their family doctors to the surgical
clinic with benign polypoid tumors or
early cancer which can be safely and
easily removed without danger to the
function of the muscles of the lower
end of the rectum called the anus.
Fortunately cancer is rare in the
hemorrhoidal region, and operations
for hemorrhoids do not protect from'
cancer, awl to -day any examinatioss at
the rectum without a proctoscope is
incomplete if there are any symptoms
whatever of any unusual discharye.
No operation for hemorrhoids, fis-
tula or fissure should be performed,
without a proctoscopic examination.
Many students of cancer of the leo-
tum are beginning to feel that no in-'
divideal, after the age of thirty,•
should live a life of constipation. CI -
der the management of a family plrysis
clan the fecal matter should be kept
soft or softer by a vegetable diet,
coarser bread and the nightly use of
one or two tablespoons full of minural
or paraffin oil which can be purchased
economically in large quantities. This
opportunity is taken to give credit to
Sir Arbuthnot Lane, a well known Lons
don surgeon who has brought to the
attention of tb.e civilized world thei
value of the purified paraffin or min-
eral oil.
One of the trustees of the Amere
can Society for the Control of Cancer,
Dr. Francis Carter Wood of New York,
has just made public through the:
press a very timely statement that ex-
periments in his laboratory with the
various paraffin oils placed on the
market by our manufacturing chem-
ists show that they are devoid of any
irritating ingredients, and there is no
evidence whatever that there is any
danger to the human being of getting
cancer from the daily use of these re.
fined oils. The public have heard soi
much of occupational cancer of thei
skin among paraffin workers and have,
known these oils as paraffin oils, and1
naturally, but incorrectly, came to the,
conclusion that there was the same,
danger in the refined oils.
About ten years ago some members
of the medical professiou and the pub-
lic feared cancer of the stomach from
drinking water purified by chlorine'
salts. We now know that there is no,
such danger nom this protective sub-:
stance in our drinking water.—This
article has been written for the Cana-
dian Social Hygiene Council by an,
eminent specialist and in addition has'
received the endorsation of the .Pro-
vincial Department of Health of Oil-
• tario.
Serve Crisp Cookies
With Fresh Fruits
When Summer brings her luxury of
fresh, appetizing fruits, the housekeep-
er must plan careful accomplishments
to the desserts. Crisp cookies, flavor-
some and light, add just the right note.
The housewife who is also a real
home manager chooses the type of
cookie that is quickly cooked so that
she does not overheat her house and
herself—both conditions that spoil any
Summer day.
To accompany any Summer fruits,
and satisfy masculine appetites, are
old-fashioned sugar cookies. They
keep crisp for a long period and may
be made any day the oven is being
heated to 500 degrees. This recipe
makes 4 doeen cookies.
Old Fashioned •Sugar Cookise
5 cups sifted cake flour, 5 teaspoots
baking powder, SI: teaspoon salt, 1 cup
butter or other shortening:, cups
sugar, 4 eggs, unbeaten, 1-3 cup milk.
Sift flour once, measure, add baking
powder and salt, and sift together
three times. Cream shortening thor-
oughly, add sugar gradually, and
cream together until light and fluffy.
Add eggs, one at a time, beating well
after each addition. Add flour, alter-
nating with milk, a small amount at a
time, mixing after each addition until
smooth, Roll 1.-S inch thick, cut with
large cutter, and sprinkle with sugar;
or, press nut into each cooky. Bake
in hot oven (300 dem le) 5 minutes.
As easily and quickly made are de-
licious Almond Slices. This recipe
makes 6 dozen slices:
51e cups sifted cake flour, 1 tea-
epoon soda, 8 eggs, slightly beaten,
1;3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed, 1
cup grauulated sugar, 1Se cups hot
melted shortening (part butter if de-
sirable), 1 cup almonds, 'blanched,
toasted, and chopped. Sift fldur once,
measure, add soda, sift again. Combine
remaining ingredients in order given,
then add flour, mixing well. Pack
tightly in paper -lined pan. Chill ovcr
night, Reinove loaf from pan, cut in
half and slice crosswiee in thin elices.
Place on greased baking Sheet tied
bake In hot oven s.125 deg. v.) for e
minutes. '
ISSUE No. 35—'32
An Alnerican was taken by his son'
to see the Eton and narrow cricket
The youngster warned his father
that they would meet many charm.
ing women during the day and that
he must always stand up when be-
ing presented to them.
The old man carried out his he
structione to the point er exhaustion,
but when US sun said for the fifty -1
first time: "Stand up, fathee, here
comes Lady—," the old boy rebelled.?
"Stall her off, George," he said,
weakly, "I'm through with this God.'.
Save -the -King stuff."
healtlif 11
food 0. .
Rich tn calcium,. phosphorus . .
and body-building vitamins. It
is the most highly concentrated
source of highest quality protein
known. For a balanced diet, in-
clude Kraft cheese mith every
;L:i lb. pat1,.a,7es or slieed front
the famous 5 lb. loaf. took Lor
the name "Ki -aft" as the only
positive identification of the
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