HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-08-25, Page 5I'Iuxrsday, August 25Th,,. 1932 BUSINESS CARDS DUDLEY E. RQLME yeARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT. AIRY PUBLIC, IFC, OFFICE—Hasniltoxl Street, Just off the Sgteare, GODERICR, Ontario. 'Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr. Idols -nes nnay be consrilted at 4Gr►derich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. Dr. H. 11. CO EN L. D. S. D. D DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH day T Every Thursday, F} r[iday,, S t .doll A LTLKIB' B BLOCK, DAS1IW OOD Emery Monday, Tuesday ea ,V,Tednesday jg S For Huron and l ddlesex A26. IN A POSITION TO CON - Abed any Auction Sale, regardless :ass to size. or article to sell. I solicit _yam business, and if not satisfied well :make 210 charges for Services Ren- _AR'rB13It WEBER—Dashwood <71one 13-57. Z tiCbs' Popular MEATMARIiErF ;Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meath MO TIM Wants, For Saler Lest, Found, Nsadee, Ete Ads IN MEM 001413111111 FOR 3M2 A Yorkshire sow with nine pigs, +reeks old. Au -alp tot A, A. Weber, Phone 97 r G, LOCAL NEWS. iVlr. J. Elgin 'Riess of Tarornte, was recent visitor with relatives and friends in town, Mrs. W. H. Bender of Detroit, vis - ted fora few days with leer sister, Hrs. W. C. Wagner. 4 Mr, Paul Jeffrey of Detroit 'is vis- iting a few weeks with his' mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte of town. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Deters, Sr., were recent visitors with their son, Rev. and Mrs. Albert Datars, at Desitoro. Mr. W. d'. ;Merner nrotoxed to El- mira on Sunday. Mrs. !Werner and children, who spent a few weeks at Elmira, returning with him. Mr. and. M. Ed. J. Denomnie, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Ducharme, of the Town Line motored to Stratford and London, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Gingerish and her parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Roth of St. Agatha, visited with relatives on the Bronson over the week -encs. Mr. Clarence Hoffman of Galt, and son of Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Hoff- man of town, was recently operated for appendicitis, and is progressing as well as can be expected. Miss Lillian Martin, Mr. Garfield FOUND A girl's Red Leather Coat and a l: oque. Same can be had at the Her- ald Office by paying this adv. Shoe Stock For Sale By Tender Consisting of the entire general stock of coarse and line shoes, in Brown's Boot Shop, Zurich. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Last day for receiving ten- ders, Sept. 9th, Address an com- munications to: Mrs. Flossie Brown, Administratrix, Zurich, Ont. Beans Wanted We are prepared to pay the high- est market price for beans, peas, and all kinds of seeds, and arrange for trucking at low rates. J. C. Reid,, & Co., Dashwood. Phone No. 3. NOTICE TQ CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Il olc,gne.s, Sausages, Weiners, 3 all creditors and others having claims against the estate of WILLIAM H. Hams, Etc., always on hand Bich Merchant, who died on the Eight- ROWN, late of the Village of Zur- Fl nhest Cash Prices for `y'ool, Hides and Skins "Let Us Serve You!" Y uD gblut &Son eenth day of June 1932, are required 1 to forward their claims duly proven to the undersigned on or before the Fifth day of September, A. D. 1932. AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Administratrix will proceed to distrib- ute the estate having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have notice. DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 16th day of August, A. D. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, ....Exeter and Hensall, Solicitors for Administratrix. ERYICE Why We have the: Better Class of Customers :Kal CLASS GOODS,. U. S. L. .1BATTE.RIES, MOBILE OIL, MAR. '' ELUBE OIL GOODYEAR TIRES AND TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION :Parts, Hohning and Mechanical Work gone to. Micrometer Settings, No egooste work. Watch the cars that TOIT wt WEIN'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIENTELE. DASI-IWOOD — Isisesssneses Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance C OF WOODSTOCK. The largest Business of any Canadian Company doing } Buiness in Ontario - 1 nnount of Ineuranea at Risk, em Dee, 31st, 1931, $19,593,724• 'Total Caab in Bank and Beta $199,101,.61 rlitatos_e4,60 per $1,004 k4 500e E. F. Klapp -Zurich Aired, Also Dealer in Lidb9arisrd Roils and all kinds of Dire Insurance 0111 ONTARIO LIVE P.0 �,/'�ApU L T� Y WANTED gIlaken every Day till 3 o'clo¢fi, peen. 3Do wet feed Fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices —CASH FOR— CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien 'Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT s ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and fine Tinting. Get our prices be- leaving your order else- ! + here - ..4.» • LOST Auto license snarker, D.T.-203. Finder kindly return to: Eve Brod- erick, Parr Line,. Hay Tp. GRAIN WANTED The fine rains we had last week has set the later crops agrowing, and although it delayed the harvesting operations a few days, yet the warm and balmy weather since has been a big help, and many farmers have the 1932 crop, which is a big one, pract- ically in, and next week will usher in September, and then we can look for another season of the year; namely, _all. MORTGAGE SALE Of FARM PROPERTY Under and by virtue of the pow- ors ow •ors contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at tee sale, the undersigned have been instructed to sell by publick auction as the DOMINION HOUSE, ZURICH On SATURDAY, AUGUST 2?tri, at 2 &clock, p. m. the following farm property, naine- Witmer, and. Rev. E. Burn have. gone 1y:: ALL AND SINGULAR that case e. to the annual Assembly in New• Ham tinct parcel on tract Ian <uicl: premises. situate lying and being in the Township of Stanley in the Co- unty of Huron and Peo vinee of Ont- ario, and being composed of the West half of Lot Number Six in the Eigth Concession of the said Town- ship of Stanley, containing fifty ac- res more or less, and the south half of the weet half of lot Number Seven also in the eigth Conceseron of the said Township of Stanley, except a parcel in the form of a rectangle two rods square at the south -,east angle of the west half of said Lot conveyed by the Canada Company to Robert Stephenson by Deed dated the ninth day of November 1911, said part of Lot number Seven containing twenty- four acres and one hundred and fifty perches, more or less. This is excellent pasture land and. is centrally located in a splendid g farming district. returning to her home in. Detroit TERMS OF SALE with her parents. Mrs. Redinger al- 1052 of the purchase money on so of Detroit, spent the week -end the day of sale, anti the balance with-' e with her sister, Mrs. J. Fuss. in 30 days thereafter. Subject to a . ,41 Mr. and Mrs. C. Pattinson of De- reserved bid; V troit, and Mr.` and Mrs. Alex. Mc- Further terms and conditions will Connell of Varna, were Sunday vis- be mai known on the day of sale.. t e itors at the home ofMr. William La- Oscar i op p,Auctioneer. burg, Ont., which 'is held in seven sessions this week. Mrs. Lennis O'Brein and family, of Clinton, who spent some holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brein, left for their home on Tu- esday. Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and son Archie, who speant a pleas- ant week's vacation at "Shady Inn" cottage at Rondeau Provincial Park, returned home o`n Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weido motored to Fullerton on Monday evening, on their return home they were accom- panied by their daughter Dorothy,and Mrs. Ross Johnston who were visiting at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Swartz of De- troit spent the week -end at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. J. Fuss. Their daughter Eunice who spent sev- eral weeks with her grandmother, h 1' W-` I 1 1 wont. The former being a nephew Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter and ! of Mr. Lamont's. Mr. and Mrs. Pat- 'Jensall, Solicitors for Mortgagee. e tinson are on a camp_ng tour going to Ne -•r Ontario, and home bywayofNi- Hensall Council Minutes 8 agars falls. 6 School opens on Thursday,, Sept The regular Council Meeting- was ember lst, and will beheld f z two 1e1 on Aug 3rd, at 3 p.m. in the days then close till Sept " OAS. r ?until Chambers all members pre - Labor Day, when the fall OA^+st,,S w111' 1t except councillor_ W. Spencer. commence. Just why,. the Delta Slinutes of previous meeting read. ment rules for these two days of end wer• + adopted. ra school to be held we do no` know, a in previous years school did not open till after Labor Day, The other day while Mr. William Thiel was making his rounds as car- rier of R. R. a,. Zurich, he discovered on the roadside, what h' first thought was a white uigeorl, but upon closer observation discovered that it was a white crow, as it did its usual "caw- lee" cawlee" and hid +He e.horacteristics of A. W. E. Hemphill, Collector ap- tp peered re Collector's -Roll of 1931. 0 Arrears being 143.76. That the Col- lector be given an order of 11.25' to p✓tD he appl i to taxes of Bender and I g Jinks and that $5.00 be added to the Geo. McEwen Estate taxes of 1932, being arrears of 1931 Sanitary Tax- es.. Petty reported in poll tax ar- rears as being completed. 0 0 0 0 0 0 Communications received from the it 0 We are prepared highestfollowing: County Clerk re County 60,Wagteee0a014w'"a49e'ak''ec'ee'o*1 El, 1401:13 ameaeaesoots*** You can enjoy this surnmer much better without the dust, ashes and labor of a coal of wood fire. Install a Silent Glow Range Burner in "rhissilent Glow fits a,:y kit- your present kitchen stove and you'll &Peen stove, .Other models for have no more soot smoke and odor. Just Quebec heaters and small � fur- naces. Clean, convenient, steady heat at any. temperature without ,scono►nicat, safe. a lingering fire to overheat your cottage. Silent Glow is the range burner chosen by more than 125,000 Eames for its superior ease and cleanliness of operation... Let tts ;sbow you its "Microfeed" Valve, "R eversflo" Oil Filter and other ' elusive features that make Silent Glow light quicker, give ,more ., beat and burn less oil than any other range burner. EhItt 010171iltiti E MAr REG. IN CAN. ANO U.S. PAT OFF. erelVereetelte Made in Canada Approved by National Board of Fire Underwriters Makers who of Pilgrim Heaters for Silent Glow Power Burnersfor your home, summer cottage or garage; and large residences, schools, churches, etc. 104 WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. 00000oseesettesioteesisateseoseeee0000041.4100e346.0111MeiritiV00111100411 Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with us. Chick Feeds, and Starters Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and We will be pleased to supply You with the follow- ing Brands: Pioneer, Master Chick Starter, Purina Chows, Etc. SEEDS SEEDS. For Spring Seeding and planting let us supply you with your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs. . S`Chile & Son to pay the all kinds We can market price for or Ontario a crow' only it lacked the "blackness' Rates, Judge Costello in Appeal from. Grain and Beans, also sup- c. t color. Court of Revision; Dept. of Lands ply you with empty bags and arrange A. interesting - h Back Land ��� � If g fi i £ Q+I tP/ for trucking same at a very low rate. $ hoe was played on Satu.dey even -Max ument and front the follot .ng very nn ergs ng game of horse- and Forests re ac - to the ane ry COOK BROS. MILLING CO -Ing when a team from Tlerr all was Clerks re Milk By -Lacs: Whea.:••y, l n +� a•IENSALL, ONT. out and played with the Iicais. .The Creemore, Neustadt, Babcaygeo.1, Office Phone 54. Res, Phone 68, visitors winning by 69 points. Fol- lowing is the scores: Hensali—Boa and Boa, 240; Venor and Boa, 154; IllcTaggart and Vennor 155, Ander- son Bros. 204: ZilSarir—Surerus Ers ZURICH HERALD 210; Meyers and Mousseaa 177; Ko:- ehler and D. Meyers 120; A. MasSe Eatalillihed 19015 and 0, Meyers 177 A B Southampton, yr, raieid A e, .. 1kona , Thamesville, Bayfield.dIss Bills and Accounts read as follow.;: F J. Wickwire, printing Voters' List 86.00; A, Clark, labor streets 4.40; D. A. Cantelon, coal hall 72.32;! N. Blatchford cutting weeds, 17.40;! 3. Passmore, supplies and labor, shed' 1.70; Bonthron & Drysdale, supplies a - ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY interesting Visitor ;Hall 1.85; J. Passmore, Hydro S.9,7;,..z An interesting visitor to Goderich G. C. Petty, poll tax of D. ITedden 1.50; A W. E. Hemphill, taz adjust - this week was Mn George Buchanan ments 11.25; 1Vlunicipal World sup -j K. C., who with Mrs. Buchanan, mot - Dred here from Sudbury to visit the; lies 4.44.p That accounts as read be paid and scenes of Mr. Buchanan's secondary' various arious sums be charged on N. school days. It is thirty year, since: heBlathe ford's Account t othe several has been here. A ntennbc of a pro properties named, on the 1932 Col- minent Zurich family, Mr. Buchanan ?lector's Roll. attended Collebiate here in the days- ; That Council adjourn of the late Dr. Strong and studied JamesA. Paterson, Clerk. law in the office of Holt and Cameron. He called on Ii ,J. A. MacEwan, with Some.. Registrars whore he went to school here and told The registrars to make up the vot- The Star he always knew the ex- era' lists for the corning by-election Mayor would get along in this world. in South Huron have been appointed, Mr. Buchanan has not done so badly and those in the immediate vicinity himself, for he is one of the most are as follows: successful and highly regarded mem- Exeter—Poll No. 1 Wm. J. Cali. - bets of the bar in Northern Ontario. ling, No. 2 Mrs. Laura 13. Wilson; Ile is corporation council for the Poll 3, Hector Heywood; Poll 4, Reu City of Sudbury, the towns of Cop- ben McInnis (Hay) per Cliff and Capreol and for the In- Hensall—Fred Berry. Sensational Nickel Co. He is an out- Stanley Twp --Poll 1, Ed. Wenn; standing Liberal and his name has Poll 2, Goldie Graham; Poll 3, Lorne .nany times been advanced as a party Wasrnan; Poll 4, Ed. Churer; Poll 5 candidate, while his name has for Chas. Rathwell; Poll 6, Fred Watson gears been associated with a judge- Poll 7, Joseph Bedard; Poll 8, Walter ;hip, a position for which he is par- Johnston. titularly well equipped. Those who Hay Twp.—Poll 1, Milton Russell; '.now Mn Buchanan admire him for Poll 2, Henry Pfile; Poll 3, Henry :tis ability and fairness in alt things. Howald; Poll 4, Henry Neeb; Poll 5, ---Goderich Star Might we add to Theodore Miller; Poll 6, John Wallace he above that Mr. George Buchanan Poll 7, Orval Smith; Poll 8, Napoleon. •s a sin of Dr. G. • Buchanan, who Cantin. was for many years in Zurich and is Stephen Twp.—Poll 1, John A. Pole: tow a resident of Toronto. While lard; Poll 2, Asa Pesthole; Poll 3, Jos Ir. Buchanan made his trip to God- eph W. Lawson Poll 4, }Jerboa ran elett, he also visited with his aunt, hner; Poll 5, Ebner 'Lawson, all 6, rIns. W. Nlepp of town, and other latives, and Zurich elaims Mr, 13u - :Seaman an one of it's Old Boys. NOON FROM THE H reaid PrintiigOl Tice SUBSCRIPTION RkTES— $i.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1.5() in trrears oar $2.06 racy be charged. U. S. $1.59 in advance. No paper discon' ;inued until an are -ears are paid unn- 'css at option of publisher. The date :f ' which every Subscription is paid a denoted on the Label.. ADVERTISING 1 TES Display advertising made knows. ,n applicatieni. Miscellaneous Articles at not snort ban four lines,. For Sale, To Item vSanted, Lost, Found,, etc, One inser ion 25c, 2 ins. 40o., 3 ins. 60c. Farm or )Real Estate for sale $2.0( for first mond, $1.09 for each fol owing month. Professional Cards not etceedinf I.% inches, per year $5-.39. In Memoriam, one verse 50e, 25( 'Sox. each additioated verse; Card of Thanks, 50c. Auction Sales—P.90 per Singh nsertion if not over four inches it ength. Address all col m munieations tot THE H4ERALP ZUBICIrl - b`asliirntr firrecast. Skirts will he vain about two inches Shorter; suits sheet, two. years longer. Zurich Drug Store SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE . OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ++++++++++++44+4•++++444 -.14 -Hi ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS: Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. +++++++++44+++++++++++++++ FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. ODA,I .S AND FILMS i gic MacKinnon,Zuriah. PPollRobt.J.y rocs Poll 8, 1•lugh R. I3:odgizus;, foil 9, . 1?TM,n R. Webb..,�'i'���4ul,,A,j_ss1��;�!yvvA �.