HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-08-25, Page 1Vol. XXX I I' New. ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING AUGUST 25 (932. Chester L. Smiths, PakistaTO $1.25 a year, U,S. SI.5011n: . var-41 $1,;ffi0 IN AR'stEARS, $2 MAY RE E'iEtA}.161REG Let the Herald Publish all yor Summer Visits and Visitors NOT INTERESTED. BUT 'MED IBrussels Paper Sold to $25 AND COSTS Goderich—There has not been a licensed poolroom in the Village of. Exeter for 52 years, and there is not likely to be one for many rn.ore,T°vice' the electorate, has decided against them, and a municipal by-law prohib- its their operation. Nat long ago 73. 8I.'aylor set up a pool table in his garage. He tried to get araunci the bylaw by issuing coupons for soft 'drinks, etc., for every game played, het it didn't work, Last Friday he fined $25 and costs. Mr. Henry Schilbe, 14th COnces- cion, suirered badly burned hands the Stratford Man other day when he extinguished a The Brussels Post has changed fire which threatened to destroy his hands, the new proprietor. being Mr. home. A lamp was upset in some way in the children's bedroom and when Mr. Schilbe heard the terror stricken cries of the children, he rushed up - Kennedy of Stratior•d, son or A. 1�. Kennedy, editor of the Beacon-Her- uld, Stratford. The Post has been in stairs and threw the pieces of the bur- years,possession of the Kerrs for over fifty ning lamp through e window, also being purchased by the late W H. Kerr from McGilhaddy Bros-, who other clothing, etc. that were -in flare:- later lare later took over the Godericir signal. j es. By this time other assistance had Following the death of Mr.. Kerr, Sr. arrived and the fire was brought un - in 1925, he was succeeded by his son der control. J. Leslie Kerr, who had published the Clinton New Era for several years yeas "How ° prior to ,its amalgamation with the to' guilty or not, p' g` you want plead, a News -Record. The disposal of The 'guilty?" asked the magistrate.` "I'm Post was made necessary owing to not interested," replied Taylor-. "4Vellrthe sudden death of J. Leslie Kerr you .should be. There is a charge a last April. The new proprietor, who iui gainst you," the cacti. replied- A a p of not guilty was entered for him,. the eidence taken and the fine im- posed, at which point Taylor became ;interested. ST. P E T E.R ' S ..Evangelical Lutheran, Church ZURICH ONT. "A Changeless Christ far a att=ar,•. Ing Werfsr Friday, 8h: -=Luther Lenge•, Saturday—Choir Practice.. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. ni:—Herman Semite. 11.15 a. m.—Sunday Sateet. 7.30 p. m.—ErrM&1 • Smri_ ".Everybody Welcome to, en Services. E. Tarkkeins,, raseleir has also purchased the Post Block, takes immediate possession. .pig. Harvest Time! Great deal of space is being taken up in the daily papers telling about playing golf, but the farming corn; munity is interested in a bigger game just now. Instead of using a bag full of golf clubs and pelting away for an afternoon, the farmers are using a fine old thing known as a pitch fork; they are also using as many teams of thingto do is not to give up butEson. Bob of Buffalo, N. Y,, are visit - horses as they can gather. Another thing is a wagon with a rack on it. keep plucking away. Every freighting with Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Haberer. train coming through town is loaded ., Misses Beatrice Goscho and Helen Getting in the wheat and grain is a greater game than golf even if there with unemployed. Yesterday the fre=l'Jhiel of Hensall, of Hensall, spent ight had over three hundred of them the week -end under the parental is not as much money in it, and if g the farmers didn't' play it the golfers on, even some professional men such ;roofs, Blue Scranton Coal The Color Guarantees the Quality PETROLEUM. COKE Cut down your Fuet Bili:- by using this GREAT HEAT,. NO ASV FUEL :, Stock up now with this as the demand is more than the. supply W. I ... DAVIDSON Successor for D. A. CANTE•LON 'file Fuel Yards with all Varieties of • the Highest Quality - Phone No. la HENSA L, OW T. • +-+ Letter from the West In renewing his subscription to the `Herald, Mr. Alfred Gellman froiri Sovereign, Sask., writes: Dear Editor: Enclosed find money order for Herald up to 1933. How are things around the old burg? We have a good crop, but with the low prices it isn't going to put much money in Miss Margaret Harris Of T oronto, is visiting with Mr. and. Mrs.. Norman Gashcho this week. Mr. and Mrs. George Buchanan, Barrister. of Sudbury, visited their aunt, Mrs. Wm. Klopp, last week. Mr. Yules of Fullerton, is it pres- ent spending some time with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mr. J. 1). Merner of Detroit, visit- tted with his brother, Mr, J. W. Mer- 'ner of town last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thiel -and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thiel visited relati- ves in Bervie on Sunday last. • Mr. Albert Ritenhouse of Dunville Who spent a few weeks with friends circulation. We have come through `jn this vicinity, is returning to his some real tough times and the end is home this week. not here yet. We feel it more thant.' ' Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Neil, and lit - you do, as we depend entirely on .tle son, of Detroit, spent a few holi- wheat. If we come through this :de -days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. pression we should be all the better:,A. Melick. for having the experiences. The only. sur, and Mrs, Herb Guenther and might go .hungry.—Exchange. The Sun Eclipse A total eclipse of, the sun will take place on the afternoon of Wednes- day, August 31st and will sweep 'southeasterly across the province of Qrrebee turning the day into night as it races out of the Artie seas and ciisapears, into theAtlantic Ocean. nit until' 1936 wt1l�"anothe±'eelipse be visible in the more settled parts of Canada. The shadow band of total darkness travelling at the rate of slightly more than one-half mile per second, will embrace an area one hundred miles wide. As it passes over the St. Lawrence River it will extend from the city of Montreal to the vil- lage of Les Grondines some fifty mil- es west of Quebec city. Large num- bers of scientists from various parts of the world are gathering in Canada in preparation for BORN the spectacle. Ducharrne—At Hay Township, on August 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme, a daughter. Bedard—At Hay Township, on Aug- ust 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Tuffield Bedard, a son. Proctor—At Zurich, on August 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Proctor, a son. Masse—At Hay Township, on Aug- ust, lOt'h, to Mr. and. Ms's. Janes Masse, a son. b••••••••!s'••••it••••••••• yym ••••••• • 40••••••••• • Before You Buy YOUR a •'EW SUIT BE SURE AND LOOK OVER OUR Ri RAi . c D.GE FOR YOURSELF— COMPARE! • • • as lawyers and doctors., Regards to all. Yours Truly, A. Gallman. STEPHEN COUNCIL Master Gordon Callfas who spent a few weeks with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick, returned to his home at Kitchener. Mrs. Emerson Snyder and two sons Elgin and Wilmer are at present sp- .'ending some time with friends and The Council of the Tp. of Stephen, convened in the Town, Hall, Creditorelatives in Parkhill. n on Aug. 1st at 1 o'clock, with all the ' Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Dedels and fam members present Minutes of +re of Kitchener, are visiting a few ••••••®ssessp ssee eesa•••oasefictose•e•oosse(i • • • • • • • • *Our Feature, Value, Engraved., ;Wk' ite or Green • with Good Size • Stones. 000.01031000,-. as w, FOR THE "BRIDE TO BE" Briday Wreath Diamond and Wedding Rings �\••"• tH $25.00 /19, 1". 1 Beautiful Mo - Perfect unts, • • .. • •1 •• • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • Ions meeting read and :adopte, x • spat the home ..of Mrs. - Dedel's d 1�I • Ed D tens Sr • ; • is • ' • . AND• • you WLL AGREE MAT THEY ARE THE, GREATEST CLOTHING VALUES 'YOU CAN N OBTAIN. PRIG $10.00 • READY MADE, TAILOR MADE, AND t MADE -TO -MEASURE . ..y 0,31 naff • •••(!tSoto! :0 4; MfA••N►.�1�•' M ." rh.ANrJI" i•• i41'd' Whereas, the Minister of Pub1iC parents, Mr. an i rs. a , Works of the Dominion of Canada is I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sternbach of about to constr�uct'or repair a retain -,bath ofetroit and M, Mich.r. and ,rs. H. tein ing wall on the north side of a cer- tain dredged cut now'•forming the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R outlet of the Aux Sables River' at F. Stade of town, Grand Bend in the Township of Bos- • Mr. ane Mrs. Wm. S. Johnston, anquet constructed and paid for by of town, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Rader, the Tp. of- Stephen, in the approxi- of the Goshen Line south, and Mrs. elate location on plan showing the H. Truemner of town visited relativ- north side of Grand Bend cut, Tp. of es and friends in Stratford and Tav- Bosanquet made by F. W. Farncimbe istock over the week -end. O? L S., London, Ont, No. 224 and dated Feb. 4th, 1916. 1 A number of local nimrods made And whereas the said outset is re- a trip up north of Varna in the black quired by the Townships of Stephen, bass fishing grounds on Tuesday af- ternoon,and although these rather Williams and Bosan, quet ane the game fish, were just somewhat lazy Town of Parkhill for drainage pur this day, and did not just swallow ev- poses and by constructing the said eT'y line, hook and sinker that was wall the outlet of the said Aux Sable put before them. However on a trip River will be protected and improved of this kind just the act of pulling Be it therefore resolved that the . them out is not all the fun connected Municipality of the Township of Ste - ,with it, as we are told that the two pliers hereby agrees that on consider renown sportsmen Ed. Axt and W. H. ation of the aforesaid reconstruction Hoffman of town were in the group, being carried out, this municipality and somehow in the great enthusiasm does hereby quit claim or relinquish .they forgot about the rest of the to the Crown as represented by the party, and delvged a little too deeply iVlinister of Public Works any rights in the unknown territory, and al though they• had a nice string of bass which they may have in the lands or property on which the sara wall, on their shoulder, they suffered a including anchorages, is situated or to badly broken rod, and were badly be rebuilt. , mixed up as to their whereabouts and started on foot exploring the side That whereas, the cottage on Lot 269, Plan 24, Ecclestoir's Survey, I roads of Goderich Township, when at last the balance of the party hove owned by C. L. Collins having been! destroyed by fire contract No. 1294 in sight with the auto, and relieved is hereby cancelled and the account these two old veterans from a twelve mile hObak toe of the Hydro Electric Power Comm -1 think the old saying Zurich i applied herut e ission amounting to $26,15) be Paid ; "'It's all in the lifetime". Young Girl Drowns A sad fatality occurred at Grand Bend on Thursday afternoon when $7.50 Beautiful Engraved Wedding Rings To Match, 18 K White or Green Gold. 1 Half dozen Free Community Tea Spoons accompany every Diamond or Wedding Ring during Aug, and Sept. Hess, The Jeweller Phone 74 g a 410, ta •.•.•i•N•..•••••N••••••00000•••00IMO 0••0001 J6MEOZ.' and the amount be placed on year's fax Roll for collection. That the following orders and pay sheets be passed and paid. Sanford White rd 3, $8.20; Bruce Mitchell rd. 1 1.20, and 2.25; - Bernice McPherson of Port Huron, was drowned in the lake, aged 15 ye- ars. She, with an older sister and a chum, Mary McKay, also of Port .Huron, motored to the Bend to sp- end a week's vacation. Early In the afternoon the girls went wading.The lake was quite rough and the older McPherson girl soon went back to the cottage. Bernice lost her footing and was being pulled under by the un- dertow when Miss McKay went to her help. They had almost regained their footing when a big wave took. both off their feet. Miss McKay scr- eamed for help and a cottager came and brought her in. The girl's par- ents arrived from Port Huron • in the evening, and a constant watch was being kept up till on Monday after- noon the body was found about a mile south fromthe scene of acci- dent. Schenk rd 6, 8.60; W. Schwartz id 8 4 00; J. Wilds rd 10, 7.70; E. Webb rd 21, 8.03; G. Hirtzel rd 4, 4.75; L. Lafond rd 20, 25.97; E. Gaiser rd 15 8.00; C. Jones rd 22, 20.07; R. Raiz rd 13, 2.73; H. Fahner rd 27, 1.40; ;Franklin .King, rd 5, 11.00; G. Either, Supt., salary 40.60; A Latta rd 1$, 13.25; P. Eisenbach rd 26,. 86i 80; ditto gravel 18.50; J. Gardner rd 16 19.85; I. Teatreau rci 14, 11.35 J. &Bier rd 11, 10.00; .S. R. Hart & Co. Tax Ledger 5.28 F. J Wickwire, printing 97.00; Hy- dro Electric Power Comm. 26.141; Ontario Hospital, re Alma Williams :1:9.115(0;, Dan. MacIsaac Burial expens- es re Mrs. Kenney 30.00. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain at the '.town Hall, Crediton, on Tut vlay, Sept. 6th, 19182, at 1 p.m. Henry Silber, Township Clerk, '? +++++++++++.++++++++++ +++F+++++++++++d: +++++.014. 4 + + SPECIALS AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STORE z z WHERE YOU BUY THE BEST FOR LESS CASH $1:00 PAIR WOMEN'S BLACK CANVAS STRAP HOUR SIL` • res Loy ,`Heela-'Soft Toea;. the-kin&e. elt.,a1 ge something a little different. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SL1FE'EB With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. -. $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENNONITE WORE BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sisman make. ' ` $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best nsakeg ef)- tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5%.44 $1.45, $1.75, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Capa. Alice finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 131/x. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE, I FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR i• FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT -nos STORE. WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME. STORE WHO GIVES YOU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT t MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.75 p i . ; ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL F f' - t DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFVER,EiJT STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAIIE co WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing promictltsteam I,: 0 FRITZ & SON MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANT, Phone 82 or 115 Zrici ++++++++++++++++++++++4444++++++++++ +++++4+44++++44 New Summer Yrods We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Lot Priced Goods. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLIN'S, ETC., ETC. A Few Stamped Mats at 20 Off While They Last Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pair and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at Sc and I0c a Frage HARNESS REPAIRS. A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON H 11 R. N. DOUGLAS ,, GENERAL MER011Ai#MJT PHONE 11 -' 97 BL A tm