HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-08-18, Page 7glow to play Bridge
,Wynne Ferguson
There are still a number of Auction
land Contract players who, as dealer,
:do not understand what to do with
!certain types of hand. Most players
'know when to bid no trump or one of
's suit, but every now and then they
'hold hands that puzzle thein. For ex-
ample, suppose you dealt and held the
following hand:
Hearts—A, K, J
Clubs -9, 7, 4, 3
Diamonds—A, K, Q
Spades -8, 5, 4
What would you bid? The only
proper bid with this hand at either
Auction or Contract is one no trump,
and yet the Bolder of this hand pass-
ed. It is too strong to justify a pass
for, if you do, there is a very good
chance of the hand being passed out.
A suit bid would mislead partner as to
strength held.
Here's another hand:
Hearts—A, K, 4
Clubs—A, 9
Hearts—K, J
Clubs—J, 6, 3, 2
Diamonds -9, 3, 2
Spades—A, K, 10, 4
Diamonds—K, J, 3
Spades—Q, J, 10, 9, S
Should you bid one no trump or one
This is a very close hand. Personally
the writer prefers a spade bid at
either Auction or Contract, but would
not criticize a, no trump. These two
hands are indicative of the difficulty
that still confronts Auction or Con-
tract players who have not yet mas-
tered the proper bids of the dealer.
The dealer is in a peculiar position,
for he can always give exact informa-
tion, For that reason he should
strive to bid correctly. To pass under
certain circumstances is just as bad
as to bid incorrectly. Don't pass
sound bids for to do so is just as mis-
leading as an unsound bid. Your part-
ner depends on you as,dealer to give
exact information both by your bids
and your passes; so strive to do so at
all times.
Problem Hand No. 1
A B :
No score, rubber game. The hand
is applicable either to Auction or to
Contract. Z dealt and passed, A bid
one spade, Y one no trump, B passed
and Z bid two hearts. A and Y pass-
ed and B bid two spades, Z bid three
clubs, A and Y passed and B bid three
spades, Z bid four clubs,A doubled, Y
redoubled and B bid four spades. Z
and A passed. Y doubled, B redoubled
and all passed. Y opened the ace of
hearts and then led the trey. How
should A play the combined hands?
Solution: After winning the second.
trick with the king of hearts, A should
lead the king of spades. He should
then lead a low diamond and win the
trick in B's hand with the king. He
should then lead a low spade and win
the trick with the ace in his own
hand. In this particular hand, Z failed
Hearts—Q, 7
Spades—A, Q, 8
to follow
A was now in a position where he
count count Z's hand very accurately.
Y's lead of the ace and trey of hearts
and the fact that B held the deuce in-
dicated that Y originally held only
two hearts. Therefore, Z must have
held six hearts. Z's bid and rebid of
clubs indicated that he must have
held at east five clubs so that his or-
iginal holding must have been six
hearts, five clubs, one spade and one
diamond. Therefore, A at the sixth
trick should lead a diamond and
finesse the jack. Played in this way,
A B should make their contract for
Y Z can make only the ace of hearts
and two spade tricks. Play out the
hand for practice -
Hearts -10, 8, 2
Diamonds—A, K, J, 8, 7, 5
Spades -9, 7, 3, 2
suit on the second round of
Problem Hand No. 2
Hearts -6
Spades—K, 9, 5, 2
: A
B :
Hearts—K, 9
Spades—J, 6, 3
There are no trumps and Z is in the
head. How can Y Z win three of the
e tricks against any defense?
oiution: Z should lead the jack of
spades and A's best play is the queen.
-If A should play the ace, Y Z will win
the balance of the tricks. If A allows
the jack to hold the trick, A 13 can
win only one trick, When A, there-
fore, plays the queen of spades, Y
should win the trick with the king and
lead the six of hearts. If 33 plays the
Hearts -10, 8, 4, 2
• Spades -10
ten, Z should play the king and then
lead the nine. ,If B plays sow, Z
should play the nine,, forcing..A in the
lead. .A rtbav'',,lead :a Heart or a
spade. If 'le foster, Z wins the trick
and leads a spade. If A leads -the ace
and small spade, Y will win the re-
maining tricks.
In either case therefore, A 33 can
win only one spade and one heart
trick so that Y Z win three of the five
tricks against any defense.
Laughter Declared
Valuable Asset
As Necessary Today as the
Important "Bread and
New York. — One of the biggest
'graduating classes in the history of
New York University went out carry-
ing the thought of Dr, Elmer Elis -
worth Brown, Chancellor, that light-
heartedness and laughter are as neces-
eery as bread and salt. Addressing
them at their baccalaureate services,
pr. Brown envisaged another "Cer-
vantes" arising from the university
'groups entering upon the work of the
]world and declared that "he will find
to -day his opportunity and material."
"While we are deeply impressed
!with the dangers which beset our
;modern society," he said, "it is well
to remember that they have a comic
;aspeot as well as a tragic. There is
!need not only that they be fought, but
!that they be laughed at. Take, for
lexampe, the portentous solemnity
!with which our people bow down in
worship of the dollar, whether in pros -
Polity or in this time of depression.
It is tragic beyond words, but it is also
unutterably absurd. It calls for cheer-
ful ridicule, to loosen the knees and
lighten the hearts of the worshipers.
Caricature, satire, the sheer fun of
Wonderland—we have need of them
and we ned them at their best. We
need them for wiping away some of
"Really, 1 think BABY'S OWN TAB-
LETS are wonderful," writes Mrs.
Allan P. MacDonald, Northfield, Ont.
"My, baby, bas no more colic pains."
Don't let your
baby suffer—give
colds, ever, upset
stomach, constipa-
tion. Absolutely
harmless. axe 232
fir. Vigilante
l 'ASIA No. 25---'32
the grime and letting a more spiritual
life shine in."
Dr. Brown held that the ultimate
safeguard against economic troubles
was not solely economic, but was to
be found in a regenerated scale of
values," in "the spiritual aspirations
of humankind."
"We have to give new force and
vitality to ,other interests than those
expressed solely or mainly in money
values," he declared.
Dr. Brown made a stirring plea for
moral courage to face issues squarely.
He said that "those champions of de-
mocracy who would still reject all
check on individual action short of
murder must learn in time that the
only individualism that can endure is
that which freely and of itself, looks
to the general good."
Evaporation of Water
Made Visible to Eye
Fort Collins, Col.—A method of de-
termining water loss from irrigation
reservoirs through evaporation—loss-
es of vital importance to all Western
irrigated farming regions has been de-
veloped at Colorado Agricultural Col-
lege's experiment station.
Carl Rohwer, associate irrigation en-
gineer for the Department of Agricul-
ture, developed the method, a formula
requiring special hydraulic apparatus.
To devise the rule it was necessary
to make a sensitive instrument which
measures losses as small as 50.1000th
of an inch. The instrument is so sen-
sitive the observer can see the water
surface dropping as the water evap-
orates from the tank.
Dr. Rohwer's experiments demon-
strated that, contrary to general be-
lief, water evaporates faster during
the night than ,in daytime, provided
there is no wind to affect the process.
It was shown also that water that dM
not freeze in winter evaporated al-
most as fast as water in the summer
months. Evaporation increases with
the altitude, it also was found.
It was decided that evaporation loge -
es from a reServole are reduced if the
water has protection from wind, and
if it Is deep rather than shallow, bo -
cause depth reduces the evaporation.
area and keeps the temperature of the
water low.
"He tie the flower of the fapailt."
"Possibly. Hs deems to be wti bloom•
tap; idiot." -
Physicians declare excess fat is a
condition which, often weakens the
whole system.
A needless strain is placed upon the
heart, the function of body organs is
interfered with, mental activity im-
paired—shortness of breath, eonstl-
pation, backache, and rheumatism are
but a few of the ailments which are
apt to arise in overweight men and
The proper, safe and certain. way to
banish bat is to do away with the cause
—this a half teaspoonful of Kruschen
Salts in a glass of hot water every
morning before breakfast will do.
Krusehen is based on scientific prin-
ciple—it's an ideal blend 'of 0 separate
minerals which help glands, nerves,
blood and body brgans to function
properly and maintain a splendid
degree of health—it builds up energy
and strength all the while you're train-
ingyourself down to a point of normal
weight. You feel years younger—you
look it. You can hasten the reducing
action of Krusehen by cutting out fatty
meats and pastries and going light on
butter, cream and potatoes.
What New York
Is Wearing
Illustrated Dressmaking Lesson Fur-
rtish•ed With Every Pattern
A delightfully smart model is this
little crepe silk print with its new
and modish points.
A small patterned crepe silk in the
popular navy and white coloring made
the original. Aid don't you think the
one-sided rever a smart idea? It's: a
bit feminine too, for it terminates in
a bow.
The bias cut of the bodice, accented
by button trim, with a similar treat-
ment at the front of the skirt, gives
a charming slender appearance.
If you do not need slimming ycu
can indulge in the gayest of schemes
in plain crepe silk and sheer woolens
for this jaunty day dress.
Style No. 2749 is designed for sues
16, 13 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches
lust. Size 36 requires 3% yards 39 -
inch with 1/z yard 35 -inch contrasting.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving nunl:,er and size of such
patterns as you want. Enclose 20c in
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap
it carefully) for each number, and
address your order to Wilson Pattern
Service, 73 West Adelaide St, Toronto.
Rheumatism So Bad
He Had to Quit Work
Albert Berger Not Bothered Since
Relieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
"I was terribly
bothered with a
weak back and
rheumatism in my
shoulders," writesAI-
bert Berger, Wingle,
Ont. "It got so bad
I had to stop working and stay in the
house. I was two weeks in bed, when a
friend advised me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I gave the Pills a fair trial,
and they relieved me right away. My
back is good and strong now, and I am
working every day. I have never been
bothered with rheumatism since. I
recommend them for anyone suffering
from Rheumatism, Lame Back, Sciatica."
Rheumatism and kindred ailments thin
the blood very rapidly. Dr. Williams'
Ptak Pills enrich the blood stream and
create new red blood cells, which is the
reason they are so successful in combat-
ting such ailments. Vqually good for all
�down or nervQus.y exhausted people.
± them, M port tttuggist s. SOP. 273
Every Day
Owl Laffs
The small son of the house was
chatting on the front porch with the
'young man who had called to see his
big sister. "Daddy says you are lilte
the month of June," confided the.
youngster, "'cause when you come in
May goes out."
So Little
It takes so little to make us sad;
'.Just a slighting word or a doubting
Just a scornful smile on- some lips
held dear;
And our footsteps lag, though the goal
seemed near,
!And we lose the courage and hope we
So little it takes_..to make us sad.
'It takes so little to make us glad;
Just a cheering clasp of a friendly
Just a word from one who can under-
And we finish the task we long had
And we lose the doubt and the fear we
So little it takes to make us glad.
While visiting the deaf and dumb
schooI," relates a man, "a friend of
mine was given an opportunity to ask
the children questions One question
he wrote on the blackboard was:
'What is your idea of forgiveness?'
After a short pause one of the curly -
headed little boys, who could neither
hear nor speak, raised his hand and
the teacher motioned him to the black-
board, The little fellow wrote: 'My
idea of forgiveness is the fragrance a
violet sheds on the heel that crushes
Lady (in Baker's Shop) — "Your
French rolls are really far too small.
I can put a whole one into my mouth
at once."
Baker—"I can quite beieve that,
madam, but it's not the fault of the
French rolls."
Some persons are contetnt to be
comfortably faxed, while others can't
be happy unless they can sit in the
lap of luxury.
Aunt Hetty—"Sakes alive, I don't
believe no woman could ever be so
Uncle Cyrus — "What you readin'
now, Hetty?"
Aunt Hetty—"Why, this paper tells
about an English woman that lost two
thousand pounds."
Tailless cats are reported to be dis-
appearing from the Isle of Man. Prob-
ably because they never had a definite
end in view.
Lady (to ; electrteiau) "I - thought
I told you to send a man to repair my
Electrician—"I did, ma'am; but
when he rang three times and re-
ceived no answer he decided no one
was at home."
.A. specialist declares that noise is
making us a nation •of nervous wrecks.
Especially the noise of eating soup and
The farmer was delivering vege-
tables to the sanitarium. A patient
saluted him:
Patient—"You're a farmer, ain't
yuh?" -
Farmer—"I allow that I am."
Patient—"I used to be a farmer
Farmer—"Did yuh?"
Patient—"Yes. Say, stranger, did
yuh ever try been' crazy?"
Farmer—"No, I reckon I never
Patient (as the farmer started to
move on)—"Well, you oughts try it.
It beats farmin' all hollow."
If Columbus came looking for
America now he would find it hiding
behind a billboard. Love makes the
world go round; but for that matter,
so does a good swallow of tobacco
juice. Too many people classify their
friends by race rather than by per-
sonal characteristics. Radicals com-
prise that breed of politicians who
hate their party every day in the year
except election day.
Praise of Small Birds
Sing praise of small birds who build
nests in eaves
And are content with springtime near
at hand,
Who pour their simple music through
the leaves
And ask no more. Beyond their pale
The eagle, terrible with hate may go;
The vulture, that marauder, he aan'ives
At heaven's opal fortress, but below,
They lead their docile, matrimonial
Dear innocents! Upon a single branch
They find their world and are content
to make
Tho most of little and to have that
In their arboreal breasts no avalanche
Of dark desire burns and for the sake
Of simple beauty they pour out their
—Harold 'Viral in the Commonweal.
Lawyer: "When your started coin-
ing, surely you realized It was hardly
worth while snaking counterfeit pin.,
.les.'' Clients "Ilut one must abut
if! >imali ;tea)'
You can now buy
Red Rose Tea
Orange Pekoe
385t 16.
The lowest price it bas ever
been sold at.
Masefield's Ode
(Composed by thre Poet Laureate for
the opening of the Shakespeare Mem-
orial Theatre, and spoken by Miss Lil-
Iah McCarthy, at the opening perform-
Beside this house there is a blackened
The theatre that Flower built of old
Lest English love of Shakespeare
should grow cold,
He, Stratford's citizen, established
A home for Shakespeare that for many
a year
Drew happy thousands till the fire be-
I saw its ruins black in- smoke that
rolled. _
Now a new house has risen; it is
given -
Not by one citizen or State, it stands,
Given to us by many hundreds hands
American and British; nay, each race
Upon this earth has helped to build
this place:
Lovers of Shakespeare everywhere
have striven.
Every man gave it out of all earth's
First, let us thank the givers for the
This consecrated gift of brick and
Where poetry, the queen, shall have
her throne.
Long may the givers come here to
With us in Shakespeare's service of
The acted passions beautiful and swift,
The spirit leaping out of fiesh and
And may this house be famous, may
It be
The home of lovely players and a
Schooling young poets to a fruitful
We but begin: our story is not told;
Friends, may this day begin an age of
England, again a star among the seas,
That beauty hers, that is her heritage.
The Canadian Wool Co. Ltd.
Buy Your Shirts
Direct from the manufacturer at
FACTORY PRICES. Finest white
English broadcloths only, regular
retail priced line $1.95 for $1.40.
Extra Special SILK LIKE broad-
cloth which retails anywhere at
$3.95 for $2.50. Send postal note
with your order, money refunded if
not satisfied. Representatives
wanted in your locality, write at
ince to secure agency.
4508 Resther Street, Montreal.
Sluggish Liver
And Rheumatism
Both Corrected By
Famous Vegetable Pills
"I received immediate relief from
Carter'sLittleLiver Pills," declares Mr.
Arthur P. "I recommend them to suffer-
ers from Rheumatism and Indigestion.'
Because they are PURELY VEGE-
TABLE, a gentle, effective tonic to both
liver and bowels, Dr. Carter's Little
Liver Pills are without equal for cor-
recting Constipation, Acidity, Bilious-
ness,l-Ieadaches and Poor Complexion,
25c. & 75c. red pkgs. Sold everywhere.
Classified Advertising
tablets are absolutely harmless, ye
they remove that excess avoirdupoi*
safely and sanely. Three weeks' treat).
ment. $1.50 postpaid. Roy Kitchel"!d
prepared letters for window and
truck lettering, free instructions fol
doing the work yourself, also automobild
monograms and name plates. Write 44;
Lehoux, 163 Fifth Ave:, Verdun, Mon
Dept, M, London.
HORNS, 6 cents; Rocks NVIiitet,
Rocks Red, 9 cents; delivered any timet
Month olds, 18c. Pullets, all ages, price*
furnished. Model Hatchery, aitchener;
10c; Minorcas, FVhite Rocks, 11e
10 per cent. books order. eletsc
Hatchery, Stratford, Route 5, Ontario.
PAPER in Ontario. Send oar-
u'culars •o Box 16. Wilson Publishing
Cr Ltd. Toronto.
cruiser, about thirty feet, in usd
altogether only four or five months 1
two seasons: complete equipment includ,
ing carpets, bed and table linen, china -
glassware and silver as well as all marA
ir.e equipment and many extras. Tbi61
cruise: with its two cabins and its ,veil
equipped galley is an unusually comfort,
able boat for week -ends or longer,
cruises for four to six people. It Is ex-
ceptionally seaworthy and has cruised
all over the Great Lakes. it has a sigh
class and very economical 60 horsepower;
six -cylinder power plant with complete
electric lighting throughout and speed
of 12 to 19 miles per hour. It is a spe-
cial paint lob and very attractive in ap-
pearance. Owner will sacrifice for nail
its original cost. H. Watkins, 73 Wd
Adelaide St.. Toronto.
Earn $35 Weekly
oondGrowlni Mushrooms for u. all Y ,
round 10 Your Cellar. Stable or Seed.
Rapid growers: YINd Sr.,h stop •resp
d",. I:o el t.nted netbsary. W
start :ou and ecru"ctto ev) "it You
y t filch pr.o,o Lat5IaD2001012
of OW-oQ .24110, 100, Send POI
Ideal Mushroom Co., Islington, Ont.
Well Drilling
SUREST and best "of-seritoe -guar
anteed; over thirty years -in busi-
:ness; over 3,065 welis completed;
shallow or deep wells, 4a inches up.
Proprietor of several drilling ma-
chines. Write for terms. Arthur
Campbell, Plantagenet, Ontario. '
Font 1,000 Years Old
A Celtic baptismal font 1,009,
years old was found in Wales dur-
ing recent excavations.
Warm weather and changes of food
and water bring frequent summer
upsets unless healthy elimination is
assured. You will find Feen-a-mint
effective in milder doses and espe-
cially convenient and pleasant for
summertime use.
lr this inn
Rid your home of flies with Aeroxon—the
improved spiral fly catcher with the longer
and wider ribbon. Aeroxon is guaranteed not
to dry out or deteriorate. The true is always
fresh, fragrant and sweet—irresistible to flies.
Aerorofa iia (God for 3 Weeks' Service.
Gets the fly every time
we OEVEST, 1P.0, ox Sox ea, Lauf.