HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-08-18, Page 5rrt'rsct iy; kl.ugusit r t,, I032" J3USI.NESS IRRISTER, SOLICITO , NOT, .CRY PUBLIC, ITC, OFFICE—Hamilton Street, 3ut3t .eft *be Squaw, GODT'R.1011, Ontarke Special Attention to Ceience'1 anti Cour Work. 31Ir. Holmes may be cox,tiinbteal at tedezleh by Phone,. lend >t bane charges reversed. Dr.'11,,11. COWE DENTAL SURGEON DEITZ 13LOCIi--ZU1C13 Eyry Thursday, Friday, Baturday At BARTLEIB'S BLOCK: DAsHWOOD 'Every Monday, Tuesday and Medncsday UUuenseo Auctioneer For .I Iuron and Middlesex 31 AMC,IN A POSITIOi�I TO.CON- duet any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or articleto .sell. 1 sol'i cIt your business, and if not satisfied well Ito charges for Services Ren- Dated, August 17th, 3932_ Sara. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ' kone 13-57, I 11 Ir Sate, 460t, ou ! if N VIC ,Etc.Ads comes NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE IS Uial.1i2Y GIVEN that all creditors and -others having -tain�t}s �gaieet the estate of WILLIAM 1,•. ]31 OWN, late of the Village, of Zur- Leh, Merchant, who died on the Eight- eenth they of June 1932, are required. o forward their claims duly proven o the undersigned on or before the !'ii't11 day of September, A. D. 1932, AND NOTICE IS FURTHER ;.;;1V1!:N that after the said date the'. Administeatrix will proceed to distrib- ute the estate having regard only to cite claims of which she then shall have notice., DATED at Exeter, Ont., this 16th day of August, A. 3a. 1932. GLADMAN & STANBURY, -Exeter and Hensel!, Solicitors for Administratrix. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in fut- ure I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my eon, Allan Schrag. • Undersigned, C. Schrag, Zurich Zan PoIrnlar (EAT MAIIKET :Always a good Supply of Fresh and Cured Meats Boh,gnas, Sausages, Weiners, Hams, Etc., always 'on hand Highest Cash Prices for CARD OF THANKS Having sold our Coal and Egg bus- iness, it is with sincere regret,, we sever .a.• business connection .of many years duration. We take this oppor- tunity of thanking our many •custorn- ors for the kind and generous sup- port given us.. Particularly do we thank the loyal customers, who dur- ing- war time were so patient with us when it was inly possible to deliver meager supplies • and. who have stood by us up to the present time. To our successor, Mr. Davidson yea will find a gentleman of sterling quarities, who Wool, Hides and Skins will continue to give you the finest 'Let Us Serve Your degree of service, in supplying you y, p & �1 ith the many grades of highest qual- IT Irli.� j i]iu VSOwhich we a]Zva• vs endeavored ity fuelswhich obtain. We heartily commend him for your consideration) Again thanking you, I beg to re- main: ,.•'SERVICE Why We have the-., Better .. Class of Customers I-1 CLASS GOODS, U. S. L. RIES; " MOBILES, OIL, MAR. E'L.PBE OIL, GOODYEAR TIRES Alai TUBES, GENUINE IGNITION Psrts, Hohning and Mechanical Work alone to Micrometer Settings, No graces work. Watch the cars that STOP at WE1N'S, They are al! HIGH CLASS CLIE2:TELE. S. Wein. O:SHWOOD -- ONTARIO fir. -- Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co OF WOODSTOCK he Largest Business of any °Cadian Company doing Business in Ontario- lilialietnt 1931, a3100 at Risk on Deo. $19,593,724 rets Cash in Bank and $ons a $199,1O1,.61 fratost=$4.50 per $1,090 tae 0 years, ., F. Klopp----Zuric1 .141grit. .also Dealer in Lightntnd Rods' salalt kinds of Fire Insurance LIVE POU LT R WANTED 'Mikan every Day till 3 e'cloek, p.m. „Mee not feed Fowl same morning �p when brought in. Wiliest Cash Prices —CAM FOR - -CREAM AND EGGS W. O'Brien ;Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich THE HERALD'S JOB DEPARTMENT Is ever ready to serve the pub- lic with Commercial and fire Printing. Get our prices yybe- rfor i leaavin r' trour order elseWaherAg - Yours Very Truly, D. A. Cantelon NOTICE. fie, uiln e eig•ited, have mute ually agreed a dissolving of •partner- ship, of the firm known as Schrag Bees., Garage, Zurich. Same ;.o take Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Geiger and effect on August 17th, 1952. family of Preston; were visitors • in Gordon Schrag, Allan Schrag. town, on holidays. are Geiger oc- cupied the pulpit in the local evan- gelical church ort Sunday evening, Angnst 7th. ZUBIFH_,MV1Lp LOCAL NEWS Miss Ruth Tr.rkheian is spending! the week' with friends at Tavistock.. Mrs. T. L. Warne of Toronto,, is visiting with :friends in town. • 11r. and -Mrs, J. W, Horner and lV.ir. Ed. D,xt were Sunday visitors at Goderich, Bora•.-..at Dashwood on Aug. 12th to Mr. and Mrs. Win..Seheader son. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Schnell of De- troit, are spending their holidays in Zurich and at Hayfield. , Mr. and Mrs. Burn of New York City, are visiting the former's parents at the Evangelical parsonage. Mrs. W. Redinger, of Detroit, is visiting with. her sister, Mrs. Jul Block, and Mrs. j. Fuss. Re. vF. L. and Mrs. Howald ` -and two children, of Elmwood were vis- itors with relatives here. Messrs. Nicholas and Edward; Deichert, of Detroit visited with rel- atives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Heiden i of Jackson, Mich., ate visiting a;, the home of Mr•: and Mrs. Egbert 1i±ide- manr = Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Ings and 11ir. and Mrs. George •Johnston of Varna, were visitors in town Inst week. MORTGAQE SALE .Of FARM PROPERTY lander and by virtue of the pow- ers contained in, a certain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the undersigned have been instructed to sell by publlck auction as the DOMINION HOUSE, 'ZURICH Oh• SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th, .. . at 2 o'clock, p. m. the following farm property, name- ly:: ALL AND SINGULAR that cer- tain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Stanley in the Co- unty of Huron and Province. of Ont- ario, and being composed of the Wes: half of Lot Number Six in the irligth Concession of the said Town- ship of Stanley, containing fifty ac- res more or. less, and the south half of the west hal of lot Number Seven also in the eigth Concession of the said Township of Stanley, except a parcel in the form of a rectangle two rods' square at the south-east angle of the welt haif of said Lot conveyed by the Canada Company to Robert Stephenson by Deed dated the ninth dayo" f N'01 .rill' e ]ci•1911, said part of Lot number Seven containing twenty- four acres and one hundred and fifty The rather dry weather was some- perches, more or less. what broken on Tuesday, when a nice This is excellent pasture land and refreshing rain . visited these parts, is centrally located in ,a splendid which were badly needed. farming district, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Oniel and fam- ily of Hamilton, were visitors at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Horner last week. Clinton horseshoe; tossers were in town on Monday evening and play- ed a friendly game with the local boys. Misses Verlyn Thiel, Ida and Elda Gingerieh of Ookwood Lodge, Grand Bend,•spent Saturday evening in Town. The seven-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Reeder of the Goshen line :south, suffered a dislocated hip, and Dr. A. J. MacKinnon was called in to adjust the dislocation. Mr. and Mrs. E. Vallett and dau- ghter Herva, Mrs. Ira Campbell and daughter Barbara Ann of Flint, Mich. are visiting at the home of -Miss Anna Hess. The new residence of Mr. Jacob Haberer is rapidly nearing completion The ;plumbing , and heating equip- ineatts are now in, -and rapid progress is being made with the ce peiner work. LOST Auto license marker, D.T.-203. Finder kindly return to: Ev. Brod- erick, Parr Line, Hay Tp. GRAIN WANTED Harvest is progressing very rapidly these weeks, and soon the big 1932 crop will be garnered in. Prospects for the fanner are looking a little brighter just now with practically all 'arm products going up slowly in price. sentence. Smith's release was in ac- cordance with an order from the Se - Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Sehiefie of creta.ry of State at Ottawa to S'ter- Detroit, visited at the home of her iff lt4idletoit. Smith was sentenced on We are prepared to pay the highest j parents, Mr. and Mrs. John GammaJuly 5th by Judge T. M. Costello, market price for all kinds or Ontario Mr. Schiefle occupied the pulpit in for assault upon Earl Underwood at Grain and Beans. We can also sup- the Evengeii•:ol church on Sunday ev- Bluevale. No reason was given for ply you with empty bags end arrange ening and spoke to a large congregat- theorder of release• for trucking same at a very low rate. ion. After last Friday evening's violent COOK BROS. MILLING CO, .BENSALL, ONT. O$iee 1.1 zne 54. Res. Phone 63. TERMS OF SALE 10% of the purchase money on the day of sale, and the balance with- in 30 days thereafter. Subject to a reserved bid. Further terns and conditions .will be :made known on the day of sale. Oscar. Xlopp; Auctioneer. • • Gladman & Stanbury, Exeter • and Hensall, Solicitors for Mortgagee. COUNTY NEWS Mrs. Chas. Prueter, of Mitchell, has received a windfall of $10,000 by the death of her uncle,J.L. Scott who died in Torouio on July frith, leaving an estate of $57,271.86. The Sick Children's Ito vital, Toronto, gets $2,000 and the , ;st goes to rel- atives of the decea. _d. • 0 1 s 0 • r*os IMP* With a Silent Glow Range Burner in your present kitchen range, you can get heat when you want it, and then turn it off when your cooking is finished. A coal fire heats ufel besides making all kindsf exttrour kitchen between meals and wastes w ak from dirt and ashes. More than 125,000 homes have chosen. Silent Glow because it .is the no -trouble burner. It lights quicker, gives More heat and burns less oil than any other range burner. Fits your Quebec heater or furnace too. Let us show you the "Reversflo" oil fitter, the "Microfeed" Valve and other patented and exclusive Silent Glow features that assure you.dependable service for cooking and heating. !fie OIL UNS. rt TRADE MARK REG ltd CAN.AND U.E. PAT, OF F 4 :ingE ,. F .tea Made en Canada Approved by National Board of hire Underwriters Makers alro of Pili -int Heaters for your home summer c tt ae or Silent Glow power Burners for large residerces, schools, churc es, a c. an WILLIAMS BROS. ZURICH - ONT. iesttteaoeen®aststseaanoonaresets. esat ;ageesee aagee eseeseeeceases Fertilizer Fertilizer Before giving Your Spring Orders for Fertilizer be sure and see us. Get our Prices and Quality, and we know you will leave your Order with us. • • Chick Fee'cls, 'lnd Starters c 0 Stewart Grid', 18 -yr. -old son of Mr a Our Line of Chick Feeds and Chick Starters is complete and Mrs. H. ll.. Grief, Goderich, was j and We will be pleased to supply You with the..follo'v;.:.: in a party whit]] left for,: iikie, Sas. ing Brands: Pioneer Master Chick Started Purina` by motor. They expect to make the , t_ p e# �, I00 miles in. six days, o]. Chows, Etc.• seekingi 430` n�fe6a da -y:', the yo:thig `maxi is y �t experience and education and S [�1 E D iS will dou'biiess get both. • • For Spring Den ironies. of Clinton turned into a • your seeds, Clovers, Timothy, all Garden and Grass Seeding and planting let us supply ou with Sunday last when a car driven by • pP y y gateway six miles south of Goderich Seeds kept in Stock at Lowest Possible Prices. on the 1::1e Wate] Highway an Ar- row bus coming behind crashed into "We do Custom Seed Cleaning" it and turned the car upside down. 4 Both cars were coming north. Nobody • Agency for McCormick -Deering Machinery Repairs, injured, but both cars damaged. • Joseph Smith, of Bluevale, serriing • a two month's term in the county jail Scnime at Son at Goderich for assault, was released • oteelowateesoneseettoemotemeeteposaeseseeeeeteeets000tioseseatoseeseso. Monday la:;t after serving half the ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE H reald Printing 1 fice SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 a electric and hail storm, which did Traffic Officer Norman Lever was much* damage to standing crops in in town the other day, and advised parts of Ashfield Rev. Fr. Paquette, us that there still are a number of St. Augustine, sounted sixteen spar - auto accidents who do not report of rows lifeless under one tree, all kil- such accident to the right authority. led by hail. The storm at one time all A heavy penalty is due to any such but reached the proportion of a tor - who are caught disobeying this law. nado, breaking nine panes of glass in one home and secret in the rertory Mr. and Mrs. Herb Axt of Detroit; at St. Augustine. Hail was piled a called on the formers father, Mr. E. foot high at the bottom of the spout Axt in town, they just came from an which drains the eaves. extended motor trip, up the Michigan A quiet wedding took place in St. side, crossing at the Soo and also vis- Benedict's Church, Detroit, when ited at Algonquin Park, making the Miss Viola Hartman, was united in trip by auto. marriage to Donald Murphey, of De- troit. .Miss .Ueetha Hartman, sister' Rev. H. Becker, wife liner childee]i of the bride, acted as bridesmaid and Morris Murphey, brother of the gro- om as best man. A very lovely wed- ding breakfast was served at the groom's home after which the couple left for different parts through Eas- tern Ontario. Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Mrs. D.D, Gray, Goderich, were elected to re- present the ratepayers of St, Dav- id's Ward and St. Andrew's Ward of Goderich on the Public School Board ,Mrs. Johnstoix defeated Harry F. Black, by a majority of 15, While Mrs. Gray's majority over her op- ponent, Chas, K. Sounders, was 22, Arnold R. Turnbull, Seaforth, has been appointed manager of the Lon- don, Eng., office of the imperial Life Insaratice Co. He leaves early in Sep to assume his new duties. He received his early education in the Seaforth Public School and Collegiate Instit- ute, entered the 'University of Tor- onto in 1928 and graduated in 1927 Upon graduation he t'ntered the Tor- onto office of the imperial Life Co., where he made rapid progress, which bury. Ile emits that the skim of the culininrate.l in his recent +eppoixt- ;ear, strictly in advance; $1,SU rn 'of Illinoise, spent a few days at the ,nears or $2.00 ebe charged. U• ;home of Mrs. Becker's mother, Mrs. 3. $1.50 in advance. . No papal. discon I.ouisai iClopp, The party left for .inued until all arret a are paid un- ; ess at Option of publisher. The date which every. Subscription is paid s denoted on the Label ADVERTISING RATES Display, advertising inade known applieatiom. Miscellaneous articf'es of not mart ban fora lines; For Saie, To Rent, Vented, Lost, Found, sic., One inser- ion 25c, 2. ilia. 4ec.,"d ins. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 'or .firsts month, $1.00 for each fol- ` owing month. Professional Cards not exceeding i inches, per year $5.00, In Memoriam, one verse -5'Oe, 25c or each additional verse; Card of VhaMnks, 50c. Auction Sales—$2.90 per single alseetion if not over four inches iri engtl]. Address all communications to: THE ItIZIL4LIti ZURICH , DiVTA the Ottawa Valley district where they will visit the fornter's parents. And from there on they will follow the St. Lawrence to 41uebee City, and over to New York City, returning to their field of labor via the central States. Mr. and Mrs. C. L, Smith and Mae. returned on Monday noon from an eleven day's camping at the popular' Rondeau Provincial Park, which is situate some seventy miles west of London, in Kent County rind on the shores of Lake Erie. A more com- plete account of this place will ap- pear in another issue of 'the Herald. Anyway, your editor will be back to himself againafter he "rests up" .a bit after his eleven day "rest." An Open Winter The: first prediction regarding the ':teming winter, a cooling thought, `,o e5 fromo Pierre re Laporte, te r Of Til. rWIMIANVANVAVAAMWAMiMMA.WMT%MiMi/574, Zurich Drug Store 1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES WE HAVE A FULL LINE s OF ALL THE REQUIREMENTS OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES; PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ALL AUTHORIZED TEXT BOOKS KEPT IN STOCK. • ,tiatAraiAf..,W SEE OUR SUPPLY OF TOILET PREPERATIONS : Perfumes, Y.+T''o! P W Perf uzuizersy, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. FINE STATIONERY AND FOUNTAIN PENS. KODAKS AND FILMS 1Dr.. A.. J. MacKinnon, Zurioh. rMG Ionian pullets ,an ;open ;w+inter, . 'moat to Loudon. ... _ TMAMMMINfItt NMI