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St:, Peter's R. C. Rectory,,. French Settlement
ro s: ".Annual Festival" at St. Peter's Church, French Settle-
ettle-'axre it;, avid be held on Labor Day, Sept. 5, 1932. It will marl. the
"Meet anniversary" of the decoration of the church, making it one
VT the handsomest edifices, it is frequented by numerous resorters
r^ tis Canada and the United States, and has become the most fash-
ionable Glace of worship on lake Huron between Goderich and Sarnia
Tim interior is most beautifully and artistically decorated. The
sw Ifs are of marble imitation, and the ceiling is of ivory trimmed
with gold. Two beautiful hand paintings adorn the ceiling, the one
1..'t. Isidore the farmer, aand the other Joan of Arc. The stained
,glass windows can. compare with any in America. Three gothic
aerhss erected by the present pastor, now separate the body of the
,church from the sanctuary. On these are portrayed elegent hand
painted angels, bearing the inscription: "This is the House of God
cantl the gate of Heaven" In the 'sanctuary stands foremost the
Allier, of white..inarble imitation; ornamented with gold. The statues
of Peter and Paul adorn it, whilst' two; prostrated angels at either.
side would recall to mind the sacredness of the place. The statue of
`Christ the Saviour rest: immediately above the altar, and those of
nary his mother and Joseph his foster -father occupy niches at eith-
r side. Four beautiful oak pews accomodate some fifty altar boys
•atuiprt, a craftsman work of art, stands ms the gospel side. In the
eves, forming two wings to the church are two white marble
,afters :upon which, rest the statues of Ste Anne and Ste Therese
'The representation of the "Dead Saviour" occupies the lower part
elf one of these.
The -exterior` of both church and house have also received .a
fbaral coat of paint.. The green tower and gold -leafed cross sur-
mounting it, together with the red -brick background, forms a most
:ratifying :sight to the approaching visitor.
The Festival will be an all day affair, and refreshments will be
,a—...rued "a 1 `Epicurienne" under the "Old Apple" trees adjioning the
ziturcit. Why not tell your friends about it? Everybody is welcomed
.,ll will he received alike whether you have money or not, whether
:you are white of black, whether you are Jew or Gentile; you will
;3e made to feel at home. So do not forget the date, Labor Day,
September lith, 1982.
;'.r. and Mrs. Rufus Keys have
.seen visiting friends on Babylon
`hu.services at Goshen and Varna
riitet'3 xlxurches. next Sunday will be
qtakeii.by Mai .Ra Stephenson and Miss
alley of Goderich.
race Reid"' of Fiinit, Michels
lee= nrx frier' cousins, Margaaret,Grace
aviatel Isobel Robinson at present.
Ed. Johnson's of Goderich,
'Sited at Mr. Nelson .Treys on Sun-
etas. Frank Boyde and son of Ni I
saga are spending a week at the
'amen of Mr. Roy Lamont,
Miss Kathleen Durand of St. Pet-
er's Seminary, London, is enjoying
her holidays with her parents, Mr:
and Mrs. Louis Durand.
Mr. Athanus Denomme, of Detroit
is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Philip :Denomme for a few days. His
sister Miss Leonia, who has, been in
Detroit for sometime, *Med
home with , lir+n#
Mr..'La. Plante anii;.daughter Gen.::
eieve, of Windsor, who isited With
her brother, Mather Marchand, re
turned to their home last week.
Miss Helen Mann, of Toronto,
was a guest over the week -end with
the Miss Geraldine and Marie La-
Mr. and Mrs. John Bart of Windsor
are visiting with Miss and Mr. Ed.
-r ..,•g.•:••3•-:•-i-•'rb'--i:-•'r•......•,¢•s,•.;•+:i•*•f••j••:•.y+ ;+ •,-:-:•x1•,i,d-+•¢++* ;
lit Special
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A.. 6 Et. CEDAR POSTS, 41,Inches and up at onlyJ.
35 Cents. 41
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Week -End Special
I, Soil Pulverizer
1 By ding this machine you have land firm below and plenty of mois-
ture preserving mulch on top to insure rapid germination of seed,
enabling late sowing of wheat which is recommended by O.A.C. to
check Hessian Fty.
Check you Bean Harvester, plows all makes, drill and silo filling
„41, equipment. Order Repairs early and save expense.
& 12 inch 'Mde points for Cultivators
. KLOPP & SONS * Zurich
Miss J valla Denomme of London
visited vith her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. J. Denomme over Sunday.
Mr. Louis Montague was the gu-
est of Mr. Leonard Denomme last
Miss Lois Alan of Toronto is vis-
iting relatives in this vicinity, ,
Wilmer: Adkins, second son of Mr.
Mid Mrs. Harry Adkins was injured
the other ` day by one of the horses
while he was' bringing them .up from
the pasture. field. He was badly 'bru-
ised about the face and Bead. Wilmer
is recovering nicely,
Mrs. Lorne Eller and faniily who
spent several weeks with her parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. Cochrane, has retur-
ned to her home in Northern Ontario
Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and dau-
ghters Dorothy and Jean, and son
Keith of Toronto, and Mies. Ethel
Murdock of Hensall, visited recently
with friends here. •
Mr. and Mrs. R. •Mousseau, and
daughter Marion of Exeter, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. E. Broderick.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Ashman and son
Douglas of Tillsonburg spent the We-
ek -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs..
J. Richardson. •
Mis's Mary Hagan of London is_
hoome en her vacation for a few we-
eks. •
Mr. tett] Mrs. Thos. Coleman and
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Coleman and
Mrs. Smith of near Seaforth, vis-
ited Mrs, Troyer recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. : McBride and
daughter Emma of Blake, Mrs. Sch-
nell of Alberta, visited with Mr. and
Mrs: Chas. Stephenson.
!Mr. and Mrs. Holly and children
of Tavistock, and Mr. B. Jarrott of
Toronto visited friends in this vicin-
A number from this vicinity attecc-
ded the funeral of the late Miss
Grace Manson of Blake on Friday.
The: sympathy is extended eo the be-
reft family.
Notes—The service was taken as
usual on Sunday by Re. R. •R. Conner
who delivered a very fine sermon,
taking for his subject the Christ of
the Lonely Road. Miss Edna Coch-
rane gave a delightful sono "God's
Way, is the Best Way." Rev. Arthur
Sinclair of Hensall will be in charge
of the Service next Sunday. Rev.
Conner will be on his holidays for the
next few weeks.
Mr. Jas. Broadfoot of Regina, Sas.
visited with his sister and brother -in
law,'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McAllister.
Mr. Jas. Mustard of London Road
spent Sunday with his cousin, Mr.
Ward Forrest..
of �"Ix�s . • os. of luau
,1WIx n. oleman
family of near Seaforth,
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Campbell and
children visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. D. Anderson.
Mrs. McMurtie of Hensall, visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Mr. and Mrs. R. McAllister were
visited with friends from Toronto.
Mrs. W. Randall of Plattsville,Mrs
McGaw of Brampton are visiting
friends here.
W.M.S.—The regular monthly me-
eting of the Women's Missionary So-
ciety was held at the home of Mrs.
R. McAllister on Wednesday after-
noon August loth with Mrs. (Rev.)
Conner presidiing. We opened the
meeting by singing hymn 235. The
scripture lesson from St. John I, v:.
1 to 15 were led by Mr,;. W. Turns
MrS. Robt. Stephenson then led in
prayer. Topics and discussions were
then gave on the Kingdom of God
Movement by Mrs. R. McAllister and
Mrs. (Rev.) Conner. Hymn 241 was
sung. The secretary then gave her
report. The roll was called answered
by the letter G.. The offering was
then taken. The study was then ta-
ken by Mrs. J. Cochrane and Mrs. R.
Consitt. Hymn 496 was sung. We
closed the meeting by repeating the
Lord's Prayer in unison,
Goderich Phone 47.+
Northern Electric Soand System
Now Playing ---'roux Nix tri '"Tho
Rider of Death Valley"
Mon., Tues., Wed,
Another Double feature program
"Miss Pinkerton"
by Mary Roberts Rinehart, stars-
Ing; Joan Mandell, - George Zrent
and in the same bill is
in a modern tale of pleasure Graz-
ed Society
Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
One of Britian's outstanding scre-
en Success
all British cast and production
Coming -Greta Garbo, in "As You
Desire Me."
Matinees, Wed. and Sat at 3 p.m.
Mrs. Wm. Nadiger while opening a
window had the misfortune of having
a board fall striking her on the head
causing a deep gash which required
medical attention. However we are
glad to report she is 'improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mcisaac re-
turned to Detroit, on Monday after
two weeks vacation 'with relatives: •
Miss Onieda Restemeyer is visiting
relatives in Detroit.
Master Jackie Baker entertained a
number of his little chums to a birth-
day party on Monday afternoon..
Mr. and Mrs. Adam` Fassold and
son Harold of Detroit, spent last we-
ek with Mr.. and Mrs.. Philip F ssold,
Mrs. P. i\IcIsaac was pleasantly
surprised on Friday evening waxen 20
friends gathered to celebrate her
birthday. The evening was spent in
cards playing after which a dainty
lunch. was served by the ladies.
Helen Swan is visiting friends in
Dora Sherritt, R.N. of Port Huron
is visiting with her brother, Thos.
Mrs. G. F. Scott of Woodstock,has
been spending the past few weeks
with her niece, Miss Hattie Suther-
i1Ir. and Mrs. J. C. Horton of Osh-
awa, are visiting with friends and
relatives in town.
Mrs. Wm. Hildebrandt has return -
es from Strathroy, where she spent
lice days with members of :her .fain
Mr. and Mrs, Edward Siebert and
Family, 112r. and Mrs. Clayton Siebert
and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Siebert and
daughter all of Kitchener, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Witzel and family of Pet-
ersburg, Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hesse,
Mr. and Mrs, Harry Capling and fain
fly of New Hamburg, were Sunday
visitors with Mrs. Witzel,
Rev. and lMlrs. W. Zimmerman of
Bridigeport . were' visitors with Mr.
veld Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Thursday
Mrs, Geo. Duh of Detroit is vis-
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo
Mr. and Mrs. Durst and family of
Wroxeter were visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. Hopcaaft on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs, John Runge and da-
gtitcr and Mr, Henry Hopf of Cliff-
ord, Mr. and Mrs: Sara Price and
daughters of Hanover and Mr. and
Mrs. Harry 'Cook of Fordwich, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
Nopchaft here and at Grand Bend,
Ur, and .pais 13 !Vallett ,and dau-
u ttcr Ilesve, firs. Tea 0.,r ull. ,ll .,•,r
=t";.ter Barbara Ann of ?fiat, Mich.
'd: l'If e Aana Bess of, Zurich, were
a a:. 4 :;, _.. .. _ _,/ v
:tan on WednaSda
Iensallps ] half hot aj�is' o7i 1 e°c fres
days close with the end of this mon-
Mrs. A. H. Currie and children of
Sutherland and Mrs. Moodie of Bran-
don are issiting at the home of their
mother, Mrs. W. Habkirk.
Mrs. J. Hoggarth has returned
home after a pleasant visit with Tor-
onto friends.
Rae Patterson returnee rasa week
from the West where he enjoyed a
seven week's visit with his many re-
Wm. •Si.mpson of Detroit, visited
for a few. days with relatives here.
Jean Elder, of Toronto, is visiting
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J.
Elder and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Murch and fancily, of
f oronto, are visitors at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. A. Sinclair.
Mrs. C. H. Nichols, of GrandBend
and Mrs. Harry Wilson of Winnipeg,
were guests of Miss Sutherland and
G. J. Sutherland.
Friends and relatives of AIice Bell
regret to learn that she was taken to.
London hospital for operation.
The funeral of the late Andrew
Lammie, of Detreit, formerly of Hen-
sall, was held at the home of his sis-
ter, Mrs. Geo. Case. Rev W. A. Yo-
ung and Rev. A. Sinclair assisted
Rev. Parker with the services.
H. C. Soldan, who recently got
thrown off his binder while reaping
in one of his fields is making good
recovery from injuries to his back
when one of the wheels of the binder
dropped into quite a deep hole.
A quiet• wedding was solemnized
on Wednesday last at high noon at
the home of Mrs. Suzie Smit when
her youngest daughter, Theodora,
was •united in marriage to Edward
Van de l eere, of Guelph: Rev. A.
Sinclair officiated and Greta Laramie
played the wedding march. The bride
;vas charmingly gowned in white silk
with accessories to snatch. The brides
maid, Annie Smit, sister of the bride,
was dressed in pink voile. The groom
was supported by John Smit, brother
of the bride. During the signinig of
the register a delightful duet was giv
en by Mrs. Smit and daughter Annie
in Dutch language. After the tereni-
ony a wedding dinner was served at
the bride's home. The happy coup-
le left for their new home in Guelph.
The flax mill. owned at Ripley by
Rarry Wyld was burned down earl*
Sunday reorsicng last.
The Clinton Women's Institute will t
. Wingliaart will not bee Chautauqua
'next summer, hut will have an aut-
'ctnln program next year. This will be
glen in the town hall and, the price
of the season tickets will be a little
lower than for the summer program.
The Clinton Horticultural Society
is putting on a flower show on Aug-
ust 19-20, in the town hall. Exhib-
its will be judged but no money pri-
zes will be given.
The building of the ault for the
new bank building was commenced
last week. Also the concrete blocks
are being rapidly laid for a new store
in Walton.
The Seaforth College Institute
Board meeting in the. town hall the
other evening, appointed Chas. Ste-
wart as secy-treas., of the board to.
fill the unexpired portion of R. M.
Jones' tern.
John Jardine of near Goderich was
taken to Portsmouth Penitentiary on
Tuesday .last by Sheriff 1Vliddleton
and Contrable Gundry to commence
a 10 -year term. He has already sex-
ed several terms for offences similar
to that for which he is now incarcer-
Mrs. Wnr. Smith, Exeter North had.
the misfortune to fall fracturing her
left arm at the wrist. Mrs. Smith was
going down a step when the board
broke and she fell. ,
J. E. Willis, R. J. Winter, W. J_
Duncan and H. Jeffrey Seaforth, we-
re in Stratford in the Scotch Doubles
tournament and were successful in
winning the Free Press Trophy.
An esteemed resident of Colborne
Tp. died in her 87th ,year. About a
year ago the aged lady fell.and broke
her•hip and had since been an invalid
Tivo weeks ago she contracted a cold'
pneumonia setting in. She was born
in. Devonshire, Eng., and came co God
etich with her parents as a c:iild. At
the age of 16 she married Wm. Walt
ers, who died 10 years ago.
E. C. Boswell, who has been app-
ointed successor to the late. R. M.
Jones as manager of the Seaforth
braanch of the Dominion Bank, has
assumed his new 'duties, he comes to
Seaforth from Baden where he was
An unusual happening occurred at
the farm of J. Mason, near axnberly
on the Bruce -Huron boundary. A
collie dog, in full pursuit of a jack-
rabbit, ran into a binder in operat-
ion. The rabbit cleared the machine
in a single leap, but the dog got
tangled up in the knives, and was a
so terribly cut that he had to be de-
Wm. Snell .and son Exeter, have
recently shipped two car loads of
cattle to the Old Country market.
This is the first shipment of cattle to
be sent from this district by thein to
;the British;market:this :season.,,
orwas . ins . a ori' .. • ay
last while bathing :at Port 'Stanley.
The young man had been in the wa-
ter for some time bathing' and was
running to shore 'when he was stric-
ken with cramps.
The funeral of Isabella Morgan,
aged 90, widow of John Morgan, God
erich whos death occurred Saturday,
was held on Monday afternoon from
the residence of her son, John Jr.,
Interment made in Maitland Cemet-
ery with Rev-. D. J. Lane of the Pres-
byterian church officiating. Deceased
was born of Scotch parents in God-
erich Township, where she lived until
23 years ago, Since she resided in
Goderich, for eight years she was an
rniTsaal4 Alkg4st 180, 1932,
The sourer eight robbers broke in-
to the United Farmers' Go -operative
plant In Wingleat' , loaded 98 cases
of eggs un as ,truck, and made the}r
get -away. The truck backed up to .a.
window on the north ,side of the'bu-
ildinl in full iew of the street. It is
estimated it would take at least three
quarters of an 'hour to load the eggs,
The robbery was not .discovered until
the reixt morning when the then ar-
rived to work for the day.
Kippen and surrounding commun-
ity were shocked to hear of the sud-
den passing of .Mrs. Jas. McClyncont,
She was always very active in church,
and community circles and will be
sadly missed by the friends and re-
latives. She leaves to mourn besides
her husband, two daughters and four -
Suspended sentence of two years in
a reformatory, upon payment of co- •
urt costs, was handed out at Goder-
ich mi Monday to Morley Wright, 19,
and H. M.tilw:,eod, 21, two Hbwick Tp..
young: rnen'vho pleaded guilty to bre-
aking into the farmhouse of Peter
Dickert and stealing a quantity of .'
wine. A cellar door was forced at
night, and when the wine was secured
it was hidden in ,a bush, where it was
recovered untouched. Accused were;
given a .stiff lecture by IVIagistate C.
Reid. The c'hatge was laid by County:.
Constable 'Galloway of Gorie.
out of
10 0
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Clubbing List
ZURICH HERALD and the foliov' Paper
for one. Year:
Kitchener Daily Record ...........a....,
Toronto Daily Globe ._,.._..... ......... $6.00
Tort;nnto Daily Mail and Ea npire ..,...,,,,.,. $6.00
Toronto Daily Star $7.00
Toronto Weeldy. Star $6.00
London Free Press- __..„...... ..,. $6.00
London Advertiser ............ ... , $6.00
London, Farmer's Advocate ..._.............. $2.25
Farm and Dairy $2.75,
Farmers` Sun ................ $2.50
Family Herald and: Weekly Star $2.25
Family Herald for 3 years ,,.x......s... $3.00
Canadian Countryman . $2.25
-Weekly Witness .............., ,.
Farmers' Magazine 2.50:
Huron Expositor, Seger In ..,...... $2.75
Ant a great many more that we cannot enumerate here.
Witiktave the Agency for every„ reputable 8Magazine .in
Canada and tht United State*, and an nave you ihoney
on the niest of them.
Renew all your Papers and Magazines. _ ..
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Office and save Trouble end '1 'nr, fy