HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-08-18, Page 1Vol. XXXII/ ”---""'"'"F •-. •" • ' • 7:777": ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORNINCi, AUGUST 18 (932. • Some Fall Fair Dates Toronto, Aug. 26 to; Sept.16.. London, Sept. 12 to IT Kincardine, Sept 11U—al Stratford, Sept lig-21.1. Goderich, Sept 20: and 21. Exeter, Sept 211 an:d. Listowel, Sept. 21 and 222 Seaforth, Sept. 22 and 2 Zurich, Sept 2*I and, 271 Mitchell, Sept Z'7 anti.; 28 Bayfield, Sept. 28 and 29 Brussels, Sept. 22 and 30 Blyth, Sept. 3� and Qat 11 Wingham, Oct. and Ss ungannon, Oet. 12 +—c+ Wins Newspapex Prize • The .Barrie Examitier.„, published by U. 0. McLaren, wasi awarded the Mason. Trophy in the Better News- paper competition during tbe conven- tion of the Canadian Weekly News- paper Association held at Port Ar- thur last week. The trophy a award- -ed yearly to the best weekly paper in -,,the organization. The Sournal-Argus a St. Marys, published by Lorne ST. PETER'S ivangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ For a chang- ing liVaelsir 1Priday, 8h:—Luther Lescao. 'Eiaturday—Choir Prs.ctice. EUNDAY SERVICES 3.0 a. in.—German Service. *1:1.5 a. m.—Sunday . 7.30 p. m.—Erig/ish Service. Irarybedry Welcome e• all Sarawak E. Turkhains, Paster e Herald Publish all y -or Eedy was runnerup„ followed by the itenfrey Mercury„ published by E. Roy Sales. Returning Officer Appointed D. H. McNaughton of Bayfiedd, 'has been appointed Federal Returning .Officer :for South Huron, in place of Mr. McGregor, of Tuckersmith, Or - holding that position, who re- signed. ÷-4* Hensall Business Man Selis Out. Mr. David Cantelon, the well and favorabley known coal and produce merchant of Hensall and community, who has carried on a large business nearly all his life time in Hensel], has sold his coal yards and stock and al- so his egg or produce business and stock, and also his fine brick resid- ence on Richmond Street, South, to Mr- W. R. Davidson of Newton, who is taking possession on the loth of this month. Mr Davidson comes to Hensall highly spoken of and to- gether with his wife and son will no doubt, make good residents and will be welcomed to our village. Hensall residents are are pleased to learn that Mr. Cantelon still intends resid- ing at that place where he has been a resident so long and found life for him.seIf, wife and son very pleasant. Mr. Cantelon, during these years he has dealt with the public has made many warm friends who greatly re- gret to have these relations severed. 4—* The Bye -Election Calves on Road Cause of Accident Two ealves which suddenly loomed, up on the Blue, Water Highway near ,Goderich the other evening, were re- sponsible for a bad spill and endan, gered the lives of seven people, all of whom were more or less injured. In, the auto were J. Armstronk, the driv- er his wife, his wife's mother and Mr. and Mrs. T. Hunter also some child- ren.So suddenly did the calves cross the path of the car that the driver wos -forced to take to the ditch, the auto upsetting. The occupants got out of the wreck as best they could, es caping with abrasions and bruises. Strangely enough, not one pane of glass in the car, a senan, was broken Chester L. Srnit Pumagszz $1.25 a year, U.S. $L� inAdrazile *1.5o 114*.1111EA.RS, $2 BiAY ClaelatUrkl urnmer Visits and Visitors r +. r • 71. -"ZZ- Amc, Mrs. E. Turkheim, and son John, motored to Desboro over the week - 'end. Mrs. E. Bender and son Edwin, of tiyth, were visitors with relatives in . these parts last week. +--++ Thirsty People This has been a big summer for the maufacturers of soft drinks, or "pop" in Goderich. Nearly 1,000 cases were consumed in three "big days"—Dominion 'Day, 1 2th of July. and Civic Holiday. The 12th of July. was by far the biggest; the contents of over 12,000 bottles trickling down the "red lane". Less than half this number were consumed on each of the other two days. All told, in three - days the public paid over $1,200 to quench its thirst. Beans Wanted Mrs. W. L. Siebert is spending a few weeks with friends at Toronto and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch of Pig- eon, Mich., visited with relatives in Zurich the past week. •• The many friends of Mr. John Galster will be pleased to learn that he has recovered nicely from his re- cent olieration, and is about the place doing some light chores. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mittleholtz, And son Claytus of Kitchener, are vis - :ting with the former's son, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz of town. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Joy, who are enjoying two week's holidays spent the past week at Midland and the Georgian Bay district. While this week they are away to Toronto and .Montreal. We are prepared to pay the high- Dr. and Mrs. A. J. MacKinnon and est market price for beans, peas, andI,son Archie, left last Wednesday for all kinds of seeds, and arrange for Rondeau Provincial Park, where they trucking at low rates. :are spending a pleasant week's vac - ion at "Shady Inn" cottage, and in - J. C. Reid, & Co., Dashwood. nd1 returning the latter part of this Waits were issued for• the, Domin-. Phone No 3. , Ott Warm& atfiffer- recent meminanp. m. •c• P. Nomination day is set for Mon - mice IYou Bum day, Sept. 26th and voting will take place a week later an Monday, Oct- "BLUE COAL" - The Color Guarantees 'the • Quality Watch this, Space For Further Announcements • W. R. DAVIDSON rrhone IOw or 10Y. HiElliSALL,VNT. Jober 3rd. It now appears that the .1 seat will be contested by three cand- lidates. For some time it was thought that William Black, who was nomin- ated by the Progressives, might drop out, leaving it straieb+ Liberal -Con-- .servative light, but this, apparently; is not to be. other caanuniates in tile field are William Golding, Ex -Mayor of Seaforth, Liberal, and Louis H. Rader, Reeve of Hay Township, and Warden of Huron County, represent- ing the Conservative party. The cam- paign, already under way promises to be one of the most interesting seen in Western Orrtatio for many years. The constituency of South Huron compr- .ises the towns of Exeter, Hensall, Clinton and Seaforth, and the villages • of Centralia, Crediton, Grand Bend, Dashwood, Zurich, Kippen, Brucefield Bayfield, Ximkton and others- 'The townships include, Stephen, Hay, St- anley, Goderich Tp-, Hullett, lop, Tuckersmith and Usborne. • 4 40004044,04,04,0.,*044,4004.......4“.*Y,...4v4r..44..041-40.0.414411,4114444 • • • Before You Buy YOUR NEW SUIT BE SURE AND LOOK OVER OUR RANGE. JUDGE FOR YOURSELF -COMPARE! AND YOV WILL AGREE TiiTAT THEY ARE THE ,GREATEST .a.DTHIENG VALVES YOU CAN OBTAIN. PRICED ,$1.0100 READY MADE, TAILOR MADE.,,, AND r,t4ADE:-TONEASUIRE - feraall. 3033. • • • • • • t • e • 4.• 4. • • • 4. e 0 ' • 1 iittAtiorats Moo fraileSMIL SOltiTETOWE 4 I se 46 il04•4********4040410********"...*****,04~.1*..***********hattor 46 ). • , " .77.* , e • • COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the council of the Township of Hay was held in the town hall, Zurich, on Tuesday, August 2nd, with all the members present. Lee minutes of the previous meet- ing were adopted as read. After disposing of the communi- cations, the following resolutions we- re passed: That the following rates be struck and levied upon the rateable prop- erty of the Township of Hay for the year 1932 and that the Clerk pre- pare a by-law for passing at the next council meetiing confirming the same: County rate 6.2 mills; Town- ship rate, 1 mill; township road rate 2 mills; general school rate 3.9 mills Zurich Police Village rate, 3 mills; Dashwood Police Village rate 3 mills special school rates: U.S.S. No. 1, 1.6 mills; S.S. No. 3, 1.6 mills; S.S. No. 4 .08 mills; No. 6, none; No. 7 1.S mins; No. 8 none; U.S.S. No. 9, 1 mill; No. 11 .09 mills; No. 12, .07 mills; No. 14, .05 mills; U.S.S. No. 1:5, 1.6 mills; U.S.S. No. 16, 2.1. mils That accounts covering payments on township roads, telephone and gen eral accounts be passed as per vouch--; trs; Township roads--Jno. Oesch, road 8, $2.62; Huron Expossitor, ad- ing $; 8 L. . Denomme, Rd• 8 29.27; J. Parke rd 1. 87.35; n. Ren- nie, rd. 6, 15.25; E. Deters, Z.P.V. 127.00; M. Tinney rd. 14, 24.96; T. Dinsmore, rd 18, $10; G. Surerus, rd 9; 19.70; M. Corriveau, rd. 17, 24.72; A. Smith rd 8, 16.60; R. Ad- ams rd 1.0, 20.52; M. M. Russell rd. 1, 125.40; F. E. Denomme, rd 10, 11.85; Wm. Ducharme, rd 16,$4; R. Miller, rd. 9.14.17; G. Armstrong,rd 3, $11; T. Welsh gravel for crusher position, and made many warm fri- 107.31; S. Rupp. rd 2, 55.98; W. ends, after leaving the public school here, attended High School at Ex- eter, from where she went as a stu- dent nurse at Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, till about two years ago when dently held at Grand Bend, :those pr- esent from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodbread and family, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Axt and family of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. Kaiser of 'London, and others. The party con- sisted of seventeen members in all and a most enjoyable time was spent. LOWER TAXES THIS YEAR I A substantial reduction in the tax- es for 1932 will be greatly appreciat- ed by the ratepayers of the Township of Hay and the Police Village of Zurich. At the August session of the • Council of the Township of Hay the • rates for the current year were struck and the reductions are as fol- lows: The county rate will be 6.2 or one-half mill lower than last year. The township rate will be one mill or three -tenth of a mill lower than last year. The rate for township roads and !the general school rate remains the same but the special school rates have been cut in half in many sect- ions and three sections in the town- ship will not be assessed for the sp- ecial rate. In some school sections in Hay the total tax rate this year will be $2.80 per $1,000 assessment low- er than in 1931. The trustees of Zur- ich Police Village have also lowered the village rate from five mills to four mills or a saving of $1.00 on. every $1,000 assessment. Grace W. Manson, Passes, A dark gloom was cast over the community on Wednesday afternoon August 3rd, when it was learned of the passing of Miss Grace Wilson Manson, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson, of the Goshen Line, north of town, in her 24th year. Grace, who had a very pleasing dis- Fischer rd 11, 19.60; C. Aldsworth rd. rds. 2, 3, 13, 14, 42.99; J. M. Richardson rd. 5, 83.60; S. McArthur • 1 118.92 : Crusher nay lists 475.20 W. Jarrott, Supt. •$35. Telephones the. dreaded tubericular disease took of all that medical aid and good at- tention could do, she became weaker till a few weeks ago, when she was brought home to her birthplace on the Ge.shen, Stanley to await the call of. the Angel of Death into another more happy world. Besides her be- reaved parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Manson, one sister Sarah, surviye, and many other relatives, and close friends, who deeply mourn her loss, and who sincerely sympathise with the bereft family, The funeral was held on Priday, August 5th, to the :1Iatyenfideled4,cernetery, and was largely Accounts --P. Dunsford, refund rate hold on the young lady, and in spite $4; Pell Tele Co., tolls, May to June 11:2l6.63.; Dept National Revenues, tax ao tolls. National Revenue, taxon tolls 35.45; Northern Electric Co., material $106; Zurich Central swit ching 4 weeks 418, B. G. Hess, labor and material 175.39; C. L. Smith printing account 15.80. General ac- counts—Ont. Hospital re indigent 38. Municipal World, 1932 statutes, $2; •Rchrmacher, Weed Act 48.40; R. Miller, tax collector $10. The council adjourned to -meet a- gain on Tuesday, Sept. 6th at 1.80 n the aftemonn, A, P. Hess, Clerk, • esees,eeeeestesesoeseeeeessiesesoess eatosesee • • • • • $25.00 $25. • • • • • Bridal Wreath Diamo • • • • 0 0 0 • tie • • • • • • The Hess,JewelierPhone 74 Zurich 13: 11100110001111100411110111080111.0111004114110060•1111110010000114MANg alma: -t• ENGAGEMENT RINGS BEAUTIFUL 18 K. MOUNTINGS Nicely Boxed—Value that is sold in the larger centres for. $85.00 and upwards EACHRING CARRIES A WRITTEN GUAR'.- . ANTEE TO BE A GENUINE DIAMOND. OF FINE QUALITY BYLEVY BROTHERS ;' & Co., HAMILTON, IMPORTERS OF EINE „, DIAMONDS FOR THREE-QUARTERS OP : A CENTURY. it*: 14, WV .4 "e • l',++++++++++++.44+++++++++++444+4•++++++++4*+•4440440+4e SPECIALS AT THE MUTUAL SHOE STO WHERE YOU BUY THE B' • FOR LESS CASH . • A • 4. $ .00 P g 's BLACK CANVAS STRAP Hotrs*sra •pers, Low Heels, Soft Toes, the kind you always bought, aoz something a little different. $1.25 PAIR WOMEN'S IDEAL 1 STAP KID HOUSE SLIPPERSii With Solid Leather and Cushion Insoles. + $3.00, $2.75, $2.35 MEN'S TAN OR BLACK MENiNONITE WORK BOOTS, Panco or Leather Soles, Sterling and Sismart make.. • $2.00, $2.25, BOY'S HEAVY WORK BOOTS, The best makes ots-. tainable. Also fine shoes for best sizes 1 to 5. $1.45, $1.76, YOUTH'S WORK SHOES, Plain or Toe Cap5. .ALvia finer Shoes for School, Sizes 11 to 13 %. OUR GUIDE IS THE MAIL ORDER HOUSES. CATALOGUE. + FOUND ON THE COUNTER OF OUR STORE FOR YOUR RE- - FERENCE AND OURS WHILE BUYING GOODS AT THLS STORE. 4 WHY NOT SUPPORT YOUR HOME STORE WHO GIVES YOU TWO BUYING PRIVELIGES EITHER CASH OR CREDIT.. MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Red or Black Soles, $2.40 and $2.75.a. ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR PRICED THE SAME AS MAIL OR- DER HOUSES. SEE YOUR CATALOGUE FOR DIFFERENT.' STYLES TO SUIT YOUR WANTS, OUR PRICES ARE THE SAME WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR SPECIALS.Repairing prompirs-arezur, + 0 FRITZ & SON -o' •+•: 11P de, MEMBER OF MUTUAL SHOE STORES OF CANADA Phone 82 or 115 Zuric ************+++++++++++++++++++++++++++4.**44.***+*:. Re New Summer Gotds We are Prepared to Meet Your Wants With New Larv. Priced Goods, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, BROADCLOTHS CURTAINS, CURTAIN MUSLINS, ETC, EEC. A Few Stamped Mats at 20% Off While They Last, Silk Hose, 30 cents a Pak and up Root Seeds and Garden Seeds at St and 10c a Padrage HARNESS REPAIRS A SPECIALTY FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS GtENE6ML litIEROHANT PHONE 11 97 BLAKE gilisvriciwW•1101161111111111161.7."*".-