HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1932-07-28, Page 8411 'PA�1•'a r rrfy THE STORE WITH THE STOCK GASCHdJS' SUMMER CLEA'ING SALE Sale begins Saturday July 16th Sale ends Saturday July 30th Extra Special FINE DRESS VOILES, ALL NEW, REG. 38c for GINCHAMS, 36 -in. WIDTH, AT YD. TC:: FLING, EXTRA QUALITY, SALE PRICE I.iEN'S OVERALLS, ALL SIZES AT 29c •ilc 13e 98c MEN'S OVERALLS, Odd Lines, Sizes 42, 44, Reg. $2.50 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS, NAVY FOR MEN` S FINE SHIRTS, REG. 1.25 FOR Bit i:'S BUTTONLESS COMBINATIONS AT for. $1.00 75c 880 69e J. GASCHO & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 AUTO INSURANCE 1P.1.7.'S�LIC LIABILITY, PROPERTY DAMAGE, FIRE, THEFT, ETC. Pp lo 20% Reduction on Standard Rates for 2 To 4 Years' Driving without Accident. G Particulars about the Unlimited All -Risk Auto Policy. Protects you fully and provides for a $5000 Accident Policy. Information and Rates Cheerfully Given. r Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? smeesrW*aone44Nl 910W00441?iwfM4A Goodyear Tires and Tubes TALK ABOUT GOODYEAR CORD AND BAL- OON TIRES AND TUBES. ti To ---The Maxi who hasn't much money to spend on Tires, they're the Cheapest Tires he can buy. To ---The Buyer wlio looks for Road Grip, and Beauty, He will find them both in this make of Tire. To ---The Customer who gives his Tires Hard Useage, will recognize their extra wear. No Other Tires Approach Goodyear in Appearance WE HAVE YOUR SIZE. GET OUR PRICES! FULL LINE OF HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE ALWYAYS IN STOCK. ALSO A GOOD LINE OF THE BEST PAINTS; WIRE FENCING Evetroughing and Generaal Tinsinithing, Our Specialty! ;ii,r, ai;l.e"u Please, Don't Forget, When in Need of New Furniture, We Have h! STADE +&, I [fir WE - ZURICH - ON`Y`, 4tMItaMAlatlilBI/MRBeara " rM HALO ;l hurs€lii , :NV 1032: our Hardware Store WE CAN SIU'P'LY THE PUBLIC ? TH SEASON- ABLE HARDWARE ATMODERATE' PA CES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials . for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Clarks' Pork and Beans, No. 2.T, 'tzgrLira? Best Pink Salmon, large Tin " 9c Choice Golden Bantam Corn, 2 tins . " 23c Lux Toilet Soap, per cake .. 8c Blue Boy. Tea,. a Good Tea for the prfcr' Huron Toilet paper, 8 rolls ,:...,. Best June cheese, per Ib. Heinz's Mayonnaise, per bottle • Heinz's. Salad Cream, per bottle ` " ----- ------------....19c Heinz's Sandwich Spread, large bottle.,-_ 23c Rinzo, washes clothes whitetr, 2 pkgs.. ,.... I 9c Jar Rubbers, 5 for _ ,....,...L5c Jar Zink Rings„ per dozen ... 23c 19c ,25c 13c 19c EGGS WANTED f J. W. MERNER YELLOW FRONT STORE Phone t4143 Mr. and Mrs.. Herb. Mousseau mot- ored to London en Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkheim mot- ored to London, on Thursday. ' .A goodly number from the district attended the Progressive Convention at 33ensall, on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert, . and daughter, Miss Nora, R.N., and Miss Burn motored to Toronto, Galt and Kitchener over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ruby and Miss Donella Ruby of Kitchener, were visitors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Ruby. LOCAL MARKETS (Corseted every Wedneedav9 Eggs , , . , , , a , .......... 13-11-9 Butter 23 Wheat bushel d. .. 50e Barley bush. ... ................., 36 Oats bush. .................... 26 Buckwheat 44 Flour . 1.75 3.00 Shorts, ton -. ,-......._ - ... 18.00 Bran, ton ..._-........... 18.00 Hogs ...._..«. 4.60 are being gxurehased through group orders. Savings not only in purch- ase price but also in freight costs are Mr. and Mrs. William Finlayson, thus effected through carlot discounts of Toronto, called on friends here the and carlot freight rates. past week. 1vir. Finlayson is on the Tnaxoxtito tea chaxi stakl, and was a y . Big , Enrol neat former teacher of the Make school, about ` 6(1(} siuet� and during that time they were > es- gistere+l in the summer agriculturaii idents of Zurich. courses at O. A. C., Guelph. The sty udents are school teachers from rur- al districts and inspectors front all parts of the Province, -and they will spend several weeks at the College, taking a complete course in agricult- ure. ' The attendance is larger than it has been in many years. Bean Market Strengthening Enquiries from Great Britian to the Ontario Marketing Board for Canadian beans have developed the feet that there are very few beans available and practically none at. present }rices either for the export or domestic trade. .An offer wan re- cently received from an importer in England for a large quantity of be- ans at a price considerably higher than prices here, but there are not sufficient stocks in storage or suppli- es available to, accept the offer. Fur- therB survey of the situation seems to indicate that the Ontario bean crop is going to be considerably less than normal this year and comparatively quick change in the situation from depression market at low paces to a live demand and shortage of supply is very encouraging from the stand- point of the industry. Involving reorganization of the da- iry industry in Ontario, Hon. T. L. Oesch—At Stanley Township, on Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture„ July 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. David has announced the launching of a Oesch, a son. five-year plan to capture for Ontario farmers the cheese market in Great Britain. The plan formulated after a year's consideration by departmental BUSY FARMER NEWS officials, calls for: 1, A- process of amalgamation and In a recent address, Ikon. T. L. elimination by which Ontario cheese Kennedy advised cattle breeders to factories will be reduced in number look well ahead if they wanted to be front 774 as at present, to 150. successful in the future. He pointed 2 Creation of 20 new storage plan - out that disease-free cattle are prov- is in an effort to achieve better grad- ing the wisdom of their owners by ing necessard in an export business. bringing the highest prices paid. He 3 Encouragement of farmers to in- stated that one breeder who followed sure increased production. this lead does not know that there is The Minister declared that the an economic depression. plan's success dependsed Iargely on the attitudeof the farmers. The Gov ernrneut could not compel, but only encourage amalgamations of cheese factories. If the amalgamations were Auto Accidents Records of the Motor Vehicles Branch of the Ontario Department of Highways show that in 1921 the most common cause of accidents in which the automobile was involved, was middle-of-the-road driving: Life, and limb and property are at the mercy of the driver who through ignorance, selfishness or just common careless- ness, will not keep to the right of the road. Accidents cannot be blamed upon amateur drivers, as records show that considerably more than half of the drivers concerned in auto accidents last year were between 25 and 54 years old, and more than 90 per cent. of them had been driving for a year or more. Witmer—At Detroit, on July 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Morley Witmer, (nee Luella Decher), a son (Ken- neth John.) Ducharme—At Hay Township, on. July 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Sov- ereign, a daughter. Farmers Buy Collectively An official of the Ontarlto Market Board said that farmers and farmers' organizations are showing their nat-I put through, the farmers could pro - ural business acumen these days thr- duce butter and cheese at three etc. oagii utilising of every poSsible me. p8r pound less than .before.'When the ans of lowering costs of production. plan gets under way, it is expected This same speaker, intimated that that officials will be sent to England fudging from reports received by him to organize a sales staff. What has farmers are practicing collective pur- been achieved in the apple trade, we :Basing of supplies in increasingly will try to duplicate in cheese and large numbers. Fertilizers, feeds, bo- butter manufacture. Said 'Colon+e/ s, barrels, insecticides, fungicides, Hennedy, adding that the B3ig. and many other articles and materials brand ofthe apple trade would We' that aid in production and marketing used on the dairy produnta, . ,a LET ITS SHOW YOU OUR FULL LINE OF GRANITEWARE AT LOWEST. PREVAILING PRICES.' Furniture Greatly. t Reduced We are offering our entire Furniture Stock at Greatly Reduced Prices. Furniture Prices have reached lowest Irvel and axe sure to advance. Secure your needs nowt • We also have some Good Used Furniture iza Sock Good Supply of Liquid Smoke Cum and OLd Hickory Smoke Salt in Stock. • We have been appointed Agents far the Celebrated Massey -Harris Farm Implement Repairs. i l .niton f Kalbfleisch Hircil'+Tf are 8C Furniture. 4"hone 63 •>` +4'f'4'4-irE+f+++ +•F+4+++++ +4+ IO N ITIMIIIM t? 1lfr41IIIlUi111llkNll ielli1111MIONIllr MITI illllilINININIINTO ';,f: rimin e yriillll(Illllllllflifl!?",111111111mllgfllrfiil oo We Repair Wagons, Buggies, Auto Tops, Etc.,/Etc. I good Lumber Wagon 1 good buggy at $30 5- 4 wheel Trailer Complete _ KEEP ON SMILING! HESS, the Repair Man imassomoNIIIIpNNIIRW om(NIIIINfIINIt(111{WIIIIINfio141(IHIIIIAItot ++".i:1mammal :1411111NI111111N IliN(NUINiI SMIg 1 GARAGE ATTENTIONf TO FARMERS AND TRACTOR OWNERS Wig ARE NOW FULLY EQUIPPED TO SUPPLY ALL USERS Or GASOLINE IN LARGER QUANTITIES WITH A GOOD STAND- ARD GRADE OF GASOLINE FROM ©I)R. DELIVERY TRUCK AT LOWEST PREVAFLING PRICES, WITH QUALITY CONSIDERED EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON REPAIR WORK, A.ND OVER. HAUL JOBS ON ALL MAKES OF CARS WITH OraARGES 'VERY, �. REASONABLY& GAS OILS GREASES Mousseau Zurioh 1444M1f4*#+ 4+1M444+++++3+Ii+4144d44444.E.I++4++,I,+.$4,4444 ZVB,IC.S ' HERALD OFFICE 1 Do You Know?' That I am the Master Salesman!• •• I am the herald of Success for all men, Merchants, Manufacturers, Etc. 1 go forth to tell the World the message of service and Sound Merchandising! And the World listens when 1 speak! For those who have used me as their Secant i have gathered untold millions into their coffers. I command the legeons of fashion, rued the styli and lead the World whitherseever 1 got 1 sow fields ;for you to reap a Golden Harvest! 1 am Masater Salesnnan at Your .Servi and my Name is: •ADVE1i.•#. 1SE1 + i*